Big fossil fuel has been snookering us for decades.

Well that's good. Let us know when it's affordable.
Can't find a better line than that dinosaur ?
Next you'll site Solyndra as an example straight from the Heritage Foundation talking points manual. Or do you guys subscribe to the Koch Brothers now ?
Well that's good. Let us know when it's affordable.
Can't find a better line than that dinosaur ?
Next you'll site Solyndra as an example straight from the Heritage Foundation talking points manual. Or do you guys subscribe to the Koch Brothers now ?

No, I already posted to you about energy density and you ignored don't want facts or logic, that's on you bro.

oh and whats wrong with wanting it to be affordable? Only rich people should get energy?
No, I already posted to you about energy density and you ignored don't want facts or logic, that's on you bro.

oh and whats wrong with wanting it to be affordable? Only rich people should get energy?
"you don't want facts or logic"

You guys are really hurting for new talking points aren't you ?
Forget climate change and global warming, sea level rise and endangered polar bears.Our dependence on fossil fuels is not only killing us, but it's causing us to miss a golden opportunity to not only reverse our contribution to global warming and pollution, but also reverse the spiralling downfall of our economy.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: that's some funny shit right there. lmao!
Then we have North Korea now entering the 1950's.
(We put them there .)

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Forget climate change and global warming, sea level rise and endangered polar bears.Our dependence on fossil fuels is not only killing us, but it's causing us to miss a golden opportunity to not only reverse our contribution to global warming and pollution, but also reverse the spiralling downfall of our economy.

We should be leading the world in green energy by now ( since the 70's) instead of hearing it being some "big new plan" from a 29 year old Congress woman dancing aroung singing "Green New Deal" ( which they stole from Jill Stein btw ).

You may say "Well hindsight is 20/'s easy to guess what 'might have been'..."
The problem with that is .....

Since you seem to be so concerned let's see if you have any real answers. Hint solar and wind has nothing to do with it, those are only ruses for the dumbshits with arts degrees.
Well that's good. Let us know when it's affordable.
Can't find a better line than that dinosaur ?
Next you'll site Solyndra as an example straight from the Heritage Foundation talking points manual. Or do you guys subscribe to the Koch Brothers now ?

No, I already posted to you about energy density and you ignored don't want facts or logic, that's on you bro.

oh and whats wrong with wanting it to be affordable? Only rich people should get energy?

Preppy Progressives

Trustfundie Treehuggers don't care about the rest of us overpaying for their Nature Boy fantasies, nor about the millions of working-class people they put out of work. They are the spoiled "Born to Rule" brats of the Right Wing, so both "sides" should be declared Public Enemies. Real Americans would have stopped these GreenHeads cold long ago, but their doting Dads have all the power. Same with the rest of the Campus Commie Scum.

Don't give any credence to the Plutocratic Puppet Show the regime presents. All political celebrities represent the same source. It must be choked off.
Well that's good. Let us know when it's affordable.
Can't find a better line than that dinosaur ?
Next you'll site Solyndra as an example straight from the Heritage Foundation talking points manual. Or do you guys subscribe to the Koch Brothers now ?

No, I already posted to you about energy density and you ignored don't want facts or logic, that's on you bro.

oh and whats wrong with wanting it to be affordable? Only rich people should get energy?

Preppy Progressives

Trustfundie Treehuggers don't care about the rest of us overpaying for their Nature Boy fantasies, nor about the millions of working-class people they put out of work. They are the spoiled "Born to Rule" brats of the Right Wing, so both "sides" should be declared Public Enemies. Real Americans would have stopped these GreenHeads cold long ago, but their doting Dads have all the power. Same with the rest of the Campus Commie Scum.

Don't give any credence to the Plutocratic Puppet Show the regime presents. All political celebrities represent the same source. It must be choked off.

You left out the fact that they are all technical ignoramuses with arts degrees in crap like gay art history. Oh I forgot, hypocrites too. They like to preach but they don't like to practice.
No, I already posted to you about energy density and you ignored don't want facts or logic, that's on you bro.

oh and whats wrong with wanting it to be affordable? Only rich people should get energy?
"you don't want facts or logic"

You guys are really hurting for new talking points aren't you ?
Nope, you're the ones using them.
You complain people don't use green energy.
I explained to you why two reasons:

it sucks (it's energy production is shit)
it's expensive (how are poor people going to afford it?)
They provide an energy product that has allowed for our current standard of living.

All that has to be done to supersede them is for someone to come up with a better energy product.

Horses didn't have to be banned or penalized, they fell out of favor because Autos made up for their higher capital costs with much lower operating costs and time commitment.

Whale oil didn't have to be banned for it to fall out of favor for kerosene, it happened naturally because kerosene was cheaper to produce, and easier to store.
So what's the hold-up on renewables ? Warren Buffet is doing a good job in west Texas with his gig wind farms but big oil must have made a fortune in the last 40 years- enough to have us leading the world in solar panel manufacturing - not China.

Their cost of producing electricity is going down while their output is going up. Once they get to a certain point, they are phasing out coal and nuclear plants to 80 % renewable by around 2040, but they're advancing so fast it could be sooner.

for the thousandths time propaganda fool, Big oil spent billions on green energy since the 1970's

Wind cannot be scheduled, and the Sun's schedule while set can be interrupted. Solar storage also does not exist. You can't just load up sun and wind in a tank for later use.
Scientists Reveal Strange Molecule That Can Store Sun's Energy For 18 Years

Scientists Develop Liquid Fuel That Can Store The Sun's Energy For Up to 18 Years

Lets see if if survives the Engineering portion of the commercialization process, scale up and monetary viability.
If you don't like fossil fuels then don't buy anything that uses fossil fuels. Turn off anything in your home powered by electricity generated by fossil fuels.

Put your money where your mouth is.
Well that's good. Let us know when it's affordable.
Can't find a better line than that dinosaur ?
Next you'll site Solyndra as an example straight from the Heritage Foundation talking points manual. Or do you guys subscribe to the Koch Brothers now ?

No, I already posted to you about energy density and you ignored don't want facts or logic, that's on you bro.

oh and whats wrong with wanting it to be affordable? Only rich people should get energy?

Preppy Progressives

Trustfundie Treehuggers don't care about the rest of us overpaying for their Nature Boy fantasies, nor about the millions of working-class people they put out of work. They are the spoiled "Born to Rule" brats of the Right Wing, so both "sides" should be declared Public Enemies. Real Americans would have stopped these GreenHeads cold long ago, but their doting Dads have all the power. Same with the rest of the Campus Commie Scum.

Don't give any credence to the Plutocratic Puppet Show the regime presents. All political celebrities represent the same source. It must be choked off.

You left out the fact that they are all technical ignoramuses with arts degrees in crap like gay art history. Oh I forgot, hypocrites too. They like to preach but they don't like to practice.

The Plutocrats Play You Suckers Like a Dueling Banjo

Before the Great Silencing, it was well-known that Gayism was strictly an upper-class pastime. And all this misplaced emphasis on silly majors is really an unknowing attack on the Preppie brats who take those courses because Daddy guarantees them a lot of money even though they are useless to the economy.
What if the Green Energy Debate is a ruse to get us to pass other progressive socialist agendas? Those much less expensive but moving us further left.
What if the Green Energy Debate is a ruse to get us to pass other progressive socialist agendas? Those much less expensive but moving us further left.
Excuse me, but nothing has moved to the left in the last 40 years unless you count gay marriage.
Forget climate change and global warming, sea level rise and endangered polar bears.Our dependence on fossil fuels is not only killing us, but it's causing us to miss a golden opportunity to not only reverse our contribution to global warming and pollution, but also reverse the spiralling downfall of our economy.

We should be leading the world in green energy by now ( since the 70's) instead of hearing it being some "big new plan" from a 29 year old Congress woman dancing aroung singing "Green New Deal" ( which they stole from Jill Stein btw ).

You may say "Well hindsight is 20/'s easy to guess what 'might have been'..."
The problem with that is .....

That's like saying we're losing the race to dig holes and fill them up again.

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