Big Trump announcement today: Trump trading cards

I asked You a question. Why won’t you answer it?
I do not play ignorant games, gambling is very foolish. I understand how the rich and powerful get away with murder all the time. In today's fickle ultra-political climate anything is possible. Although the republican leadership wants trump out of the picture as much, if not more than the Democrats; I'm also certain they don't want him to become a martyr in any way. A prison sentence just might do that. I hope for justice but am realistic about the possible outcomes. His lawyers have put in plausible deniability into his actions, very devious on his/ their part.
I do not play ignorant games, gambling is very foolish. I understand how the rich and powerful get away with murder all the time. In today's fickle ultra-political climate anything is possible. Although the republican leadership wants trump out of the picture as much, if not more than the Democrats; I'm also certain they don't want him to become a martyr in any way. A prison sentence just might do that. I hope for justice but am realistic about the possible outcomes. His lawyers have put in plausible deniability into his actions, very devious on his/ their part.
So you won’t stand behind your BS statement. Next time keep your mouth shut.
So you won’t stand behind your BS statement. Next time keep your mouth shut.
I'd tell you to go to hell but it looks like you're already living one. Someday you'll wake up and face the truth. You should take your own advice.
I'd tell you to go to hell but it looks like you're already living one. Someday you'll wake up and face the truth. You should take your own advice.
Truth is you made a statement you won’t stand behind.
Did you not make a statement you won’t stand behind?
It is my honest opinion trump should be held accountable and go to prison. You asked me to bet that he would, I can't make such a guarantee, it's up to the courts to decide his fate, not me.
Did you not make a statement you won’t stand behind?
Tonite before I went to work I watched the movie " Home Alone ". That kid taunted and dared the 2 men beyond belief. This is exactly what you're trying to do to me. I do not play foolish kid games with people. Anyway, good night and Merry Christmas.
It is my honest opinion trump should be held accountable and go to prison. You asked me to bet that he would, I can't make such a guarantee, it's up to the courts to decide his fate, not me.
You didn’t say “should”

You said this “A person can't run if they're in prison, and that looks like a definite possibility for the orange douchebag.”

You called it a “definitely possibility”.

You done lying yet?
Tonite before I went to work I watched the movie " Home Alone ". That kid taunted and dared the 2 men beyond belief. This is exactly what you're trying to do to me. I do not play foolish kid games with people. Anyway, good night and Merry Christmas.
Nope. Just holding you accountable for your words. Either you stand behind them or you don’t.
You didn’t say “should”

You said this “A person caYoun't run if they're in prison, and that looks like a definite possibility for the orange douchebag.”

You called it a “definitely possibility”.

You done lying yet?
You're an idiot if you don't think that's a definite possibility, considering the grevious nature of the offense. That's no lie, but there are other possibilities. I explained all that in post 383. You just don't seem to comprehend the written word.
You're an idiot if you don't think that's a definite possibility, considering the grevious nature of the offense. That's no lie, but there are other possibilities. I explained all that in post 383. You just don't seem to comprehend the written word.
If that’s the case then stand by your words. Leave the site if the “definite possibility” doesn’t happen.
???? So you don’t believe it will happen. You’re just talking garbage. Thank you for the confirmation.
If you read my posts you'd know the answer to that. There are several possibilities. I do not know the future ( on this subject ) and neither do you. Good night. It is useless talking to you.
If you read my posts you'd know the answer to that. There are several possibilities. I do not know the future ( on this subject ) and neither do you. Good night. It is useless talking to you.
I am not the one stating he will likely go to prison. You are. But you won’t stand behind your statement. I can unequivocally state that the GOP is shit and will likely not win in 2024. That’s a definitive statement.
I am not the one stating he will likely go to prison. You are. But you won’t stand behind your statement. I can unequivocally state that the GOP is shit and will likely not win in 2024. That’s a definitive statement.
I said he should go to prison ( my opinion ). You asked me to foolishly bet on that and I explained to you there were several possible outcomes, especially in today's political climate; politics seems to affect everything, including criminal acts I don't always get my way, and I don't believe in absolutes, with the exception of change. That is one of the few constants of this world. The republicans have a long road ahead of them to regain self respect and credibility. That is just my opinion, by the way. Differing opinions is what makes this site work, you can't have a discussion without them. So attempting to silence another's voice doesn't work here and in America in general.
I said he should go to prison ( my opinion ). You asked me to foolishly bet on that and I explained to you there were several possible outcomes, especially in today's political climate; politics seems to affect everything, including criminal acts I don't always get my way, and I don't believe in absolutes, with the exception of change. That is one of the few constants of this world. The republicans have a long road ahead of them to regain self respect and credibility. That is just my opinion, by the way. Differing opinions is what makes this site work, you can't have a discussion without them. So attempting to silence another's voice doesn't work here and in America in general.
Who is silencing? Democrats on site want an echo chamber sans a few outliers.

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