Big Brother? *SPOILER ALERT!*

They just did a touchy-feely family profile for Frank.

Last year they had Ragan do a nice story about what Rachel was like when he got to know her away from Big Brother.

Is that something they tend to do for players who have got a lot of people disliking them? To make them seem more human?

Or do they do that for prominent players, popular or not?
I wonder if the noobs will go after the coaches...I'm thinking it's doubtful.
I'm amazed how some of them picked up right away on the fact that there was a similarity between Willie and Russell Hantz from Survivor. I'm also amazed that he came clean about it. I'm guessing he learned a thing or two from his brother's total lack of a social game and is going to be more honest. If they'd heard about it down the road, he'd be toast. Maybe now they'll give him a chance to prove he's not his brother.

There is already a coup forming to get him out. Frank is seeking revenge. I never watch Survivor but it seems his brother is hated.
(Thursday, 8/2)

I watched a few episodes of Survivor and found Russell Hantz to be a truly despicable character. I tuned into this season's Big Brother late and the similarity to Russell in brother Willie's personality was immediately apparent to me. Those two obviously are genetically linked and I believe Spielberg could build a movie around their family.

I've only watched one other season of Big Brother, the one with Jordan, who is so real and uncomplicated a personality I was surprised that she won. But she deserved it and I was happy for her.

The Big Brother tv show is in absolute fact a genuine psych laboratory in which the effects of confinement on a variety of personalities may be observed over a protracted time frame. So far the players I like are Britney, Shane and Danielle. I don't care for the rest and I particularly dislike Frank. I was hoping to see him evicted but was disappointed with tonight's development, which places Shane and Britney in a tenuous position.

Joe is becoming increasingly annoying with his big stupid mouth and obnoxious personality. He's another reason for my disappointment tonight because he was on the eviction block, too, but was reprieved along with Frank.
I love youtube!

While waiting for the next exciting episode of BB :D it occurred to me that they might have Dan's first season, and sure enough!

[ame=]Big Brother Season 10 Episode 1 - YouTube[/ame]

I only started watching a couple of years ago so I'm playing catch up now. Get to see how he became the BB master he seems to be. Did he have it from the beginning or did he figure it out along the way? :)
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Stayed up and watched After Dark Thursday night.

Danielle won HoH

They're already hinting at Noobs against Coaches, but alot of 'em ain't too keen on that idea since there's some strong players on the Coach's side.

Stayed up and watched After Dark Thursday night.

Danielle won HoH

They're already hinting at Noobs against Coaches, but alot of 'em ain't too keen on that idea since there's some strong players on the Coach's side.


A lot's happened since then. They play for POV on Saturdays and the coaches have already merged into the game and they're working to get each other out. Getting crazy in there.

They're finally playing the game though.
Stayed up and watched After Dark Thursday night.

Danielle won HoH

They're already hinting at Noobs against Coaches, but alot of 'em ain't too keen on that idea since there's some strong players on the Coach's side.


A lot's happened since then. They play for POV on Saturdays and the coaches have already merged into the game and they're working to get each other out. Getting crazy in there.

They're finally playing the game though.

I was wiped out and missed After Dark, last night.

Who won POV?
Stayed up and watched After Dark Thursday night.

Danielle won HoH

They're already hinting at Noobs against Coaches, but alot of 'em ain't too keen on that idea since there's some strong players on the Coach's side.


A lot's happened since then. They play for POV on Saturdays and the coaches have already merged into the game and they're working to get each other out. Getting crazy in there.

They're finally playing the game though.

I was wiped out and missed After Dark, last night.

Who won POV?

Dipshit Danielle. Right?
A lot's happened since then. They play for POV on Saturdays and the coaches have already merged into the game and they're working to get each other out. Getting crazy in there.

They're finally playing the game though.

I was wiped out and missed After Dark, last night.

Who won POV?

Dipshit Danielle. Right?'re telling me, remember.
I knew she got HOH, but I didn't know about POV
I'm watching a movie, right now, and have BB DVR-ing, so I haven't seen yet.....
I was very surprised to see Danielle hold up so well on the plank. That girl has an impressive physical and mental constitution and my impression of her has changed. I had expected either Frank or Shane to win but I should have remembered to never underestimate a woman's strength under pressure. They are designed by Nature to endure.

It looks like Frank will be leaving next because everyone but that nitwit, "Boogie," despises him.

Happily, Joe (the loudmouth swamp yokel) has grown quiet. He is a duplicate of someone I used to fantasize about suffocating or smashing in the mouth with an entrenching tool.

Ian can't hide his hard-on for Ashley. He might just win the game by virtue of pathos.
I was very surprised to see Danielle hold up so well on the plank. That girl has an impressive physical and mental constitution and my impression of her has changed. I had expected either Frank or Shane to win but I should have remembered to never underestimate a woman's strength under pressure. They are designed by Nature to endure.

It looks like Frank will be leaving next because everyone but that nitwit, "Boogie," despises him.

Happily, Joe (the loudmouth swamp yokel) has grown quiet. He is a duplicate of someone I used to fantasize about suffocating or smashing in the mouth with an entrenching tool.

Ian can't hide his hard-on for Ashley. He might just win the game by virtue of pathos.

People are calling her the bunny boiler because she is stalking Shane. Also she is last in the rankings at Jokersupdates. She's been bashing Janelle and everyone thinks she is cray cray.

Don't like that girl.
People are calling her the bunny boiler because she is stalking Shane. Also she is last in the rankings at Jokersupdates. She's been bashing Janelle and everyone thinks she is cray cray.

Don't like that girl.
It's obvious Danielle is all wet for Shane -- and he knows it, too. The fact that she's as easily taken by good looks as a pre-teen Girl-Scout is evidence of her inexperience.

My impression of Danielle is she has issues about her looks and she lacks confidence with men, which might account for her resentment of Janelle who is sex personified.
Big night coming up!

Boogie and Ian were seriously crying a few minutes ago. Boogie is going to try for Joe's vote one more time, then that is it. Double Eviction night.
Big night coming up!

Boogie and Ian were seriously crying a few minutes ago. Boogie is going to try for Joe's vote one more time, then that is it. Double Eviction night.
Crying? That's interesting. I wonder if Boogie managed to evoke guilt in Ian and extract a confession of Ian's betrayal. If so and if Frank finds out about it Ian can be turned, which is not good.

At this point I strongly doubt that Joe can be turned. His impression of Frank and Boogie is well formed and he's not receptive to their serenades.

Last night on BB After Dark Boogie launched into a free-association diatribe that revealed him to have some serious issues. That man has a serious need for psychotherapy.

I've always thought of the Big Brother show as an elaborate psych lab in which the effects of confinement on a variety of personalities may be observed. Sometimes it's boring but there are times when it's very interesting and last night was one of those times.

Boogie's problem is his wholly distorted ego-image. He hasn't the slightest idea that he is in fact a scrawny, funny-looking character rather than the "cool dude" he obviously thinks he is. I'm sure if he came to abruptly realize how goofy he looks with that ridiculous headband he would have a breakdown and become catatonic. He doesn't realize that Frank regards him as a useful idiot and he believes his relationship with Frank to be one of equal attributes.

What a weird individual he is.
Big night coming up!

Boogie and Ian were seriously crying a few minutes ago. Boogie is going to try for Joe's vote one more time, then that is it. Double Eviction night.
Crying? That's interesting. I wonder if Boogie managed to evoke guilt in Ian and extract a confession of Ian's betrayal. If so and if Frank finds out about it Ian can be turned, which is not good.

At this point I strongly doubt that Joe can be turned. His impression of Frank and Boogie is well formed and he's not receptive to their serenades.

Last night on BB After Dark Boogie launched into a free-association diatribe that revealed him to have some serious issues. That man has a serious need for psychotherapy.

I've always thought of the Big Brother show as an elaborate psych lab in which the effects of confinement on a variety of personalities may be observed. Sometimes it's boring but there are times when it's very interesting and last night was one of those times.

Boogie's problem is his wholly distorted ego-image. He hasn't the slightest idea that he is in fact a scrawny, funny-looking character rather than the "cool dude" he obviously thinks he is. I'm sure if he came to abruptly realize how goofy he looks with that ridiculous headband he would have a breakdown and become catatonic. He doesn't realize that Frank regards him as a useful idiot and he believes his relationship with Frank to be one of equal attributes.

What a weird individual he is.

Hope you saw Ian's goodbye message. I have new respect for Ian and Boogie is a class act.

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