Big fossil fuel has been snookering us for decades.

That's like saying we're losing the race to dig holes and fill them up again.
We're losing to China big time. By 2040 they'll be energy-independent and we'll be trying to catch up too late.( If the bastards in charge of our government don't start WW-3 with them first )
That's like saying we're losing the race to dig holes and fill them up again.
We're losing to China big time.
By 2040 they'll be energy-independent and we'll be trying to catch up too late.
They will be energy independent because they are build 100 nuclear plants and hundreds of coal fire plants.

Green energy is a con.
Wrong. They have a population of 1.3 billion - they have no choice but to rely on nuclear , gas and coal.... for now. But they are also simultaneously vastly expanding their solar, wind an Hydro ( 3 gorges dam )fast trains and hybrid cars (electric and biofuel-) so fast that they will be phasing out those fossil fuels ahead of schedule by several years. And we have no plans( except to stay at war.)
That's like saying we're losing the race to dig holes and fill them up again.
We're losing to China big time.
By 2040 they'll be energy-independent and we'll be trying to catch up too late.
They will be energy independent because they are build 100 nuclear plants and hundreds of coal fire plants.

Green energy is a con.
Wrong. They have a population of 1.3 billion - they have no choice but to rely on nuclear , gas and coal.... for now. But they are also simultaneously vastly expanding their solar, wind an Hydro ( 3 gorges dam )fast trains and hybrid cars (electric and biofuel-) so fast that they will be phasing out those fossil fuels ahead of schedule by several years. And we have no plans( except to stay at war.)
Green energy constitutes 1% of energy produced in China. Coal fired power plants constitute an astounding 70% of their energy consumption.

Someday there might be an alternate to fossil fuel but right now those gigantic windmill farms are just ....wind. Making the blades bigger to catch more wind (and kill more migratory birds) is an exercise in futility. Solar is expensive and relies on the haz-mat that it takes to build and maintain batteries. If alternate energy worked we'd be using it.
We have a $900 billion a year trade deficit--about half of that is with China. The only way to pay them even the interest of the $2 trillion we actually already owe them, we have to ship them coal and oil right now....which we are.

This is also where Venezuela is coming into play....if they can get their oil from there they don't need ours, which means that a currency war based on gold reserves could crash the dollar ( petrodollar) .Saudi Arabia is also in play - unhappy with being scolded about 'human rights ' no-no's.

The only way to pay them even the interest of the $2 trillion we actually already owe them


China holds about $1.1 trillion of our Treasury securities.

The yield on the 30 year is about 2.8%.

Less than $32 billion a year. You think that is difficult to pay each year?

This is also where Venezuela is coming into play....if they can get their oil from there they don't need ours,

Venezuela was so screwed by Chavez, they can barely export 1 million barrels of low quality crude a day.
China currently imports more than 10 million barrels a day.

which means that a currency war based on gold reserves could crash the dollar

Nobody gives a shit about gold. Certainly not China, with the money printing spree they've been on.
Makes the Fed look like pikers.
That's like saying we're losing the race to dig holes and fill them up again.
We're losing to China big time.
By 2040 they'll be energy-independent and we'll be trying to catch up too late.
They will be energy independent because they are build 100 nuclear plants and hundreds of coal fire plants.

Green energy is a con.
Wrong. They have a population of 1.3 billion - they have no choice but to rely on nuclear , gas and coal.... for now. But they are also simultaneously vastly expanding their solar, wind an Hydro ( 3 gorges dam )fast trains and hybrid cars (electric and biofuel-) so fast that they will be phasing out those fossil fuels ahead of schedule by several years. And we have no plans( except to stay at war.)
Green energy constitutes 1% of energy produced in China. Coal fired power plants constitute an astounding 70% of their energy consumption.

Those numbers are shifting, as I said, despite your 8 year old chart.
I'm an advocate of both types of energy. Those of you who think China is on the right track are a little off. Remember the air quality there is bordering on toxic. Some of the most polluted places on Earth are found there due to their thirst for coal. In many ways China is moving backwards while we move forward.
That's like saying we're losing the race to dig holes and fill them up again.
We're losing to China big time.
By 2040 they'll be energy-independent and we'll be trying to catch up too late.
They will be energy independent because they are build 100 nuclear plants and hundreds of coal fire plants.

Green energy is a con.
Wrong. They have a population of 1.3 billion - they have no choice but to rely on nuclear , gas and coal.... for now. But they are also simultaneously vastly expanding their solar, wind an Hydro ( 3 gorges dam )fast trains and hybrid cars (electric and biofuel-) so fast that they will be phasing out those fossil fuels ahead of schedule by several years. And we have no plans( except to stay at war.)
Green energy constitutes 1% of energy produced in China. Coal fired power plants constitute an astounding 70% of their energy consumption.

Those numbers are shifting, as I said, despite your 8 year old chart.
China's investing over $300 billion a year into renewable energy. We are spending 3 times that on defense.

This is not counting the entire National Security industry....DHS, CIA, NSA....etc
You know, oil is a natural substance, and it has proven to be a modern miracle in so many ways.
China's investing over $300 billion a year into renewable energy. We are spending 3 times that on defense.

This is not counting the entire National Security industry....DHS, CIA, NSA....etc

What's your source for the $300 billion claim?
You know, oil is a natural substance, and it has proven to be a modern miracle in so many ways.
You know, oil is a natural substance, and it has proven to be a modern miracle in so many ways.
Yeah, And "accidents happen...oh well. "
This is much more eco friendly, isn't it?

We're trading pictures now ? Okay.
Let's start in L.A.


Look. Even Mexico is passing us.

You know, oil is a natural substance, and it has proven to be a modern miracle in so many ways.
You know, oil is a natural substance, and it has proven to be a modern miracle in so many ways.
Yeah, And "accidents happen...oh well. "
This is much more eco friendly, isn't it?

We're trading pictures now ? Okay.
Let's start in L.A.

View attachment 252617
Look. Even Mexico is passing us.
View attachment 252618
Yeah, they are passing us up when it comes to pouring money down the toilet bowl. All those high speed rail projects lose money hand over fist. The ticket revenue doesn't even cover their operating costs.

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