Big freaking ruh roh: Intel Chair pretty sure FBI had no warrant to record Flynn

Or maybe our intelligencies are composed of heroes who have risked their lives to protect this country from enemies, both foreign and domestic, and know a dangerous autocrat when they see one.

KremlinGate Enters Uncharted Waters as Russian Links Overwhelm DC

Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'

Heroes dont leak intel intercepts on incoming admins to the public. Heroes don't leak DAILY propaganda obtained by intel sources and methods to keep the "russian threat" in the news cycle.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.

Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.

You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what those conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Last edited:
Heroes dont leak intel intercepts on incoming admins to the public. Heroes don't leak DAILY propaganda obtained by intel sources and methods to keep the "russian threat" in the news cycle.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.

Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.

You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what the conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

nope, he can talk to russia, like I can. I can't discuss issues promised by a sitting president.

BTW, what kind of k00k are you thinking americans can't talk to russia?
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

Yet that's exactly what happened.
would this be an issue; if Mr. Trump were doing a new reality show?

A comedy T.V reality show is what we're witnessing right now. Within the first 3 weeks of a New Presidency we have so many scandals coming out--and SERIOUS ones at that--that will be making the nightly headlines all the way up until this Ass Clown is impeached.

Government does NOT NEED a warrant to tap Russian phone lines. We don't give advance warning to foreign adversary's when we're spying on them--LOL And they can record conversations on whoever calls them, which is what happened in this case. They also can go back on phone records and get detailed information on who called what date and what time. They have all of this.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Man you Reich wingers are in for one HELL of a ride--LOL


Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.

Stop lying your ass off. The NYT who ran the original article about so called Trump aides speaking with Russians clarified that without a doubt no evidence of collusion was found.

Want to talk about a ride though? Wait till Sessions convenes a grand jury that will target the leakers AND the journalists over this Flynn smear campaign.

I really really hope to see some from the WP and the NYT wearing orange.
Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

Yet that's exactly what happened.
would this be an issue; if Mr. Trump were doing a new reality show?

A comedy T.V reality show is what we're witnessing right now. Within the first 3 weeks of a New Presidency we have so many scandals coming out--and SERIOUS ones at that--that will be making the nightly headlines all the way up until this Ass Clown is impeached.

Government does NOT NEED a warrant to tap Russian phone lines. We don't give advance warning to foreign adversary's when we're spying on them--LOL And they can record conversations on whoever calls them, which is what happened in this case. They also can go back on phone records and get detailed information on who called what date and what time. They have all of this.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Man you Reich wingers are in for one HELL of a ride--LOL


Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.

Stop lying your ass off. The NYT who ran the original article about so called Trump aides speaking with Russians clarified that without a doubt no evidence of collusion was found.

Want to talk about a ride though? Wait till Sessions convenes a grand jury that will target the leakers AND the journalists over this Flynn smear campaign.

I really really hope to see some from the WP and the NYT wearing orange.

I am certain the guilty parties are crapping their underwear right Glorious it is!
Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

Yet that's exactly what happened.
would this be an issue; if Mr. Trump were doing a new reality show?

A comedy T.V reality show is what we're witnessing right now. Within the first 3 weeks of a New Presidency we have so many scandals coming out--and SERIOUS ones at that--that will be making the nightly headlines all the way up until this Ass Clown is impeached.

Government does NOT NEED a warrant to tap Russian phone lines. We don't give advance warning to foreign adversary's when we're spying on them--LOL And they can record conversations on whoever calls them, which is what happened in this case. They also can go back on phone records and get detailed information on who called what date and what time. They have all of this.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Man you Reich wingers are in for one HELL of a ride--LOL


Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.

Stop lying your ass off. The NYT who ran the original article about so called Trump aides speaking with Russians clarified that without a doubt no evidence of collusion was found.

Want to talk about a ride though? Wait till Sessions convenes a grand jury that will target the leakers AND the journalists over this Flynn smear campaign.

I really really hope to see some from the WP and the NYT wearing orange.

I am certain the guilty parties are crapping their underwear right Glorious it is!
I found it funny that the dems don't want sessions to look into it. WTF is wrong with these fking idiots? I mean it's his job. Holy fk, i'd be embarrassed to have the schuck schumer as my senator.
What happened here is what happens in police states.

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

"In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports).

John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term.

The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.

Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern.

"There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said.

"From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."

Get the fucking bastards!

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn

You mean a government agency acts inappropriately by disclosing information that it has never disclosed before for political gain, even though there is no credible information from the agency, which it later confirms?

Yes, I can understand why you'd be upset over James Comey's FBI revelation of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Oh wait, that's not what you are talking about, is it?
Hot damn.
Well that's the thing. I'm no Hillary fan, but if Comey had knowledge that Team Trump MIGHT have been violating the Logan Act at the same time he went on TV days before the election to say there MIGHT be more Hillary emails ... I think we have a constitutional crisis with the FBI

Wasn't a question of "MIGHT" have been. The agency was sitting on literal ARCHIVE of her emails on the Weiner Laptop. To not tie those 2 investigations together would have compromised FBI integrity and credibility if future investigations turned that up..

No. That's not true. Comey said some NEW UNSEEN emails MIGHT be on Weiner's laptop. What is the difference in that and Trump campaign constant contacts with Russia MIGHT violation the Logan Act? And btw no new emails were found.
This type of surveillance is highly questionable. It should be investigated.

Every major country in the world does the same thing. Nothing whatsoever the least bit questionable about our spies listening into foreign diplomats or whoever. General Flynn would have known his conversation was being recorded, both by America listing to the Russian and Russia listening General Flynn and their own people as well.

Once again, the issue wasn't the COLLECTION of the conversation (and God knows how many unauthorized analyses of incoming Admin communications) but it was the PUBLIC LEAKING and apparent blackmail nature of the way the information was used.
It is politics.

It sure is. The assholes who leaked the info were Obama lackeys. Hopefully, they'll be wearing orange jumpsuits at some point.
Yet that's exactly what happened.
would this be an issue; if Mr. Trump were doing a new reality show?

A comedy T.V reality show is what we're witnessing right now. Within the first 3 weeks of a New Presidency we have so many scandals coming out--and SERIOUS ones at that--that will be making the nightly headlines all the way up until this Ass Clown is impeached.

Government does NOT NEED a warrant to tap Russian phone lines. We don't give advance warning to foreign adversary's when we're spying on them--LOL And they can record conversations on whoever calls them, which is what happened in this case. They also can go back on phone records and get detailed information on who called what date and what time. They have all of this.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Man you Reich wingers are in for one HELL of a ride--LOL


Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.

Stop lying your ass off. The NYT who ran the original article about so called Trump aides speaking with Russians clarified that without a doubt no evidence of collusion was found.

Want to talk about a ride though? Wait till Sessions convenes a grand jury that will target the leakers AND the journalists over this Flynn smear campaign.

I really really hope to see some from the WP and the NYT wearing orange.

I am certain the guilty parties are crapping their underwear right Glorious it is!
I found it funny that the dems don't want sessions to look into it. WTF is wrong with these fking idiots? I mean it's his job. Holy fk, i'd be embarrassed to have the schuck schumer as my senator.

Well at least he's not a globalist RINO with presidential aspirations that pushed a bill for amnesty for illegals.

would this be an issue; if Mr. Trump were doing a new reality show?

A comedy T.V reality show is what we're witnessing right now. Within the first 3 weeks of a New Presidency we have so many scandals coming out--and SERIOUS ones at that--that will be making the nightly headlines all the way up until this Ass Clown is impeached.

Government does NOT NEED a warrant to tap Russian phone lines. We don't give advance warning to foreign adversary's when we're spying on them--LOL And they can record conversations on whoever calls them, which is what happened in this case. They also can go back on phone records and get detailed information on who called what date and what time. They have all of this.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Man you Reich wingers are in for one HELL of a ride--LOL


Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.

Stop lying your ass off. The NYT who ran the original article about so called Trump aides speaking with Russians clarified that without a doubt no evidence of collusion was found.

Want to talk about a ride though? Wait till Sessions convenes a grand jury that will target the leakers AND the journalists over this Flynn smear campaign.

I really really hope to see some from the WP and the NYT wearing orange.

I am certain the guilty parties are crapping their underwear right Glorious it is!
I found it funny that the dems don't want sessions to look into it. WTF is wrong with these fking idiots? I mean it's his job. Holy fk, i'd be embarrassed to have the schuck schumer as my senator.

Well at least he's not a globalist RINO with presidential aspirations that pushed a bill for amnesty for illegals.


I wouldn't be too certain of that. Just 3-1/2 years ago the Comrade was for a pathway to citizenship and actually blasted Republicans for losing citing they were too mean spirited toward illegals as the reason.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

This type of surveillance is highly questionable. It should be investigated.

Every major country in the world does the same thing. Nothing whatsoever the least bit questionable about our spies listening into foreign diplomats or whoever. General Flynn would have known his conversation was being recorded, both by America listing to the Russian and Russia listening General Flynn and their own people as well.

Once again, the issue wasn't the COLLECTION of the conversation (and God knows how many unauthorized analyses of incoming Admin communications) but it was the PUBLIC LEAKING and apparent blackmail nature of the way the information was used.
It is politics.

It sure is. The assholes who leaked the info were Obama lackeys. Hopefully, they'll be wearing orange jumpsuits at some point.
they think they were being cute and now it's going to bite them in their freedom ass.
Heroes dont leak intel intercepts on incoming admins to the public. Heroes don't leak DAILY propaganda obtained by intel sources and methods to keep the "russian threat" in the news cycle.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.

Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.

You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what the conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


You're lying your ass off. Every transition team deals with global entities fool.
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

Yet that's exactly what happened.
would this be an issue; if Mr. Trump were doing a new reality show?

A comedy T.V reality show is what we're witnessing right now. Within the first 3 weeks of a New Presidency we have so many scandals coming out--and SERIOUS ones at that--that will be making the nightly headlines all the way up until this Ass Clown is impeached.

Government does NOT NEED a warrant to tap Russian phone lines. We don't give advance warning to foreign adversary's when we're spying on them--LOL And they can record conversations on whoever calls them, which is what happened in this case. They also can go back on phone records and get detailed information on who called what date and what time. They have all of this.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Man you Reich wingers are in for one HELL of a ride--LOL


Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.

You really are a pathological freaking liar.

Here's the part you are leaving out about the contacts with the Russians.


"Current and former officials that spoke with the Times would not give many details, and it's not clear exactly who, both from the U.S. and Russia, were part of the conversations or what they talked about, including if discussions centered on Trump himself.

Officials told the publication that they have seen no evidence of collusion in regards to hacking or the election."

Report: Trump campaign aides were in contact with Russian intel officials
This type of surveillance is highly questionable. It should be investigated.

Every major country in the world does the same thing. Nothing whatsoever the least bit questionable about our spies listening into foreign diplomats or whoever. General Flynn would have known his conversation was being recorded, both by America listing to the Russian and Russia listening General Flynn and their own people as well.

Once again, the issue wasn't the COLLECTION of the conversation (and God knows how many unauthorized analyses of incoming Admin communications) but it was the PUBLIC LEAKING and apparent blackmail nature of the way the information was used.
It is politics.

It sure is. The assholes who leaked the info were Obama lackeys. Hopefully, they'll be wearing orange jumpsuits at some point.

The jumpsuits are coming--but it clear it's not going to be intelligence agents--LOL

I imagine this one is up for some handcuffs


Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

And we can't forget about this one.


Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
A comedy T.V reality show is what we're witnessing right now. Within the first 3 weeks of a New Presidency we have so many scandals coming out--and SERIOUS ones at that--that will be making the nightly headlines all the way up until this Ass Clown is impeached.

Government does NOT NEED a warrant to tap Russian phone lines. We don't give advance warning to foreign adversary's when we're spying on them--LOL And they can record conversations on whoever calls them, which is what happened in this case. They also can go back on phone records and get detailed information on who called what date and what time. They have all of this.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Man you Reich wingers are in for one HELL of a ride--LOL


Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.

Stop lying your ass off. The NYT who ran the original article about so called Trump aides speaking with Russians clarified that without a doubt no evidence of collusion was found.

Want to talk about a ride though? Wait till Sessions convenes a grand jury that will target the leakers AND the journalists over this Flynn smear campaign.

I really really hope to see some from the WP and the NYT wearing orange.

I am certain the guilty parties are crapping their underwear right Glorious it is!
I found it funny that the dems don't want sessions to look into it. WTF is wrong with these fking idiots? I mean it's his job. Holy fk, i'd be embarrassed to have the schuck schumer as my senator.

Well at least he's not a globalist RINO with presidential aspirations that pushed a bill for amnesty for illegals.


I wouldn't be too certain of that. Just 3-1/2 years ago the Comrade was for a pathway to citizenship and actually blasted Republicans for losing citing they were too mean spirited toward illegals as the reason.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState


On that subject, I think there should be an easier path to citizenship for neighboring countries.
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

Yet that's exactly what happened.
would this be an issue; if Mr. Trump were doing a new reality show?

A comedy T.V reality show is what we're witnessing right now. Within the first 3 weeks of a New Presidency we have so many scandals coming out--and SERIOUS ones at that--that will be making the nightly headlines all the way up until this Ass Clown is impeached.

Government does NOT NEED a warrant to tap Russian phone lines. We don't give advance warning to foreign adversary's when we're spying on them--LOL And they can record conversations on whoever calls them, which is what happened in this case. They also can go back on phone records and get detailed information on who called what date and what time. They have all of this.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Once again. If that communication is between an official of the US govt (or an incoming Admin) there is an expectation that the communication won't be FLAGGED, TRANSCRIPTED, ANALYZED AND certainly not "leaked" to the public and the media.

To DO THAT -- requires approval at the higher levels or it's terribly illegal..

And your CNN story ---- is COMPLETELY devoid of names, dates, facts or sources...
This type of surveillance is highly questionable. It should be investigated.

Every major country in the world does the same thing. Nothing whatsoever the least bit questionable about our spies listening into foreign diplomats or whoever. General Flynn would have known his conversation was being recorded, both by America listing to the Russian and Russia listening General Flynn and their own people as well.

Once again, the issue wasn't the COLLECTION of the conversation (and God knows how many unauthorized analyses of incoming Admin communications) but it was the PUBLIC LEAKING and apparent blackmail nature of the way the information was used.
It is politics.

It sure is. The assholes who leaked the info were Obama lackeys. Hopefully, they'll be wearing orange jumpsuits at some point.

The jumpsuits are coming--but it clear it's not going to be intelligence agents--LOL

I imagine this one is up for some handcuffs


Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

And we can't forget about this one.


Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

We'll see. Such leaks are illegal. Some of Obama's lackeys might just be wearing those orange jumpsuits at some point.
999th time.. the law clearly states warrants are not needed to record international phone calls.

43 fixed that in 02 after 911.

crazy ass RW's are clueless.
Heroes dont leak intel intercepts on incoming admins to the public. Heroes don't leak DAILY propaganda obtained by intel sources and methods to keep the "russian threat" in the news cycle.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.

Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.

You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what those conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


A NOMINEE and their team is NOT prohibited from arbitrary contacts with foreign leaders. They would not be in trouble unless they PUBLICLY used those conversations to attack CURRENT Admin policy.

In fact -- if the nominee is constantly smeared by rumors and leaks from the GOVERNMENT ITSELF -- they are PERFECTLY warranted to investigate on their own. Even using assets like Flynn who HAS the contacts to determine where the shit is coming from..

I didn't see you all blubbering and whining when Hillary was speaking AS A CIVILIAN to foreign leaders for the Clinton Foundation and shaking down for money..

Also -- if you remember the Iranian hostages were released within AN HOUR of Reagan's Inauguration. You think that was "a coincidence"????
Every major country in the world does the same thing. Nothing whatsoever the least bit questionable about our spies listening into foreign diplomats or whoever. General Flynn would have known his conversation was being recorded, both by America listing to the Russian and Russia listening General Flynn and their own people as well.

Once again, the issue wasn't the COLLECTION of the conversation (and God knows how many unauthorized analyses of incoming Admin communications) but it was the PUBLIC LEAKING and apparent blackmail nature of the way the information was used.
It is politics.

It sure is. The assholes who leaked the info were Obama lackeys. Hopefully, they'll be wearing orange jumpsuits at some point.

The jumpsuits are coming--but it clear it's not going to be intelligence agents--LOL

I imagine this one is up for some handcuffs


Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

And we can't forget about this one.


Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

We'll see. Such leaks are illegal. Some of Obama's lackeys might just be wearing those orange jumpsuits at some point.

Leaks have happened through out history. Trump and his supporters have made a lot of Republican Enemies on the hill. They're not going to come running in to save his ass. In fact the only ones left that are still supporting him, are the same physco babble interpreters that have been with him through out this campaign.

Again, you have given more than half this nation someone they can actually hate, Trump, and it's showing up everywhere. Including in Republican Town Hall meetings across this nation, and even conservative states and districts. Senate Republicans & House members are watching all of this, and are in fact already being warned what the 'Welcome Home Party" is looking like. They are going to have to be the forefront in this to save the party, and if it means impeaching the Ass Clown that is exactly what they're going to do.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

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This type of surveillance is highly questionable. It should be investigated.

Every major country in the world does the same thing. Nothing whatsoever the least bit questionable about our spies listening into foreign diplomats or whoever. General Flynn would have known his conversation was being recorded, both by America listing to the Russian and Russia listening General Flynn and their own people as well.

Once again, the issue wasn't the COLLECTION of the conversation (and God knows how many unauthorized analyses of incoming Admin communications) but it was the PUBLIC LEAKING and apparent blackmail nature of the way the information was used.
It is politics.

It sure is. The assholes who leaked the info were Obama lackeys. Hopefully, they'll be wearing orange jumpsuits at some point.
if you actually knew who the leakers were...these so called obama lackeys, then there would be no need for an investigation to find out who the leakers are....

so I call bull crap on them being 'OBAMA LACKEYS' don't know that yet, so why keep regurgitating this meme that they are...???
This type of surveillance is highly questionable. It should be investigated.

Every major country in the world does the same thing. Nothing whatsoever the least bit questionable about our spies listening into foreign diplomats or whoever. General Flynn would have known his conversation was being recorded, both by America listing to the Russian and Russia listening General Flynn and their own people as well.

Once again, the issue wasn't the COLLECTION of the conversation (and God knows how many unauthorized analyses of incoming Admin communications) but it was the PUBLIC LEAKING and apparent blackmail nature of the way the information was used.
It is politics.

It sure is. The assholes who leaked the info were Obama lackeys. Hopefully, they'll be wearing orange jumpsuits at some point.

The jumpsuits are coming--but it clear it's not going to be intelligence agents--LOL

I imagine this one is up for some handcuffs


Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

And we can't forget about this one.


Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

There is an alternative and not nefarious view to explain Comey's seemingly inexplicable different treatments of Hillary and Trump potential security breaches. Remember this is the guy who went to Ashcroft's hospital bedside and stared down Gonzalez and Card over W's domestic spying after the DOJ found it to be illegal. Comey brags about being totally deaf to politics. He was put into the political spotlight when Lynch took herself out of Hillary's email. He crapped all over himself in announcing no prosecution. He made it about HIS credibility in assessing the emails, when all the AG does is listen to the prosecutors and make a decision to go, or not go. to court. He's not a prosecutor. He just should have said that he decided the consensus was it was not a good case to prosecute, and if politicians don't like that result, too bad.

Then when the Weiner labtop got it's erection, Comey said he felt he had a duty to clairify his statement that the emails didn't have top secret stuff worth prosecuting. He may actually have thought that and been so politically incompetent to not grasp the effect of what he just did, and also been politically incompetent to not realize he was acting with a double standard to Trump's possible security breach.

That doesn't make it right, and it doesn't mean he needs to be replaced, but he may not have swung this to Trump because of partisanship. It's a horrible day in FBI history though.

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