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BIG!!! - World Tribune admits Obama birth certificate is a forgery.

wheres Orly when you need her?

-- and Trump and certifiable idiot Arpaio.

Oh and the entire GObP, Romeny's fortune, Koch's, Rove, Cheney ...................... All that money and they STILL haven't been able to prove this stupidity.

Fun times and bring it on.

And conservatives wonder why everyone else thinks they're too extreme.
I honestly think it goes both ways.

When I first started being active on internet discussion forums Bush was president and I was appalled at how ridiculous all the lefty types seemed. Every little insignificant thing they'd make ridiculous attacks about, jumping all over the most irrelevant minutia to get spun up about, suspending all semblance of common sense when it was convenient. I even remember how many of them were even predicting Bush would declare martial law to stay in power.

Then Obama get elected and its the same shit from the other direction. I don't think either group is representative as a whole of their political party or others with similar ideological leanings, rather it is a case of the small minority spend the most time making the most noise.

In other words, politics brings out the extremist retards from either side. This thread being a good example from the right.
Nothing is clear in this administration. It's like looking at smoke and mirrors. All the president has to do is come clean and settle the issue but he dodges and weaves and throws up smokescreens and with the cooperation of the media we forget what we were even asking. College student Barry Hussein said he was an Indonesian alien in order to collect certain education benefits. Was he lying or just stealing taxpayer money? We know everything there was to know about Bush's Yale years including frat parties but Obama's college records are sealed like the rest of his sorry fraudulent life.
shit.....the left still comes off the rails when they see "birth certificate" anywhere on these forums!!!:2up:

Fun pokin them with that stick ain't it? :lol:

Indeed it is.........of course, you have to have the IQ of a handball to think that birth cert is real.......but it doesn't matter. Nothing will ever come from it, which I fine with me. I want this phoney to serve out his whole term and fuck things up even more so the people know: you don't put in a president who is beholden to this radical black theology crap.

Hey JoeBlam.....saw a great bumpersticker yesterday on a big old Ford Crown Vic......it said, "NO CHILD LEFT A DIME" with the Obama campaign symbol. I split my sides laughing!!:up:
Nothing is clear in this administration. It's like looking at smoke and mirrors. All the president has to do is come clean and settle the issue but he dodges and weaves and throws up smokescreens and with the cooperation of the media we forget what we were even asking. College student Barry Hussein said he was an Indonesian alien in order to collect certain education benefits. Was he lying or just stealing taxpayer money? We know everything there was to know about Bush's Yale years including frat parties but Obama's college records are sealed like the rest of his sorry fraudulent life.

I think it's clear that there are rules for him and rules for the rest of us.

He thinks being president will protect him forever. Well it won't. Once he's gone and they clear his people out of government investigations, real investigations will take place.
And conservatives wonder why everyone else thinks they're too extreme.
I honestly think it goes both ways.

When I first started being active on internet discussion forums Bush was president and I was appalled at how ridiculous all the lefty types seemed. Every little insignificant thing they'd make ridiculous attacks about, jumping all over the most irrelevant minutia to get spun up about, suspending all semblance of common sense when it was convenient. I even remember how many of them were even predicting Bush would declare martial law to stay in power.

Then Obama get elected and its the same shit from the other direction. I don't think either group is representative as a whole of their political party or others with similar ideological leanings, rather it is a case of the small minority spend the most time making the most noise.

In other words, politics brings out the extremist retards from either side. This thread being a good example from the right.

Oh yeah, for sure. There were a lot of nutter Bush haters too.

But here, it's 5x-10x worse on the Right, which has pretty much gone Full Retard, as evidence by this thread like you said.
Nothing is clear in this administration. It's like looking at smoke and mirrors. All the president has to do is come clean and settle the issue but he dodges and weaves and throws up smokescreens and with the cooperation of the media we forget what we were even asking. College student Barry Hussein said he was an Indonesian alien in order to collect certain education benefits. Was he lying or just stealing taxpayer money? We know everything there was to know about Bush's Yale years including frat parties but Obama's college records are sealed like the rest of his sorry fraudulent life.

There is no issue. BHO is more of a citizen than you.
Have any of you wankers ever conisidered that the reason you don't believe in "birtherism" is because you give more credibility to the MSM which is fed with talking points straight from the pentagram and the white house? The MSM, a discredited organization of left biased, Murdoch owned, tabloid style trash with filters in place to keep real news out and polarizing bullshit like Zimmerman in, so that you knuckle dragging, overweight, entertainment addicted, instant gratification seeking neanderthals may stay divided long enough so the military industrial complex and their buddies on Wall Street can install puppets like Obama insuring that the status quo can keep moving you lemmings toward a dark abyss.

I go on logic.

Watch "The View" much do we?
AGHHH! You had to mention those foul creatures? Now I'll have trouble sleeping.:mad:
Yeah, you should really be proud of the cover he received from the MSM on Benghazi, the voter fraud, and his continued lying.

Damn.......the man universally proclaimed by rightwing media to be the worst president in HISTORY soundly trounces the best available Republican candidate

Says a lot for Republicans.......and their media propaganda arm

That IRS business pretty much spelled out how.

I honestly don't feel Obama believes in following the same rules everyone else has to follow. He cheated. How exactly is becoming more and more clear.

You mean the IRS that prosecuted liberal charities more than conservative ones?
Have any of you wankers ever conisidered that the reason you don't believe in "birtherism" is because you give more credibility to the MSM which is fed with talking points straight from the pentagram and the white house? The MSM, a discredited organization of left biased, Murdoch owned, tabloid style trash with filters in place to keep real news out and polarizing bullshit like Zimmerman in, so that you knuckle dragging, overweight, entertainment addicted, instant gratification seeking neanderthals may stay divided long enough so the military industrial complex and their buddies on Wall Street can install puppets like Obama insuring that the status quo can keep moving you lemmings toward a dark abyss.

I love the people who act like it's no big deal. If it's proven to be true this jerkoff lied to you Obozo lovers and you just swallowed AGAIN! Said Wankers are going to wake up one day to find the freedom they refused to guard gone, and themselves the serfs of a lovely dictatorship. But just keep playing your XBOX,texting your BFF's and continue to ignore the crumbling of the Constitution. Honestly R.C. they will get everything they deserve and I'll be too dead to care. lol

You know, there was a time I used to think everyone in the NE was a liberal, communist loving douche bag, but every once in awhile I run into some one like you and it has turned my preconceived notions upside down. Keep up the good work.

In other words, politics brings out the extremist retards from either side. This thread being a good example from the right.

And you're a good example of a paid govt shill. Would you care to explain why obozo's own literary agency published a brochure that said their client was born in kenya!!! There's the smoking gun and you shills have no answer. THINK
Any facts yet?



So what "facts" do you have proving Hussein was born in Hawaii? A birth announcement sent to a newspaper by his grandmother? There is NO long-form....Ambercrombie swore his first act as governor would be to find it and end the "birther" talk once and for all. He couldn't find it and went dark on the subject. So if the Governor of Hawaii can't find your "facts" tell us who can. Even a simpleton can understand Arpaio's investigation findings...the WH version of the birth certificate is a joke......the "expert" they brought in to refute our experts avoided each question they raised and then disappeared. So tell me, without calling anybody a name, where's the "facts" proving Hussein Soetoro was born in the US and qualified to be POTUS? :eusa_eh:
Any facts yet?



So what "facts" do you have proving Hussein was born in Hawaii? A birth announcement sent to a newspaper by his grandmother? There is NO long-form....Ambercrombie swore his first act as governor would be to find it and end the "birther" talk once and for all. He couldn't find it and went dark on the subject. So if the Governor of Hawaii can't find your "facts" tell us who can. Even a simpleton can understand Arpaio's investigation findings...the WH version of the birth certificate is a joke......the "expert" they brought in to refute our experts avoided each question they raised and then disappeared. So tell me, without calling anybody a name, where's the "facts" proving Hussein Soetoro was born in the US and qualified to be POTUS? :eusa_eh:

President Soetoro was not born in Hawaii........He was born in a grass shack in Kenya

But........too late to do anything about it

He has already beat the shit out of Republicans in two elections
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This is why I said at the time Obama shouldn't release his birth certificate. It wouldn't matter. These loons would never believe it. If God Himself descended from Heaven and said Obama was born in Hawaii, the birfers would deny it, and then accuse God of being a commie lib and Satan disguised as God.
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Obama wasn't born in Kenya. I have personal knowledge and documentation (provided by a friend who once knew a guy who had a third counsin who worked on the trash detail at the White House) that Barrack Hussien Obama was found by researchers in Anartica at one of the weather stations ran by the Soviets! I know for a fact that he was found in a block of ice and then thawed out and reprogrammed. Of course, I do not have clear, definitive information as to what he is going to do, but I am sure that he is planning to unleash a virus that will make us all want to eat Domino's pizza until we explode. I hate Domino's pizza...

I dislike Barry and his cronies, but really this coupled with the 'evidence' that George Bush ordered planes be flown into the Twin Towers is giving me a headache... that and the FEMA camps in Arkansas.
Looks like Obama fooled you guys.......what is so wrong with having a Kenyan as Presdent?

LOL what was it Bush said, ' fool me once....' The left got one one over on the usually intelligent right wing. :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjUPKJD2_PA]Republicans Say The Darndest Things (Original Greatest Modern Hits - Remastered, Reposted) - YouTube[/ame]
So what "facts" do you have proving Hussein was born in Hawaii?

So what we need is someone to go on a long range reconnaissance patrol to find it.

I nominate Joe Blam. :lol: Go for it, poser.

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