Big Brother is reading USMB

Should the FBI be monitoring Social Media sites like USMB?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 55.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • WTF?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pineapple

    Votes: 9 31.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
When has this country ever been free?
Okay dickhead, freedom has a price and we pay for it. Happy?
We can tell you aren't happy about it. Free speech has consequences. Your refusal to man up to the consequences of your speech label you as a spineless buffoon unworthy to be called a man.
Coming from you that somehow means next to nothing.

Okay. I lied.

It means absolutely nothing.
I didnt tell you that to get your consent or approval. I was informing you of my observation.
I second that observation. Idiot hack, low info, nasty...not a man at all. I giant pussy who has lost all concept of reality because the President is of a darker hue.
Solely because the president belongs to the 'wrong' political party, that's what's truly ridiculous.
Considering that we have many posters campaigning for treason, insurrection and a lot worse, they might want to be aware of the key words that get the attention of the feds.
Glad to see faggots like you campaigning for the government clamping down on free speech by monitoring "radical right wingers" like it is East Germany.

I would really like to see you pussies try to "bring down the hammer" on the right wing. It will just be a repeat of the Bundy Ranch where you guys lose and retreat.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

The issue concerns the 4th Amendment, not the First; there is no 'clamping down on' free speech.
Steinlight is one that should be reported. I have a feeling he is planning or already planned a mass shooting or terrorist attack in the name of hate. . He is one of the most dangerous on this forum.
Steinlight is a weakling. A shell of a man. He tries his best to talk tough but his verbiage betrays his total ineptitude. I think he would hurt himself trying to water the grass. :laugh:
In that case, I guess we get what we paid for....

I wouldn't expect payment from a lib unless other people's money is at hand.

I can caste my pearls before swine. I can't expect you to comprehend. I can hope that someday some of you may wise up.

Not so much in your case, obviously.

You're pretty fucking stupid to make such a baseless charge about me; perhaps one fine day, it is you who wises up and realizes that political influence in the absence of true character is as useful as teats on a boar hog.
Well said, MM


Of course it was neither intelligent NOR well said. So nitz jumps on it!

What a pitiable clownish tool you are numbnutz.

From a low info who didn't know Bush signed the PA...I can understand why you can't comprehend a complex sentence with big words.

Hey fuckwit. Yeah, numbnutz, that's you.

I never said that I didn't know that W signed the USA PATRIOT Act you lying douche. I never even implied it. Indeed, I have commented on that fact before. I have a consistent record of endorsing the USA PATRIOT Act, with some reservations that I have also consistently expressed.

Your fundamental mental retardation is genuinely not my fault. Get as angry as you want. But it's true. Your problems (the LEGION of them) are not my fault in the slightest.

You are too fucking ignorant and foolish to even a follow a conversation, you mental flea fart.

Hurry back now with more of your drooling imbecility.


Okay dickhead, freedom has a price and we pay for it. Happy?
We can tell you aren't happy about it. Free speech has consequences. Your refusal to man up to the consequences of your speech label you as a spineless buffoon unworthy to be called a man.
Coming from you that somehow means next to nothing.

Okay. I lied.

It means absolutely nothing.
I didnt tell you that to get your consent or approval. I was informing you of my observation.
I second that observation. Idiot hack, low info, nasty...not a man at all. I giant pussy who has lost all concept of reality because the President is of a darker hue.
Solely because the president belongs to the 'wrong' political party, that's what's truly ridiculous.
EXACTLY! Pathetic...from the mind of a retarded child.
In case any of you are aware of current events and past events, Obama has this weird proclivity for causing one crisis after another and acting like he's the solution. Could it be, and I know I'm just spit-balling here, but could it be that Obama is bringing all of these homegrown terrorists into this country, allowing them to leave for a few months to fight in Syria, and then looking the other way when they come back, so they can launch isolated attacks here in the states.

Before, it was outsiders that stuck out like a sore thumb, who didn't know the territory they lived in all that well. Now we have these guys he lets live here for as many as 10 years or are even born here, who know the terrain and they know all of the soft targets. Gun-free zones like government buildings, college campuses, grade-schools, shopping malls, sporting events, etc.. Imagine the damage they could do. Just two guys with guns allowed to shoot up a coffee shop or a newspaper office. Maybe another Sandyhook.

After several of these attacks are sprung on us the calls from the public would be massive, to get rid of guns and to clamp down on communications, to include the internet, and before you know it, what is said here every day becomes suspicious if not criminal. Obama does what any good Democrat would do and start taking away our freedom of speech on the internet. I bet he dreams of this scenario. Lock up our minds and we we become Russia overnight.

Call me crazy, but this wouldn't be all that hard. He's already set the stage for it. Why not?

I'll be monitoring the responses. I suspect that any government agents that the administration has planted here will be the first to call me crazy, or just liberals that have their heads up their asses.
Yes you are not only crazy but insane.
Nope. Just a realist.

When your government has a policy that being honest to the voter is stupid then a rational person learns to question everything they do. Used to be the press did this for us in part. We can't count on them anymore to do their jobs.
People with critical thinking skills (like I once gave you credit for) dont come up with scenarios like that. The POTUS doesnt operate in a vacuum and he has plenty of opposition.
The correct answer remains: "pineapple."

Nothing changes that fact.

Not even a moment of mad cabbie butthurt.

However you place yourself in the category of potential "no" voters who were just afraid to expose themselves and thus are worthy of scrutiny. Had you voted "yes" or declined to vote you might not be under any scrutiny at all. Then again merely by creating this thread I have exposed myself to scrutiny and by posting in this thread you have too.

So when you come down to it there is no "correct answer".

If it were in ANY way true that "pineapple" is anything other than the utterly correct answer, you might have the beginning of a point.

But, as I have noted, there is CLEARLY no other correct answer. But there certainly IS one correct answer:

In case any of you are aware of current events and past events, Obama has this weird proclivity for causing one crisis after another and acting like he's the solution. Could it be, and I know I'm just spit-balling here, but could it be that Obama is bringing all of these homegrown terrorists into this country, allowing them to leave for a few months to fight in Syria, and then looking the other way when they come back, so they can launch isolated attacks here in the states.

Before, it was outsiders that stuck out like a sore thumb, who didn't know the territory they lived in all that well. Now we have these guys he lets live here for as many as 10 years or are even born here, who know the terrain and they know all of the soft targets. Gun-free zones like government buildings, college campuses, grade-schools, shopping malls, sporting events, etc.. Imagine the damage they could do. Just two guys with guns allowed to shoot up a coffee shop or a newspaper office. Maybe another Sandyhook.

After several of these attacks are sprung on us the calls from the public would be massive, to get rid of guns and to clamp down on communications, to include the internet, and before you know it, what is said here every day becomes suspicious if not criminal. Obama does what any good Democrat would do and start taking away our freedom of speech on the internet. I bet he dreams of this scenario. Lock up our minds and we we become Russia overnight.

Call me crazy, but this wouldn't be all that hard. He's already set the stage for it. Why not?

I'll be monitoring the responses. I suspect that any government agents that the administration has planted here will be the first to call me crazy, or just liberals that have their heads up their asses.

Either you forgot to take your meds today or you had a liquid lunch.
This thread has turned out pretty well.

Not only do we have the perfect choice: "pineapple," but we also see numbnutz going into meltdown mode without the slightest ability to comprehend what a complete idiot he has shown himself to be.

This is great stuff for a few more moments of diversion.
In case any of you are aware of current events and past events, Obama has this weird proclivity for causing one crisis after another and acting like he's the solution. Could it be, and I know I'm just spit-balling here, but could it be that Obama is bringing all of these homegrown terrorists into this country, allowing them to leave for a few months to fight in Syria, and then looking the other way when they come back, so they can launch isolated attacks here in the states.

Before, it was outsiders that stuck out like a sore thumb, who didn't know the territory they lived in all that well. Now we have these guys he lets live here for as many as 10 years or are even born here, who know the terrain and they know all of the soft targets. Gun-free zones like government buildings, college campuses, grade-schools, shopping malls, sporting events, etc.. Imagine the damage they could do. Just two guys with guns allowed to shoot up a coffee shop or a newspaper office. Maybe another Sandyhook.

After several of these attacks are sprung on us the calls from the public would be massive, to get rid of guns and to clamp down on communications, to include the internet, and before you know it, what is said here every day becomes suspicious if not criminal. Obama does what any good Democrat would do and start taking away our freedom of speech on the internet. I bet he dreams of this scenario. Lock up our minds and we we become Russia overnight.

Call me crazy, but this wouldn't be all that hard. He's already set the stage for it. Why not?

I'll be monitoring the responses. I suspect that any government agents that the administration has planted here will be the first to call me crazy, or just liberals that have their heads up their asses.

Either you forgot to take your meds today or you had a liquid lunch.
My guess...BOTH
This thread has turned out pretty well.

Not only do we have the perfect choice: "pineapple," but we also see numbnutz going into meltdown mode without the slightest ability to comprehend what a complete idiot he has shown himself to be.

This is great stuff for a few more moments of diversion.
Awww, are you mad that I didn't respond to your drivel? You are the one who didn't know Bush signed the Patriot Act...I guess I hurt your ignorant little feelings.

Now please reply with your silly emoticans and insults. It makes you look real smart. :lmao:
Okay dickhead, freedom has a price and we pay for it. Happy?
We can tell you aren't happy about it. Free speech has consequences. Your refusal to man up to the consequences of your speech label you as a spineless buffoon unworthy to be called a man.
Coming from you that somehow means next to nothing.

Okay. I lied.

It means absolutely nothing.
I didnt tell you that to get your consent or approval. I was informing you of my observation.
I second that observation. Idiot hack, low info, nasty...not a man at all. I giant pussy who has lost all concept of reality because the President is of a darker hue.
Solely because the president belongs to the 'wrong' political party, that's what's truly ridiculous.
Yep, I married somebody of a darker hue, so that means I hate all people of that skin color.
My wife is half African-American and half Seminole. I didn't marry her because I hate blacks. We've been married so long that I forget a time when I wasn't with her. If anything, I have a very unique perspective of blacks, living from the inside.

So you posers can just suck my hairy teabag.
In case any of you are aware of current events and past events, Obama has this weird proclivity for causing one crisis after another and acting like he's the solution. Could it be, and I know I'm just spit-balling here, but could it be that Obama is bringing all of these homegrown terrorists into this country, allowing them to leave for a few months to fight in Syria, and then looking the other way when they come back, so they can launch isolated attacks here in the states.

Before, it was outsiders that stuck out like a sore thumb, who didn't know the territory they lived in all that well. Now we have these guys he lets live here for as many as 10 years or are even born here, who know the terrain and they know all of the soft targets. Gun-free zones like government buildings, college campuses, grade-schools, shopping malls, sporting events, etc.. Imagine the damage they could do. Just two guys with guns allowed to shoot up a coffee shop or a newspaper office. Maybe another Sandyhook.

After several of these attacks are sprung on us the calls from the public would be massive, to get rid of guns and to clamp down on communications, to include the internet, and before you know it, what is said here every day becomes suspicious if not criminal. Obama does what any good Democrat would do and start taking away our freedom of speech on the internet. I bet he dreams of this scenario. Lock up our minds and we we become Russia overnight.

Call me crazy, but this wouldn't be all that hard. He's already set the stage for it. Why not?

I'll be monitoring the responses. I suspect that any government agents that the administration has planted here will be the first to call me crazy, or just liberals that have their heads up their asses.

Either you forgot to take your meds today or you had a liquid lunch.
My guess...BOTH

Whereas numbnutz is obviously taking some strong psych meds while drinking to excess.

numbnutz will be cast in the new Broadway musical "Karen Quinlan!" as the official vegetable. Critics will note the type casting.
This thread has turned out pretty well.

Not only do we have the perfect choice: "pineapple," but we also see numbnutz going into meltdown mode without the slightest ability to comprehend what a complete idiot he has shown himself to be.

This is great stuff for a few more moments of diversion.
Awww, are you mad that I didn't respond to your drivel? You are the one who didn't know Bush signed the Patriot Act...I guess I hurt your ignorant little feelings.

Now please reply with your silly emoticans and insults. It makes you look real smart. :lmao:

Repeating your obvious lie doesn't make you any less of a liar or any more persuasive you dipstick.

Show me any post where I even implied that I didn't know that it was W who signed the USA PATRIOT Act, you intentional liar.

Now, then, run away, you pussy.
We can tell you aren't happy about it. Free speech has consequences. Your refusal to man up to the consequences of your speech label you as a spineless buffoon unworthy to be called a man.
Coming from you that somehow means next to nothing.

Okay. I lied.

It means absolutely nothing.
I didnt tell you that to get your consent or approval. I was informing you of my observation.
I second that observation. Idiot hack, low info, nasty...not a man at all. I giant pussy who has lost all concept of reality because the President is of a darker hue.
Solely because the president belongs to the 'wrong' political party, that's what's truly ridiculous.
Yep, I married somebody of a darker hue, so that means I hate all people of that skin color.
My wife is half African-American and half Seminole. I didn't marry her because I hate blacks. We've been married so long that I forget a time when I wasn't with her. If anything, I have a very unique perspective of blacks, living from the inside.

So you posers can just suck my hairy teabag.
So you are a race traitor...doesn't take away your idiocy and hate. Let me guess, you are an over bearing control freak. Eber been arrested for domestic violence???
This thread has turned out pretty well.

Not only do we have the perfect choice: "pineapple," but we also see numbnutz going into meltdown mode without the slightest ability to comprehend what a complete idiot he has shown himself to be.

This is great stuff for a few more moments of diversion.
Awww, are you mad that I didn't respond to your drivel? You are the one who didn't know Bush signed the Patriot Act...I guess I hurt your ignorant little feelings.

Now please reply with your silly emoticans and insults. It makes you look real smart. :lmao:

Repeating your obvious lie doesn't make you any less of a liar or any more persuasive you dipstick.

Show me any post where I even implied that I didn't know that it was W who signed the USA PATRIOT Act, you intentional liar.

Now, then, run away, you pussy.
You implied what you implied, you ignorant partisan hack.
This thread has turned out pretty well.

Not only do we have the perfect choice: "pineapple," but we also see numbnutz going into meltdown mode without the slightest ability to comprehend what a complete idiot he has shown himself to be.

This is great stuff for a few more moments of diversion.
Awww, are you mad that I didn't respond to your drivel? You are the one who didn't know Bush signed the Patriot Act...I guess I hurt your ignorant little feelings.

Now please reply with your silly emoticans and insults. It makes you look real smart. :lmao:

Repeating your obvious lie doesn't make you any less of a liar or any more persuasive you dipstick.

Show me any post where I even implied that I didn't know that it was W who signed the USA PATRIOT Act, you intentional liar.

Now, then, run away, you pussy.
You implied what you implied, you ignorant partisan hack.

I implied no such thing. Ever. Your lack of reading comprehension is already abundantly clear. Plus which, you are just a cowardly stupid lying twat anyway.

Glad I got your goat.

Go have a Midol, you worthless lying twat.

Oh, and before I forget: :eusa_dance:
This thread has turned out pretty well.

Not only do we have the perfect choice: "pineapple," but we also see numbnutz going into meltdown mode without the slightest ability to comprehend what a complete idiot he has shown himself to be.

This is great stuff for a few more moments of diversion.
Awww, are you mad that I didn't respond to your drivel? You are the one who didn't know Bush signed the Patriot Act...I guess I hurt your ignorant little feelings.

Now please reply with your silly emoticans and insults. It makes you look real smart. :lmao:

Repeating your obvious lie doesn't make you any less of a liar or any more persuasive you dipstick.

Show me any post where I even implied that I didn't know that it was W who signed the USA PATRIOT Act, you intentional liar.

Now, then, run away, you pussy.
You implied what you implied, you ignorant partisan hack.

I implied no such thing. Ever. Your lack of reading comprehension is already abundantly clear. Plus which, you are just a cowardly stupid lying twat anyway.

Glad I got your goat.

Go have a Midol, you worthless lying twat.

Oh, and before I forget: :eusa_dance:
Got my goat? You are the one having a conniption! Pathetic. :lmao:
Coming from you that somehow means next to nothing.

Okay. I lied.

It means absolutely nothing.
I didnt tell you that to get your consent or approval. I was informing you of my observation.
I second that observation. Idiot hack, low info, nasty...not a man at all. I giant pussy who has lost all concept of reality because the President is of a darker hue.
Solely because the president belongs to the 'wrong' political party, that's what's truly ridiculous.
Yep, I married somebody of a darker hue, so that means I hate all people of that skin color.
My wife is half African-American and half Seminole. I didn't marry her because I hate blacks. We've been married so long that I forget a time when I wasn't with her. If anything, I have a very unique perspective of blacks, living from the inside.

So you posers can just suck my hairy teabag.
So you are a race traitor...doesn't take away your idiocy and hate. Let me guess, you are an over bearing control freak. Eber been arrested for domestic violence???

No, have you???
Never laid a hand on her. She's told me that was one of the reasons she married me.

I know brothers figger that they have to beat their wives to keep em in line. At least that seems to be the popular belief. You're not a man unless you beat your wife and screw every ho that bats her eyes at you. Not much of a surprise when you consider that most of the poverty among blacks is because of either broken marriages, single-parent families, or the husband is in prison. Once you live among them long enough you take off the rose-colored glasses and see things the way they really are, not like liberals tend to do. Even Obama isn't an exception. Imagine if his father had been around to raise him. What kind of a man could he have been? Boys need a father around regardless of their race. They need someone to emulate or at least teach them how to act.
I didnt tell you that to get your consent or approval. I was informing you of my observation.
I second that observation. Idiot hack, low info, nasty...not a man at all. I giant pussy who has lost all concept of reality because the President is of a darker hue.
Solely because the president belongs to the 'wrong' political party, that's what's truly ridiculous.
Yep, I married somebody of a darker hue, so that means I hate all people of that skin color.
My wife is half African-American and half Seminole. I didn't marry her because I hate blacks. We've been married so long that I forget a time when I wasn't with her. If anything, I have a very unique perspective of blacks, living from the inside.

So you posers can just suck my hairy teabag.
So you are a race traitor...doesn't take away your idiocy and hate. Let me guess, you are an over bearing control freak. Eber been arrested for domestic violence???

No, have you???
Never laid a hand on her. She's told me that was one of the reasons she married me.

I know brothers figger that they have to beat their wives to keep em in line. At least that seems to be the popular belief. You're not a man unless you beat your wife and screw every ho that bats her eyes at you. Not much of a surprise when you consider that most of the poverty among blacks is because of either broken marriages, single-parent families, or the husband is in prison. Once you live among them long enough you take off the rose-colored glasses and see things the way they really are, not like liberals tend to do. Even Obama isn't an exception. Imagine if his father had been around to raise him. What kind of a man could he have been? Boys need a father around regardless of their race. They need someone to emulate or at least teach them how to act.
Just because you married a half doesn't mean you live among blacks. Obviously, you know nothing of black simply found a like minded person and nothing more. You know nothing of the black community.
I second that observation. Idiot hack, low info, nasty...not a man at all. I giant pussy who has lost all concept of reality because the President is of a darker hue.
Solely because the president belongs to the 'wrong' political party, that's what's truly ridiculous.
Yep, I married somebody of a darker hue, so that means I hate all people of that skin color.
My wife is half African-American and half Seminole. I didn't marry her because I hate blacks. We've been married so long that I forget a time when I wasn't with her. If anything, I have a very unique perspective of blacks, living from the inside.

So you posers can just suck my hairy teabag.
So you are a race traitor...doesn't take away your idiocy and hate. Let me guess, you are an over bearing control freak. Eber been arrested for domestic violence???

No, have you???
Never laid a hand on her. She's told me that was one of the reasons she married me.

I know brothers figger that they have to beat their wives to keep em in line. At least that seems to be the popular belief. You're not a man unless you beat your wife and screw every ho that bats her eyes at you. Not much of a surprise when you consider that most of the poverty among blacks is because of either broken marriages, single-parent families, or the husband is in prison. Once you live among them long enough you take off the rose-colored glasses and see things the way they really are, not like liberals tend to do. Even Obama isn't an exception. Imagine if his father had been around to raise him. What kind of a man could he have been? Boys need a father around regardless of their race. They need someone to emulate or at least teach them how to act.
Just because you married a half doesn't mean you live among blacks. Obviously, you know nothing of black simply found a like minded person and nothing more. You know nothing of the black community.
Everything I said was true.

So why don't you educate me. Tell me where I'm wrong.

Are you going to repeat that racist lie that nobody who isn't black understands what it's like to be black? That's the easiest dodge one can think of.
This thread has turned out pretty well.

Not only do we have the perfect choice: "pineapple," but we also see numbnutz going into meltdown mode without the slightest ability to comprehend what a complete idiot he has shown himself to be.

This is great stuff for a few more moments of diversion.
Awww, are you mad that I didn't respond to your drivel? You are the one who didn't know Bush signed the Patriot Act...I guess I hurt your ignorant little feelings.

Now please reply with your silly emoticans and insults. It makes you look real smart. :lmao:

Repeating your obvious lie doesn't make you any less of a liar or any more persuasive you dipstick.

Show me any post where I even implied that I didn't know that it was W who signed the USA PATRIOT Act, you intentional liar.

Now, then, run away, you pussy.
You implied what you implied, you ignorant partisan hack.

I implied no such thing. Ever. Your lack of reading comprehension is already abundantly clear. Plus which, you are just a cowardly stupid lying twat anyway.

Glad I got your goat.

Go have a Midol, you worthless lying twat.

Oh, and before I forget: :eusa_dance:
Got my goat? You are the one having a conniption! Pathetic. :lmao:

I keep getting your goat. Damn, if you were any more thin skinned, it wouldn't be blood just seeping out of your vagina.

Try to man up for once in your dishonest stay here, you complete lowlife pussy. QUOTE anything I said that even implies that I didn't know a fact I have previously commented about, you lying ignorant troll hack bitch. But you won't. You can't. You are just a liar and a moron.


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