Big mouth Natalie Maines is back at it again !

Yes damnit, but all those little protesters scurrying around meant nothing to those back here in the U.S. that supported the mission.
The high profile of Natalie and the Chicks gave those supporters someone to point to and go after.
Why is this so hard for you ?

Correct, they meant nothing here because --- we never heard about that massive worldwide protest at the time. Because the corporate media was too busy beating the war drum. Wouldn't have looked good to note that the whole rest of the world thought we were fucking nuts.

But that doesn't matter here --- she didn't say it to US. She said it to an audience in LONDON. Where the protest was still fresh.

What exactly is not strikingly obvious about this?


:eusa_clap: Excellent.
And you know that three weeks earlier, millions --- literally millions --- of Londoners were in the streets protesting that war, right?

Now insert tab A into slot B...... holy shit this is like pulling teeth...

Why was it so important that she make her comments? If she didn't, would the crowd rush the stage and lynch them if they simply avoided politics and played their music? It was unnecessary, disrespectful and not very smart.

I was a big Dixie Chicks fan in the early days, but after that, I was done, like so many other patriotic Americans.

They spoke out and got smacked so hard in the purses that it ended their careers. Now, it seems they did not learn their lesson and will suffer the same fate.
So patriots don't criticize the President of the United States? They won 9 Grammys and multiple other awards while making a ton of money after that comment.

After?????? Why do you try to spin something that you know we can easily destroy with a simple Google search?

After 2003, they only received Grammys and no other major awards. No ACMs or CMAs. Their country career was over.

They received Grammys in 2005 and 2007 after that because they were still selling records to liberals. Their last Grammy was for an album that sold 2.5 million compared to almost 9 million for their first album. The other albums were about 6 million copies each. After 2007, they were dead in the water.
Why was it so important that she make her comments?

You tell me. It was a simple one-sentence of stage banter out of a show that must have had many other sentences. Why wasn't it just left with the audience to whom it was said?

You tell me why corporate media made a big deal of it from an ocean away.

I was a big Dixie Chicks fan in the early days, but after that, I was done, like so many other patriotic Americans.

What the fuck does it have to do with the music?

What you mean to say is you're a fascist who wants to shut up any voices that differ with your opinion, amirite?

They spoke out and got smacked so hard in the purses that it ended their careers. Now, it seems they did not learn their lesson and will suffer the same fate.

Uh --- no, it didn't. All it did was produce a collusion in radio to tank the record that was current at the time. Which tells us far more about the music "industry" and which side its bread is buttered on, than it tells us anything about the musicians.

Guess what -- terrestrial radio is no longer as relevant to all that. You fascists lose.

Spin, spin, spin!

Don't you get dizzy from all that spinning!

They have a right to say whatever they want, but I have the right to change the radio station anytime they are played. I also don't have to buy their CDs or attend their concerts. That is what a number of red-blooded Americans did.

I don't want to stop their free speech, but liberals don't seem to understand that their are consequences to their actions. They got exactly what they deserved because they did not know their audience.

They can tour Europe all they want and make all kinds of money off their new album and tour, but they will not get one red cent from me, and I will express my freedom of speech when I take radio station surveys and trash their songs. I doubt they will tour in the US again unless they play some high school gymnasium somewhere.
They have a right to say whatever they want, but I have the right to change the radio station anytime they are played. I also don't have to buy their CDs or attend their concerts. That is what a number of red-blooded Americans did.

Everybody's blood is red, number one. It's what oxygen does.
Again, the question you won't touch was, still is, and will remain: what the fuck does a stage banter comment to an audience in London have to do with the music? Does the music somehow change retroactively?

I don't want to stop their free speech, but liberals don't seem to understand that their are consequences to their actions.

Since you're adept at contradicting yourself, I'll just watch. :popcorn:

They got exactly what they deserved because they did not know their audience.

Oh but they did. The audience didn't object. The corporate music "industry" did. And you followed their lead like a puppy.
Correct, they meant nothing here because --- we never heard about that massive worldwide protest at the time. Because the corporate media was too busy beating the war drum. Wouldn't have looked good to note that the whole rest of the world thought we were fucking nuts.

But that doesn't matter here --- she didn't say it to US. She said it to an audience in LONDON. Where the protest was still fresh.

What exactly is not strikingly obvious about this?


:eusa_clap: Excellent.
And you know that three weeks earlier, millions --- literally millions --- of Londoners were in the streets protesting that war, right?

Now insert tab A into slot B...... holy shit this is like pulling teeth...

Why was it so important that she make her comments? If she didn't, would the crowd rush the stage and lynch them if they simply avoided politics and played their music? It was unnecessary, disrespectful and not very smart.

I was a big Dixie Chicks fan in the early days, but after that, I was done, like so many other patriotic Americans.

They spoke out and got smacked so hard in the purses that it ended their careers. Now, it seems they did not learn their lesson and will suffer the same fate.
So patriots don't criticize the President of the United States? They won 9 Grammys and multiple other awards while making a ton of money after that comment.

After?????? Why do you try to spin something that you know we can easily destroy with a simple Google search?

After 2003, they only received Grammys and no other major awards. No ACMs or CMAs. Their country career was over.

They received Grammys in 2005 and 2007 after that because they were still selling records to liberals. Their last Grammy was for an album that sold 2.5 million compared to almost 9 million for their first album. The other albums were about 6 million copies each. After 2007, they were dead in the water.

Clearly you think art is about "how many music-widget units you can sell".

Exactly as I said --- Corporatia tells you "jump" and you ask "how high".
They have a right to say whatever they want, but I have the right to change the radio station anytime they are played. I also don't have to buy their CDs or attend their concerts. That is what a number of red-blooded Americans did.

Everybody's blood is red, number one. It's what oxygen does.
Again, the question you won't touch was, still is, and will remain: what the fuck does a stage banter comment to an audience in London have to do with the music? Does the music somehow change retroactively?

I don't want to stop their free speech, but liberals don't seem to understand that their are consequences to their actions.

Since you're adept at contradicting yourself, I'll just watch. :popcorn:

They got exactly what they deserved because they did not know their audience.

Oh but they did. The audience didn't object. The corporate music "industry" did. And you followed their lead like a puppy.

I am sorry! I really am. Nobody should have to go through life saddled with liberalism, but I guess you are just too stupid to rehabilitate.

Have a nice life. Goodbye!
Correct, they meant nothing here because --- we never heard about that massive worldwide protest at the time. Because the corporate media was too busy beating the war drum. Wouldn't have looked good to note that the whole rest of the world thought we were fucking nuts.

But that doesn't matter here --- she didn't say it to US. She said it to an audience in LONDON. Where the protest was still fresh.

What exactly is not strikingly obvious about this?


:eusa_clap: Excellent.
And you know that three weeks earlier, millions --- literally millions --- of Londoners were in the streets protesting that war, right?

Now insert tab A into slot B...... holy shit this is like pulling teeth...

Why was it so important that she make her comments? If she didn't, would the crowd rush the stage and lynch them if they simply avoided politics and played their music? It was unnecessary, disrespectful and not very smart.

I was a big Dixie Chicks fan in the early days, but after that, I was done, like so many other patriotic Americans.

They spoke out and got smacked so hard in the purses that it ended their careers. Now, it seems they did not learn their lesson and will suffer the same fate.
So patriots don't criticize the President of the United States? They won 9 Grammys and multiple other awards while making a ton of money after that comment.

After?????? Why do you try to spin something that you know we can easily destroy with a simple Google search?

After 2003, they only received Grammys and no other major awards. No ACMs or CMAs. Their country career was over.

They received Grammys in 2005 and 2007 after that because they were still selling records to liberals. Their last Grammy was for an album that sold 2.5 million compared to almost 9 million for their first album. The other albums were about 6 million copies each. After 2007, they were dead in the water.
Oh I get it now. When you said their careers were over you meant they only won the most sought after music award 9 times and made a bunch money because of "liberals".

"After 2007, they were dead in the water."
Which was 4 years after that comment. They went went on hiatus in 2007.
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I don't want to stop their free speech, but liberals don't seem to understand that their are consequences to their actions. They got exactly what they deserved because they did not know their audience.

You don't want to restrict their speech. You just want to monetarily penalize them so they won't speak out about issues you don't agree with.
They have a right to say whatever they want, but I have the right to change the radio station anytime they are played. I also don't have to buy their CDs or attend their concerts. That is what a number of red-blooded Americans did.

Everybody's blood is red, number one. It's what oxygen does.
Again, the question you won't touch was, still is, and will remain: what the fuck does a stage banter comment to an audience in London have to do with the music? Does the music somehow change retroactively?

I don't want to stop their free speech, but liberals don't seem to understand that their are consequences to their actions.

Since you're adept at contradicting yourself, I'll just watch. :popcorn:

They got exactly what they deserved because they did not know their audience.

Oh but they did. The audience didn't object. The corporate music "industry" did. And you followed their lead like a puppy.

I am sorry! I really am. Nobody should have to go through life saddled with liberalism, but I guess you are just too stupid to rehabilitate.

Have a nice life. Goodbye!

Seeing as how Liberals invented this country, you fascists are prolly better off in North Korea. They like people who follow orders from the State.

You have a nice flight on Air Koryo.
It's great to know that the right to free speech only applies to those that agree with you.

Like most liberals, you are ignorant about this.

She is free to say what she wishes, and others are free to express their displeasure with her.

Try again granny.
Like most conservatives you're inconsistent about this.

As already correctly noted: you whine about the myth of 'political correctness' when 'confederate' flags are removed or Muslim-hating bigots are denounced, yet it's not 'political correctness' when you're critical of those whom you perceive to be 'un-American.'

Conservatives can't have it both ways.
They are about to start a new t our, and apparently this idiot didn't learn much from the last time she pissed off half the country.
She only pissed off wingnuts, a small minority.

What was the lesson she was supposed to have learned? Not to criticize a sitting president while on foreign soil? Looks like every Republican since then has failed to learn that lesson, starting with Failin' Palin and Mittens Romney.

So fuck off.
This was an open letter from a soldier back in '03.

An Open Letter to the Dixie Chicks

Earlier this week, while performing in London, you stated that you were ashamed that our President is from your home state. I wonder if you realized how many Americans would be listening. This American was listening. This Texan is ashamed that you come from my state.

I serve my country as an officer in the United States Navy. Specifically, I fly F-14 Tomcats off carriers around the world, executing the missions that preserve the very freedom you claim to exercise.

I have proudly fought for my country in the skies over Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan without regret. Though I may disagree wholeheartedly with your comments, I will defend to the death your right to say them, in America.

But for you to travel to a foreign land and publicly criticize our Commander in Chief is cowardice behavior. Would you have so willingly made those comments while performing for a patriotic, flag-waving crowd of Texans in Lubbock. I would imagine not.

How dare you pocket profits off songs about soldiers, their deaths and patriotism while criticizing their Commander in Chief abroad, even while they prepare to give their lives to ensure your own freedom of speech.

Please ask yourself, what have you done to deserve that sacrifice? Do not try to justify your comments by claiming that you made them only because you care about innocent lives.

Never once in our history have we committed troops to war for the purpose of taking innocent lives. We do it to protect innocent lives, even yours. If the world leaders of the late 1930's had the vision and courage of our present Commander in Chief, perhaps the evil men who caused the death of millions in WWII would have never had the opportunity to harm a soul.

The potential loss of millions of lives in the future at the hands of today's evil men necessitate action. In a separate correspondence, I am returning to you each and every Dixie Chicks CD and cassette that I have ever purchased.

Never again will I allow my funds to support your behavior. All you have done is to add your name to a growing list of American "Celebrities" who have failed to realize that they have obtained their successes on the backs of the American blue-collar workers such as our servicemen and women.

To Natalie Maines: This Texan — this American will continue to risk his life to guarantee your freedoms. What will you do to deserve it?
Fuck that soldier, too. He obviously doesn't understand the Constitution he claims to protect.
All it did was produce a collusion in radio to tank the record that was current at the time.
Of course. The majority of radio stations were owned at the time by Clear Channel Communications, whose CEO was one of Bush's Rangers - someone who raised over $100,000 for his campaign.
They have a right to say whatever they want, but I have the right to change the radio station anytime they are played. I also don't have to buy their CDs or attend their concerts. That is what a number of red-blooded Americans did.

Everybody's blood is red, number one. It's what oxygen does.
Again, the question you won't touch was, still is, and will remain: what the fuck does a stage banter comment to an audience in London have to do with the music? Does the music somehow change retroactively?

I don't want to stop their free speech, but liberals don't seem to understand that their are consequences to their actions.

Since you're adept at contradicting yourself, I'll just watch. :popcorn:

They got exactly what they deserved because they did not know their audience.

Oh but they did. The audience didn't object. The corporate music "industry" did. And you followed their lead like a puppy.

I am sorry! I really am. Nobody should have to go through life saddled with liberalism, but I guess you are just too stupid to rehabilitate.

Have a nice life. Goodbye!
You know that guy in your avatar, Marion Morrison, did not serve in WWII. Like so many Republicans, he got a deferment.
just take a listen to the classic Dixie Chicks song "Travelin Soldier" and grieve the loss of good young U.S. soldiers who spilled blood , unnecessarily, because of the GWB error , that Dick Cheney knew would be "a quagmire"

Except that video shows it was at the CMA awards in 2001, 2 years before we went into Iraq.
They are about to start a new t our, and apparently this idiot didn't learn much from the last time she pissed off half the country.

Dixie Chicks' Natalie Maines: 'I'm Ashamed Ted Cruz Claims to Be American'

Natalie Maines infamously spoke her mind about war and then-President George W. Bush back in 2003, when she told a London crowd that she was “ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas.” Now, the Dixie Chicks member is bringing that comment back to mind and voicing her opinion on Republican presidential candidate (and fellow Texan) Ted Cruz.
Dixie Chicks' Natalie Maines Revisits President Bush Criticisms 12 Years Later
“Just so you know....I'm ashamed Ted Cruz is from America,” Maines wrote on Twitter late Saturday night (Jan. 23). With her tweet she posted side-by-side images of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Cruz. “I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity,” reads a quote from Eisenhower, compared to this quote from Cruz: “We will carpet bomb them into oblivion. I don’t know if sand can glow in the dark, but we’re going to find out.”
“I stand corrected...Just so you know, I'm ashamed Ted Cruz claims to be American,” Maines added in another tweet. Cruz represents Texas as a senator, though he was born in Canada.
Maines’ tweets are in reference to a statement Cruz reportedly made at a December campaign stop in Des Moines, Iowa.
Behind the Scenes of the Dixie Chicks' Prep for American Comeback Tour (That's Already Successful)
While her remarks about Bush over a decade ago didn't sit well with the group's conservative country fanbase, music fans seem to be ready for their return to the stage. The Dixie Chicks (Maines, Emily Robison and Martie Maguire) embark on a tour on June 1, their first U.S. trek in 10 years -- and "ticket sales have been ridiculous," according to band manager Simon Renshaw.

Dixie Chicks' Natalie Maines: 'I'm Ashamed Ted Cruz Claims to Be American'

You can't cure stupid.
just take a listen to the classic Dixie Chicks song "Travelin Soldier" and grieve the loss of good young U.S. soldiers who spilled blood , unnecessarily, because of the GWB error , that Dick Cheney knew would be "a quagmire"

I guess you didn't listen to the lyrics. It is about Vietnam!

I think we are all smart enough to realize that . . . . The concept applies to any of our wars , any young soldier who dies in battle and a nation that scarcely notices their absence .
just take a listen to the classic Dixie Chicks song "Travelin Soldier" and grieve the loss of good young U.S. soldiers who spilled blood , unnecessarily, because of the GWB error , that Dick Cheney knew would be "a quagmire"

Except that video shows it was at the CMA awards in 2001, 2 years before we went into Iraq.

I think we are all smart enough to realize that . . . . The concept applies to any of our wars , any young soldier who dies in battle and a nation that scarcely notices their absence .
Man you just don't get it.

Natalie was a celebrity with a stage and microphone. All of those people out protesting were obscure individuals that nobody knew.

Making the comments she did on the eve of our mobilization in front of the world handed the MSM a huge story. It became a wildfire from there, and allowed all those who supported our men and women in uniform and their mission, a target.

Yyyyyeah. Three million people that "nobody knew".

The largest anti-war protest in the history of human civilisation.
Doesn't get much more "obscure" than that.

"Target" my fucking ass. Up to thirty million people all over the world on every continent took part in the protest. THAT was the huge fucking story.

The word was clearly already out. All they did was acknowledge what the whole fucking world was already saying.

Yes damnit, but all those little protesters scurrying around meant nothing to those back here in the U.S. that supported the mission.
The high profile of Natalie and the Chicks gave those supporters someone to point to and go after.
Why is this so hard for you ?

Correct, they meant nothing here because --- we never heard about that massive worldwide protest at the time. Because the corporate media was too busy beating the war drum. Wouldn't have looked good to note that the whole rest of the world thought we were fucking nuts.

But that doesn't matter here --- she didn't say it to US. She said it to an audience in LONDON. Where the protest was still fresh.

What exactly is not strikingly obvious about this?


:eusa_clap: Excellent.
And you know that three weeks earlier, millions --- literally millions --- of Londoners were in the streets protesting that war, right?

Now insert tab A into slot B...... holy shit this is like pulling teeth...

Yes, I am and was aware that there were protests. I'm certain her hosts applauded her remarks, but back here at home where at the time the majority of Americans favored an Iraq invasion, her words didn't go over so well with millions of Americans.

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