Big Lie Two Is Here, and It’s Far More Insidious Than Big Lie One


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Big Lie Two Is Here, and It’s Far More Insidious Than Big Lie One​

11 Sep 2023 ~~ By Michael Tomasky

The Big Lie, as it quickly became known, was that Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election. He’s still out there peddling this nonsense, and a lot of people still believe it, though thankfully, they constitute a clear minority of voters.
But now there’s a new lie being peddled. Call it Big Lie Two. Trump has been hawking this one for a while too, but it has been, to my mind, oddly little remarked-upon. That needs to change: Big Lie Two is more insidious and dangerous than Big Lie One, for two reasons. First, it has nothing to do with the settled past, but rather with the unsettled present and future. And second, unlike Big Lie One, a majority of Americans believe it.
The lie is that the indictments against Trump represent a collective effort to stop him from running for president. Trump talks of this all the time; “election interference” is the phrase he often uses. They can’t stop me legitimately, he says—they know I won in 2020, and they know I’ll win again, so this is how they’re trying to block me.
It’s not true. What’s true is this. Credible evidence has emerged on a number of fronts that Trump may have broken the law: that he absconded with boxes of sensitive, classified documents to Florida; that he approved a hush-money payment to a woman with whom he’d had sexual relations; that he tried to influence officials in Georgia to rig the 2020 election; and that he led or directed an insurrection against the government of the United States.
We’ll see what we see. But for now, it’s tragic from a democratic perspective that so many people believe something that isn’t merely untrue but is the opposite of the truth. Trump is being prosecuted because of what he did, not because of what he is doing today or might do tomorrow.
The full Orwell quote, by the way, is: “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” It comes from a 1946 essay ruminating over the problem of “plain, unmistakable facts being shirked by people who in another part of their mind are aware to those facts.” If people can’t see this utterly lawless man for who he is, or if they allow their cynicism about the system to overpower their distrust of him, then we will wake up next November 6 counting our brittle democracy’s numbered days.

Big lie number 2 is that all these court cases are election interference. The author needs to read EO 13848. And maybe he’ll get an idea of what’s Happening here.
In the social media, there is still a very concerted effort to attack Trump and turn people against him. Yesterday, I found a question in the French language section of Quora which asked why do so many people still support Trump despite the many indictments against him? I answered that it’s because his supporters don’t think he is guilty of anything and that they view him as a victim of political persecution similar to what happens in Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela.
Just a note... this is coming from a Leftist and media source strongly biased toward Progressive Socialist causes through election and/or political affiliation.
According to the author Tomasky, Trump is guilty before trial, a good indication that he`s in favor of Marxist sham trials.
Which, as any Georgia resident knows, is an impossibility in Fulton County. If the venue is changed to any county with a fair minded and independent population, the case falls apart, due to its lack of merit.

Big Lie Two Is Here, and It’s Far More Insidious Than Big Lie One​

11 Sep 2023 ~~ By Michael Tomasky

The Big Lie, as it quickly became known, was that Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election. He’s still out there peddling this nonsense, and a lot of people still believe it, though thankfully, they constitute a clear minority of voters.
But now there’s a new lie being peddled. Call it Big Lie Two. Trump has been hawking this one for a while too, but it has been, to my mind, oddly little remarked-upon. That needs to change: Big Lie Two is more insidious and dangerous than Big Lie One, for two reasons. First, it has nothing to do with the settled past, but rather with the unsettled present and future. And second, unlike Big Lie One, a majority of Americans believe it.
The lie is that the indictments against Trump represent a collective effort to stop him from running for president. Trump talks of this all the time; “election interference” is the phrase he often uses. They can’t stop me legitimately, he says—they know I won in 2020, and they know I’ll win again, so this is how they’re trying to block me.
It’s not true. What’s true is this. Credible evidence has emerged on a number of fronts that Trump may have broken the law: that he absconded with boxes of sensitive, classified documents to Florida; that he approved a hush-money payment to a woman with whom he’d had sexual relations; that he tried to influence officials in Georgia to rig the 2020 election; and that he led or directed an insurrection against the government of the United States.
We’ll see what we see. But for now, it’s tragic from a democratic perspective that so many people believe something that isn’t merely untrue but is the opposite of the truth. Trump is being prosecuted because of what he did, not because of what he is doing today or might do tomorrow.
The full Orwell quote, by the way, is: “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” It comes from a 1946 essay ruminating over the problem of “plain, unmistakable facts being shirked by people who in another part of their mind are aware to those facts.” If people can’t see this utterly lawless man for who he is, or if they allow their cynicism about the system to overpower their distrust of him, then we will wake up next November 6 counting our brittle democracy’s numbered days.

Big lie number 2 is that all these court cases are election interference. The author needs to read EO 13848. And maybe he’ll get an idea of what’s Happening here.
In the social media, there is still a very concerted effort to attack Trump and turn people against him. Yesterday, I found a question in the French language section of Quora which asked why do so many people still support Trump despite the many indictments against him? I answered that it’s because his supporters don’t think he is guilty of anything and that they view him as a victim of political persecution similar to what happens in Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela.
Just a note... this is coming from a Leftist and media source strongly biased toward Progressive Socialist causes through election and/or political affiliation.
According to the author Tomasky, Trump is guilty before trial, a good indication that he`s in favor of Marxist sham trials.
Which, as any Georgia resident knows, is an impossibility in Fulton County. If the venue is changed to any county with a fair minded and independent population, the case falls apart, due to its lack of merit.
I found the Marxists deceitful when they said "there was no wide spread voter fraud", and it wasnt, it was a select few states that needed to be cheated on, and that was how the laughing stock of the world Joe Biden was installed.

Every swing state that went from President Trump leading up to 2am, were shown at night, then in the morning after all the Bogus Ballets were ran through, Joe Biteme had a miracle win. That is the BIG LIE, STEAL, CHEAT to win.

Just because there's ample evidence of cheating by Democrats in 2020 doesn't mean Trump would have necessarily won had they not cheated.

That seems to be the prevailing Democrat position.

Big Lie Two Is Here, and It’s Far More Insidious Than Big Lie One​

11 Sep 2023 ~~ By Michael Tomasky

The Big Lie, as it quickly became known, was that Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election. He’s still out there peddling this nonsense, and a lot of people still believe it, though thankfully, they constitute a clear minority of voters.
But now there’s a new lie being peddled. Call it Big Lie Two. Trump has been hawking this one for a while too, but it has been, to my mind, oddly little remarked-upon. That needs to change: Big Lie Two is more insidious and dangerous than Big Lie One, for two reasons. First, it has nothing to do with the settled past, but rather with the unsettled present and future. And second, unlike Big Lie One, a majority of Americans believe it.
The lie is that the indictments against Trump represent a collective effort to stop him from running for president. Trump talks of this all the time; “election interference” is the phrase he often uses. They can’t stop me legitimately, he says—they know I won in 2020, and they know I’ll win again, so this is how they’re trying to block me.
It’s not true. What’s true is this. Credible evidence has emerged on a number of fronts that Trump may have broken the law: that he absconded with boxes of sensitive, classified documents to Florida; that he approved a hush-money payment to a woman with whom he’d had sexual relations; that he tried to influence officials in Georgia to rig the 2020 election; and that he led or directed an insurrection against the government of the United States.
We’ll see what we see. But for now, it’s tragic from a democratic perspective that so many people believe something that isn’t merely untrue but is the opposite of the truth. Trump is being prosecuted because of what he did, not because of what he is doing today or might do tomorrow.
The full Orwell quote, by the way, is: “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” It comes from a 1946 essay ruminating over the problem of “plain, unmistakable facts being shirked by people who in another part of their mind are aware to those facts.” If people can’t see this utterly lawless man for who he is, or if they allow their cynicism about the system to overpower their distrust of him, then we will wake up next November 6 counting our brittle democracy’s numbered days.

Big lie number 2 is that all these court cases are election interference. The author needs to read EO 13848. And maybe he’ll get an idea of what’s Happening here.
In the social media, there is still a very concerted effort to attack Trump and turn people against him. Yesterday, I found a question in the French language section of Quora which asked why do so many people still support Trump despite the many indictments against him? I answered that it’s because his supporters don’t think he is guilty of anything and that they view him as a victim of political persecution similar to what happens in Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela.
Just a note... this is coming from a Leftist and media source strongly biased toward Progressive Socialist causes through election and/or political affiliation.
According to the author Tomasky, Trump is guilty before trial, a good indication that he`s in favor of Marxist sham trials.
Which, as any Georgia resident knows, is an impossibility in Fulton County. If the venue is changed to any county with a fair minded and independent population, the case falls apart, due to its lack of merit.

No matter how many votes Joe gets, he will still be a loser
With Trump's huge defeat in 2020, why are you so concerned about him in 2024?
I'm concerned more by what the DSA Democrats are doing to our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Trump is just a part of persecution of America and Americans that is relevant today.
Thankfully three judges in Supreme Court have agreed that this administration is attempting to squelch Free Speech, and as we see in New Mexico our Second Amendment Rights.
That's two rights that are sacrosanct, just how many other unalienable Rights are Maoist Democrats and you willing to trample on?
Just because there's ample evidence of cheating by Democrats in 2020 doesn't mean Trump would have necessarily won had they not cheated.

That seems to be the prevailing Democrat position.
And i call out that lie in a NY minute. When all the Republican poll watchers were forced out at 2am and told to go home, the Weasels of the Demofascist party pulled suitcases of ballots out and proceeded to run them at top notch speed. Without that, President Trump would of had 4 more years, gasoline and food prices would still be low, the rest of the world would be respecting US not laughing at US, but again, with out the LIE, STEAL, AND CHEAT TO WIN, Joe Biteme would still be in his basement, shitting himself.

Big Lie Two Is Here, and It’s Far More Insidious Than Big Lie One​

11 Sep 2023 ~~ By Michael Tomasky

The Big Lie, as it quickly became known, was that Donald Trump actually won the 2020 election. He’s still out there peddling this nonsense, and a lot of people still believe it, though thankfully, they constitute a clear minority of voters.
But now there’s a new lie being peddled. Call it Big Lie Two. Trump has been hawking this one for a while too, but it has been, to my mind, oddly little remarked-upon. That needs to change: Big Lie Two is more insidious and dangerous than Big Lie One, for two reasons. First, it has nothing to do with the settled past, but rather with the unsettled present and future. And second, unlike Big Lie One, a majority of Americans believe it.
The lie is that the indictments against Trump represent a collective effort to stop him from running for president. Trump talks of this all the time; “election interference” is the phrase he often uses. They can’t stop me legitimately, he says—they know I won in 2020, and they know I’ll win again, so this is how they’re trying to block me.
It’s not true. What’s true is this. Credible evidence has emerged on a number of fronts that Trump may have broken the law: that he absconded with boxes of sensitive, classified documents to Florida; that he approved a hush-money payment to a woman with whom he’d had sexual relations; that he tried to influence officials in Georgia to rig the 2020 election; and that he led or directed an insurrection against the government of the United States.
We’ll see what we see. But for now, it’s tragic from a democratic perspective that so many people believe something that isn’t merely untrue but is the opposite of the truth. Trump is being prosecuted because of what he did, not because of what he is doing today or might do tomorrow.
The full Orwell quote, by the way, is: “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” It comes from a 1946 essay ruminating over the problem of “plain, unmistakable facts being shirked by people who in another part of their mind are aware to those facts.” If people can’t see this utterly lawless man for who he is, or if they allow their cynicism about the system to overpower their distrust of him, then we will wake up next November 6 counting our brittle democracy’s numbered days.

Big lie number 2 is that all these court cases are election interference. The author needs to read EO 13848. And maybe he’ll get an idea of what’s Happening here.
In the social media, there is still a very concerted effort to attack Trump and turn people against him. Yesterday, I found a question in the French language section of Quora which asked why do so many people still support Trump despite the many indictments against him? I answered that it’s because his supporters don’t think he is guilty of anything and that they view him as a victim of political persecution similar to what happens in Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela.
Just a note... this is coming from a Leftist and media source strongly biased toward Progressive Socialist causes through election and/or political affiliation.
According to the author Tomasky, Trump is guilty before trial, a good indication that he`s in favor of Marxist sham trials.
Which, as any Georgia resident knows, is an impossibility in Fulton County. If the venue is changed to any county with a fair minded and independent population, the case falls apart, due to its lack of merit.
Put all the “lie numbers” you want on it, nothing changes the fact that it’s lawful for him to freely express his opinion.
Just because there's ample evidence of cheating by Democrats in 2020 doesn't mean Trump would have necessarily won had they not cheated.

That seems to be the prevailing Democrat position.
In a fair election, you are supposed to have both sides present when ballots are counted. FACT. After 2am suitcases of ballots were ran through the machines while there were no Republican poll watchers. FACT. Fuck you Lemming, you might as well jump off the cliff like all the Marxists slaves have done.

When all the Republican poll watchers were forced out at 2am and told to go home, the Weasels of the Demofascist party pulled suitcases of ballots out and proceeded to run them at top notch speed.
After 2am suitcases of ballots were ran through the machines while there were no Republican poll watchers.

That sounds awful, Mike.
How are you coming with your proof that those cases had illegal ballots in 'em? Or even ballots? Or that they were counted for effect to the total?

Was it reported? In whichever state it occurred in? What was the result of that reporting? What state or precinct did that happen in?

Have you personally done anything to bring this observation of yours to the attention of authorities? ....the DOJ, the FBI, your local state elections officials, even your county's or precinct authorities?

How did your conversations with authorities go?
In a fair election, you are supposed to have both sides present when ballots are counted. FACT. After 2am suitcases of ballots were ran through the machines while there were no Republican poll watchers. FACT. Fuck you Lemming, you might as well jump off the cliff like all the Marxists slaves have done.

Those late night behind closed door ballot counts defy science, analytics, election day observations and historical norms...wait for it...ONLY in the handful of swing states needed to steal the election. Things were pretty normal in the rest of the country. Apart from Dem ballot "harvesting" in places like California.
Whatever you do don't try playing a drinking game where you take a shot every time Trump is mentioned on MS-LSD....You would die of alcohol poisoning within a segment.....They are totally obsessed/possessed by the TDS.
In my country (America) it's kind of a big deal when an ex president has been charged with 91 counts. Maybe not so in the country you live in.
Those late night behind closed door ballot counts defy science, analytics, election day observations and historical norms...wait for it...ONLY in the handful of swing states needed to steal the election. Things were pretty normal in the rest of the country. Apart from Dem ballot "harvesting" in places like California.
For your communities sake, I hope you get the mental help you need.
The biggest lie ever was saying Trump was a Russian spy, the FBI making up documents to wiretap him, going after him while in office, 2 - 1 sided impeachments, and that's just a few of the lies Democrats have floated and naturally, the MSM parrots their talking points because they virtually own the legacy media in the U.S.
The biggest lie ever was saying Trump was a Russian spy, the FBI making up documents to wiretap him, going after him while in office, 2 - 1 sided impeachments, and that's just a few of the lies Democrats have floated and naturally, the MSM parrots their talking points because they virtually own the legacy media in the U.S.
2 impeachments and 91 counts. That is what trump will go down in history for. Worst. President. Ever.
In my country (America) it's kind of a big deal when an ex president has been charged with 91 counts. Maybe not so in the country you live in.
In your country "The United Soviet Socialist States of America" where you find the man, the Marxists can find the crime.


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