Big freaking ruh roh: Intel Chair pretty sure FBI had no warrant to record Flynn

What happened here is what happens in police states.

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

"In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports).

John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term.

The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.

Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern.

"There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said.

"From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."

Get the fucking bastards!

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn

You mean a government agency acts inappropriately by disclosing information that it has never disclosed before for political gain, even though there is no credible information from the agency, which it later confirms?

Yes, I can understand why you'd be upset over James Comey's FBI revelation of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Oh wait, that's not what you are talking about, is it?
Hot damn.
The obvious answer is that they were monitoring the Russian ambassador's calls, and Flynn got caught.
And then they couldn't wait to damage Trump by publicizing it which tipped off the Russians to our surveillance.


All over a call that very likely happens with different world leaders by every incoming administration.

Yep, it's so routine that most incoming administrations routinely fire key officials within the first month over something routine.:cuckoo:
My post is not a judgement on Trump or Flynn. I have no idea what the truth is and neither do any of you.
What I do know is the left appears to be willing to burn the country to the ground if that's what it takes to make Trump look bad.

So it's something that, " very likely happens with different world leaders by every incoming administration"?
Don't you think you'd have to be incredibly naive to think otherwise?
yes, it would b normal for an incoming admin to make foreign contact....!

That is not the issue at all, the issue is discussing the sanctions with the Russian Ambassador, in a manner that undermined U.S. policy, behind the existing President's and Nation's back which breaks the Logan Act....and then LYING about it, to the VP elect and the Nation.

What's sad, is President Trump probably instructed Flynn to tell the Russians not to over react to the sanctions put on them for the election interference, he would ease them after he is sworn in...and Flynn was just following appears to me, that President Trump feels bad about letting Flynn take the heat.

Maybe Prsident Trump didn't even know it was against the law? And Flynn neglected to advise him of such? (this is a perfect example of why ''yes men'' should not be hired in an administration)

I think the real issue is President Trumps inexplainable, undying love for Putin and Russia, going against all USA stances and policy for the past half century with no real fathomable explanation....

Is Pres. Trump being blackmailed, do Trump businesses benefit big time? WHAT is in this for our nation, for the USA to take murderous Putin's side with constant praise, and demean our allies such as Australia, Mexico, Germany, Scotland, England, the Ukraine etc?

How did president Trump end up with so so many Russian sympathizers in his campaign? Roger Stone, Paul Manafort, Carter Paige, Steve Bannon, and Gen. Flynn, and now Tillerson?

WHAT is going on here?
Why does Trump outright deny knowledge of Flynn's actions three weeks after Yates informed him of them?

He's got some Trumpsplainin' to do.
Heroes dont leak intel intercepts on incoming admins to the public. Heroes don't leak DAILY propaganda obtained by intel sources and methods to keep the "russian threat" in the news cycle.
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
read or reread the Logan Act. Rodman didn't break it.

The allegation, is Flynn discussed with the Russian Ambassador, the sanctions put on the Russians by President Obama for interfering in our election process, and Flynn advised the Ambassador to tell Putin that when Trump is president, he would take the sanctions off or be easier on them, and to NOT over react to the sanctions....

When Putin did not retaliate, the intel community was suspicious, because Russia always retaliated when we punished them....and could not figure out why the Russians reacted so differently than the norm...they pulled the eaves dropping records on the Russian envoy to see what they could find out.... in these recordings, there were conversations with Flynn.
Obama leaned over on a hot mic to a Russian Ambassador before he was elected and told him "I'll have more flexible on this issue AFTER the election".. Did you cry and wimper about that "violation"?
Oh? What violation was that?

Already answered --- the page after I said it. You REALLY should read the convo..
That's right. Lame duck ought to play by the same rules as the challenger RIGHT????
of course not! :rofl:

as president, Obama CAN NOT UNDERMINE himself...

No no. You're not getting it. If the lame duck can make winks and nods to the Russians about what he'll do differently AFTER the election (that's what the comment was about) -- Why can't the challenger do the same thing?

Why is HE privileged to discussions about policy changes that MIGHT happen and his challenger is not?

You think Hillary wasn't talking to world leaders CONSTANTLY for the Clinton Foundation as a CIVILIAN during her campaigns????

Hillary Clinton is out of the picture, all EYEBALLS are focused on Trump. Emails & Benghazi pale in comparison to this. We are talking about collusion with a Foreign Adversary to do a Cyber Attack on the United States. This is considered TREASON.

It will be a 1000 times worse than Watergate.

Dan Rather: "Trump's Russia Scandal Could Be Bigger Than Watergate" | Zero Hedge

There's no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia to get elected. Get a grip.. The ONLY thing you got is a PARTISAN SELF INQUIRY at the DNC to analyze the PRIMARY evidence of the hack.

Everything AFTER THAT was partisan DOMESTIC Intel propaganda. Golden showers and all...

Again anyone with half a brain would realize that there was absolutely NO justifiable reason to have so much contact with high level Russian officials during the campaign season. They can't vote or make campaign contributions. If you can't connect those dots then it's definitely your issue, not mine.
Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia
How the Trump dossier came to light: secret sources, a retired spy and John McCain


CNN standard bullshit. No NAMES, No dates, No content. Earlier disinformation on this pegged one Campaign Aide in talks with Russians in Prague -- when his passport showed no such trip.. . Cred just isn't there for a "conspiracy". The conspiracy is to deflect from the INTERNAL DOMESTIC leaking and spying and find a credible scapegoat -- like the Russians..

And McCain??? The guy who sent aides to England to pick up a "dossier" on Trump that was a Campaign Opposition Research hitpiece that was paid for multiple times by Repub primary opponents to Trump and later tthe DNC.. He was punked too easily. He's a gadfly.
Officials say the communications were intercepted during routine intelligence collection targeting Russians known to U.S. intelligence. And among those who regularly communicated with Russian nationals, then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, who resigned his post as Trump’s National Security Advisor Monday night after news reports about a call with Russia’s ambassador regarding U.S. sanctions.

Trump aides were in ‘constant’ contact with Russians

there's your link...

More CNN garbage. See my post above. Absolutely no evidence that Flynn was "in constant contact with Russian Officials".. Flynn HAS those contacts -- legitimately thru his past job as chief Pentagon spy. But unless the sources are vetted by THIS admin and come forward ( which they won't because of the known insurrection) --- Flynn is innocent. ANY CREDIBLE Intel source for these allegations could bring it to the New Admins attention.

Manafort had to go. Not strictly because of Russian ties, but because of his involvement in Ukraine. And it's really hard to tell how deep that involvement COULD have gone. The guy was "a fixer". His specialty was creating PERCEPTIONS out of chaos. It got resolved.
Officials say the communications were intercepted during routine intelligence collection targeting Russians known to U.S. intelligence. And among those who regularly communicated with Russian nationals, then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, who resigned his post as Trump’s National Security Advisor Monday night after news reports about a call with Russia’s ambassador regarding U.S. sanctions.

Trump aides were in ‘constant’ contact with Russians

there's your link...

Let me reason with you here. Let's say Flynn DID use his extensive knowledge of Russian Intel during the election. When the nominee is getting accused of "hookers peeing on him in a Moscow hotel" somewhere in the distance past --- Does the nominee have a RIGHT to defend against those allegations by doing their OWN investigation into the possible connections and sources of that garbage? Of course they do.. That's why Flynn was the "security advisor" during the campaign.

Once folks start slinging stinky sewage -- you DO have the right to defend yourself.
and it says that WHERE in the Logan Act?

We have ONE President at a time in this Nation.
It says it where is it specifically applies to private citizens, the new admin is not private citizens dumb ass.

They had not been sworn in, they were private citizens. I'm a fervent Conservative and supporter of President Donald Trump. These discussions took place before General Flynn was sworn into office. As I said, we have only one president at a time.

It also requires a fairly large stretch of the imagination to believe that Flynn, an adviser to and member of the Trump campaign staff who knew he would have a role in the new administration, acted alone without consent from Trump himself.

Doesn't matter if President Donald Trump knew General Flynn was in contact with Russia. There would be an issue if they were discussing the sanctions. Otherwise, it is only common sense to begin establishing contact with your new counterpart.
Flynn did discuss sanctions. That has been established and was what he lied and later fired for.

Link to transcript. Prove how and in what context were sanctions discussed.

I don't have a transcript but I read that the Russian Ambassador asked Flynn about them and all Flynn did say was that he couldn't answer if they would be lifted or when.

Now do I trust anything the media puts out there. HELL NO.

I'll wait for the transcript.
What happened here is what happens in police states.

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

"In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports).

John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term.

The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.

Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern.

"There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said.

"From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."

Get the fucking bastards!

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn

You mean a government agency acts inappropriately by disclosing information that it has never disclosed before for political gain, even though there is no credible information from the agency, which it later confirms?

Yes, I can understand why you'd be upset over James Comey's FBI revelation of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Oh wait, that's not what you are talking about, is it?
Hot damn.
Well that's the thing. I'm no Hillary fan, but if Comey had knowledge that Team Trump MIGHT have been violating the Logan Act at the same time he went on TV days before the election to say there MIGHT be more Hillary emails ... I think we have a constitutional crisis with the FBI
Officials say the communications were intercepted during routine intelligence collection targeting Russians known to U.S. intelligence. And among those who regularly communicated with Russian nationals, then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, who resigned his post as Trump’s National Security Advisor Monday night after news reports about a call with Russia’s ambassador regarding U.S. sanctions.

Trump aides were in ‘constant’ contact with Russians

there's your link...

Let me reason with you here. Let's say Flynn DID use his extensive knowledge of Russian Intel during the election. When the nominee is getting accused of "hookers peeing on him in a Moscow hotel" somewhere in the distance past --- Does the nominee have a RIGHT to defend against those allegations by doing their OWN investigation into the possible connections and sources of that garbage? Of course they do.. That's why Flynn was the "security advisor" during the campaign.

Once folks start slinging stinky sewage -- you DO have the right to defend yourself.
you do have the right to defend yourself, but the golden showers dossier did not come out until after he won the presidency....why did this extensive communications begin a year or so earlier?

And why would Flynn speaking with Russian Intelligence agent operatives help him with the Dossier or golden showers?
Officials say the communications were intercepted during routine intelligence collection targeting Russians known to U.S. intelligence. And among those who regularly communicated with Russian nationals, then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, who resigned his post as Trump’s National Security Advisor Monday night after news reports about a call with Russia’s ambassador regarding U.S. sanctions.

Trump aides were in ‘constant’ contact with Russians

there's your link...

More CNN garbage. See my post above. Absolutely no evidence that Flynn was "in constant contact with Russian Officials".. Flynn HAS those contacts -- legitimately thru his past job as chief Pentagon spy. But unless the sources are vetted by THIS admin and come forward ( which they won't because of the known insurrection) --- Flynn is innocent. ANY CREDIBLE Intel source for these allegations could bring it to the New Admins attention.

Manafort had to go. Not strictly because of Russian ties, but because of his involvement in Ukraine. And it's really hard to tell how deep that involvement COULD have gone. The guy was "a fixer". His specialty was creating PERCEPTIONS out of chaos. It got resolved.

Just an FYI. Ukraine has admitted that they smeared Manafort with accusations of corruption to force him to resign. They tagged team with Hillary's people to do so.

You have to understand Kiev is completely in the tank for Hillary. The Ukraine oligarchs donated more money than the Arab Gulf States to the Clinton Foundation. Millions upon millions of dollars.

Pinchuk is a close ally of the Clintons and he got permission from Hillary when she was SoS to do a multi million dollar with Iran despite the sanctions.

Here's your link to the Politico investigation Manafort's a good man and they smeared the hell out of him.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
read or reread the Logan Act. Rodman didn't break it.

The allegation, is Flynn discussed with the Russian Ambassador, the sanctions put on the Russians by President Obama for interfering in our election process, and Flynn advised the Ambassador to tell Putin that when Trump is president, he would take the sanctions off or be easier on them, and to NOT over react to the sanctions....

When Putin did not retaliate, the intel community was suspicious, because Russia always retaliated when we punished them....and could not figure out why the Russians reacted so differently than the norm...they pulled the eaves dropping records on the Russian envoy to see what they could find out.... in these recordings, there were conversations with Flynn.
Obama leaned over on a hot mic to a Russian Ambassador before he was elected and told him "I'll have more flexible on this issue AFTER the election".. Did you cry and wimper about that "violation"?
Oh? What violation was that?

Already answered --- the page after I said it. You REALLY should read the convo..

Don't need to read more. The post I responded to was pure shit. There was no violation.
Officials say the communications were intercepted during routine intelligence collection targeting Russians known to U.S. intelligence. And among those who regularly communicated with Russian nationals, then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, who resigned his post as Trump’s National Security Advisor Monday night after news reports about a call with Russia’s ambassador regarding U.S. sanctions.

Trump aides were in ‘constant’ contact with Russians

there's your link...

More CNN garbage. See my post above. Absolutely no evidence that Flynn was "in constant contact with Russian Officials".. Flynn HAS those contacts -- legitimately thru his past job as chief Pentagon spy. But unless the sources are vetted by THIS admin and come forward ( which they won't because of the known insurrection) --- Flynn is innocent. ANY CREDIBLE Intel source for these allegations could bring it to the New Admins attention.

Manafort had to go. Not strictly because of Russian ties, but because of his involvement in Ukraine. And it's really hard to tell how deep that involvement COULD have gone. The guy was "a fixer". His specialty was creating PERCEPTIONS out of chaos. It got resolved.
outside of the wiretapping of known Russian agents, they would not know about the conversations Flynn and Manafort had with them....

If our intelligence lied about the constant contact during the campaign, then we need to find that out through an independent investigation and heads should roll. SUNSHINE is always the answer...let the actual truth shine through...
leak or arrest him for breaking federal law, the Logan Act....maybe they thought leaking 'something's up', without leaking the actual conversation, after giving the President 2 weeks to do something, would be better than arresting the president's national security adviser on national tv.?

REMEMBER, the intel community KNOWS what is on these recordings of flynn's and the russian ambassador's....

They take an oath to protect us from foreign and DOMESTIC threats...

and the senate intelligence community or an independent committee investigating, will know as well, hopefully, and can sort this all out....

I DO NOT LIKE all of these leaks at all....I've NEVER seen anything like it!!! HOWEVER, this only sets the alarm off in my head that this is more, MUCH MORE than sour grapes on Obama being gone or Hillary losing...

C'mon. I'm here to learn and discuss reality. What the hell were they gonna "ARREST him for the Logan Act"??

You fucking jerking my chain? Dennis Rodman goes to N. Fucking Korea to chum with Kim Jung Insane and that's NOT Logan act? Has ANYONE ever been prosecuted under the Logan act?

Gen Flynn was RECENTLY the TOP SPY for the Pentagon as head of the DIAgency. You think he's a pawn of Putin? Get real...
read or reread the Logan Act. Rodman didn't break it.

The allegation, is Flynn discussed with the Russian Ambassador, the sanctions put on the Russians by President Obama for interfering in our election process, and Flynn advised the Ambassador to tell Putin that when Trump is president, he would take the sanctions off or be easier on them, and to NOT over react to the sanctions....

When Putin did not retaliate, the intel community was suspicious, because Russia always retaliated when we punished them....and could not figure out why the Russians reacted so differently than the norm...they pulled the eaves dropping records on the Russian envoy to see what they could find out.... in these recordings, there were conversations with Flynn.
Obama leaned over on a hot mic to a Russian Ambassador before he was elected and told him "I'll have more flexible on this issue AFTER the election".. Did you cry and wimper about that "violation"?
Oh? What violation was that?

Already answered --- the page after I said it. You REALLY should read the convo..
and we responded to your comment explaining to you that Obama was the existing President and can not be accused of UNDERMINING HIMSELF.

What he said to the Russian guy WAS the RIGHT and honorable thing to say and respect of the Presidential election process of the USA.... wait, see if I am reelected....I don't want to hamstring the next President, in case I lose...
What happened here is what happens in police states.

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

"In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports).

John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term.

The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.

Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern.

"There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said.

"From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."

Get the fucking bastards!

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn

You mean a government agency acts inappropriately by disclosing information that it has never disclosed before for political gain, even though there is no credible information from the agency, which it later confirms?

Yes, I can understand why you'd be upset over James Comey's FBI revelation of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Oh wait, that's not what you are talking about, is it?
Hot damn.
Well that's the thing. I'm no Hillary fan, but if Comey had knowledge that Team Trump MIGHT have been violating the Logan Act at the same time he went on TV days before the election to say there MIGHT be more Hillary emails ... I think we have a constitutional crisis with the FBI

Stop with the freaking Logan Act. It only applies to unauthorized individuals. And last time I looked Trump and his team were elected.
What happened here is what happens in police states.

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

"In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports).

John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term.

The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.

Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern.

"There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said.

"From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."

Get the fucking bastards!

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn

You mean a government agency acts inappropriately by disclosing information that it has never disclosed before for political gain, even though there is no credible information from the agency, which it later confirms?

Yes, I can understand why you'd be upset over James Comey's FBI revelation of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Oh wait, that's not what you are talking about, is it?
Hot damn.
Well that's the thing. I'm no Hillary fan, but if Comey had knowledge that Team Trump MIGHT have been violating the Logan Act at the same time he went on TV days before the election to say there MIGHT be more Hillary emails ... I think we have a constitutional crisis with the FBI

Stop with the freaking Logan Act. It only applies to unauthorized individuals. And last time I looked Trump and his team were elected.
But not in office yet. There is only one president at a time. But fear not, no one will be charged with violating the Logan act... no one ever is.
It says it where is it specifically applies to private citizens, the new admin is not private citizens dumb ass.

They had not been sworn in, they were private citizens. I'm a fervent Conservative and supporter of President Donald Trump. These discussions took place before General Flynn was sworn into office. As I said, we have only one president at a time.

It also requires a fairly large stretch of the imagination to believe that Flynn, an adviser to and member of the Trump campaign staff who knew he would have a role in the new administration, acted alone without consent from Trump himself.

Doesn't matter if President Donald Trump knew General Flynn was in contact with Russia. There would be an issue if they were discussing the sanctions. Otherwise, it is only common sense to begin establishing contact with your new counterpart.
Flynn did discuss sanctions. That has been established and was what he lied and later fired for.

Link to transcript. Prove how and in what context were sanctions discussed.

I don't have a transcript but I read that the Russian Ambassador asked Flynn about them and all Flynn did say was that he couldn't answer if they would be lifted or when.

Now do I trust anything the media puts out there. HELL NO.

I'll wait for the transcript.

Flynn admitted it!
He apologized to the VP for lying to him about that exact point.
If it were innocent as you suggest, then why did he feel compelled to keep the VP from knowing the truth?
What happened here is what happens in police states.

Normally intercepts of U.S. officials and citizens are some of the most tightly held government secrets. This is for good reason. Selectively disclosing details of private conversations monitored by the FBI or NSA gives the permanent state the power to destroy reputations from the cloak of anonymity. This is what police states do.

"In the past it was considered scandalous for senior U.S. officials to even request the identities of U.S. officials incidentally monitored by the government (normally they are redacted from intelligence reports).

John Bolton's nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was derailed in 2006 after the NSA confirmed he had made 10 such requests when he was Undersecretary of State for Arms Control in George W. Bush's first term.

The fact that the intercepts of Flynn's conversations with Kislyak appear to have been widely distributed inside the government is a red flag.

Representative Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told me Monday that he saw the leaks about Flynn's conversations with Kislyak as part of a pattern.

"There does appear to be a well orchestrated effort to attack Flynn and others in the administration," he said.

"From the leaking of phone calls between the president and foreign leaders to what appears to be high-level FISA Court information, to the leaking of American citizens being denied security clearances, it looks like a pattern."

Get the fucking bastards!

The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn

You mean a government agency acts inappropriately by disclosing information that it has never disclosed before for political gain, even though there is no credible information from the agency, which it later confirms?

Yes, I can understand why you'd be upset over James Comey's FBI revelation of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Oh wait, that's not what you are talking about, is it?
Hot damn.
Well that's the thing. I'm no Hillary fan, but if Comey had knowledge that Team Trump MIGHT have been violating the Logan Act at the same time he went on TV days before the election to say there MIGHT be more Hillary emails ... I think we have a constitutional crisis with the FBI

Stop with the freaking Logan Act. It only applies to unauthorized individuals. And last time I looked Trump and his team were elected.
But not in office yet. There is only one president at a time. But fear not, no one will be charged with violating the Logan act... no one ever is.

Piss off. They were the official transition team and just as every other transition team forever were making contacts with global leaders and businesses.
You mean a government agency acts inappropriately by disclosing information that it has never disclosed before for political gain, even though there is no credible information from the agency, which it later confirms?

Yes, I can understand why you'd be upset over James Comey's FBI revelation of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Oh wait, that's not what you are talking about, is it?
Hot damn.
Well that's the thing. I'm no Hillary fan, but if Comey had knowledge that Team Trump MIGHT have been violating the Logan Act at the same time he went on TV days before the election to say there MIGHT be more Hillary emails ... I think we have a constitutional crisis with the FBI

Stop with the freaking Logan Act. It only applies to unauthorized individuals. And last time I looked Trump and his team were elected.
But not in office yet. There is only one president at a time. But fear not, no one will be charged with violating the Logan act... no one ever is.

Piss off. They were the official transition team and just as every other transition team forever were making contacts with global leaders and businesses.

Five calls to the Russian ambassador on the very same day as the president announced new sanctions and expelled diplomats.

Looks more like damage control and reassurance rather than standard transition contacts.

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