Big Brother


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Big Brother TV Program - CBS starts tonight!

Okay Big Brother fans, tonight is the night. Be sure to watch and then come back and talk about the program - what did you like/did not like, which guest stood out, which guest did you not like, etc., etc., whatever you want to talk about - this is the place...
Big Brother TV Program - CBS starts tonight!

Okay Big Brother fans, tonight is the night. Be sure to watch and then come back and talk about the program - what did you like/did not like, which guest stood out, which guest did you not like, etc., etc., whatever you want to talk about - this is the place...

Almost forgot! Love Big Brother.
I had to record it as I had somewhere to go tonight, but I just got through watching it and I think it is going to be really interesting this season.

Rachel's sister is one of the guests, and she looks just like Rachel - I think some of the other guests have already figured it out. She won't last long once it gets around.

This season, there will be 3 nominees for eviction (something new) - and that is going to be fun to see. The 3rd nominee is being picked by viewers - which will pick the guest they think is playing the best game. It will be revealed to that guest in secret and the guest will pick someone to be evicted (also in secret) - so no one will know who nominated the 3rd person.

There's lots of cute girls this season - and I was elated to see several of the guests are from Texas! Jessie (from San Antonio) has already gotten on my nerves by saying several times that she is prettier than the other girls - (as if), but the one that really got on my nerves was the blond from New York. She's loud, opinionated and one of the guests already said the same thing. I hope I get to change my mind on Jessie, as she is from my home town. The girl from San Marcos is really cute and not as obsessed with herself as Jessie.

I think Nick is really cute, the lifeguard needs to get a haircut and muscle boy does look like someone from the Vampire movies, but he is kinda cute, too.

Pizza delivery boy got the HOH, and no one believes he is a pizza delivery boy - let's see how he does!

I think they have a great group - and it's going to be fun watching it.
They brought up something interesting on the feeds. If they don't get rid of Elissa who is Rachel Riley's sister, Rachel will be working on Twitter, Facebook, everywhere to make her sis MVP every week.

Rachel has lots of followers out there. Let's see how long Elissa stays.
They brought up something interesting on the feeds. If they don't get rid of Elissa who is Rachel Riley's sister, Rachel will be working on Twitter, Facebook, everywhere to make her sis MVP every week.

Rachel has lots of followers out there. Let's see how long Elissa stays.

Yeah, you're probably right, which would be a plus for Elissa. She doesn't seem as annoying as Rachel, though, but she's a dead ringer for her.

McCrea was really brave to want to win HOH - although being the first one is not as bad as later on when they get to know each other a little more!
Is anybody watching Big Brother? This week's program was terrific. They had the challenge for the haves and have nots, and it was funny to see that so many of them could not even steer a tube on the water.

Anyway, Elissa's team lost - they are the have nots for this week and have to sleep on airplane seats! OMG! And they don't even recline!

Jessie and Candice were nominated as possible evictees - I'm not that disappointed as I didn't like Jessie that much - she's seems to have a big ego, thinks she's prettier than she really is. Candice, I hadn't really paid much attention to her, not sure how I feel about her.

We will find out next week who the MVP is and who she nominates for eviction - that should be interesting.

Come on - I'm sure there's more Big Brother fans out there! [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION]
I'm not sure I am a fan of this one. Most are racist pigs and I can't stand Rachel and now must be doomed with her sister that has the same lip problem. So I will probably bow out until they can get some people in there that are not affiliated with past participants, and are not pond scum racists.
I'm not sure I am a fan of this one. Most are racist pigs and I can't stand Rachel and now must be doomed with her sister that has the same lip problem. So I will probably bow out until they can get some people in there that are not affiliated with past participants, and are not pond scum racists.

Did I miss something? Which ones are racist and how do you know? (I'm not questioning your comment, just want to know how I missed it). Rachel's sister will not be there too long, they've already figured out that she's her sister, and she knew it would put a target on her back. Don't know why McRae didn't nominate her, unless he thinks that maybe being friends with her will help him somehow.

I'm sorry that you're not liking Big Brother - but I understand.
'Big Brother' Racist And Homophobic Comments Captured On Live Feeds (VIDEO)

And at survivorsucks, they are talking about it there as well since most are posting the live feeds.

Thanks for the link, that was really horrible. Just goes to show how stupid people are, they don't want to admit they are racist and then they talk trash like that. Thanks for letting me know, I wouldn't have any way of finding out since I don't watch the live feed and I haven't had time lately to check out the internet on Big Brother commentaries.

People should write the producers and tell them to let the public know just how racist these people are, so those of us who don't tolerate racism won't be voting for them as MVP's or for other awards, after all, Julie Chen was probably offended by the racist comments toward the Asian contestant.
Big Brother TV Program - CBS starts tonight!

Okay Big Brother fans, tonight is the night. Be sure to watch and then come back and talk about the program - what did you like/did not like, which guest stood out, which guest did you not like, etc., etc., whatever you want to talk about - this is the place...
I hate big brother but celebrity big brother is something different. Omorosa is on it

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