Big freaking ruh roh: Intel Chair pretty sure FBI had no warrant to record Flynn

999th time.. the law clearly states warrants are not needed to record international phone calls.

43 fixed that in 02 after 911.

crazy ass RW's are clueless.

Does that ruling allow that the calls can be flagged, transcripted, analyzed and RELEASED TO THE FUCKING PUBLIC also? Try a thousandth time... :badgrin:

BTW --- this whole deal of getting partisans Buried deep in the Intel community operating an insurgency is a DIRECT RESULT of those Civil Liberty destroying "rules" and laws since 9/11. This country needs to return QUICKLY to the policy of not allowing the Intel Community to conduct DOMESTIC OPERATIONS of any kind unless it's for SPECIFIC ACTIVE cases of counter-terrorism..
Every major country in the world does the same thing. Nothing whatsoever the least bit questionable about our spies listening into foreign diplomats or whoever. General Flynn would have known his conversation was being recorded, both by America listing to the Russian and Russia listening General Flynn and their own people as well.

Once again, the issue wasn't the COLLECTION of the conversation (and God knows how many unauthorized analyses of incoming Admin communications) but it was the PUBLIC LEAKING and apparent blackmail nature of the way the information was used.
It is politics.

It sure is. The assholes who leaked the info were Obama lackeys. Hopefully, they'll be wearing orange jumpsuits at some point.

The jumpsuits are coming--but it clear it's not going to be intelligence agents--LOL

I imagine this one is up for some handcuffs


Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

And we can't forget about this one.


Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

There is an alternative and not nefarious view to explain Comey's seemingly inexplicable different treatments of Hillary and Trump potential security breaches. Remember this is the guy who went to Ashcroft's hospital bedside and stared down Gonzalez and Card over W's domestic spying after the DOJ found it to be illegal. Comey brags about being totally deaf to politics. He was put into the political spotlight when Lynch took herself out of Hillary's email. He crapped all over himself in announcing no prosecution. He made it about HIS credibility in assessing the emails, when all the AG does is listen to the prosecutors and make a decision to go, or not go. to court. He's not a prosecutor. He just should have said that he decided the consensus was it was not a good case to prosecute, and if politicians don't like that result, too bad.

Then when the Weiner labtop got it's erection, Comey said he felt he had a duty to clairify his statement that the emails didn't have top secret stuff worth prosecuting. He may actually have thought that and been so politically incompetent to not grasp the effect of what he just did, and also been politically incompetent to not realize he was acting with a double standard to Trump's possible security breach.

That doesn't make it right, and it doesn't mean he needs to be replaced, but he may not have swung this to Trump because of partisanship. It's a horrible day in FBI history though.

Definitely. In ALL the emails that Comey looked through, looking for warning and intent he committed to doing with one letter and one email to his aids--LOL

His goose is COOKED.

Yet that's exactly what happened.
would this be an issue; if Mr. Trump were doing a new reality show?

A comedy T.V reality show is what we're witnessing right now. Within the first 3 weeks of a New Presidency we have so many scandals coming out--and SERIOUS ones at that--that will be making the nightly headlines all the way up until this Ass Clown is impeached.

Government does NOT NEED a warrant to tap Russian phone lines. We don't give advance warning to foreign adversary's when we're spying on them--LOL And they can record conversations on whoever calls them, which is what happened in this case. They also can go back on phone records and get detailed information on who called what date and what time. They have all of this.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Man you Reich wingers are in for one HELL of a ride--LOL


Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.

Stop lying your ass off. The NYT who ran the original article about so called Trump aides speaking with Russians clarified that without a doubt no evidence of collusion was found.

Want to talk about a ride though? Wait till Sessions convenes a grand jury that will target the leakers AND the journalists over this Flynn smear campaign.

I really really hope to see some from the WP and the NYT wearing orange.

I am certain the guilty parties are crapping their underwear right Glorious it is!
I found it funny that the dems don't want sessions to look into it. WTF is wrong with these fking idiots? I mean it's his job. Holy fk, i'd be embarrassed to have the schuck schumer as my senator.
Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

Yet that's exactly what happened.
would this be an issue; if Mr. Trump were doing a new reality show?

A comedy T.V reality show is what we're witnessing right now. Within the first 3 weeks of a New Presidency we have so many scandals coming out--and SERIOUS ones at that--that will be making the nightly headlines all the way up until this Ass Clown is impeached.

Government does NOT NEED a warrant to tap Russian phone lines. We don't give advance warning to foreign adversary's when we're spying on them--LOL And they can record conversations on whoever calls them, which is what happened in this case. They also can go back on phone records and get detailed information on who called what date and what time. They have all of this.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Man you Reich wingers are in for one HELL of a ride--LOL


Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.

Stop lying your ass off. The NYT who ran the original article about so called Trump aides speaking with Russians clarified that without a doubt no evidence of collusion was found.

Want to talk about a ride though? Wait till Sessions convenes a grand jury that will target the leakers AND the journalists over this Flynn smear campaign.

I really really hope to see some from the WP and the NYT wearing orange.

I am certain the guilty parties are crapping their underwear right Glorious it is!

I'm thinking that right now there's a run on Extra Strength Immodium AD. I love it.

Once again, the issue wasn't the COLLECTION of the conversation (and God knows how many unauthorized analyses of incoming Admin communications) but it was the PUBLIC LEAKING and apparent blackmail nature of the way the information was used.
It is politics.

It sure is. The assholes who leaked the info were Obama lackeys. Hopefully, they'll be wearing orange jumpsuits at some point.

The jumpsuits are coming--but it clear it's not going to be intelligence agents--LOL

I imagine this one is up for some handcuffs


Trump-Russia 'exhaustive' investigation needed following Flynn resignation, says GOP Senate Intel Member -
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

And we can't forget about this one.


Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

We'll see. Such leaks are illegal. Some of Obama's lackeys might just be wearing those orange jumpsuits at some point.

Leaks have happened through out history. Trump and his supporters have made a lot of Republican Enemies on the hill. They're not going to come running in to save his ass. In fact the only ones left that are still supporting him, are the same physco babble interpreters that have been with him through out this campaign.

Again, you have given more than half this nation someone they can actually hate, Trump, and it's showing up everywhere. Including in Republican Town Hall meetings across this nation, and even conservative states and districts. Senate Republicans & House members are watching all of this, and are in fact already being warned what the 'Welcome Home Party" is looking like. They are going to have to be the forefront in this to save the party, and if it means impeaching the Ass Clown that is exactly what they're going to do.
Republican town halls are getting very, very nasty

Good.. You guys can fuck up your health hating all you want for 4 or 8 years. I'm no fan of Trump either naturally. MY CONCERN is for the welfare of my country. And opening the Pandora's Box of secret sludge that the Intel Community has stored up to dominate Congress and Admins to get their way -- with an EMBEDDED partisan rebel force --- is a VERY DANGEROUS idea. And the geniuses that organized that operation need to spend the rest of their lives in prison for playing with a near apocalypse.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.

Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.

You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what those conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


A NOMINEE and their team is NOT prohibited from arbitrary contacts with foreign leaders. They would not be in trouble unless they PUBLICLY used those conversations to attack CURRENT Admin policy.

In fact -- if the nominee is constantly smeared by rumors and leaks from the GOVERNMENT ITSELF -- they are PERFECTLY warranted to investigate on their own. Even using assets like Flynn who HAS the contacts to determine where the shit is coming from..

I didn't see you all blubbering and whining when Hillary was speaking AS A CIVILIAN to foreign leaders for the Clinton Foundation and shaking down for money..

Also -- if you remember the Iranian hostages were released within AN HOUR of Reagan's Inauguration. You think that was "a coincidence"????
WHY are you 'playing dumb'? Is there some political posturing purpose for this...???

Talking to foreign leaders and soliciting donations for a Charity Foundation is not breaking the LAW. This has been explained to you SEVERAL TIMES already...??

What is against the law, is for a citizen to intervene in US Policy with a Foreign Nation, that would or does, undermine that US Policy.

So please, for the love of God, stop with this regurgitated bull crud of yours... go hunt down your's been kidnapped! :eek:
999th time.. the law clearly states warrants are not needed to record international phone calls.

43 fixed that in 02 after 911.

crazy ass RW's are clueless.
Under FISA, the US may tap the Russian Ambassador's phone without a warrant unless there is a substantial likelihood they will be listening to a US citizen too. Once a US citizen becomes a target, I think they have to get a FISA warrant.
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act - Wikipedia
The NSA warrantless surveillance controversy ("warrantless wiretapping") concerns surveillance of persons within the United States during the collection of allegedly foreign intelligence by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) as part of the touted war on terror. Under this program, referred to by the Bush administration as the terrorist surveillance program,[1] part of the broader President's Surveillance Program, the NSA was authorized by executive order to monitor, without search warrants, the phone calls, Internet activity (Web, e-mail, etc.), text messaging, and other communication involving any party believed by the NSA to be outside the U.S., even if the other end of the communication lies within the U.S. However, it has been discovered that all U.S. communications have been digitally cloned by government agencies, in apparent violation of unreasonable search and seizure.

The US was monitoring Russia and dumbass Flynn picked up the phone and made some calls to his Ruskie pals. A man in his position should have known we had an ear on Russia.

for "leaking" the damn NSA recordings were reported to the FBI CIA or whoever the fuck gets notified when theres an issue.

We listen to Russia, China, Korea, Saudi, Paki, Iran, and any other sob's we think may want to fuck with us . FACT !

now deal with the reality of the world in 2017, and STFU.

The End.
999th time.. the law clearly states warrants are not needed to record international phone calls.

43 fixed that in 02 after 911.

crazy ass RW's are clueless.

Fool. They recorded more than one conversation without a warrant.

But regards to your point that warrants aren't needed for international surveillance, there are procedures in place that must be followed by law to protect the privacy of the US citizen.

But no, Team Obama was all set to run with this. The suspects names are coming out including lawyers screaming for an investigation into Sally Yates hand in this.
C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.

Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.

You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what those conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


A NOMINEE and their team is NOT prohibited from arbitrary contacts with foreign leaders. They would not be in trouble unless they PUBLICLY used those conversations to attack CURRENT Admin policy.

In fact -- if the nominee is constantly smeared by rumors and leaks from the GOVERNMENT ITSELF -- they are PERFECTLY warranted to investigate on their own. Even using assets like Flynn who HAS the contacts to determine where the shit is coming from..

I didn't see you all blubbering and whining when Hillary was speaking AS A CIVILIAN to foreign leaders for the Clinton Foundation and shaking down for money..

Also -- if you remember the Iranian hostages were released within AN HOUR of Reagan's Inauguration. You think that was "a coincidence"????
WHY are you 'playing dumb'? Is there some political posturing purpose for this...???

Talking to foreign leaders and soliciting donations for a Charity Foundation is not breaking the LAW. This has been explained to you SEVERAL TIMES already...??

What is against the law, is for a citizen to intervene in US Policy with a Foreign Nation, that would or does, undermine that US Policy.

So please, for the love of God, stop with this regurgitated bull crud of yours... go hunt down your's been kidnapped! :eek:

Sure Sure -- all that foreign contact for Hillary was for the poor and wretched of the world.

There is NO prohibition on a NOMINEE doing fact-finding, hand-shaking, getting opinion, from foreign state contacts. If a campaign team DIDN'T have the "gravitas" and the sense to DO THAT -- they don't belong running for President of the USA...

OR --- tracking down leads on slander and libel AGAINST the campaign that is related to foreign Intel agencies or foreign state actors.
The NSA warrantless surveillance controversy ("warrantless wiretapping") concerns surveillance of persons within the United States during the collection of allegedly foreign intelligence by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) as part of the touted war on terror. Under this program, referred to by the Bush administration as the terrorist surveillance program,[1] part of the broader President's Surveillance Program, the NSA was authorized by executive order to monitor, without search warrants, the phone calls, Internet activity (Web, e-mail, etc.), text messaging, and other communication involving any party believed by the NSA to be outside the U.S., even if the other end of the communication lies within the U.S. However, it has been discovered that all U.S. communications have been digitally cloned by government agencies, in apparent violation of unreasonable search and seizure.

The US was monitoring Russia and dumbass Flynn picked up the phone and made some calls to his Ruskie pals. A man in his position should have known we had an ear on Russia.

for "leaking" the damn NSA recordings were reported to the FBI CIA or whoever the fuck gets notified when theres an issue.

We listen to Russia, China, Korea, Saudi, Paki, Iran, and any other sob's we think may want to fuck with us . FACT !

now deal with the reality of the world in 2017, and STFU.

The End.
That to me is the inexplicable thing. WTF was he thinking making a phone call to the Ruskie Ambassador. Duh?

Now once Flynn became a target, maybe the NSA should have gotten a FISA warrant.
999th time.. the law clearly states warrants are not needed to record international phone calls.

43 fixed that in 02 after 911.

crazy ass RW's are clueless.

Fool. They recorded more than one conversation without a warrant.

But regards to your point that warrants aren't needed for international surveillance, there are procedures in place that must be followed by law to protect the privacy of the US citizen.

But no, Team Obama was all set to run with this. The suspects names are coming out including lawyers screaming for an investigation into Sally Yates hand in this.

try and keep up Canuck Canuck
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.

Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.

You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what those conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


A NOMINEE and their team is NOT prohibited from arbitrary contacts with foreign leaders. They would not be in trouble unless they PUBLICLY used those conversations to attack CURRENT Admin policy.

In fact -- if the nominee is constantly smeared by rumors and leaks from the GOVERNMENT ITSELF -- they are PERFECTLY warranted to investigate on their own. Even using assets like Flynn who HAS the contacts to determine where the shit is coming from..

I didn't see you all blubbering and whining when Hillary was speaking AS A CIVILIAN to foreign leaders for the Clinton Foundation and shaking down for money..

Also -- if you remember the Iranian hostages were released within AN HOUR of Reagan's Inauguration. You think that was "a coincidence"????
WHY are you 'playing dumb'? Is there some political posturing purpose for this...???

Talking to foreign leaders and soliciting donations for a Charity Foundation is not breaking the LAW. This has been explained to you SEVERAL TIMES already...??

What is against the law, is for a citizen to intervene in US Policy with a Foreign Nation, that would or does, undermine that US Policy.

So please, for the love of God, stop with this regurgitated bull crud of yours... go hunt down your's been kidnapped! :eek:

Sure Sure -- all that foreign contact for Hillary was for the poor and wretched of the world.

There is NO prohibition on a NOMINEE doing fact-finding, hand-shaking, getting opinion, from foreign state contacts. If a campaign team DIDN'T have the "gravitas" and the sense to DO THAT -- they don't belong running for President of the USA...

OR --- tracking down leads on slander and libel AGAINST the campaign that is related to foreign Intel agencies or foreign state actors.
Well if all Flynn was doing was a meet and great with Putin on behalf of Trump, he'd still have a job.
The NSA warrantless surveillance controversy ("warrantless wiretapping") concerns surveillance of persons within the United States during the collection of allegedly foreign intelligence by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) as part of the touted war on terror. Under this program, referred to by the Bush administration as the terrorist surveillance program,[1] part of the broader President's Surveillance Program, the NSA was authorized by executive order to monitor, without search warrants, the phone calls, Internet activity (Web, e-mail, etc.), text messaging, and other communication involving any party believed by the NSA to be outside the U.S., even if the other end of the communication lies within the U.S. However, it has been discovered that all U.S. communications have been digitally cloned by government agencies, in apparent violation of unreasonable search and seizure.

The US was monitoring Russia and dumbass Flynn picked up the phone and made some calls to his Ruskie pals. A man in his position should have known we had an ear on Russia.

for "leaking" the damn NSA recordings were reported to the FBI CIA or whoever the fuck gets notified when theres an issue.

We listen to Russia, China, Korea, Saudi, Paki, Iran, and any other sob's we think may want to fuck with us . FACT !

now deal with the reality of the world in 2017, and STFU.

The End.
That to me is the inexplicable thing. WTF was he thinking making a phone call to the Ruskie Ambassador. Duh?

Now once Flynn became a target, maybe the NSA should have gotten a FISA warrant.

like I said yesterday, Marco Rubio got picked off last year making a call overseas ..Flynn isnt exclusive by any means
The Insurrection - Jihad - Coup will still continue, and no one will get prosecuted, especially in this climate.
If Hillary Clinton can't get prosecuted for all she did, or Loretta Lynch, or Eric Holder, no one will ever get prosecuted for high crimes and misdemeanors. Especially if they commit treason or espionage.

We are in a police state, and Donald Trump wants to end That Police State, but the Corrupt Shadow Government pulling the strings isn't going to go down without a fight, and they will use every instrument and tool of propaganda and deception to solicit the aide and angst of useful idiots to keep them in power, and on that you can be assured of.
The NSA warrantless surveillance controversy ("warrantless wiretapping") concerns surveillance of persons within the United States during the collection of allegedly foreign intelligence by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) as part of the touted war on terror. Under this program, referred to by the Bush administration as the terrorist surveillance program,[1] part of the broader President's Surveillance Program, the NSA was authorized by executive order to monitor, without search warrants, the phone calls, Internet activity (Web, e-mail, etc.), text messaging, and other communication involving any party believed by the NSA to be outside the U.S., even if the other end of the communication lies within the U.S. However, it has been discovered that all U.S. communications have been digitally cloned by government agencies, in apparent violation of unreasonable search and seizure.

The US was monitoring Russia and dumbass Flynn picked up the phone and made some calls to his Ruskie pals. A man in his position should have known we had an ear on Russia.

for "leaking" the damn NSA recordings were reported to the FBI CIA or whoever the fuck gets notified when theres an issue.

We listen to Russia, China, Korea, Saudi, Paki, Iran, and any other sob's we think may want to fuck with us . FACT !

now deal with the reality of the world in 2017, and STFU.

The End.
That to me is the inexplicable thing. WTF was he thinking making a phone call to the Ruskie Ambassador. Duh?

Now once Flynn became a target, maybe the NSA should have gotten a FISA warrant.

like I said yesterday, Marco Rubio got picked off last year making a call overseas ..Flynn isnt exclusive by ant means
Yeah but that's the thing. Under FISA they don't need a warrant if it's a foreign contact in the US .... unless a citizen becomes the target. Similarly if a citizen makes an overseas phone call, that is fair game. If all you want to do is ask for visa for Russia .. it's no biggee. If you want to talk about what the potus will do, you have a problem.
C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.

Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.

You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what those conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


A NOMINEE and their team is NOT prohibited from arbitrary contacts with foreign leaders. They would not be in trouble unless they PUBLICLY used those conversations to attack CURRENT Admin policy.

In fact -- if the nominee is constantly smeared by rumors and leaks from the GOVERNMENT ITSELF -- they are PERFECTLY warranted to investigate on their own. Even using assets like Flynn who HAS the contacts to determine where the shit is coming from..

I didn't see you all blubbering and whining when Hillary was speaking AS A CIVILIAN to foreign leaders for the Clinton Foundation and shaking down for money..

Also -- if you remember the Iranian hostages were released within AN HOUR of Reagan's Inauguration. You think that was "a coincidence"????
WHY are you 'playing dumb'? Is there some political posturing purpose for this...???

Talking to foreign leaders and soliciting donations for a Charity Foundation is not breaking the LAW. This has been explained to you SEVERAL TIMES already...??

What is against the law, is for a citizen to intervene in US Policy with a Foreign Nation, that would or does, undermine that US Policy.

So please, for the love of God, stop with this regurgitated bull crud of yours... go hunt down your's been kidnapped! :eek:

Prove that anyone on Trump's team conspired with Russia.

On the other hand right in this Politico article, a member of the DNC worked with Kiev to discredit Manafort.

They admit they lied. And yes, the D's and Kiev were working together. Proven. As compared to only allegations of ties from Trump aides working with Russia.

I would really like to see an investigation into Clinton/DNC/Ukrainian collusion to discredit a good man and force his resignation from the Trump team.

"Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office.

They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election.

And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia. "

So I have proof that your left wing asshole loons that backed Clinton fucked over a good man.

You have jack shit.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
By Kenneth P. Vogel and David Stern

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
01/11/17 05:05 AM EST
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.

Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.

You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what those conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


A NOMINEE and their team is NOT prohibited from arbitrary contacts with foreign leaders. They would not be in trouble unless they PUBLICLY used those conversations to attack CURRENT Admin policy.

In fact -- if the nominee is constantly smeared by rumors and leaks from the GOVERNMENT ITSELF -- they are PERFECTLY warranted to investigate on their own. Even using assets like Flynn who HAS the contacts to determine where the shit is coming from..

I didn't see you all blubbering and whining when Hillary was speaking AS A CIVILIAN to foreign leaders for the Clinton Foundation and shaking down for money..

Also -- if you remember the Iranian hostages were released within AN HOUR of Reagan's Inauguration. You think that was "a coincidence"????
WHY are you 'playing dumb'? Is there some political posturing purpose for this...???

Talking to foreign leaders and soliciting donations for a Charity Foundation is not breaking the LAW. This has been explained to you SEVERAL TIMES already...??

What is against the law, is for a citizen to intervene in US Policy with a Foreign Nation, that would or does, undermine that US Policy.

So please, for the love of God, stop with this regurgitated bull crud of yours... go hunt down your's been kidnapped! :eek:

Prove that anyone on Trump's team conspired with Russia.

On the other hand right in this Politico article, a member of the DNC worked with Kiev to discredit Manafort.

They admit they lied. And yes, the D's and Kiev were working together. Proven. As compared to only allegations of ties from Trump aides working with Russia.

I would really like to see an investigation into Clinton/DNC/Ukrainian collusion to discredit a good man and force his resignation from the Trump team.

"Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office.

They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election.

And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia. "

So I have proof that your left wing asshole loons that backed Clinton fucked over a good man.

You have jack shit.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
By Kenneth P. Vogel and David Stern

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
01/11/17 05:05 AM EST

you're so far behind you need to stfu or catch up.
Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.

You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what those conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


A NOMINEE and their team is NOT prohibited from arbitrary contacts with foreign leaders. They would not be in trouble unless they PUBLICLY used those conversations to attack CURRENT Admin policy.

In fact -- if the nominee is constantly smeared by rumors and leaks from the GOVERNMENT ITSELF -- they are PERFECTLY warranted to investigate on their own. Even using assets like Flynn who HAS the contacts to determine where the shit is coming from..

I didn't see you all blubbering and whining when Hillary was speaking AS A CIVILIAN to foreign leaders for the Clinton Foundation and shaking down for money..

Also -- if you remember the Iranian hostages were released within AN HOUR of Reagan's Inauguration. You think that was "a coincidence"????
WHY are you 'playing dumb'? Is there some political posturing purpose for this...???

Talking to foreign leaders and soliciting donations for a Charity Foundation is not breaking the LAW. This has been explained to you SEVERAL TIMES already...??

What is against the law, is for a citizen to intervene in US Policy with a Foreign Nation, that would or does, undermine that US Policy.

So please, for the love of God, stop with this regurgitated bull crud of yours... go hunt down your's been kidnapped! :eek:

Prove that anyone on Trump's team conspired with Russia.

On the other hand right in this Politico article, a member of the DNC worked with Kiev to discredit Manafort.

They admit they lied. And yes, the D's and Kiev were working together. Proven. As compared to only allegations of ties from Trump aides working with Russia.

I would really like to see an investigation into Clinton/DNC/Ukrainian collusion to discredit a good man and force his resignation from the Trump team.

"Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office.

They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election.

And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia. "

So I have proof that your left wing asshole loons that backed Clinton fucked over a good man.

You have jack shit.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
By Kenneth P. Vogel and David Stern

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
01/11/17 05:05 AM EST

you're so far behind you need to stfu or catch up.
She does unwittingly raise another question. It seems Trump dumped Manafort upon learning the FBI was investigating his Kremlin links, bases at least partly on his phone calls. But Flynn was being looked too. So, why'd Trump give him the security advisor job?
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.

Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.

You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what those conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


A NOMINEE and their team is NOT prohibited from arbitrary contacts with foreign leaders. They would not be in trouble unless they PUBLICLY used those conversations to attack CURRENT Admin policy.

In fact -- if the nominee is constantly smeared by rumors and leaks from the GOVERNMENT ITSELF -- they are PERFECTLY warranted to investigate on their own. Even using assets like Flynn who HAS the contacts to determine where the shit is coming from..

I didn't see you all blubbering and whining when Hillary was speaking AS A CIVILIAN to foreign leaders for the Clinton Foundation and shaking down for money..

Also -- if you remember the Iranian hostages were released within AN HOUR of Reagan's Inauguration. You think that was "a coincidence"????
WHY are you 'playing dumb'? Is there some political posturing purpose for this...???

Talking to foreign leaders and soliciting donations for a Charity Foundation is not breaking the LAW. This has been explained to you SEVERAL TIMES already...??

What is against the law, is for a citizen to intervene in US Policy with a Foreign Nation, that would or does, undermine that US Policy.

So please, for the love of God, stop with this regurgitated bull crud of yours... go hunt down your's been kidnapped! :eek:

Sure Sure -- all that foreign contact for Hillary was for the poor and wretched of the world.

There is NO prohibition on a NOMINEE doing fact-finding, hand-shaking, getting opinion, from foreign state contacts. If a campaign team DIDN'T have the "gravitas" and the sense to DO THAT -- they don't belong running for President of the USA...

OR --- tracking down leads on slander and libel AGAINST the campaign that is related to foreign Intel agencies or foreign state actors.

The libs fail to remember that during the 2008 election cycle Obama was meeting with world leaders overseas AND gave that speech in Germany.

During this election cycle both Hillary and Trump met with world leaders.
You don't speak with Foreign Adversary's UNTIL you're sworn into office--dumbass. An attempt to do so, is a National Security breach, and looked upon as trying to usurp the current administration's constitutional authority over foreign policy issues.

And clearly Campaign aids during the Campaign Season were in constant contact with high level Russian officials, and they have the phone records, along with the audio conversations to prove it. Since Russians do not vote in this country, nor can they make a campaign donations, it's fairly clear what those conversations were about.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


A NOMINEE and their team is NOT prohibited from arbitrary contacts with foreign leaders. They would not be in trouble unless they PUBLICLY used those conversations to attack CURRENT Admin policy.

In fact -- if the nominee is constantly smeared by rumors and leaks from the GOVERNMENT ITSELF -- they are PERFECTLY warranted to investigate on their own. Even using assets like Flynn who HAS the contacts to determine where the shit is coming from..

I didn't see you all blubbering and whining when Hillary was speaking AS A CIVILIAN to foreign leaders for the Clinton Foundation and shaking down for money..

Also -- if you remember the Iranian hostages were released within AN HOUR of Reagan's Inauguration. You think that was "a coincidence"????
WHY are you 'playing dumb'? Is there some political posturing purpose for this...???

Talking to foreign leaders and soliciting donations for a Charity Foundation is not breaking the LAW. This has been explained to you SEVERAL TIMES already...??

What is against the law, is for a citizen to intervene in US Policy with a Foreign Nation, that would or does, undermine that US Policy.

So please, for the love of God, stop with this regurgitated bull crud of yours... go hunt down your's been kidnapped! :eek:

Prove that anyone on Trump's team conspired with Russia.

On the other hand right in this Politico article, a member of the DNC worked with Kiev to discredit Manafort.

They admit they lied. And yes, the D's and Kiev were working together. Proven. As compared to only allegations of ties from Trump aides working with Russia.

I would really like to see an investigation into Clinton/DNC/Ukrainian collusion to discredit a good man and force his resignation from the Trump team.

"Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office.

They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election.

And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.

The Ukrainian efforts had an impact in the race, helping to force Manafort’s resignation and advancing the narrative that Trump’s campaign was deeply connected to Ukraine’s foe to the east, Russia. "

So I have proof that your left wing asshole loons that backed Clinton fucked over a good man.

You have jack shit.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.
By Kenneth P. Vogel and David Stern

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
01/11/17 05:05 AM EST

you're so far behind you need to stfu or catch up.
She does unwittingly raise another question. It seems Trump dumped Manafort upon learning the FBI was investigating his Kremlin links, bases at least partly on his phone calls. But Flynn was being looked too. So, why'd Trump give him the security advisor job?

What the fuck are you talking about. The FBI wasn't investigating Manafort when he resigned last summer after the DNC smear campaign with the help of Kiev.

And the FBI didn't start investigating Flynn until sometime in January AND no one fucking told Trump about the Flynn investigation until late January.

Why did they hide it from Trump? Why did Yates leave it till late January. And she even stated that they finally alerted Trump once they realized Flynn had lied to Pence.

I know the answer. Because the real target by these Obama leftovers was Trump himself.

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