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BIG!!! - World Tribune admits Obama birth certificate is a forgery.

Though I'm a conservative and abhor Obama and his ideology, I just can't believe in this day in age someone as 'public' as a U.S. presidential candidate would think they could get away with a falsified birth certificate, especially after it literally took about 10 minutes for experts to blow Dan Rather's documents up as incapable of being produced on a typewriter from that era.

There are bigger fish to fry re Team Barry IMO.

Rather did not have the news media on his side. His own company CBS was owned by a company that supported Bush. Incidentally Rather said in a book he recently wrote that the business about "tenth" superscripts being unavailable in the late 60s was false.
The Clintons were the ones who got the birther movement rolling.

It was THEIR allegation!

NO. Obozo himself was the original birther. His own literary agency published a brochure from 1991 to 2007 that said he was born in kenya. He must have told them that.
Or for that matter a member of al Qaeda.

Very true.......a Kenyan al Qaeda member who never graduated from college

Yet when asked if they prefer the Kenyan to the best the Republican Party has to offer, America overwhelmingly chooses the Kenyan


Right now the prick couldn't win an election for dog-catcher.

That dog catcher reject beat the shit out of the GOP elite........Twice
Obozo may have been born in hawaii like he says, but there is no question the BC he showed us is a forgery. He's hiding something. His whole life has been a hoax.

It's a smokescreen, a facade. Of course it isn't real. But that's not the point.

Of course he was born in the US, and of course he is a US citizen. However, these are distractions meant to keep people occupied from looking at the reality of the situation. If you go to a magic show, the brilliance of a good magician is to keep the audiences eye focused not on where the real trick is, but on where he wants you to believe the trick is happening.

If you want to spot the corruption, you'll have to look elsewhere. The truth is always too ugly for truly sober and rationale people to face. However, any discussion of this might land your thread into the conspiracy zone. In fact, why hasn't it landed there already? :tongue:

To the Manner Born

At the White House, on April 27, 2011, Barack Obama announced the release of a "long form" birth certificate showing that he was born in Hawaii's Kapiolani hospital. There seems to be no reason to question its validity any more than that of any dollar bill—except that Obama has played an as yet unexplained shell game with this bill since 2008. Obama had refused to release not only the birth certificate but his academic and medical records. He indirectly, and his partisans most directly, vilified as "birthers" those who asked for this personal information (a term made-to-order, implying racism, stupidity, and lower-class odors).

Nonetheless, by the spring of 2011, several state legislatures, including Indiana's and Louisiana's, had passed or were about to pass bills requiring any candidate for federal office to show the original or original copy of his birth certificate, and providing for forensic analyses of the documents. Obama's April 27 release amounts to what John Ehrlichman called a "modified limited hang out"—some information let out to relieve pressure for the release of more. Had Obama done nothing he might have been banned from the ballot in any number of states; had he delayed too long, any certificate he produced would have been subject to close scrutiny. After the disclosure, however, Democrats argued that any and all requests for Obama's personal information had now been shown to be, in the president's words, "a silly distraction."

But there was never anything silly, nor light-hearted, nor casual, about Barack Obama's efforts to keep the public's eyes from the basic facts of his life, from birth to his candidacy for president. On the contrary, this opacity is a deliberate policy. Why? The presumptive answer, absent testimony from those involved, is to ensure that real facts interfere as little as possible with the image and narrative that he and his associates have carefully crafted for him. Distinguishing between reality and that narrative would require above all a skeptical attitude, sure to be characterized by Democrats and the media in the most derogatory terms.

According to hagiography, Barack Obama was born to a hippy girl from an insignificant family and raised in poor circumstances, out of which he rose through brilliance. Yet his haughty demeanor, his stilted language when off the teleprompter, his cultural likes and dislikes, bespeak an upbringing in an environment at once so upscale and so leftist that it makes him almost a foreigner to ordinary Americans. No one raised in ordinary American circumstances, much less straitened ones, would cite with a straight face, as Obama did, the price of arugula at Whole Foods, the yuppie boutique, as an example of the cost of living. No one at home in American culture could refer to a U.S. Marine medical corpsman as a "corpse-man." Nor do ordinary folk talk about (or even understand) the need to "change the rules of power" in America. "Rules of power" belongs to the argot of doctrinaire nouveau socialists. How many American college kids would describe, as did Obama, his studying with Marxist professors as an attempt not to look like a "sell out"? No. Obama's official story is counterintuitive.

Consistent with the Barack Obama we know, however, are his real family, his real upbringing, and his real choices of profession and associates. His mother's parents, who raised him, seem to have been cogs in the U.S. government's well-heeled, well-connected machine for influencing the world, whether openly ("gray influence") or covertly ("black operations"). His mother spent her life and marriages, and birthed her children, working in that machine. For paradigms of young Barack's demeanor, proclivities, opinions, language, and attitudes one need look no further than the persons who ran the institutions that his mother and grandparents served—e.g., the Ford Foundation, the United States Information Agency, and the Central Intelligence Agency—as well as his chosen mentors and colleagues. It is here, with these people and institutions, that one should begin to unravel the unknowns surrounding him.
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Very true.......a Kenyan al Qaeda member who never graduated from college

Yet when asked if they prefer the Kenyan to the best the Republican Party has to offer, America overwhelmingly chooses the Kenyan

it wasn't overwhelming and if you ignore the 10 million votes for obozo from illegals, then romney wins big.
The empty chair wins.

Not the gun-grabbing SOB that has been caught spying on every single American and has been caught using the IRS to attack his political opponents!

The guy that has to have bullet proof glass surrounding him wherever he goes.

Which president doesn't?

The one who has to dodge shoes?
Of course he was born in the US, and of course he is a US citizen. However, these are distractions meant to keep people occupied from looking at the reality of the situation. If you go to a magic show, the brilliance of a good magician is to keep the audiences eye focused not on where the real trick is, but on where he wants you to believe the trick is happening.

So why did his own literary agency publish a brochure that said he was born in kenya?

Of course he was born in the US, and of course he is a US citizen. However, these are distractions meant to keep people occupied from looking at the reality of the situation. If you go to a magic show, the brilliance of a good magician is to keep the audiences eye focused not on where the real trick is, but on where he wants you to believe the trick is happening.

So why did his own literary agency publish a brochure that said he was born in kenya?

I'm of the opinion that Mr. Obama and his associates are habitual liars that will game the system for their own personal gain. If he has a Kenyan father and could claim Kenyan ancestry to get a free Harvard education, why not? That doesn't necessarily mean he is does it? After he had served his time in Central Asia for the state department, you would be surprised at what kind of pull that can get you. He could have said he was a visa student from the moon and Harvard would have OK'd it with the Columbia and the CIA behind him. . .

Turning to present day, if he can get weapons to Syrian rebels by selling them to Libyan terrorists through the Libyan ambassador, why not? If something goes awry, lie your butt off.

Listen, he is what is known as a Manchurian Candidate. Do your research, you will find that Columbia University is the school of choice for CIA assets. You would do well to read the full text of that article I posted. The truth is FAR WORSE than him being born in Kenya. You would wish he was just a Kenyan communist if you knew the truth. He is a corporate globalist who cares not one whit for American Sovereignty. He's a pawn of the Tri-lateral commission, the Ford Foundation and the Annenberg Trust. You known, Politfact check? The same folks that told you his birth certificate was above board?

He's the international bankers and corporatist's best friend. :cool:
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Very true.......a Kenyan al Qaeda member who never graduated from college

Yet when asked if they prefer the Kenyan to the best the Republican Party has to offer, America overwhelmingly chooses the Kenyan


Right now the prick couldn't win an election for dog-catcher.

That dog catcher reject beat the shit out of the GOP elite........Twice

Yeah, you should really be proud of the cover he received from the MSM on Benghazi, the voter fraud, and his continued lying.
Our progs are in such denial about their choice of the muslim moron, they won't look at the evidence he was born in Kenya.....it's a remarkable rendition of the king wearing no clothes....they will not admit they're idiots even to themselves.

Right now the prick couldn't win an election for dog-catcher.

That dog catcher reject beat the shit out of the GOP elite........Twice

Yeah, you should really be proud of the cover he received from the MSM on Benghazi, the voter fraud, and his continued lying.

Damn.......the man universally proclaimed by rightwing media to be the worst president in HISTORY soundly trounces the best available Republican candidate

Says a lot for Republicans.......and their media propaganda arm
He's hiding something. His whole life has been a hoax.

This is what we are dealing with as "news".

DrudgeReport.com Middle East Newsline GertzFile.com
Breitbart.com The Washington Times Hoover Institution
NewsMax.com Geostrategy-Direct.com Hudson Institute
WorldNetDaily.com East-Asia-Intel.com Int. Strat. Studies Assoc.

A bunch of crazy. And know we know what the OP poster was hiding from us.
He's hiding something. His whole life has been a hoax.

This is what we are dealing with as "news".

DrudgeReport.com Middle East Newsline GertzFile.com
Breitbart.com The Washington Times Hoover Institution
NewsMax.com Geostrategy-Direct.com Hudson Institute
WorldNetDaily.com East-Asia-Intel.com Int. Strat. Studies Assoc.

A bunch of crazy. And know we know what the OP poster was hiding from us.

We know you're pretending you were a SFG instructor at Nha Trang yet didn't know the program was closed down FOUR YEARS after you claimed it was or could have been an instructor there. You're too weak to stay mad at....the word "pitiful" sums you up.
He's hiding something. His whole life has been a hoax.

This is what we are dealing with as "news".

DrudgeReport.com Middle East Newsline GertzFile.com
Breitbart.com The Washington Times Hoover Institution
NewsMax.com Geostrategy-Direct.com Hudson Institute
WorldNetDaily.com East-Asia-Intel.com Int. Strat. Studies Assoc.

A bunch of crazy. And know we know what the OP poster was hiding from us.

We know you're pretending you were a SFG instructor at Nha Trang yet didn't know the program was closed down FOUR YEARS after you claimed it was or could have been an instructor there. You're too weak to stay mad at....the word "pitiful" sums you up.

We know that I drew you out and you did not know that the program was closed in last part of 67 and moved to Recondo Company. You are a phish and hooked.

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