Big mouth Natalie Maines is back at it again !

I don't listen to twangy shit so I am guessing that she is a bimbo ala palin.

They started out more Bluegrass, not Country.

People ask me, 'what's the difference between Country and Bluegrass?'
Simple --- you have to be a musician to play Bluegrass.
She's always been free to do so, and you have the right to defend her, as I have the right to trash her nasty mouth.
But it went way past people criticizing her. Boycotts and death threats all because she expressed an opinion. I don't think punishing people for exercising their rights is in sync with the spirit of the First Amendment.

It was a highly emotional and critical time in America, I don't stand by death threats, but she was ignorant of the feelings going around in America. Her timing was not only bad, but incredibly stupid.

The comment was in England.

You remember the rest of the world? Where the largest protest demonstrations in world history went on against Shrub's Iraq gambit? That one?

We all know her comments were made in England, and her comments made outside of the country was one of the main reasons there was so much pushback.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

SIX HUNDRED CITIES on every continent had just protested what the US was doing. London was one of them, with an estimated million-plus people at the protest and three million at the rally. In London alone.

If anything circumstances demanded they acknowledge that sentiment.

Oh, you didn't hear about all that world-record-setting protest? That's because the same corporate media that squashed the Chicks' then-current recording... swept it under the rug. The entire rest of the world knew it. And so did the Chicks.

I felt the same thing around that time, even travelling in Canada. When it came out that I was from the US, I'd sheepishly say, "yeah I know ---- we're working on it".

Demanded? :bsflag:

That's very cute of you to mention the Canadians whose special operations troops are even now "boots on the ground" in Iraq!

Feel the irony!
But it went way past people criticizing her. Boycotts and death threats all because she expressed an opinion. I don't think punishing people for exercising their rights is in sync with the spirit of the First Amendment.

It was a highly emotional and critical time in America, I don't stand by death threats, but she was ignorant of the feelings going around in America. Her timing was not only bad, but incredibly stupid.

The comment was in England.

You remember the rest of the world? Where the largest protest demonstrations in world history went on against Shrub's Iraq gambit? That one?

We all know her comments were made in England, and her comments made outside of the country was one of the main reasons there was so much pushback.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

SIX HUNDRED CITIES on every continent had just protested what the US was doing. London was one of them, with an estimated million-plus people at the protest and three million at the rally. In London alone.

If anything circumstances demanded they acknowledge that sentiment.

Oh, you didn't hear about all that world-record-setting protest? That's because the same corporate media that squashed the Chicks' then-current recording... swept it under the rug. The entire rest of the world knew it. And so did the Chicks.

I felt the same thing around that time, even travelling in Canada. When it came out that I was from the US, I'd sheepishly say, "yeah I know ---- we're working on it".

Demanded? :bsflag:

That's very cute of you to mention the Canadians whose special operations troops are even now "boots on the ground" in Iraq!

Feel the irony!

Not in 2003 they sure the hell weren't.
I don't listen to twangy shit so I am guessing that she is a bimbo ala palin.
I don't know. She is a trained musician, having gone to Berklee College of Music. That is a pretty hard and prestigious school to get into. Something like a 19 percent admissions rate.
It was a highly emotional and critical time in America, I don't stand by death threats, but she was ignorant of the feelings going around in America. Her timing was not only bad, but incredibly stupid.

The comment was in England.

You remember the rest of the world? Where the largest protest demonstrations in world history went on against Shrub's Iraq gambit? That one?

We all know her comments were made in England, and her comments made outside of the country was one of the main reasons there was so much pushback.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

SIX HUNDRED CITIES on every continent had just protested what the US was doing. London was one of them, with an estimated million-plus people at the protest and three million at the rally. In London alone.

If anything circumstances demanded they acknowledge that sentiment.

Oh, you didn't hear about all that world-record-setting protest? That's because the same corporate media that squashed the Chicks' then-current recording... swept it under the rug. The entire rest of the world knew it. And so did the Chicks.

I felt the same thing around that time, even travelling in Canada. When it came out that I was from the US, I'd sheepishly say, "yeah I know ---- we're working on it".

Demanded? :bsflag:

That's very cute of you to mention the Canadians whose special operations troops are even now "boots on the ground" in Iraq!

Feel the irony!

Not in 2003 they sure the hell weren't.

Really? That's funny! They have been in Afghanistan all along! They also participated to a lesser degree in Iraq early in the war.

Maybe you should just be quiet and let the adults handle the conversation.
The comment was in England.

You remember the rest of the world? Where the largest protest demonstrations in world history went on against Shrub's Iraq gambit? That one?

We all know her comments were made in England, and her comments made outside of the country was one of the main reasons there was so much pushback.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

SIX HUNDRED CITIES on every continent had just protested what the US was doing. London was one of them, with an estimated million-plus people at the protest and three million at the rally. In London alone.

If anything circumstances demanded they acknowledge that sentiment.

Oh, you didn't hear about all that world-record-setting protest? That's because the same corporate media that squashed the Chicks' then-current recording... swept it under the rug. The entire rest of the world knew it. And so did the Chicks.

I felt the same thing around that time, even travelling in Canada. When it came out that I was from the US, I'd sheepishly say, "yeah I know ---- we're working on it".

Demanded? :bsflag:

That's very cute of you to mention the Canadians whose special operations troops are even now "boots on the ground" in Iraq!

Feel the irony!

Not in 2003 they sure the hell weren't.

Really? That's funny! They have been in Afghanistan all along! They also participated to a lesser degree in Iraq early in the war.

Maybe you should just be quiet and let the adults handle the conversation.

Maybe you should read the thread before you stick your foot in your mouth. We're talking about the US invasion of Iraq, 2003. The one allllllll those protests in February 2003 -- the month before Natalie Maines' comment in London --- were protesting in the biggest war protest in human history.

Not Afghanistan.

And Canada was not involved in it.
Man you just don't get it.

Natalie was a celebrity with a stage and microphone. All of those people out protesting were obscure individuals that nobody knew.

Making the comments she did on the eve of our mobilization in front of the world handed the MSM a huge story. It became a wildfire from there, and allowed all those who supported our men and women in uniform and their mission, a target.

Yyyyyeah. Three million people that "nobody knew".

The largest anti-war protest in the history of human civilisation.
Doesn't get much more "obscure" than that.

"Target" my fucking ass. Up to thirty million people all over the world on every continent took part in the protest. THAT was the huge fucking story.

The word was clearly already out. All they did was acknowledge what the whole fucking world was already saying.

Yes damnit, but all those little protesters scurrying around meant nothing to those back here in the U.S. that supported the mission.
The high profile of Natalie and the Chicks gave those supporters someone to point to and go after.
Why is this so hard for you ?

Correct, they meant nothing here because --- we never heard about that massive worldwide protest at the time. Because the corporate media was too busy beating the war drum. Wouldn't have looked good to note that the whole rest of the world thought we were fucking nuts.

But that doesn't matter here --- she didn't say it to US. She said it to an audience in LONDON. Where the protest was still fresh.

What exactly is not strikingly obvious about this?


:eusa_clap: Excellent.
And you know that three weeks earlier, millions --- literally millions --- of Londoners were in the streets protesting that war, right?

Now insert tab A into slot B...... holy shit this is like pulling teeth...

Why was it so important that she make her comments? If she didn't, would the crowd rush the stage and lynch them if they simply avoided politics and played their music? It was unnecessary, disrespectful and not very smart.

I was a big Dixie Chicks fan in the early days, but after that, I was done, like so many other patriotic Americans.

They spoke out and got smacked so hard in the purses that it ended their careers. Now, it seems they did not learn their lesson and will suffer the same fate.
We all know her comments were made in England, and her comments made outside of the country was one of the main reasons there was so much pushback.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

SIX HUNDRED CITIES on every continent had just protested what the US was doing. London was one of them, with an estimated million-plus people at the protest and three million at the rally. In London alone.

If anything circumstances demanded they acknowledge that sentiment.

Oh, you didn't hear about all that world-record-setting protest? That's because the same corporate media that squashed the Chicks' then-current recording... swept it under the rug. The entire rest of the world knew it. And so did the Chicks.

I felt the same thing around that time, even travelling in Canada. When it came out that I was from the US, I'd sheepishly say, "yeah I know ---- we're working on it".

Demanded? :bsflag:

That's very cute of you to mention the Canadians whose special operations troops are even now "boots on the ground" in Iraq!

Feel the irony!

Not in 2003 they sure the hell weren't.

Really? That's funny! They have been in Afghanistan all along! They also participated to a lesser degree in Iraq early in the war.

Maybe you should just be quiet and let the adults handle the conversation.

Maybe you should read the thread before you stick your foot in your mouth. We're talking about the US invasion of Iraq, 2003. The one allllllll those protests in February 2003 -- the month before Natalie Maines' comment in London --- were protesting in the biggest war protest in human history.

Not Afghanistan.

And Canada was not involved in it.

That's funny. I read the thread. I was pointing out the apparent hypocrisy because the Canadians claimed they were not involved when the facts say otherwise. They are now knee-deep in the war against ISIS. Where are the protesters now?

All those protests prove is that there are too many stupid people with no jobs in the world. They must all be liberals!
Yyyyyeah. Three million people that "nobody knew".

The largest anti-war protest in the history of human civilisation.
Doesn't get much more "obscure" than that.

"Target" my fucking ass. Up to thirty million people all over the world on every continent took part in the protest. THAT was the huge fucking story.

The word was clearly already out. All they did was acknowledge what the whole fucking world was already saying.

Yes damnit, but all those little protesters scurrying around meant nothing to those back here in the U.S. that supported the mission.
The high profile of Natalie and the Chicks gave those supporters someone to point to and go after.
Why is this so hard for you ?

Correct, they meant nothing here because --- we never heard about that massive worldwide protest at the time. Because the corporate media was too busy beating the war drum. Wouldn't have looked good to note that the whole rest of the world thought we were fucking nuts.

But that doesn't matter here --- she didn't say it to US. She said it to an audience in LONDON. Where the protest was still fresh.

What exactly is not strikingly obvious about this?


:eusa_clap: Excellent.
And you know that three weeks earlier, millions --- literally millions --- of Londoners were in the streets protesting that war, right?

Now insert tab A into slot B...... holy shit this is like pulling teeth...

Why was it so important that she make her comments? If she didn't, would the crowd rush the stage and lynch them if they simply avoided politics and played their music? It was unnecessary, disrespectful and not very smart.

I was a big Dixie Chicks fan in the early days, but after that, I was done, like so many other patriotic Americans.

They spoke out and got smacked so hard in the purses that it ended their careers. Now, it seems they did not learn their lesson and will suffer the same fate.
So patriots don't criticize the President of the United States? They won 9 Grammys and multiple other awards while making a ton of money after that comment.
Why was it so important that she make her comments?

You tell me. It was a simple one-sentence of stage banter out of a show that must have had many other sentences. Why wasn't it just left with the audience to whom it was said?

You tell me why corporate media made a big deal of it from an ocean away.

I was a big Dixie Chicks fan in the early days, but after that, I was done, like so many other patriotic Americans.

What the fuck does it have to do with the music?

What you mean to say is you're a fascist who wants to shut up any voices that differ with your opinion, amirite?

They spoke out and got smacked so hard in the purses that it ended their careers. Now, it seems they did not learn their lesson and will suffer the same fate.

Uh --- no, it didn't. All it did was produce a collusion in radio to tank the record that was current at the time. Which tells us far more about the music "industry" and which side its bread is buttered on, than it tells us anything about the musicians.

Guess what -- terrestrial radio is no longer as relevant to all that. You fascists lose.

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