Big mouth Natalie Maines is back at it again !

You actually want to not only control what opinion third parties express ---- you want to control them around the world??


I heard at least half the folks at the Amundsen-Scott Station were really interested in hearing
what she had to say and would welcome a tour date.



And if she dares say anything derogatory about The O'bama there, why Digi-it-all Snowdrift will be all over her I have no doubt. The very minute his corporate masters tell him to whine.

Nice pic. Those are some serious whup-ass antennas. I dig antennas. They're so... receptive.
Oh well. If the tour isn't as successful as she hopes that it will be, there isn't going to be anyone for her to blame but herself when the rest of us have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there as well.

God bless you always!!!


"The rest of us"?

So we all have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there.... but Natalie Maines -- all by herself -- doesn't ?
I've never once said that she doesn't have the right. What I am saying is that because we all have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there, if someone is not willing to face the repercussions of it, they shouldn't say or do anything until they are.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Don't go robbing a person for example until you are willing to face what can happen to you in return, like being arrested for it or the person you are holding up doing whatever it is that they do to you in self defense.

You're actually trying to tell us expressing an opinion is the same as ...... robbery?


You are too much.
What I am trying to tell you is that if you are not willing to deal with what may happen after you have done both things, don't go doing either one until you are willing to deal with the after math. I was not trying to say that one is the same thing as the other although both of them things are just two of the many choices that people can make in their lives.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I guess that she is willing to deal with what happens in return every time that she says anything.
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Interesting, the same ones who complain about Maines are the ones who say horrible things about our president. :rolleyes:


"Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas."

Oh well. If the tour isn't as successful as she hopes that it will be, there isn't going to be anyone for her to blame but herself when the rest of us have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there as well.

God bless you always!!!


"The rest of us"?

So we all have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there.... but Natalie Maines -- all by herself -- doesn't ?
I've never once said that she doesn't have the right. What I am saying is that because we all have the right to put our thoughts and opinions out there, if someone is not willing to face the repercussions of it, they shouldn't say or do anything until they are.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Don't go robbing a person for example until you are willing to face what can happen to you in return, like being arrested for it or the person you are holding up doing whatever it is that they do to you in self defense.

You're actually trying to tell us expressing an opinion is the same as ...... robbery?


You are too much.
What I am trying to tell you is that if you are not willing to deal with what may happen after you have done both things, don't go doing either one until you are willing to deal with the after math. I was not trying to say that one is the same thing as the other although both of them things are just two of the many choices that people can make in their lives.

God bless you always!!!


"Not willing??"

Kindly explain to the class how she's been "not willing to deal with the aftermath". Do that for us, wouldja?

^^^ I don't know what you mean by this.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I hate pink.

So do I but it was the color available. :eusa_shifty:

It means you painted yourself into a corner with self-contradictions.

Have a look at post 118. Show me where in the video anybody looks "not willing". Anybody at all. The video is from four years later, in the same venue where she made the first comment.
^^^ The reason why I have said any of what I have said already is because she is the one who cried on that 60 Minutes show because of how so many people responded to her choice of words. Well if she wasn't willing to deal with the response being what it ended up being, plenty of people not liking what she had to say that is, she should have kept her mouth shut until she was willing.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Do you cry when people don't like what you have to say?
^^^ The reason why I have said any of what I have said already is because she is the one who cried on that 60 Minutes show because of how people responded to her choice of words. Well if she wasn't willing to deal with the response being what it ended up being, she should have kept her mouth shut until she was willing.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Do you cry when people don't like what you have to say?

I don't have any idea what the hell you're talking about. But writing a song called "Not Ready to Make Nice" and going back to the same stage in London and reiterating the same thing again ........ doesn't exactly look to me like "not willing to deal with what may happen". It looks like OWNING it.
^^^ The reason why I have said any of what I have said already is because she is the one who cried on that 60 Minutes show because of how so many people responded to her choice of words in a negative way. Well if she wasn't willing to deal with such a response to what she had to say, she should have kept her mouth shut until she was willing.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Do you cry when people don't like what you have to say?

I don't have any idea what the hell you're talking about. But writing a song called "Not Ready to Make Nice" and going back to the same stage in London and reiterating the same thing again ........ doesn't exactly look to me like "not willing to deal with what may happen". It looks like OWNING it.
That girl was on the 60 Minutes show with the other two girls not long after this whole thing started and she was crying about how so many people responded to her choice of words in a negative way. Well if she wasn't willing to deal with such a response to her choice of words, she should have kept her mouth shut until she was willing.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ The reason why I have said any of what I have said already is because she is the one who cried on that 60 Minutes show because of how so many people responded to her choice of words in a negative way. Well if she wasn't willing to deal with such a response to what she had to say, she should have kept her mouth shut until she was willing.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Do you cry when people don't like what you have to say?

I don't have any idea what the hell you're talking about. But writing a song called "Not Ready to Make Nice" and going back to the same stage in London and reiterating the same thing again ........ doesn't exactly look to me like "not willing to deal with what may happen". It looks like OWNING it.
That girl was on the 60 Minutes show with the other two girls not long after this whole thing started and she was crying about how so many people responded to her choice of words in a negative way. Well if she wasn't willing to deal with such a response to her choice of words, she should have kept her mouth shut until she was willing.

God bless you always!!!


Do you somehow think this can't be looked up?

I've never seen this "60 Minutes" interview you keep mentioning but never post. So I looked it up. Here it is.
Part one:

and part two:

And here's the video from post 118:

NONE of these exhibit anything like what you claim. The 60 Minutes video lays it out right at the beginning.

So AGAIN I ask you. WHERE in any of this is there any indication of "not willing to deal with what may happen"?

Where is it?


See what I mean about painting yourself into a corner?
^^^ Her crying is what said it all. If she was really willing to deal with the negative response, she never would have shed a tear.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ Her crying is what said it all. If she was really willing to deal with it, she never would have shed a tear.

God bless you always!!!


WHAT "crying"???

Where is it?? Time stamp? I just linked the whole thing. Ain't there.

What the hell is it with you clowns who think you can just make shit up and never be called on it?
^^^ Either her crying is not shown in what you found because it was conveniently taken out or it was another show that she did her crying about this on. All I know that is that I did see her cry about this on TV at one point. Well to me, if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen until you can deal with the heat.

God bless you always!!!

^^^ Either her crying is not shown in what you found or it was another show that she did her crying about this on. All I know that is that I did see her cry about this.

God bless you always!!!



You cited a program, I linked it. Not there. Not in evidence anywhere. Your point completely FAILS. None of this shows any indication of "not willing to deal with what may happen". ALL of it shows the opposite.
^^^ She cried whether you can find a clip of her doing so to back up my saying that she cried or not.

God bless you always!!!


Ipse dixit -- fallacy. Reality does not work that way. NOR is it my job to back up your point. And when I did so anyway --- it proved you wrong.

You lose.
Interesting, the same ones who complain about Maines are the ones who say horrible things about our president. :rolleyes:
And the same ones that defend Natalie's big mouth were denouncing Holly Holm this weekend because she said Donald Trump was a smart man.
^^^ She cried whether you can find a clip of her doing so to back up my saying that she cried or not.

God bless you always!!!


Ipse dixit -- fallacy. Reality does not work that way. NOR is it my job to back up your point. And when I did so anyway --- it proved you wrong.

You lose.
She cried, whether you believe me or not.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And if you don't believe me, oh well. It isn't any skin off of my back. That girl on the other hand is a different story. Her tears said that it was plenty of skin off of her back what people thought of her or she wouldn't have cried one.

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