Big freaking ruh roh: Intel Chair pretty sure FBI had no warrant to record Flynn

What happened here is what happens in police states.

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

"In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports).

John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term.

The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.

Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern.

"There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said.

"From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."

Get the fucking bastards!

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn

You mean a government agency acts inappropriately by disclosing information that it has never disclosed before for political gain, even though there is no credible information from the agency, which it later confirms?

Yes, I can understand why you'd be upset over James Comey's FBI revelation of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Oh wait, that's not what you are talking about, is it?
Hot damn.
Well that's the thing. I'm no Hillary fan, but if Comey had knowledge that Team Trump MIGHT have been violating the Logan Act at the same time he went on TV days before the election to say there MIGHT be more Hillary emails ... I think we have a constitutional crisis with the FBI

Wasn't a question of "MIGHT" have been. The agency was sitting on literal ARCHIVE of her emails on the Weiner Laptop. To not tie those 2 investigations together would have compromised FBI integrity and credibility if future investigations turned that up..
well, set your personal fears aside, and let us have an open, independent, investigation. Tell your representative!

It APPEARS that partisans in the Intel Community are actually running a covert operation to destabilize and delegitimize the election. That's the only way that all these "leaks" and daily disinformation is stoking the news cycle.

What you see publicly is that this is a DOMESTIC INSURGENCY and not necessarily a foreign one because of the # of agencies COOPERATING in these leaks and disinformation. And the fear I personally have is that the public is YET to see is the YEARS and MOUNTAINS of comprising, embarrassing, and bomb-making material that the 2 corrupt parties have bottled up in the Intel agencies. They've used this blackmail against EACH OTHER to hobble the operation, honesty and efficiency of our govt. And in EFFECT -- most of the current leadership and past party leadership would be collateral damage if this mountain of shit ever got released.

Leadership in America is now compromised in a way that any normal official in a position of power would LOSE their clearances instantaneously. Not just Gen Flynn..

And if by CHANCE -- Russia decided to STOKE an all-out destabilization, my opinion is, their PREFERRED outcome would be to contribute to the rise of a true "socialist friendly" party. One that continues to lurch farther left and is friendly to the idea of re-creating the OLD Soviet Union that Putin desires.

But that's just me talking.. We might yet find out why Saddam was REALLY hated by both BillyJeff Clinton and the Bushes. Or who was behind those anthrax attacks or even ---- who killed JFK.. :badgrin:

Or maybe our intelligencies are composed of heroes who have risked their lives to protect this country from enemies, both foreign and domestic, and know a dangerous autocrat when they see one.

KremlinGate Enters Uncharted Waters as Russian Links Overwhelm DC

Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'

Heroes dont leak intel intercepts on incoming admins to the public. Heroes don't leak DAILY propaganda obtained by intel sources and methods to keep the "russian threat" in the news cycle.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.
This type of surveillance is highly questionable. It should be investigated.

Every major country in the world does the same thing. Nothing whatsoever the least bit questionable about our spies listening into foreign diplomats or whoever. General Flynn would have known his conversation was being recorded, both by America listing to the Russian and Russia listening General Flynn and their own people as well.

Once again, the issue wasn't the COLLECTION of the conversation (and God knows how many unauthorized analyses of incoming Admin communications) but it was the PUBLIC LEAKING and apparent blackmail nature of the way the information was used.
It is politics.
Be very SPECIFIC and cite for us ANY law Flynn broke.
he broke
the logan act
The Logan act does NOT apply to an incoming administration you retard.
and it says that WHERE in the Logan Act?

We have ONE President at a time in this Nation.
It says it where is it specifically applies to private citizens, the new admin is not private citizens dumb ass.

They had not been sworn in, they were private citizens. I'm a fervent Conservative and supporter of President Donald Trump. These discussions took place before General Flynn was sworn into office. As I said, we have only one president at a time.
it is about the perception of assistance with pander pledges.
I would love that. I fear that the progressives heads would explode when it was revealed who was actually behind the leaks however.
well, set your personal fears aside, and let us have an open, independent, investigation. Tell your representative!

It APPEARS that partisans in the Intel Community are actually running a covert operation to destabilize and delegitimize the election. That's the only way that all these "leaks" and daily disinformation is stoking the news cycle.

What you see publicly is that this is a DOMESTIC INSURGENCY and not necessarily a foreign one because of the # of agencies COOPERATING in these leaks and disinformation. And the fear I personally have is that the public is YET to see is the YEARS and MOUNTAINS of comprising, embarrassing, and bomb-making material that the 2 corrupt parties have bottled up in the Intel agencies. They've used this blackmail against EACH OTHER to hobble the operation, honesty and efficiency of our govt. And in EFFECT -- most of the current leadership and past party leadership would be collateral damage if this mountain of shit ever got released.

Leadership in America is now compromised in a way that any normal official in a position of power would LOSE their clearances instantaneously. Not just Gen Flynn..

And if by CHANCE -- Russia decided to STOKE an all-out destabilization, my opinion is, their PREFERRED outcome would be to contribute to the rise of a true "socialist friendly" party. One that continues to lurch farther left and is friendly to the idea of re-creating the OLD Soviet Union that Putin desires.

But that's just me talking.. We might yet find out why Saddam was REALLY hated by both BillyJeff Clinton and the Bushes. Or who was behind those anthrax attacks or even ---- who killed JFK.. :badgrin:
we just don't know everything that is going on here....look at coyote's response, I agree with all that she said.

it's weird that early on, all the clinton investigation intel leaks, and comey's actions, they truly did NOT want Clinton....and something changed....what happened?

I disagree. They did everything they could to protect her. The media were complicit as well. I would love to see a legit, non partisan investigation into what she did.

The FBI still has a full blown investigation going on concerning the scam aka the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation.
should they hire tax attorneys?
Officials say the communications were intercepted during routine intelligence collection targeting Russians known to U.S. intelligence. And among those who regularly communicated with Russian nationals, then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, who resigned his post as Trump’s National Security Advisor Monday night after news reports about a call with Russia’s ambassador regarding U.S. sanctions.

Trump aides were in ‘constant’ contact with Russians

there's your link...

More CNN garbage. See my post above. Absolutely no evidence that Flynn was "in constant contact with Russian Officials".. Flynn HAS those contacts -- legitimately thru his past job as chief Pentagon spy. But unless the sources are vetted by THIS admin and come forward ( which they won't because of the known insurrection) --- Flynn is innocent. ANY CREDIBLE Intel source for these allegations could bring it to the New Admins attention.

Manafort had to go. Not strictly because of Russian ties, but because of his involvement in Ukraine. And it's really hard to tell how deep that involvement COULD have gone. The guy was "a fixer". His specialty was creating PERCEPTIONS out of chaos. It got resolved.
outside of the wiretapping of known Russian agents, they would not know about the conversations Flynn and Manafort had with them....

If our intelligence lied about the constant contact during the campaign, then we need to find that out through an independent investigation and heads should roll. SUNSHINE is always the answer...let the actual truth shine through...

Oh the New York Times stating that their anonymous informers say that there was no evidence of collusion isn't freaking good enough for you?

As compared to Hillary's campaign actively working with Kiev to discredit Manafort. To lie about the man and force him to resign.
What happened here is what happens in police states.

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

"In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports).

John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term.

The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.

Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern.

"There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said.

"From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."

Get the fucking bastards!

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn

So you're saying that Flynn didn't try to undermine U.S. sanctions against Russia?
don't know, you know?

I can't find out how you libturds always seem to get the classified material no one else gets. hmmmmmmm...
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.
not even for political purposes?
well, set your personal fears aside, and let us have an open, independent, investigation. Tell your representative!

It APPEARS that partisans in the Intel Community are actually running a covert operation to destabilize and delegitimize the election. That's the only way that all these "leaks" and daily disinformation is stoking the news cycle.

What you see publicly is that this is a DOMESTIC INSURGENCY and not necessarily a foreign one because of the # of agencies COOPERATING in these leaks and disinformation. And the fear I personally have is that the public is YET to see is the YEARS and MOUNTAINS of comprising, embarrassing, and bomb-making material that the 2 corrupt parties have bottled up in the Intel agencies. They've used this blackmail against EACH OTHER to hobble the operation, honesty and efficiency of our govt. And in EFFECT -- most of the current leadership and past party leadership would be collateral damage if this mountain of shit ever got released.

Leadership in America is now compromised in a way that any normal official in a position of power would LOSE their clearances instantaneously. Not just Gen Flynn..

And if by CHANCE -- Russia decided to STOKE an all-out destabilization, my opinion is, their PREFERRED outcome would be to contribute to the rise of a true "socialist friendly" party. One that continues to lurch farther left and is friendly to the idea of re-creating the OLD Soviet Union that Putin desires.

But that's just me talking.. We might yet find out why Saddam was REALLY hated by both BillyJeff Clinton and the Bushes. Or who was behind those anthrax attacks or even ---- who killed JFK.. :badgrin:
we just don't know everything that is going on here....look at coyote's response, I agree with all that she said.

it's weird that early on, all the clinton investigation intel leaks, and comey's actions, they truly did NOT want Clinton....and something changed....what happened?

I disagree. They did everything they could to protect her. The media were complicit as well. I would love to see a legit, non partisan investigation into what she did.

The FBI still has a full blown investigation going on concerning the scam aka the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Foundation.
should they hire tax attorneys?
taxidermists? yes
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

Yet that's exactly what happened.
would this be an issue; if Mr. Trump were doing a new reality show?
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.
not even for political purposes?
well it's against the law. Let's round up the obummer leftovers and jail their sorry asses.
The top democrat sez: "we have bigger fish to fry" (than go after criminal behavior in the intelligence agencies). If nobody alleges that Flynn engaged in illegal activity what the hell are democrats trying to "fry"?
He lied to the FBI and the VP. What was he trying to hide. Why not tell the truth.
Don't prosecute him. Pull his security clearance and kick his sorry ass out of government.
It is sad. He has been a great soldier in the past and done much for our country. H E WENT OFF THE DEEP END AT SOME POINT.

There is no evidence that he lied to the FBI.
just "talking politics as a private citizen"; while expecting a social reward if not a capital reward for that effort?
C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
read or reread the Logan Act. Rodman didn't break it.

The allegation, is Flynn discussed with the Russian Ambassador, the sanctions put on the Russians by President Obama for interfering in our election process, and Flynn advised the Ambassador to tell Putin that when Trump is president, he would take the sanctions off or be easier on them, and to NOT over react to the sanctions....

When Putin did not retaliate, the intel community was suspicious, because Russia always retaliated when we punished them....and could not figure out why the Russians reacted so differently than the norm...they pulled the eaves dropping records on the Russian envoy to see what they could find out.... in these recordings, there were conversations with Flynn.

Nothing of that sort has been made public. So we'll never know. It's convenient isn't it? Obama leaned over on a hot mic to a Russian Ambassador before he was elected and told him "I'll have more flexible on this issue AFTER the election".. Did you cry and wimper about that "violation"?

PERSONALLY -- I dont trust Putin. Sanctions of SOME SORT seem to be required to keep him out of the Ukraine. The rest of this fairy tale seems more easily explainable as a distraction from the REAL WAR and insurrection going in the Intel community.

The Russians are our ONLY ride to the Space Station. They are NOT a "hot" enemy. And they have SAVED our sorry asses from yet another major MidEast FUBAR in Syria multiple times. Make up your freaking minds. You ridiculed Romney when he said the Russians were the greatest strategic threat to US interests. Changed 180degrees with the "reset button" and NOW --- you've changed again????

Of course you have a LINK to that claim--right?

What claim? I never lie. I never fabricate anything. Not on USMB. Go look it up..

You stated that Obama leaned over an open mic before he was in office and said something to the Russians. I am asking for a link to that.
irrelevant since he was in office and only speculating.

Mr. Trump was speculating about a run for public office; there is a difference.
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.

Yet that's exactly what happened.
would this be an issue; if Mr. Trump were doing a new reality show?

A comedy T.V reality show is what we're witnessing right now. Within the first 3 weeks of a New Presidency we have so many scandals coming out--and SERIOUS ones at that--that will be making the nightly headlines all the way up until this Ass Clown is impeached.

Government does NOT NEED a warrant to tap Russian phone lines. We don't give advance warning to foreign adversary's when we're spying on them--LOL And they can record conversations on whoever calls them, which is what happened in this case. They also can go back on phone records and get detailed information on who called what date and what time. They have all of this.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Man you Reich wingers are in for one HELL of a ride--LOL


Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

Collusion with a foreign adversary to do a cyber attack on the United States is TREASON.

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Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.
not even for political purposes?
well it's against the law. Let's round up the obummer leftovers and jail their sorry asses.
what is against the law?
It APPEARS that partisans in the Intel Community are actually running a covert operation to destabilize and delegitimize the election. That's the only way that all these "leaks" and daily disinformation is stoking the news cycle.

What you see publicly is that this is a DOMESTIC INSURGENCY and not necessarily a foreign one because of the # of agencies COOPERATING in these leaks and disinformation. And the fear I personally have is that the public is YET to see is the YEARS and MOUNTAINS of comprising, embarrassing, and bomb-making material that the 2 corrupt parties have bottled up in the Intel agencies. They've used this blackmail against EACH OTHER to hobble the operation, honesty and efficiency of our govt. And in EFFECT -- most of the current leadership and past party leadership would be collateral damage if this mountain of shit ever got released.

Leadership in America is now compromised in a way that any normal official in a position of power would LOSE their clearances instantaneously. Not just Gen Flynn..

And if by CHANCE -- Russia decided to STOKE an all-out destabilization, my opinion is, their PREFERRED outcome would be to contribute to the rise of a true "socialist friendly" party. One that continues to lurch farther left and is friendly to the idea of re-creating the OLD Soviet Union that Putin desires.

But that's just me talking.. We might yet find out why Saddam was REALLY hated by both BillyJeff Clinton and the Bushes. Or who was behind those anthrax attacks or even ---- who killed JFK.. :badgrin:

Or maybe our intelligencies are composed of heroes who have risked their lives to protect this country from enemies, both foreign and domestic, and know a dangerous autocrat when they see one.

KremlinGate Enters Uncharted Waters as Russian Links Overwhelm DC

Evan McMullin: President Donald Trump Is a 'Domestic Enemy'

Heroes dont leak intel intercepts on incoming admins to the public. Heroes don't leak DAILY propaganda obtained by intel sources and methods to keep the "russian threat" in the news cycle.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
Is Mr. Rodman going to run for president? There is a difference.

Give me a break. You need to read up on the Logan Act. It applies only to those individuals who are not authorized to deal with foreign nations.

Trump was freaking elected and he appointed Flynn who was then by virtue of his appointment authorized to speak with foreign entities. Which he did.
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.
not even for political purposes?
well it's against the law. Let's round up the obummer leftovers and jail their sorry asses.
what is against the law?

Nothing is against the LAW. The Comrade is having a conniption fit because this information is leaking out of intelligence agencies. He continually denied the Russian hackings, thereby insulting the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and 13 other intelligence agencies. Even at one time stating--"he knows people that know more than they do."

Paybacks are HELL aren't they. Regardless all of this would have come out in the Senate investigations anyway, it was just a matter of time. It's just coming out a little early now.


He sure didn't complain about all the leaks about Hillary Clinton. He was rallying on the charge as was every other Reich winger on this board.
Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.
not even for political purposes?
well it's against the law. Let's round up the obummer leftovers and jail their sorry asses.
what is against the law?

Nothing is against the LAW. The Comrade is having a conniption fit because this information is leaking out of intelligence agencies. He continually denied the Russian hackings, thereby insulting the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and 13 other intelligence agencies. Even at one time stating--"he knows people that know more than they do."

Paybacks are HELL aren't they. Regardless all of this would have come out in the Senate investigations anyway, it was just a matter of time. It's just coming out a little early now.


He sure didn't complain about all the leaks about Hillary Clinton. He was rallying on the charge as was every other Reich winger on this board.
(laughin) i wish you all would learn what the issue actually is. but you all stay stupid and uninformed.
Don't waste my time.. Go READ the Logan Act. It was primarily to stop plain VANILLA CITIZENS from negotiating with enemies of the USA.... Any OFFICIAL (or even INCOMING OFFICIAL) is given the courtesy of having any incidental intercepts NOT FLAGGED. That mean NOT TRANSCRIPTED. NOT Analyzed. And Definitely NOT RELEASED PUBLICLY !!!

Reagan solved the Iran hostage crisis 20 freaking minutes after his inauguration. You think that there weren't CONTACTS from his transistion staff??

Contacts are one thing, negotiations are an entirely different matter.

Again -- there is no reason to flag, transcript, analyze or publicly leak communications from an incoming Admin. ESPECIALLY if they BELIEVE there is a credible threat to National Security.
not even for political purposes?
well it's against the law. Let's round up the obummer leftovers and jail their sorry asses.
what is against the law?
killing american military.

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