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Biggest causes of genocide?

Ironically, God loves genocide himself. Why doesnt he fear himself?

Biblically, God poured out his wrath on those who were genocidal dolt.
Yes, children are genocidal. They love murdering entire civilizations.
Dolt :rofl:

Just think of them as late term abortions
You are a sick person. And extremely dishonest.

Was it wrong to kill of the Nazi regime?

After all, children died as a result.

Who again is the dishonest one?
you said god ordered the death of genocidal peoples. Children are not genocidal.
The children werent "collateral damage" either. He specifically ordered their death.
I'd argue that the biggest causes of genocide, are these in this order.

1.) Love, and tolerance.

Well, love, and tolerance of authority figures.

2.) Apathy, and submission.

Well, apathy, and submission to authority figures.

3.) Trust, and Faith.

Well, trust, and faith in authority figures.

4.) Big government, and big military.

Well, you already kind of figured that, right?

5.) Balkanization, and Diversity.

Well, how do you solve such conflicts that blow up when caused by Balkanization, and Diversity, a lot of times genocide erupts.

6.) The Psycho-path leader himself.

Well, you probably figured he was #1, right?

Well, I disagree, I happen to see that all of the above enable him, and the masses are a bigger cause.

The Psychopath simply can't get away with very, very much in society like genocide, without his enablers.

Thus the enablers are more of an issue, in at least total numbers.

I was reading a book by Dennis Prager on Exodus and he came to the conclusion that genocide is carried out by only a few hand full of evil people, but the kicker is that the general populace has to look the other way.

In the end, it is the lack of fear of God that is the key.
Ironically, God loves genocide himself. Why doesnt he fear himself?

Biblically, God poured out his wrath on those who were genocidal dolt.
Yes, children are genocidal. They love murdering entire civilizations.
Dolt :rofl:

Just think of them as late term abortions

You are correct that they were collateral damage, but the object of scorn was their parents.

Like it or not we all suffer from the bad decisions our parents make.

It's not fair, but guess what, nothing is.

Abortion is genocide, I'd agree.

Just like what was done with Sodom, and Gomorrah was a genocide, I'd agree too.
Biblically, God poured out his wrath on those who were genocidal dolt.
Yes, children are genocidal. They love murdering entire civilizations.
Dolt :rofl:

Just think of them as late term abortions
You are a sick person. And extremely dishonest.

Was it wrong to kill of the Nazi regime?

After all, children died as a result.

Who again is the dishonest one?
you said god ordered the death of genocidal peoples. Children are not genocidal.
The children werent "collateral damage" either. He specifically ordered their death.

Are you talking about Jesus supporting death to children who curse their parents?
I was reading a book by Dennis Prager on Exodus and he came to the conclusion that genocide is carried out by only a few hand full of evil people, but the kicker is that the general populace has to look the other way.

In the end, it is the lack of fear of God that is the key.
Ironically, God loves genocide himself. Why doesnt he fear himself?

Biblically, God poured out his wrath on those who were genocidal dolt.
Yes, children are genocidal. They love murdering entire civilizations.
Dolt :rofl:

Just think of them as late term abortions

You are correct that they were collateral damage, but the object of scorn was their parents.

Like it or not we all suffer from the bad decisions our parents make.

It's not fair, but guess what, nothing is.

Abortion is genocide, I'd agree.

Just like what was done with Sodom, and Gomorrah was a genocide, I'd agree too.
The very definition of genocide is the killing of a large group of people. A fetus is not a people. Or a person. It doesnt even technically meet the requirements for life.
Ironically, God loves genocide himself. Why doesnt he fear himself?

Biblically, God poured out his wrath on those who were genocidal dolt.
Yes, children are genocidal. They love murdering entire civilizations.
Dolt :rofl:

Just think of them as late term abortions

You are correct that they were collateral damage, but the object of scorn was their parents.

Like it or not we all suffer from the bad decisions our parents make.

It's not fair, but guess what, nothing is.

Abortion is genocide, I'd agree.

Just like what was done with Sodom, and Gomorrah was a genocide, I'd agree too.
The very definition of genocide is the killing of a large group of people. A fetus is not a people. Or a person. It doesnt even technically meet the requirements for life.

If a paramecium is a life, so is a fetus.
Putting your country as a high priority leads to genocide of your country? LMFAO

No, it usually results in genocides against those labelled as "enemies".

There's a lot of things that can be used to push a genocide, Nationalism could be, but what about anti-Nationalism?

Lenin was anti-Nationalist Russian when he exterminated about 6 - 16 million Russians in a violent civil war.

Stalin was against anti-Nationalist in the Polish Operation of the NKVD for their pro-Polish Nationalist sentiments of over 100,000 Poles shot, and killed.

Stalin was anti-Nationalist German when pushed forward ethnic cleansing of Germans following WW2, with perhaps 500,000 Germans killed after the war.

That yes, anti-Nationalism can be used to further genocide goals too, no?


"Anti-nationalism" isn't a real thing.

If a nationalist state kills members of a different nationalist state, that doesn't make them "anti-nationalist".

Sure, there are anti-Nationalists, aren't you one of them?

Doc is a One World Government under Soros kind of guy

So, Doc isn't a Soros sock-puppet?
The answer is populism and nationalism.

Hmmmm, the victims of the pogroms committed by the progressive countries over the last one hundred and twenty years were killed due to fear of them, or hatred of them. I don't see nationalism as being a cause of the genocides. Populism certainly helped place the leadership in place that enacted the mass murders, but populism didn't kill the victims.

And, before any murders could be carried out the victims had to first be disarmed. Never forget that.
I'd argue that the biggest causes of genocide, are these in this order.

1.) Love, and tolerance.

Well, love, and tolerance of authority figures.

2.) Apathy, and submission.

Well, apathy, and submission to authority figures.

3.) Trust, and Faith.

Well, trust, and faith in authority figures.

4.) Big government, and big military.

Well, you already kind of figured that, right?

5.) Balkanization, and Diversity.

Well, how do you solve such conflicts that blow up when caused by Balkanization, and Diversity, a lot of times genocide erupts.

6.) The Psycho-path leader himself.

Well, you probably figured he was #1, right?

Well, I disagree, I happen to see that all of the above enable him, and the masses are a bigger cause.

The Psychopath simply can't get away with very, very much in society like genocide, without his enablers.

Thus the enablers are more of an issue, in at least total numbers.

The answer would appear to be POWER.

One group wants power over another, or one leader wants power and vilifies another group to make people like him and vote for him.

Sure, but that seems to also be prevalent in many societies without genocide, as well.

Well of course it does. Power is everywhere. It impacts everything.

Sometimes people need something to gain the power they want, and they turn towards genocide as a way to get it.

Milosevic used nationalism as his tool to get into power in Serbia, then he wanted to take over the whole of Yugoslavia but it disintegrated around him. Then he wanted to keep a grip on his power by using age old tactics of make people hate the enemy, and go after the enemy with genocide.

Hitler did too. It was a way of consolidating his power, getting rid of Jews, it showed people he was doing the right thing, if they were into that sort of thing, and he made them think he was right.

On an individual level you have enemies, and while they need these enemies to give them power, at some point maybe they think they need to go a little further in order to keep power.
The answer is populism and nationalism.
Putting your country as a high priority leads to genocide of your country? LMFAO

No, it usually results in genocides against those labelled as "enemies".
Tell that to socialist dictators mao and stalin who killed over 100M people.
Lets compare all socialist dictators to fascists, shall we?
Maybe we can get to the bottom of this.


You don't think that Mao and Stalin were nationalists?

Populists, too.

Stalin was anti- culture point blank.,.. Therefor overall he was the Antithesis of Nationalism.

Anti culture be it anti-Religion, anti-Music, anti-Writer, or anti-Books, and even anti-Foods.

Consumer goods in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

After the revolution, the Soviet government strove to eliminate bourgeois values and lifestyle by distributing resources equally. Things that were once viewed as petit-bourgeois and associated with the elite—such as luxury goods—became theoretically accessible to all citizens. To a Soviet consumer, a luxury item was any good with the exception of plain breads, cabbage, potatoes and vodka.[2

Culture of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Many writers were imprisoned and killed, or died of starvation, examples being Daniil Kharms, Osip Mandelstam, Isaac Babel and Boris Pilnyak. Andrei Platonov worked as a caretaker and wasn't allowed to publish. The work of Anna Akhmatova was also condemned by the regime, although she notably refused the opportunity to escape to the West. After a short period of the renaissance of Ukrainian literature, more than 250 Ukrainian writers died during the Great Purge, for example Valerian Pidmohylnyi (1901–1937)), in the so called Executed Renaissance. Texts of imprisoned authors were confiscated by the NKVD and some of them were published later. Books were removed from libraries and destroyed.

In addition to literature, musical expression was also repressed during the Stalin era, and at times the music of many Soviet composers was banned altogether. Dmitri Shostakovich experienced a particularly long and complex relationship with Stalin, during which his music was denounced and prohibited twice, in 1936 and 1948 (see Zhdanov decree). Sergei Prokofiev and Aram Khachaturian had similar cases. Although Igor Stravinsky did not live in the Soviet Union, his music was officially considered formalist and anti-Soviet.

USSR anti-religious campaign (1921–1928) - Wikipedia

See also: Society of the Godless and NKVD Order No. 00447
Main article: USSR anti-religious campaign (1928–1941)
The Orthodox church suffered terribly in the 1930s, and many of its members were killed or sent to labor camps. Between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox churches in the Russian Republic fell from 29,584 to fewer than 500. The watershed year was 1929, when Soviet policy put much new legislation in place that formed the basis for the harsh anti-religious persecution in the 1930s.

Anti-religious education was introduced beginning in the first-grade in 1928 and anti-religious work was intensified throughout the education system. At the same time, in order to remove the church's intellectuals and support official propaganda that only backward people believed in God,[65] the government conducted a massive purge of Christian intellectuals, most of whom died in the camps or in prison.[66]

The church's successful competition with the ongoing and widespread atheistic propaganda, prompted new laws to be adopted in 1929 on 'Religious Associations' as well as amendments to the constitution, which forbade all forms of public, social, communal, educational, publishing or missionary activities for religious believers.[64] This also prevented, of course, the church from printing any material for public consumption or responding to the criticism against it. This caused many religious tracts to be circulated as illegal literature or samizdat.[21] Numerous other measures were introduced that were designed to cripple the church, and effectively made it illegal to have religious activities of any sort outside of liturgical services within the walls of the few churches that would remain open, and even these would be subject to much interference and harassment. Catechism classes, religious schools, study groups, Sunday schools and religious publications were all illegal and/or banned.

The League of the Militant Godless, under Yemelyan Yaroslavsky, was the main instrument of the anti-religious campaign and it was given special powers that allowed it to dictate to public institutions throughout the country what they needed to do for the campaign.[39]

After 1929 and through the 1930s, the closing of churches, mass arrests of the clergy and religiously active laity, and persecution of people for attending church reached unprecedented proportions.[3][64] The LMG employed terror tactics against believers in order to further the campaign, while employing the guise of protecting the state or prosecuting law-breakers. The clergy were attacked as foreign spies and trials of bishops were conducted with their clergy as well as lay adherents who were reported as 'subversive terroristic gangs' that had been unmasked.[67] Official propaganda at the time called for the banishment of the very concept of God from the Soviet Union.[68] These persecutions were meant to assist the ultimate socialist goal of eliminating religion.[68][69] From 1932 to 1937 Joseph Stalin declared the 'five-year plans of atheism' and the LMG was charged with completely eliminating all religious expression in the country.[68] Many of these same methods and terror tactics were also imposed against others that the regime considered to be its ideological enemies.

The debate between the ‘rightist’ and ‘leftist’ sides of how to best combat religion found some conclusion in 1930 and afterwards, when the state officially condemned extremes on both sides. Marxist leaders who took either position on this issue would find themselves attacked by a paranoid Stalin who did not tolerate other authorities to speak as authorities on public policy.[70]

A lull in the active persecution was experienced in 1930-33 following Stalin's 1930 article 'Diziness From Success', however, it swept back in fervor again afterwards.[71]

In 1934 the persecution of the Renovationist sect began to reach the proportions of the persecution of the old Orthodox church.[72]

During the purges of 1937 and 1938, church documents record that 168,300 Russian Orthodox clergy were arrested. Of these, over 100,000 were shot.[73] Many thousands of victims of persecution became recognized in a special canon of saints known as the "new martyrs and confessors of Russia".

A decline in enthusiasm in the campaign occurred in the late 1930s.[74] The tone of the anti-religious campaign changed and became more moderate .[68] It ended at the outbreak of World War II.

Official Soviet figures reported that up to one third of urban and two thirds of rural population still held religious beliefs by 1937. However, the anti-religious campaign of the past decade and the terror tactics of the militantly atheist regime, had effectively eliminated all public expressions of religion and communal gatherings of believers outside of the walls of the few churches that still held services.[75] This was accomplished in a country that only a few decades earlier had had a deeply Christian public life and culture that had developed for almost a thousand years.
Biblically, God poured out his wrath on those who were genocidal dolt.
Yes, children are genocidal. They love murdering entire civilizations.
Dolt :rofl:

Just think of them as late term abortions

You are correct that they were collateral damage, but the object of scorn was their parents.

Like it or not we all suffer from the bad decisions our parents make.

It's not fair, but guess what, nothing is.

Abortion is genocide, I'd agree.

Just like what was done with Sodom, and Gomorrah was a genocide, I'd agree too.
The very definition of genocide is the killing of a large group of people. A fetus is not a people. Or a person. It doesnt even technically meet the requirements for life.

If a paramecium is a life, so is a fetus.
They are totally different. Paras are independent. A fetus is not.
Nationalism and socialism are not mutually exclusive terms.

In fact, in the context of governments, they're almost always the same thing.
I feel like nationalism for the proletariat is different from the fascist sense, but i understand your argument.
Maybe we should define what nationalism is.

In some ways, it's different. In the ways that matter, it's exactly the same.

We could spend weeks arguing what the definition of "nationalism" is, but in the context that I'm using the term, the wikipedia definition works decently well.

In very simple terms, nationalism is a facet of ideology defined by framing everything in terms of conflict, with the "nation" on one side, and the "enemy" on the other.
So basically ever group of people in history? lol


There have been nationalist movements in basically every country in the world, sure.

But that's not the dominant ideology in the US - no matter how much the Trumpists work towards that goal - or in many other western cultures.

Ironically, the antidote to nationalism is globalism.

So, you support a New World Order?

I'm not so sure what it would include, but it seems to be globalist, and of disgust.

From my understanding the N.W.O would include.

1.) 1 Government. (Probably Communism for us, and Capitalism for the elite)

2.) 1 Race. (Mixed race)

3.) 1 Religion. (Probably Atheism)

4.) Loss of Humanity. (By turning Humans into robot like figures by technology, and conditioning)

How is this any better than Hitler, or Stalin?

Killing Humanity's will, and Humanity's diversity is perhaps even a lot worse.


Who said anything about a "New World Order", and where did you get that "understanding" of what it would entail?
The answer is populism and nationalism.
Putting your country as a high priority leads to genocide of your country? LMFAO

No, it usually results in genocides against those labelled as "enemies".
Tell that to socialist dictators mao and stalin who killed over 100M people.
Lets compare all socialist dictators to fascists, shall we?
Maybe we can get to the bottom of this.


You don't think that Mao and Stalin were nationalists?

Populists, too.

Stalin was anti- culture point blank.,.. Therefor overall he was the Antithesis of Nationalism.

Anti culture be it anti-Religion, anti-Music, anti-Writer, or anti-Books, and even anti-Foods.

Consumer goods in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

After the revolution, the Soviet government strove to eliminate bourgeois values and lifestyle by distributing resources equally. Things that were once viewed as petit-bourgeois and associated with the elite—such as luxury goods—became theoretically accessible to all citizens. To a Soviet consumer, a luxury item was any good with the exception of plain breads, cabbage, potatoes and vodka.[2

Culture of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Many writers were imprisoned and killed, or died of starvation, examples being Daniil Kharms, Osip Mandelstam, Isaac Babel and Boris Pilnyak. Andrei Platonov worked as a caretaker and wasn't allowed to publish. The work of Anna Akhmatova was also condemned by the regime, although she notably refused the opportunity to escape to the West. After a short period of the renaissance of Ukrainian literature, more than 250 Ukrainian writers died during the Great Purge, for example Valerian Pidmohylnyi (1901–1937)), in the so called Executed Renaissance. Texts of imprisoned authors were confiscated by the NKVD and some of them were published later. Books were removed from libraries and destroyed.

In addition to literature, musical expression was also repressed during the Stalin era, and at times the music of many Soviet composers was banned altogether. Dmitri Shostakovich experienced a particularly long and complex relationship with Stalin, during which his music was denounced and prohibited twice, in 1936 and 1948 (see Zhdanov decree). Sergei Prokofiev and Aram Khachaturian had similar cases. Although Igor Stravinsky did not live in the Soviet Union, his music was officially considered formalist and anti-Soviet.

USSR anti-religious campaign (1921–1928) - Wikipedia

See also: Society of the Godless and NKVD Order No. 00447
Main article: USSR anti-religious campaign (1928–1941)
The Orthodox church suffered terribly in the 1930s, and many of its members were killed or sent to labor camps. Between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox churches in the Russian Republic fell from 29,584 to fewer than 500. The watershed year was 1929, when Soviet policy put much new legislation in place that formed the basis for the harsh anti-religious persecution in the 1930s.

Anti-religious education was introduced beginning in the first-grade in 1928 and anti-religious work was intensified throughout the education system. At the same time, in order to remove the church's intellectuals and support official propaganda that only backward people believed in God,[65] the government conducted a massive purge of Christian intellectuals, most of whom died in the camps or in prison.[66]

The church's successful competition with the ongoing and widespread atheistic propaganda, prompted new laws to be adopted in 1929 on 'Religious Associations' as well as amendments to the constitution, which forbade all forms of public, social, communal, educational, publishing or missionary activities for religious believers.[64] This also prevented, of course, the church from printing any material for public consumption or responding to the criticism against it. This caused many religious tracts to be circulated as illegal literature or samizdat.[21] Numerous other measures were introduced that were designed to cripple the church, and effectively made it illegal to have religious activities of any sort outside of liturgical services within the walls of the few churches that would remain open, and even these would be subject to much interference and harassment. Catechism classes, religious schools, study groups, Sunday schools and religious publications were all illegal and/or banned.

The League of the Militant Godless, under Yemelyan Yaroslavsky, was the main instrument of the anti-religious campaign and it was given special powers that allowed it to dictate to public institutions throughout the country what they needed to do for the campaign.[39]

After 1929 and through the 1930s, the closing of churches, mass arrests of the clergy and religiously active laity, and persecution of people for attending church reached unprecedented proportions.[3][64] The LMG employed terror tactics against believers in order to further the campaign, while employing the guise of protecting the state or prosecuting law-breakers. The clergy were attacked as foreign spies and trials of bishops were conducted with their clergy as well as lay adherents who were reported as 'subversive terroristic gangs' that had been unmasked.[67] Official propaganda at the time called for the banishment of the very concept of God from the Soviet Union.[68] These persecutions were meant to assist the ultimate socialist goal of eliminating religion.[68][69] From 1932 to 1937 Joseph Stalin declared the 'five-year plans of atheism' and the LMG was charged with completely eliminating all religious expression in the country.[68] Many of these same methods and terror tactics were also imposed against others that the regime considered to be its ideological enemies.

The debate between the ‘rightist’ and ‘leftist’ sides of how to best combat religion found some conclusion in 1930 and afterwards, when the state officially condemned extremes on both sides. Marxist leaders who took either position on this issue would find themselves attacked by a paranoid Stalin who did not tolerate other authorities to speak as authorities on public policy.[70]

A lull in the active persecution was experienced in 1930-33 following Stalin's 1930 article 'Diziness From Success', however, it swept back in fervor again afterwards.[71]

In 1934 the persecution of the Renovationist sect began to reach the proportions of the persecution of the old Orthodox church.[72]

During the purges of 1937 and 1938, church documents record that 168,300 Russian Orthodox clergy were arrested. Of these, over 100,000 were shot.[73] Many thousands of victims of persecution became recognized in a special canon of saints known as the "new martyrs and confessors of Russia".

A decline in enthusiasm in the campaign occurred in the late 1930s.[74] The tone of the anti-religious campaign changed and became more moderate .[68] It ended at the outbreak of World War II.

Official Soviet figures reported that up to one third of urban and two thirds of rural population still held religious beliefs by 1937. However, the anti-religious campaign of the past decade and the terror tactics of the militantly atheist regime, had effectively eliminated all public expressions of religion and communal gatherings of believers outside of the walls of the few churches that still held services.[75] This was accomplished in a country that only a few decades earlier had had a deeply Christian public life and culture that had developed for almost a thousand years.

Nationalism has very little to do with "culture".
The answer is populism and nationalism.
Putting your country as a high priority leads to genocide of your country? LMFAO

No, it usually results in genocides against those labelled as "enemies".

There's a lot of things that can be used to push a genocide, Nationalism could be, but what about anti-Nationalism?

Lenin was anti-Nationalist Russian when he exterminated about 6 - 16 million Russians in a violent civil war.

Stalin was against anti-Nationalist in the Polish Operation of the NKVD for their pro-Polish Nationalist sentiments of over 100,000 Poles shot, and killed.

Stalin was anti-Nationalist German when pushed forward ethnic cleansing of Germans following WW2, with perhaps 500,000 Germans killed after the war.

That yes, anti-Nationalism can be used to further genocide goals too, no?


"Anti-nationalism" isn't a real thing.

If a nationalist state kills members of a different nationalist state, that doesn't make them "anti-nationalist".

Sure, there are anti-Nationalists, aren't you one of them?


"Anti-nationalism" isn't an ideology.
I'd argue that the biggest causes of genocide, are these in this order.

1.) Love, and tolerance.

Well, love, and tolerance of authority figures.

2.) Apathy, and submission.

Well, apathy, and submission to authority figures.

3.) Trust, and Faith.

Well, trust, and faith in authority figures.

4.) Big government, and big military.

Well, you already kind of figured that, right?

5.) Balkanization, and Diversity.

Well, how do you solve such conflicts that blow up when caused by Balkanization, and Diversity, a lot of times genocide erupts.

6.) The Psycho-path leader himself.

Well, you probably figured he was #1, right?

Well, I disagree, I happen to see that all of the above enable him, and the masses are a bigger cause.

The Psychopath simply can't get away with very, very much in society like genocide, without his enablers.

Thus the enablers are more of an issue, in at least total numbers.

The answer would appear to be POWER.

One group wants power over another, or one leader wants power and vilifies another group to make people like him and vote for him.

Sure, but that seems to also be prevalent in many societies without genocide, as well.

Well of course it does. Power is everywhere. It impacts everything.

Sometimes people need something to gain the power they want, and they turn towards genocide as a way to get it.

Milosevic used nationalism as his tool to get into power in Serbia, then he wanted to take over the whole of Yugoslavia but it disintegrated around him. Then he wanted to keep a grip on his power by using age old tactics of make people hate the enemy, and go after the enemy with genocide.

Hitler did too. It was a way of consolidating his power, getting rid of Jews, it showed people he was doing the right thing, if they were into that sort of thing, and he made them think he was right.

On an individual level you have enemies, and while they need these enemies to give them power, at some point maybe they think they need to go a little further in order to keep power.

Milosevic is over-stated by many Americans hypocritically, particularly those of Liberal view-points.

1.) Bosniak Muslims started the massacre events officially in the war, in the Sijekovac Killings.

2.) The massacre events from both sides are classic Balkanized conflicts. (Multi-ethnic,or Multi-religious)

3.) It was a Civil War, not unlike the American Civil War, Milosevic is akin to the beloved Abraham Lincoln, in that both didn't want countries to break-away.

4.) The American Civil War under Lincoln actually killed more than were killed under Milosevic.

5.) Prior to Islamic Turkic invasions, Serbia held these overall territories of Kosovo, and Bosnia.

6.) America under Clinton invading Milosevic would be like Britain invading Abraham Lincoln.
Putting your country as a high priority leads to genocide of your country? LMFAO

No, it usually results in genocides against those labelled as "enemies".
Tell that to socialist dictators mao and stalin who killed over 100M people.
Lets compare all socialist dictators to fascists, shall we?
Maybe we can get to the bottom of this.


You don't think that Mao and Stalin were nationalists?

Populists, too.

Stalin was anti- culture point blank.,.. Therefor overall he was the Antithesis of Nationalism.

Anti culture be it anti-Religion, anti-Music, anti-Writer, or anti-Books, and even anti-Foods.

Consumer goods in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

After the revolution, the Soviet government strove to eliminate bourgeois values and lifestyle by distributing resources equally. Things that were once viewed as petit-bourgeois and associated with the elite—such as luxury goods—became theoretically accessible to all citizens. To a Soviet consumer, a luxury item was any good with the exception of plain breads, cabbage, potatoes and vodka.[2

Culture of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Many writers were imprisoned and killed, or died of starvation, examples being Daniil Kharms, Osip Mandelstam, Isaac Babel and Boris Pilnyak. Andrei Platonov worked as a caretaker and wasn't allowed to publish. The work of Anna Akhmatova was also condemned by the regime, although she notably refused the opportunity to escape to the West. After a short period of the renaissance of Ukrainian literature, more than 250 Ukrainian writers died during the Great Purge, for example Valerian Pidmohylnyi (1901–1937)), in the so called Executed Renaissance. Texts of imprisoned authors were confiscated by the NKVD and some of them were published later. Books were removed from libraries and destroyed.

In addition to literature, musical expression was also repressed during the Stalin era, and at times the music of many Soviet composers was banned altogether. Dmitri Shostakovich experienced a particularly long and complex relationship with Stalin, during which his music was denounced and prohibited twice, in 1936 and 1948 (see Zhdanov decree). Sergei Prokofiev and Aram Khachaturian had similar cases. Although Igor Stravinsky did not live in the Soviet Union, his music was officially considered formalist and anti-Soviet.

USSR anti-religious campaign (1921–1928) - Wikipedia

See also: Society of the Godless and NKVD Order No. 00447
Main article: USSR anti-religious campaign (1928–1941)
The Orthodox church suffered terribly in the 1930s, and many of its members were killed or sent to labor camps. Between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox churches in the Russian Republic fell from 29,584 to fewer than 500. The watershed year was 1929, when Soviet policy put much new legislation in place that formed the basis for the harsh anti-religious persecution in the 1930s.

Anti-religious education was introduced beginning in the first-grade in 1928 and anti-religious work was intensified throughout the education system. At the same time, in order to remove the church's intellectuals and support official propaganda that only backward people believed in God,[65] the government conducted a massive purge of Christian intellectuals, most of whom died in the camps or in prison.[66]

The church's successful competition with the ongoing and widespread atheistic propaganda, prompted new laws to be adopted in 1929 on 'Religious Associations' as well as amendments to the constitution, which forbade all forms of public, social, communal, educational, publishing or missionary activities for religious believers.[64] This also prevented, of course, the church from printing any material for public consumption or responding to the criticism against it. This caused many religious tracts to be circulated as illegal literature or samizdat.[21] Numerous other measures were introduced that were designed to cripple the church, and effectively made it illegal to have religious activities of any sort outside of liturgical services within the walls of the few churches that would remain open, and even these would be subject to much interference and harassment. Catechism classes, religious schools, study groups, Sunday schools and religious publications were all illegal and/or banned.

The League of the Militant Godless, under Yemelyan Yaroslavsky, was the main instrument of the anti-religious campaign and it was given special powers that allowed it to dictate to public institutions throughout the country what they needed to do for the campaign.[39]

After 1929 and through the 1930s, the closing of churches, mass arrests of the clergy and religiously active laity, and persecution of people for attending church reached unprecedented proportions.[3][64] The LMG employed terror tactics against believers in order to further the campaign, while employing the guise of protecting the state or prosecuting law-breakers. The clergy were attacked as foreign spies and trials of bishops were conducted with their clergy as well as lay adherents who were reported as 'subversive terroristic gangs' that had been unmasked.[67] Official propaganda at the time called for the banishment of the very concept of God from the Soviet Union.[68] These persecutions were meant to assist the ultimate socialist goal of eliminating religion.[68][69] From 1932 to 1937 Joseph Stalin declared the 'five-year plans of atheism' and the LMG was charged with completely eliminating all religious expression in the country.[68] Many of these same methods and terror tactics were also imposed against others that the regime considered to be its ideological enemies.

The debate between the ‘rightist’ and ‘leftist’ sides of how to best combat religion found some conclusion in 1930 and afterwards, when the state officially condemned extremes on both sides. Marxist leaders who took either position on this issue would find themselves attacked by a paranoid Stalin who did not tolerate other authorities to speak as authorities on public policy.[70]

A lull in the active persecution was experienced in 1930-33 following Stalin's 1930 article 'Diziness From Success', however, it swept back in fervor again afterwards.[71]

In 1934 the persecution of the Renovationist sect began to reach the proportions of the persecution of the old Orthodox church.[72]

During the purges of 1937 and 1938, church documents record that 168,300 Russian Orthodox clergy were arrested. Of these, over 100,000 were shot.[73] Many thousands of victims of persecution became recognized in a special canon of saints known as the "new martyrs and confessors of Russia".

A decline in enthusiasm in the campaign occurred in the late 1930s.[74] The tone of the anti-religious campaign changed and became more moderate .[68] It ended at the outbreak of World War II.

Official Soviet figures reported that up to one third of urban and two thirds of rural population still held religious beliefs by 1937. However, the anti-religious campaign of the past decade and the terror tactics of the militantly atheist regime, had effectively eliminated all public expressions of religion and communal gatherings of believers outside of the walls of the few churches that still held services.[75] This was accomplished in a country that only a few decades earlier had had a deeply Christian public life and culture that had developed for almost a thousand years.

Nationalism has very little to do with "culture".

Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by promoting the interests of a particular nation particularly with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, over the group's homeland. The political ideology therefore holds that a nation should govern itself, free from unwanted outside interference, and is linked to the concept of self-determination. Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on shared characteristics such as culture, language, race, religion, political goals or a belief in a common ancestry.

Nationalism - Wikipedia
Ironically, God loves genocide himself. Why doesnt he fear himself?

Biblically, God poured out his wrath on those who were genocidal dolt.
Yes, children are genocidal. They love murdering entire civilizations.
Dolt :rofl:

Just think of them as late term abortions

You are correct that they were collateral damage, but the object of scorn was their parents.

Like it or not we all suffer from the bad decisions our parents make.

It's not fair, but guess what, nothing is.

Abortion is genocide, I'd agree.

Just like what was done with Sodom, and Gomorrah was a genocide, I'd agree too.
The very definition of genocide is the killing of a large group of people. A fetus is not a people. Or a person. It doesnt even technically meet the requirements for life.


So what are the requirements for life?

Let me guess, being out of the womb.
No, it usually results in genocides against those labelled as "enemies".
Tell that to socialist dictators mao and stalin who killed over 100M people.
Lets compare all socialist dictators to fascists, shall we?
Maybe we can get to the bottom of this.


You don't think that Mao and Stalin were nationalists?

Populists, too.

Stalin was anti- culture point blank.,.. Therefor overall he was the Antithesis of Nationalism.

Anti culture be it anti-Religion, anti-Music, anti-Writer, or anti-Books, and even anti-Foods.

Consumer goods in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

After the revolution, the Soviet government strove to eliminate bourgeois values and lifestyle by distributing resources equally. Things that were once viewed as petit-bourgeois and associated with the elite—such as luxury goods—became theoretically accessible to all citizens. To a Soviet consumer, a luxury item was any good with the exception of plain breads, cabbage, potatoes and vodka.[2

Culture of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

Many writers were imprisoned and killed, or died of starvation, examples being Daniil Kharms, Osip Mandelstam, Isaac Babel and Boris Pilnyak. Andrei Platonov worked as a caretaker and wasn't allowed to publish. The work of Anna Akhmatova was also condemned by the regime, although she notably refused the opportunity to escape to the West. After a short period of the renaissance of Ukrainian literature, more than 250 Ukrainian writers died during the Great Purge, for example Valerian Pidmohylnyi (1901–1937)), in the so called Executed Renaissance. Texts of imprisoned authors were confiscated by the NKVD and some of them were published later. Books were removed from libraries and destroyed.

In addition to literature, musical expression was also repressed during the Stalin era, and at times the music of many Soviet composers was banned altogether. Dmitri Shostakovich experienced a particularly long and complex relationship with Stalin, during which his music was denounced and prohibited twice, in 1936 and 1948 (see Zhdanov decree). Sergei Prokofiev and Aram Khachaturian had similar cases. Although Igor Stravinsky did not live in the Soviet Union, his music was officially considered formalist and anti-Soviet.

USSR anti-religious campaign (1921–1928) - Wikipedia

See also: Society of the Godless and NKVD Order No. 00447
Main article: USSR anti-religious campaign (1928–1941)
The Orthodox church suffered terribly in the 1930s, and many of its members were killed or sent to labor camps. Between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox churches in the Russian Republic fell from 29,584 to fewer than 500. The watershed year was 1929, when Soviet policy put much new legislation in place that formed the basis for the harsh anti-religious persecution in the 1930s.

Anti-religious education was introduced beginning in the first-grade in 1928 and anti-religious work was intensified throughout the education system. At the same time, in order to remove the church's intellectuals and support official propaganda that only backward people believed in God,[65] the government conducted a massive purge of Christian intellectuals, most of whom died in the camps or in prison.[66]

The church's successful competition with the ongoing and widespread atheistic propaganda, prompted new laws to be adopted in 1929 on 'Religious Associations' as well as amendments to the constitution, which forbade all forms of public, social, communal, educational, publishing or missionary activities for religious believers.[64] This also prevented, of course, the church from printing any material for public consumption or responding to the criticism against it. This caused many religious tracts to be circulated as illegal literature or samizdat.[21] Numerous other measures were introduced that were designed to cripple the church, and effectively made it illegal to have religious activities of any sort outside of liturgical services within the walls of the few churches that would remain open, and even these would be subject to much interference and harassment. Catechism classes, religious schools, study groups, Sunday schools and religious publications were all illegal and/or banned.

The League of the Militant Godless, under Yemelyan Yaroslavsky, was the main instrument of the anti-religious campaign and it was given special powers that allowed it to dictate to public institutions throughout the country what they needed to do for the campaign.[39]

After 1929 and through the 1930s, the closing of churches, mass arrests of the clergy and religiously active laity, and persecution of people for attending church reached unprecedented proportions.[3][64] The LMG employed terror tactics against believers in order to further the campaign, while employing the guise of protecting the state or prosecuting law-breakers. The clergy were attacked as foreign spies and trials of bishops were conducted with their clergy as well as lay adherents who were reported as 'subversive terroristic gangs' that had been unmasked.[67] Official propaganda at the time called for the banishment of the very concept of God from the Soviet Union.[68] These persecutions were meant to assist the ultimate socialist goal of eliminating religion.[68][69] From 1932 to 1937 Joseph Stalin declared the 'five-year plans of atheism' and the LMG was charged with completely eliminating all religious expression in the country.[68] Many of these same methods and terror tactics were also imposed against others that the regime considered to be its ideological enemies.

The debate between the ‘rightist’ and ‘leftist’ sides of how to best combat religion found some conclusion in 1930 and afterwards, when the state officially condemned extremes on both sides. Marxist leaders who took either position on this issue would find themselves attacked by a paranoid Stalin who did not tolerate other authorities to speak as authorities on public policy.[70]

A lull in the active persecution was experienced in 1930-33 following Stalin's 1930 article 'Diziness From Success', however, it swept back in fervor again afterwards.[71]

In 1934 the persecution of the Renovationist sect began to reach the proportions of the persecution of the old Orthodox church.[72]

During the purges of 1937 and 1938, church documents record that 168,300 Russian Orthodox clergy were arrested. Of these, over 100,000 were shot.[73] Many thousands of victims of persecution became recognized in a special canon of saints known as the "new martyrs and confessors of Russia".

A decline in enthusiasm in the campaign occurred in the late 1930s.[74] The tone of the anti-religious campaign changed and became more moderate .[68] It ended at the outbreak of World War II.

Official Soviet figures reported that up to one third of urban and two thirds of rural population still held religious beliefs by 1937. However, the anti-religious campaign of the past decade and the terror tactics of the militantly atheist regime, had effectively eliminated all public expressions of religion and communal gatherings of believers outside of the walls of the few churches that still held services.[75] This was accomplished in a country that only a few decades earlier had had a deeply Christian public life and culture that had developed for almost a thousand years.

Nationalism has very little to do with "culture".

Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by promoting the interests of a particular nation particularly with the aim of gaining and maintaining self-governance, or full sovereignty, over the group's homeland. The political ideology therefore holds that a nation should govern itself, free from unwanted outside interference, and is linked to the concept of self-determination. Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on shared characteristics such as culture, language, race, religion, political goals or a belief in a common ancestry.

Nationalism - Wikipedia

We're all very impressed with your ability to cut and paste from wikipedia.

But you're missing the point.
Biblically, God poured out his wrath on those who were genocidal dolt.
Yes, children are genocidal. They love murdering entire civilizations.
Dolt :rofl:

Just think of them as late term abortions
You are a sick person. And extremely dishonest.

Was it wrong to kill of the Nazi regime?

After all, children died as a result.

Who again is the dishonest one?
you said god ordered the death of genocidal peoples. Children are not genocidal.
The children werent "collateral damage" either. He specifically ordered their death.

God did order the death of Egyptian first born, but they were not all babies.

That was after the Egyptians slaughtered the first born of the Hebrew nation.

An eye for an eye.

Here is a clue, don't mess with God and if you insist on judging his actions, good luck with that.
Biblically, God poured out his wrath on those who were genocidal dolt.
Yes, children are genocidal. They love murdering entire civilizations.
Dolt :rofl:

Just think of them as late term abortions

You are correct that they were collateral damage, but the object of scorn was their parents.

Like it or not we all suffer from the bad decisions our parents make.

It's not fair, but guess what, nothing is.

Abortion is genocide, I'd agree.

Just like what was done with Sodom, and Gomorrah was a genocide, I'd agree too.
The very definition of genocide is the killing of a large group of people. A fetus is not a people. Or a person. It doesnt even technically meet the requirements for life.


So what are the requirements for life?

Let me guess, being out of the womb.
Do i really need to post the definition of "life?"
Putting your country as a high priority leads to genocide of your country? LMFAO

No, it usually results in genocides against those labelled as "enemies".

There's a lot of things that can be used to push a genocide, Nationalism could be, but what about anti-Nationalism?

Lenin was anti-Nationalist Russian when he exterminated about 6 - 16 million Russians in a violent civil war.

Stalin was against anti-Nationalist in the Polish Operation of the NKVD for their pro-Polish Nationalist sentiments of over 100,000 Poles shot, and killed.

Stalin was anti-Nationalist German when pushed forward ethnic cleansing of Germans following WW2, with perhaps 500,000 Germans killed after the war.

That yes, anti-Nationalism can be used to further genocide goals too, no?


"Anti-nationalism" isn't a real thing.

If a nationalist state kills members of a different nationalist state, that doesn't make them "anti-nationalist".

Sure, there are anti-Nationalists, aren't you one of them?


"Anti-nationalism" isn't an ideology.

Perhaps not officially, but a lot of anti-Nationalists could include American presidents since Lyndon B. Johnson (Perhaps until Trump), include modern France, Germany since WW2, Sweden for well pretty long, Britain since post WW2, etc. etc.

I'd say that yes, we should link most of all the actions of Merkel especially as that of "ANTIFA" or "Anti-Nationalism" that they have cracked down on promoters of German culture, pushed major anti-German Nationalism, pushing Political correctness by force, mass refugees / mass immigration etc..

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