Big Brother is reading USMB

Should the FBI be monitoring Social Media sites like USMB?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 55.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • WTF?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pineapple

    Votes: 9 31.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
In fact, I haven't even scratched the surface of my experiences living among blacks. I've barely told you anything. You feel you can pass judgement on a couple of paragraphs.
Solely because the president belongs to the 'wrong' political party, that's what's truly ridiculous.
Yep, I married somebody of a darker hue, so that means I hate all people of that skin color.
My wife is half African-American and half Seminole. I didn't marry her because I hate blacks. We've been married so long that I forget a time when I wasn't with her. If anything, I have a very unique perspective of blacks, living from the inside.

So you posers can just suck my hairy teabag.
So you are a race traitor...doesn't take away your idiocy and hate. Let me guess, you are an over bearing control freak. Eber been arrested for domestic violence???

No, have you???
Never laid a hand on her. She's told me that was one of the reasons she married me.

I know brothers figger that they have to beat their wives to keep em in line. At least that seems to be the popular belief. You're not a man unless you beat your wife and screw every ho that bats her eyes at you. Not much of a surprise when you consider that most of the poverty among blacks is because of either broken marriages, single-parent families, or the husband is in prison. Once you live among them long enough you take off the rose-colored glasses and see things the way they really are, not like liberals tend to do. Even Obama isn't an exception. Imagine if his father had been around to raise him. What kind of a man could he have been? Boys need a father around regardless of their race. They need someone to emulate or at least teach them how to act.
Just because you married a half doesn't mean you live among blacks. Obviously, you know nothing of black simply found a like minded person and nothing more. You know nothing of the black community.
Everything I said was true.

So why don't you educate me. Tell me where I'm wrong.

Are you going to repeat that racist lie that nobody who isn't black understands what it's like to be black? That's the easiest dodge one can think of.
I am saying you are stereotyoing and assuming all blacks live in the ghetto You are think because you know someone with a drop of black blood, you are a nigg3r. Do you live in a black neighborhood? Do you go to a black church. Do you know any other negroes besides the half-black you claim to be married to?
In fact, I haven't even scratched the surface of my experiences living among blacks. I've barely told you anything. You feel you can pass judgement on a couple of paragraphs.
Sounds like you are involved with some trashy Black people. Most Black guys dont beat their women. Here is a video where a white boy is beating a Black dudes ass for hiting his girl with a gang of Black guys egging him on.

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Awww, are you mad that I didn't respond to your drivel? You are the one who didn't know Bush signed the Patriot Act...I guess I hurt your ignorant little feelings.

Now please reply with your silly emoticans and insults. It makes you look real smart. :lmao:

Repeating your obvious lie doesn't make you any less of a liar or any more persuasive you dipstick.

Show me any post where I even implied that I didn't know that it was W who signed the USA PATRIOT Act, you intentional liar.

Now, then, run away, you pussy.
You implied what you implied, you ignorant partisan hack.

I implied no such thing. Ever. Your lack of reading comprehension is already abundantly clear. Plus which, you are just a cowardly stupid lying twat anyway.

Glad I got your goat.

Go have a Midol, you worthless lying twat.

Oh, and before I forget: :eusa_dance:
Got my goat? You are the one having a conniption! Pathetic. :lmao:

I keep getting your goat. Damn, if you were any more thin skinned, it wouldn't be blood just seeping out of your vagina.

Try to man up for once in your dishonest stay here, you complete lowlife pussy. QUOTE anything I said that even implies that I didn't know a fact I have previously commented about, you lying ignorant troll hack bitch. But you won't. You can't. You are just a liar and a moron.

:lol: How are you getting my goat. I am laughing at you. You are a hypocrite and nothing more who knows very little as you implied that Obama is the creator of the NSA and spying on Americans. You are pathetic. You can't see past your partisan nose. Pathetic. I believe I am the one getting your goat, you thin skinned pussy.

I believe I am the one who is getting your goat, you thin skinned idiot.
Repeating your obvious lie doesn't make you any less of a liar or any more persuasive you dipstick.

Show me any post where I even implied that I didn't know that it was W who signed the USA PATRIOT Act, you intentional liar.

Now, then, run away, you pussy.
You implied what you implied, you ignorant partisan hack.

I implied no such thing. Ever. Your lack of reading comprehension is already abundantly clear. Plus which, you are just a cowardly stupid lying twat anyway.

Glad I got your goat.

Go have a Midol, you worthless lying twat.

Oh, and before I forget: :eusa_dance:
Got my goat? You are the one having a conniption! Pathetic. :lmao:

I keep getting your goat. Damn, if you were any more thin skinned, it wouldn't be blood just seeping out of your vagina.

Try to man up for once in your dishonest stay here, you complete lowlife pussy. QUOTE anything I said that even implies that I didn't know a fact I have previously commented about, you lying ignorant troll hack bitch. But you won't. You can't. You are just a liar and a moron.

:lol: How are you getting my goat. I am laughing at you. You are a hypocrite and nothing more who knows very little as you implied that Obama is the creator of the NSA and spying on Americans. You are pathetic. You can't see past your partisan nose. Pathetic. I believe I am the one getting your goat, you thin skinned pussy.

I believe I am the one who is getting your goat, you thin skinned idiot.

You remain a lying liar who lies.

If you HAD anything to back up your dishonest claim, even a complete pussy like you would cite it. Quote it.

We all know hwy you don't do so. It's because you can't.

You made a claim about me and you have NO ability at all to back it up. Sure, first you quibbled and side-stepped and back-peddled. BUT still I called your bullshit on you. And now you flee and whine and piss yourself in public.

I own you totally and completely.

But I offer you again a small shot of redemption.

Quote the post where I EVER implied that Obumbler signed the USA PATRIOT Act.

It will be a LOOOONG wait, you lying fuckwit. And the entire time I will be laughing at you, you massive fail.

Yep, I married somebody of a darker hue, so that means I hate all people of that skin color.
My wife is half African-American and half Seminole. I didn't marry her because I hate blacks. We've been married so long that I forget a time when I wasn't with her. If anything, I have a very unique perspective of blacks, living from the inside.

So you posers can just suck my hairy teabag.
So you are a race traitor...doesn't take away your idiocy and hate. Let me guess, you are an over bearing control freak. Eber been arrested for domestic violence???

No, have you???
Never laid a hand on her. She's told me that was one of the reasons she married me.

I know brothers figger that they have to beat their wives to keep em in line. At least that seems to be the popular belief. You're not a man unless you beat your wife and screw every ho that bats her eyes at you. Not much of a surprise when you consider that most of the poverty among blacks is because of either broken marriages, single-parent families, or the husband is in prison. Once you live among them long enough you take off the rose-colored glasses and see things the way they really are, not like liberals tend to do. Even Obama isn't an exception. Imagine if his father had been around to raise him. What kind of a man could he have been? Boys need a father around regardless of their race. They need someone to emulate or at least teach them how to act.
Just because you married a half doesn't mean you live among blacks. Obviously, you know nothing of black simply found a like minded person and nothing more. You know nothing of the black community.
Everything I said was true.

So why don't you educate me. Tell me where I'm wrong.

Are you going to repeat that racist lie that nobody who isn't black understands what it's like to be black? That's the easiest dodge one can think of.
I am saying you are stereotyoing and assuming all blacks live in the ghetto You are think because you know someone with a drop of black blood, you are a nigg3r. Do you live in a black neighborhood? Do you go to a black church. Do you know any other negroes besides the half-black you claim to be married to?
Well, I've lived in neighborhoods that are predominantly black. I have black neighbors today. I used to have to put bars on my windows and doors to keep the junkies out. I've gone to plenty of black churches and attended plenty of black funerals in black churches. And for your information, even you aren't a pure-blood black. You'd have to go back to Africa to find someone like that. My nephew's father was born in Somalia and some of his relatives most likely chewed Khat leaves and was shooting at us when I was at the embassy there back in 93'.

My wife was born in Alabama to a mother that never married any of the fathers of her brothers and sisters. She was out in the fields before she could walk and even had a little cotton sack to drag behind her when she was able to walk. She's also the hardest worker you'll ever meet, because not knowing where your next meal will come from teaches you that.

And I know I'm not black and don't want to be. Being black has a stigma that you live with. Strangers assume a stereotype that may or may not be true. It's up to you to erase that stigma through your words and your actions.
Yes, but what Administration authored the Patriot Act
So that means to you that Obama can use the Patriot Act any way he sees fit? Abuse the privilege any way he chooses.

Wow, you sure like living with your head up your ass.

The Patriot Act was signed with the thought that a president could be trusted with such power. Instead you and others elected this fraud who thinks nothing of abusing everyone's privacy. He may even be a Manchurian Candidate for all we know. The worst case scenario, he's going to purposely weaken this country any way he can. Best case, this bumbling buffoon will sell us out to keep his as out of hot water.

If he really is a Manchurian Candidate, how long do you think he will put up with you spreading that information?
Not that long. He's been trying to regulate the internet. Democrats are trying to institute laws that control what is said here. If they could get away with it, they would have put a stop to it years ago. There's still people out there fighting them believe it or not.

Obviously you have no idea what net neutrality is all about. Completely expected from a fox drone.
I know what it is. I just don't trust the SOB that will be regulating it. Once the government gets into heavy regulation of the internet the sky's the limit on further regulations in the future. Right now it's all about being fair, but then all of the sudden it's about clamping down on our access.

At least you will admit it is about fairness for now. Are you willing to let the totally unfair practice of slowing down and limiting internet access for some now, which will completely change the nature of the internet and how it is used, because you think it might be unfairly changed in some unknown but different way at some unknown point in the future? If you mistrust the government so much, why do you even stay here?
You implied what you implied, you ignorant partisan hack.

I implied no such thing. Ever. Your lack of reading comprehension is already abundantly clear. Plus which, you are just a cowardly stupid lying twat anyway.

Glad I got your goat.

Go have a Midol, you worthless lying twat.

Oh, and before I forget: :eusa_dance:
Got my goat? You are the one having a conniption! Pathetic. :lmao:

I keep getting your goat. Damn, if you were any more thin skinned, it wouldn't be blood just seeping out of your vagina.

Try to man up for once in your dishonest stay here, you complete lowlife pussy. QUOTE anything I said that even implies that I didn't know a fact I have previously commented about, you lying ignorant troll hack bitch. But you won't. You can't. You are just a liar and a moron.

:lol: How are you getting my goat. I am laughing at you. You are a hypocrite and nothing more who knows very little as you implied that Obama is the creator of the NSA and spying on Americans. You are pathetic. You can't see past your partisan nose. Pathetic. I believe I am the one getting your goat, you thin skinned pussy.

I believe I am the one who is getting your goat, you thin skinned idiot.

You remain a lying liar who lies.

If you HAD anything to back up your dishonest claim, even a complete pussy like you would cite it. Quote it.

We all know hwy you don't do so. It's because you can't.

You made a claim about me and you have NO ability at all to back it up. Sure, first you quibbled and side-stepped and back-peddled. BUT still I called your bullshit on you. And now you flee and whine and piss yourself in public.

I own you totally and completely.

But I offer you again a small shot of redemption.

Quote the post where I EVER implied that Obumbler signed the USA PATRIOT Act.

It will be a LOOOONG wait, you lying fuckwit. And the entire time I will be laughing at you, you massive fail.

Sure you did.
I implied no such thing. Ever. Your lack of reading comprehension is already abundantly clear. Plus which, you are just a cowardly stupid lying twat anyway.

Glad I got your goat.

Go have a Midol, you worthless lying twat.

Oh, and before I forget: :eusa_dance:
Got my goat? You are the one having a conniption! Pathetic. :lmao:

I keep getting your goat. Damn, if you were any more thin skinned, it wouldn't be blood just seeping out of your vagina.

Try to man up for once in your dishonest stay here, you complete lowlife pussy. QUOTE anything I said that even implies that I didn't know a fact I have previously commented about, you lying ignorant troll hack bitch. But you won't. You can't. You are just a liar and a moron.

:lol: How are you getting my goat. I am laughing at you. You are a hypocrite and nothing more who knows very little as you implied that Obama is the creator of the NSA and spying on Americans. You are pathetic. You can't see past your partisan nose. Pathetic. I believe I am the one getting your goat, you thin skinned pussy.

I believe I am the one who is getting your goat, you thin skinned idiot.

You remain a lying liar who lies.

If you HAD anything to back up your dishonest claim, even a complete pussy like you would cite it. Quote it.

We all know hwy you don't do so. It's because you can't.

You made a claim about me and you have NO ability at all to back it up. Sure, first you quibbled and side-stepped and back-peddled. BUT still I called your bullshit on you. And now you flee and whine and piss yourself in public.

I own you totally and completely.

But I offer you again a small shot of redemption.

Quote the post where I EVER implied that Obumbler signed the USA PATRIOT Act.

It will be a LOOOONG wait, you lying fuckwit. And the entire time I will be laughing at you, you massive fail.

Sure you did.

Still not posting a link to the alleged quote though, we ALL see.

You have no integrity or balls, little numbnutz. None.

But again, it's quite clear why you run. You have been challenged directly and have nothing with which to back it up.

You pussy. :9: I shit on you! :blues:
Got my goat? You are the one having a conniption! Pathetic. :lmao:

I keep getting your goat. Damn, if you were any more thin skinned, it wouldn't be blood just seeping out of your vagina.

Try to man up for once in your dishonest stay here, you complete lowlife pussy. QUOTE anything I said that even implies that I didn't know a fact I have previously commented about, you lying ignorant troll hack bitch. But you won't. You can't. You are just a liar and a moron.

:lol: How are you getting my goat. I am laughing at you. You are a hypocrite and nothing more who knows very little as you implied that Obama is the creator of the NSA and spying on Americans. You are pathetic. You can't see past your partisan nose. Pathetic. I believe I am the one getting your goat, you thin skinned pussy.

I believe I am the one who is getting your goat, you thin skinned idiot.

You remain a lying liar who lies.

If you HAD anything to back up your dishonest claim, even a complete pussy like you would cite it. Quote it.

We all know hwy you don't do so. It's because you can't.

You made a claim about me and you have NO ability at all to back it up. Sure, first you quibbled and side-stepped and back-peddled. BUT still I called your bullshit on you. And now you flee and whine and piss yourself in public.

I own you totally and completely.

But I offer you again a small shot of redemption.

Quote the post where I EVER implied that Obumbler signed the USA PATRIOT Act.

It will be a LOOOONG wait, you lying fuckwit. And the entire time I will be laughing at you, you massive fail.

Sure you did.

Still not posting a link to the alleged quote though, we ALL see.

You have no integrity or balls, little numbnutz. None.

But again, it's quite clear why you run. You have been challenged directly and have nothing with which to back it up.

You pussy. :9: I shit on you! :blues:
Why would I waste my time with a hypocrite partisan hack who is just going to deny the truth when put right in front of him? Why waste time on a low info lemming who spews nothing but drivel?

Looks like I am getting your goat, you pussy.
So that means to you that Obama can use the Patriot Act any way he sees fit? Abuse the privilege any way he chooses.

Wow, you sure like living with your head up your ass.

The Patriot Act was signed with the thought that a president could be trusted with such power. Instead you and others elected this fraud who thinks nothing of abusing everyone's privacy. He may even be a Manchurian Candidate for all we know. The worst case scenario, he's going to purposely weaken this country any way he can. Best case, this bumbling buffoon will sell us out to keep his as out of hot water.

If he really is a Manchurian Candidate, how long do you think he will put up with you spreading that information?
Not that long. He's been trying to regulate the internet. Democrats are trying to institute laws that control what is said here. If they could get away with it, they would have put a stop to it years ago. There's still people out there fighting them believe it or not.

Obviously you have no idea what net neutrality is all about. Completely expected from a fox drone.
I know what it is. I just don't trust the SOB that will be regulating it. Once the government gets into heavy regulation of the internet the sky's the limit on further regulations in the future. Right now it's all about being fair, but then all of the sudden it's about clamping down on our access.

At least you will admit it is about fairness for now. Are you willing to let the totally unfair practice of slowing down and limiting internet access for some now, which will completely change the nature of the internet and how it is used, because you think it might be unfairly changed in some unknown but different way at some unknown point in the future? If you mistrust the government so much, why do you even stay here?
This is where I was born. And governments can be changed. The problems is the idiots that are allowed to vote them into office. The politicians are partly to blame, but the numb-skulls that keep voting them in deserve an equal share.

That practice that somehow has been allowed is just an excuse for the left to regulate, and regulations means more costs. There has to be a better way.
So you are a race traitor...doesn't take away your idiocy and hate. Let me guess, you are an over bearing control freak. Eber been arrested for domestic violence???

No, have you???
Never laid a hand on her. She's told me that was one of the reasons she married me.

I know brothers figger that they have to beat their wives to keep em in line. At least that seems to be the popular belief. You're not a man unless you beat your wife and screw every ho that bats her eyes at you. Not much of a surprise when you consider that most of the poverty among blacks is because of either broken marriages, single-parent families, or the husband is in prison. Once you live among them long enough you take off the rose-colored glasses and see things the way they really are, not like liberals tend to do. Even Obama isn't an exception. Imagine if his father had been around to raise him. What kind of a man could he have been? Boys need a father around regardless of their race. They need someone to emulate or at least teach them how to act.
Just because you married a half doesn't mean you live among blacks. Obviously, you know nothing of black simply found a like minded person and nothing more. You know nothing of the black community.
Everything I said was true.

So why don't you educate me. Tell me where I'm wrong.

Are you going to repeat that racist lie that nobody who isn't black understands what it's like to be black? That's the easiest dodge one can think of.
I am saying you are stereotyoing and assuming all blacks live in the ghetto You are think because you know someone with a drop of black blood, you are a nigg3r. Do you live in a black neighborhood? Do you go to a black church. Do you know any other negroes besides the half-black you claim to be married to?
Well, I've lived in neighborhoods that are predominantly black. I have black neighbors today. I used to have to put bars on my windows and doors to keep the junkies out. I've gone to plenty of black churches and attended plenty of black funerals in black churches. And for your information, even you aren't a pure-blood black. You'd have to go back to Africa to find someone like that. My nephew's father was born in Somalia and some of his relatives most likely chewed Khat leaves and was shooting at us when I was at the embassy there back in 93'.

My wife was born in Alabama to a mother that never married any of the fathers of her brothers and sisters. She was out in the fields before she could walk and even had a little cotton sack to drag behind her when she was able to walk. She's also the hardest worker you'll ever meet, because not knowing where your next meal will come from teaches you that.

And I know I'm not black and don't want to be. Being black has a stigma that you live with. Strangers assume a stereotype that may or may not be true. It's up to you to erase that stigma through your words and your actions.
No one elses fault but your own that you live in the ghetto among the drug addicts and idiots. You should work harder and make something of yourself. Quit blaming blacks for your failures. Perhaps if you weren't a race traitor things would have been different.

Try moving to a trailer park, then you can be among the white drug addict, criminals and losers.
I keep getting your goat. Damn, if you were any more thin skinned, it wouldn't be blood just seeping out of your vagina.

Try to man up for once in your dishonest stay here, you complete lowlife pussy. QUOTE anything I said that even implies that I didn't know a fact I have previously commented about, you lying ignorant troll hack bitch. But you won't. You can't. You are just a liar and a moron.

:lol: How are you getting my goat. I am laughing at you. You are a hypocrite and nothing more who knows very little as you implied that Obama is the creator of the NSA and spying on Americans. You are pathetic. You can't see past your partisan nose. Pathetic. I believe I am the one getting your goat, you thin skinned pussy.

I believe I am the one who is getting your goat, you thin skinned idiot.

You remain a lying liar who lies.

If you HAD anything to back up your dishonest claim, even a complete pussy like you would cite it. Quote it.

We all know hwy you don't do so. It's because you can't.

You made a claim about me and you have NO ability at all to back it up. Sure, first you quibbled and side-stepped and back-peddled. BUT still I called your bullshit on you. And now you flee and whine and piss yourself in public.

I own you totally and completely.

But I offer you again a small shot of redemption.

Quote the post where I EVER implied that Obumbler signed the USA PATRIOT Act.

It will be a LOOOONG wait, you lying fuckwit. And the entire time I will be laughing at you, you massive fail.

Sure you did.

Still not posting a link to the alleged quote though, we ALL see.

You have no integrity or balls, little numbnutz. None.

But again, it's quite clear why you run. You have been challenged directly and have nothing with which to back it up.

You pussy. :9: I shit on you! :blues:
Why would I waste my time with a hypocrite partisan hack who is just going to deny the truth when put right in front of him? Why waste time on a low info lemming who spews nothing but drivel?

Looks like I am getting your goat, you pussy.

The pussy numbnutz ^ has had his goat so fully gotten that now he's in full babble mode. :lmao:

"Why would waste your time," you ask as you "waste your time" saying that drivel. Dishonest and stupid you are.

The FACT remains crystal clear for everyone to see.

You made a dishonest claim and and you cannot back it up because there is no proof for a lie.

You gonad-lacking pussy.
:lol: How are you getting my goat. I am laughing at you. You are a hypocrite and nothing more who knows very little as you implied that Obama is the creator of the NSA and spying on Americans. You are pathetic. You can't see past your partisan nose. Pathetic. I believe I am the one getting your goat, you thin skinned pussy.

I believe I am the one who is getting your goat, you thin skinned idiot.

You remain a lying liar who lies.

If you HAD anything to back up your dishonest claim, even a complete pussy like you would cite it. Quote it.

We all know hwy you don't do so. It's because you can't.

You made a claim about me and you have NO ability at all to back it up. Sure, first you quibbled and side-stepped and back-peddled. BUT still I called your bullshit on you. And now you flee and whine and piss yourself in public.

I own you totally and completely.

But I offer you again a small shot of redemption.

Quote the post where I EVER implied that Obumbler signed the USA PATRIOT Act.

It will be a LOOOONG wait, you lying fuckwit. And the entire time I will be laughing at you, you massive fail.

Sure you did.

Still not posting a link to the alleged quote though, we ALL see.

You have no integrity or balls, little numbnutz. None.

But again, it's quite clear why you run. You have been challenged directly and have nothing with which to back it up.

You pussy. :9: I shit on you! :blues:
Why would I waste my time with a hypocrite partisan hack who is just going to deny the truth when put right in front of him? Why waste time on a low info lemming who spews nothing but drivel?

Looks like I am getting your goat, you pussy.

The pussy numbnutz ^ has had his goat so fully gotten that now he's in full babble mode. :lmao:

"Why would waste your time," you ask as you "waste your time" saying that drivel. Dishonest and stupid you are.

The FACT remains crystal clear for everyone to see.

You made a dishonest claim and and you cannot back it up because there is no proof for a lie.

You gonad-lacking pussy.
Just read the thread...up until the point you were educated that Bush signed the Patriot Act...pussy.
No, have you???
Never laid a hand on her. She's told me that was one of the reasons she married me.

I know brothers figger that they have to beat their wives to keep em in line. At least that seems to be the popular belief. You're not a man unless you beat your wife and screw every ho that bats her eyes at you. Not much of a surprise when you consider that most of the poverty among blacks is because of either broken marriages, single-parent families, or the husband is in prison. Once you live among them long enough you take off the rose-colored glasses and see things the way they really are, not like liberals tend to do. Even Obama isn't an exception. Imagine if his father had been around to raise him. What kind of a man could he have been? Boys need a father around regardless of their race. They need someone to emulate or at least teach them how to act.
Just because you married a half doesn't mean you live among blacks. Obviously, you know nothing of black simply found a like minded person and nothing more. You know nothing of the black community.
Everything I said was true.

So why don't you educate me. Tell me where I'm wrong.

Are you going to repeat that racist lie that nobody who isn't black understands what it's like to be black? That's the easiest dodge one can think of.
I am saying you are stereotyoing and assuming all blacks live in the ghetto You are think because you know someone with a drop of black blood, you are a nigg3r. Do you live in a black neighborhood? Do you go to a black church. Do you know any other negroes besides the half-black you claim to be married to?
Well, I've lived in neighborhoods that are predominantly black. I have black neighbors today. I used to have to put bars on my windows and doors to keep the junkies out. I've gone to plenty of black churches and attended plenty of black funerals in black churches. And for your information, even you aren't a pure-blood black. You'd have to go back to Africa to find someone like that. My nephew's father was born in Somalia and some of his relatives most likely chewed Khat leaves and was shooting at us when I was at the embassy there back in 93'.

My wife was born in Alabama to a mother that never married any of the fathers of her brothers and sisters. She was out in the fields before she could walk and even had a little cotton sack to drag behind her when she was able to walk. She's also the hardest worker you'll ever meet, because not knowing where your next meal will come from teaches you that.

And I know I'm not black and don't want to be. Being black has a stigma that you live with. Strangers assume a stereotype that may or may not be true. It's up to you to erase that stigma through your words and your actions.
No one elses fault but your own that you live in the ghetto among the drug addicts and idiots. You should work harder and make something of yourself. Quit blaming blacks for your failures. Perhaps if you weren't a race traitor things would have been different.

Try moving to a trailer park, then you can be among the white drug addict, criminals and losers.

Jesus, you're full of cliche's. You are a serious dumb-ass.

I'm doing okay. I don't see any failures in my life. No blacks have ruined my life.

I moved from California back in the 80s. When I moved it was bearable. Now it's becoming a shithole in some places. Totally fucked up. I watched San Diego go from being a sleepy little surfer town to a big sprawling sewer. The place is overrun by illegals. Thank you Democrats. It's not as bad as Los Angeles but it's getting there.

What you are is a hateful piece of shit that believes at least a good portion of the BS they've been pumping into you most of your life.

We're done talking you racist low-life prick. And I say that with a smile on my face.
This is where I was born. And governments can be changed. The problems is the idiots that are allowed to vote them into office. The politicians are partly to blame, but the numb-skulls that keep voting them in deserve an equal share.

That practice that somehow has been allowed is just an excuse for the left to regulate, and regulations means more costs. There has to be a better way.[/QUOTE]

I agree that a lot of crazy politicians do get elected. The recent little midterm election is a good example of that. I'm not sure what that has to do with preventing internet providers from slowing down access. Sounds to me like you're just another pouting right winger who doesn't care what happens as long as you can oppose the president. Is there anything he has done that you agree with?
Just because you married a half doesn't mean you live among blacks. Obviously, you know nothing of black simply found a like minded person and nothing more. You know nothing of the black community.
Everything I said was true.

So why don't you educate me. Tell me where I'm wrong.

Are you going to repeat that racist lie that nobody who isn't black understands what it's like to be black? That's the easiest dodge one can think of.
I am saying you are stereotyoing and assuming all blacks live in the ghetto You are think because you know someone with a drop of black blood, you are a nigg3r. Do you live in a black neighborhood? Do you go to a black church. Do you know any other negroes besides the half-black you claim to be married to?
Well, I've lived in neighborhoods that are predominantly black. I have black neighbors today. I used to have to put bars on my windows and doors to keep the junkies out. I've gone to plenty of black churches and attended plenty of black funerals in black churches. And for your information, even you aren't a pure-blood black. You'd have to go back to Africa to find someone like that. My nephew's father was born in Somalia and some of his relatives most likely chewed Khat leaves and was shooting at us when I was at the embassy there back in 93'.

My wife was born in Alabama to a mother that never married any of the fathers of her brothers and sisters. She was out in the fields before she could walk and even had a little cotton sack to drag behind her when she was able to walk. She's also the hardest worker you'll ever meet, because not knowing where your next meal will come from teaches you that.

And I know I'm not black and don't want to be. Being black has a stigma that you live with. Strangers assume a stereotype that may or may not be true. It's up to you to erase that stigma through your words and your actions.
No one elses fault but your own that you live in the ghetto among the drug addicts and idiots. You should work harder and make something of yourself. Quit blaming blacks for your failures. Perhaps if you weren't a race traitor things would have been different.

Try moving to a trailer park, then you can be among the white drug addict, criminals and losers.

Jesus, you're full of cliche's. You are a serious dumb-ass.

I'm doing okay. I don't see any failures in my life. No blacks have ruined my life.

I moved from California back in the 80s. When I moved it was bearable. Now it's becoming a shithole in some places. Totally fucked up. I watched San Diego go from being a sleepy little surfer town to a big sprawling sewer. The place is overrun by illegals. Thank you Democrats. It's not as bad as Los Angeles but it's getting there.

What you are is a hateful piece of shit that believes at least a good portion of the BS they've been pumping into you most of your life.

We're done talking you racist low-life prick. And I say that with a smile on my face.
It's not my fault you live in the ghetto and can't move out. Maybe you are being discriminated against because you are a nigg3r lover. Perhaps you are just a failure because you spend all of the time blaming liberals and those you oppose politically for your failures. I don't know...but don't you think it is about time you pull up your pants, work hard and quit blaming everyone else but yourself for your failures?

As for the illegals...perhaps if Reagan didn't grant amnesty, we wouldn't have so many wetbacks running around, calling for their relatives to skip across the border and prevent you from success in life.

You are a are a pseudo-conservative who bases his politics on hate. You and your ilk destroy true conservatism by ignoring the truth, spewing nonsense and taking no responsibility for your own failures.
You remain a lying liar who lies.

If you HAD anything to back up your dishonest claim, even a complete pussy like you would cite it. Quote it.

We all know hwy you don't do so. It's because you can't.

You made a claim about me and you have NO ability at all to back it up. Sure, first you quibbled and side-stepped and back-peddled. BUT still I called your bullshit on you. And now you flee and whine and piss yourself in public.

I own you totally and completely.

But I offer you again a small shot of redemption.

Quote the post where I EVER implied that Obumbler signed the USA PATRIOT Act.

It will be a LOOOONG wait, you lying fuckwit. And the entire time I will be laughing at you, you massive fail.

Sure you did.

Still not posting a link to the alleged quote though, we ALL see.

You have no integrity or balls, little numbnutz. None.

But again, it's quite clear why you run. You have been challenged directly and have nothing with which to back it up.

You pussy. :9: I shit on you! :blues:
Why would I waste my time with a hypocrite partisan hack who is just going to deny the truth when put right in front of him? Why waste time on a low info lemming who spews nothing but drivel?

Looks like I am getting your goat, you pussy.

The pussy numbnutz ^ has had his goat so fully gotten that now he's in full babble mode. :lmao:

"Why would waste your time," you ask as you "waste your time" saying that drivel. Dishonest and stupid you are.

The FACT remains crystal clear for everyone to see.

You made a dishonest claim and and you cannot back it up because there is no proof for a lie.

You gonad-lacking pussy.
Just read the thread...up until the point you were educated that Bush signed the Patriot Act...pussy.

So, you CHOOSE to remain a quivering pile of pussy. Understood.

You are, after all, nothing but a dishonest pussy.

We both know that there was never any basis for you or anybody to "educate" me on something I already knew and had discussed with intelligent folks (excludes you, of course) long ago.
This is where I was born. And governments can be changed. The problems is the idiots that are allowed to vote them into office. The politicians are partly to blame, but the numb-skulls that keep voting them in deserve an equal share.

That practice that somehow has been allowed is just an excuse for the left to regulate, and regulations means more costs. There has to be a better way.

I agree that a lot of crazy politicians do get elected. The recent little midterm election is a good example of that. I'm not sure what that has to do with preventing internet providers from slowing down access. Sounds to me like you're just another pouting right winger who doesn't care what happens as long as you can oppose the president. Is there anything he has done that you agree with?
I don't think Obama has as good of intentions as you think. Experience has told me this.

I don't oppose every Democrat in Washington, just the ones that keep screwing us over. I actually voted for a Democrat here in TN a few years back. Mainly because I didn't know a thing about the stiff the GOP put up against him.
Sure you did.

Still not posting a link to the alleged quote though, we ALL see.

You have no integrity or balls, little numbnutz. None.

But again, it's quite clear why you run. You have been challenged directly and have nothing with which to back it up.

You pussy. :9: I shit on you! :blues:
Why would I waste my time with a hypocrite partisan hack who is just going to deny the truth when put right in front of him? Why waste time on a low info lemming who spews nothing but drivel?

Looks like I am getting your goat, you pussy.

The pussy numbnutz ^ has had his goat so fully gotten that now he's in full babble mode. :lmao:

"Why would waste your time," you ask as you "waste your time" saying that drivel. Dishonest and stupid you are.

The FACT remains crystal clear for everyone to see.

You made a dishonest claim and and you cannot back it up because there is no proof for a lie.

You gonad-lacking pussy.
Just read the thread...up until the point you were educated that Bush signed the Patriot Act...pussy.

So, you CHOOSE to remain a quivering pile of pussy. Understood.

You are, after all, nothing but a dishonest pussy.

We both know that there was never any basis for you or anybody to "educate" me on something I already knew and had discussed with intelligent folks (excludes you, of course) long ago.
You had to be told of W and the Patriot Act. Either you are a partisan hypocrite or stupid. You choose.

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