Big mouth Natalie Maines is back at it again !

Everybody's blood is red, number one. It's what oxygen does.
Again, the question you won't touch was, still is, and will remain: what the fuck does a stage banter comment to an audience in London have to do with the music? Does the music somehow change retroactively?

No the music doesn't change at all ... But then again if ISIS comes out with a great album of songs I could enjoy ... I am still not going to buy their CD.

Everybody's blood is red, number one. It's what oxygen does.
Again, the question you won't touch was, still is, and will remain: what the fuck does a stage banter comment to an audience in London have to do with the music? Does the music somehow change retroactively?

No the music doesn't change at all ... But then again if ISIS comes out with a great album of songs I could enjoy ... I am still not going to buy their CD.

Worst analogy EVER.

But it's ironic you bring up DAESH (I refuse to enable them with their preferred Egyptian deity name) --- the asshats in this thread who try to sell us the old "of course she has freedom of speech" with one side of their mouth and then immediately follow it with "but she has to suffer the consequence" out of the other ------ obviously have a problem with women who speak their mind.

So in that sense they're right in line with the DAESHes and the Talibans and the Saudi Arabians.

(/munches a cashew) :popcorn:

In my last post I left a video of a post-comment show, which includes camera pans of the venue. Doesn't exactly look like the band is hurtin' for audience.

And besides ------- you ain't from Texas anyway. :laugh2:
Worst analogy EVER.

But it's ironic you bring up DAESH (I refuse to enable them with their preferred Egyptian deity name) --- the asshats in this thread who try to sell us the old "of course she has freedom of speech" with one side of their mouth and then immediately follow it with "but she has to suffer the consequence" out of the other ------ obviously have a problem with women who speak their mind.

So in that sense they're right in line with the DAESHes and the Talibans and the Saudi Arabians.

(/munches a cashew) :popcorn:

In my last post I left a video of a post-comment show, which includes camera pans of the venue. Doesn't exactly look like the band is hurtin' for audience.

And besides ------- you ain't from Texas anyway. :laugh2:

Well ... I am not buying any Saudi, DEASHes or Taliban CD's either ... :dunno:
I am pretty sure I haven't purchased any CD's from anyone in this thread ... But who knows, somebody might have worked in a Best Buy.

I am sure the Dixie Chicks will do fine without my support ... And It is obvious they would rather play politics than music ... Not that I care what they do.

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Let's see. Nats opens her fat mouth and it has such a positive effect on the group that they haven't been able to put together a tour for 10 friggin' years!

Now, finally on the verge of getting back on the concert trail she goes full deja vu all over again. Whadaya suppose her fellow Chicks would prefer, that she keep yapping or shut her mouth? Lots of potential cash to be made out on the road, lots of it.

It's got nothing to do with her exercising he right to free speech. She did that. But as a public figure with a track record 10 years old it's simply a dumb thing to do. People have as much right to react to what she says as she's got to say it, and if they choose to react as they have in the past that's life.

Don't most people agree with her now? After all, she was right on the money.

That band has had 10 years to get rid of her. No one is forcing that the band stay together.
Interesting, the same ones who complain about Maines are the ones who say horrible things about our president. :rolleyes:
It's great to know that the right to free speech only applies to those that agree with you.

Like most liberals, you are ignorant about this.

She is free to say what she wishes, and others are free to express their displeasure with her.

Try again granny.
Like most conservatives you're inconsistent about this.

As already correctly noted: you whine about the myth of 'political correctness' when 'confederate' flags are removed or Muslim-hating bigots are denounced, yet it's not 'political correctness' when you're critical of those whom you perceive to be 'un-American.'

Conservatives can't have it both ways.

I could make the same claims about liberals.
They are about to start a new t our, and apparently this idiot didn't learn much from the last time she pissed off half the country.
She only pissed off wingnuts, a small minority.

What was the lesson she was supposed to have learned? Not to criticize a sitting president while on foreign soil? Looks like every Republican since then has failed to learn that lesson, starting with Failin' Palin and Mittens Romney.

So fuck off.

She pissed off quite a few Americans, and as for the lesson, I would have thought she would have learned that if you're a celebrity and you solidly take one side of the aisle, you're likely to get hit in the pocketbook.
Especially when the comments made are insulting.
She obviously doesn't give a fuck what a sizeable percentage of the population thinks.
Yes damnit, but all those little protesters scurrying around meant nothing to those back here in the U.S. that supported the mission.
The high profile of Natalie and the Chicks gave those supporters someone to point to and go after.
Why is this so hard for you ?

Correct, they meant nothing here because --- we never heard about that massive worldwide protest at the time. Because the corporate media was too busy beating the war drum. Wouldn't have looked good to note that the whole rest of the world thought we were fucking nuts.

But that doesn't matter here --- she didn't say it to US. She said it to an audience in LONDON. Where the protest was still fresh.

What exactly is not strikingly obvious about this?


:eusa_clap: Excellent.
And you know that three weeks earlier, millions --- literally millions --- of Londoners were in the streets protesting that war, right?

Now insert tab A into slot B...... holy shit this is like pulling teeth...

Yes, I am and was aware that there were protests. I'm certain her hosts applauded her remarks, but back here at home where at the time the majority of Americans favored an Iraq invasion, her words didn't go over so well with millions of Americans.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Soooooooooooo ------- exactly which one of the 57 states do you imagine London is in??

Wanna see a handy map?


United Kingdom (east)
United States (west)
---- KNOW the difference.


What the fuck is wrong with you ?

For the fucking last time, I KNOW MAINES MADE HER REMARKS OUTSIDE THE U.S. !!!

I know it now, five years ago, and when she first made the comment in 2003 !!
Lol coming from people that called anyone racist for disagreeing with Obama.


Didn't think so.
No need for a link, just go back a few years on here and read. Enjoy

Because you have no link, because it doesn't exist, because you pulled it out of your ass. I know everything I ever fucking posted. Obviously you don't.

Never was called a racist till I disagreed with Obama. I love it how liberals are back tracking on this subject.

AGAIN --- where's your link?

AGAIN you fail.

Wait, are you challenging the claim that there were some liberals claiming racism when someone denounced Obama ?

Didn't think so.
No need for a link, just go back a few years on here and read. Enjoy

Because you have no link, because it doesn't exist, because you pulled it out of your ass. I know everything I ever fucking posted. Obviously you don't.

Never was called a racist till I disagreed with Obama. I love it how liberals are back tracking on this subject.

AGAIN --- where's your link?

AGAIN you fail.

Wait, are you challenging the claim that there were some liberals claiming racism when someone denounced Obama ?

I challenged his claim that *I* did. As in me, first person singular. Which is right there in the post you cut out of this one as inconvenient to your movable goalposts.

What "some liberals", whatever that means, did has no bearing on anything anywhere.
Oh well. If the tour isn't as successful as she hopes that it will be, there isn't going to be anyone for her to blame but herself when the rest of us have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there as well.

God bless you always!!!

Pity they have such a big mouth! :(

Because they sing so well.
Correct, they meant nothing here because --- we never heard about that massive worldwide protest at the time. Because the corporate media was too busy beating the war drum. Wouldn't have looked good to note that the whole rest of the world thought we were fucking nuts.

But that doesn't matter here --- she didn't say it to US. She said it to an audience in LONDON. Where the protest was still fresh.

What exactly is not strikingly obvious about this?


:eusa_clap: Excellent.
And you know that three weeks earlier, millions --- literally millions --- of Londoners were in the streets protesting that war, right?

Now insert tab A into slot B...... holy shit this is like pulling teeth...

Yes, I am and was aware that there were protests. I'm certain her hosts applauded her remarks, but back here at home where at the time the majority of Americans favored an Iraq invasion, her words didn't go over so well with millions of Americans.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Soooooooooooo ------- exactly which one of the 57 states do you imagine London is in??

Wanna see a handy map?


United Kingdom (east)
United States (west)
---- KNOW the difference.


What the fuck is wrong with you ?

For the fucking last time, I KNOW MAINES MADE HER REMARKS OUTSIDE THE U.S. !!!

I know it now, five years ago, and when she first made the comment in 2003 !!


Now explain what the fuck a stage quip to an audience in LONDON ---- again that's in England, in Europe, an ocean away ----- has to do with what anyone *H*E*R*E* thinks about it.

You actually want to not only control what opinion third parties express ---- you want to control them around the world??


What the fuck is wrong with you?
Oh well. If the tour isn't as successful as she hopes that it will be, there isn't going to be anyone for her to blame but herself when the rest of us have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there as well.

God bless you always!!!


"The rest of us"?

So we all have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there.... but Natalie Maines -- all by herself -- doesn't ?

Oh well. If the tour isn't as successful as she hopes that it will be, there isn't going to be anyone for her to blame but herself when the rest of us have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there as well.

God bless you always!!!


"The rest of us"?

So we all have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there.... but Natalie Maines -- all by herself -- doesn't ?
I've never once said that she doesn't have the right. What I am saying is that because we all have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there, if someone is not willing to face the repercussions of it, they shouldn't say or do anything until they are.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Don't go robbing a person for example until you are willing to face what can happen to you in return, like being arrested for it or the person you are holding up doing whatever it is that they do to you in self defense.
You actually want to not only control what opinion third parties express ---- you want to control them around the world??


I heard at least half the folks at the Amundsen-Scott Station were really interested in hearing
what she had to say and would welcome a tour date.


Oh well. If the tour isn't as successful as she hopes that it will be, there isn't going to be anyone for her to blame but herself when the rest of us have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there as well.

God bless you always!!!


"The rest of us"?

So we all have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there.... but Natalie Maines -- all by herself -- doesn't ?
I've never once said that she doesn't have the right. What I am saying is that because we all have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there, if someone is not willing to face the repercussions of it, they shouldn't say or do anything until they are.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Don't go robbing a person for example until you are willing to face what can happen to you in return, like being arrested for it or the person you are holding up doing whatever it is that they do to you in self defense.

You're actually trying to tell us expressing an opinion is the same as ...... robbery?


You are too much.

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