Biggest Issue Facing the US Today?

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
I think the biggest issue is the economy. The terrible recovery has led to stagnant wages and lack of opportunity across the board. Income inequality has increased due to people in the middle and lower strata failing to get better paying jobs. This has also led to strains in the federal budget, as well as state budgets. Constraints on the miltary budget impede our efforts to win even diplomatically, as other countries perceive our weakness.
The way to reverse this decline is:
-Enact serious tax reform, lowering corporate taxes to competitive levels worldwide
-Simplify the tax code so less is spent on accontants and lawyers figuring out how to game the system
-Roll back the volume of regulations coming out of Washington
-Enact tort reform so honest mistakes do not bankrupt companies.
-Roll back the min wage so lower skilled workers can get hired and gain experience.
I agree it is the economy and the fact the government must subsidize the pay of workers because the corporations refuse to pay livable wages. :)
Until such time corporate tax rates decrease to develop worlds competitive rate upward mobility and expansion of the middle class will remain meek at best. Don't hold your breath, remember its all about the mysterious 1% and evil corporations fault. The left fails to understand and will never differentiate between truth from fiction, otherwise their entire platform would be exposed for what it is....crap.
I agree it is the economy and the fact the government must subsidize the pay of workers because the corporations refuse to pay livable wages. :)
It's actualluy corporations subsidizing government by paying wages to people who otherwise would be unemployed. As usual you have it backwards.
LOL...I forgot its the CORPORATIONS paying foodstamps,TANF,medicaid! Damn I should have known.

Its a very simple concept really.

Should government or corporations be making sure workers have a wage high enough to take care of themselves? Republicans in their obviously ignorant wisdom are OK with the government using their taxes to make sure people are able to live and have food to eat. Its baffling at how ANYONE would rather have the government pay for this instead of making the corporations pay higher wages which they OBVIOUSLY can afford.
I think the biggest issue is the economy. The terrible recovery has led to stagnant wages and lack of opportunity across the board. Income inequality has increased due to people in the middle and lower strata failing to get better paying jobs. This has also led to strains in the federal budget, as well as state budgets. Constraints on the miltary budget impede our efforts to win even diplomatically, as other countries perceive our weakness.
The way to reverse this decline is:
-Enact serious tax reform, lowering corporate taxes to competitive levels worldwide
-Simplify the tax code so less is spent on accontants and lawyers figuring out how to game the system
-Roll back the volume of regulations coming out of Washington
-Enact tort reform so honest mistakes do not bankrupt companies.
-Roll back the min wage so lower skilled workers can get hired and gain experience.

The corporations already go through a loophole. So why not close that and lower the corporate to 30%? But first we must make sure they pay 30%! Or 28% or whatever.

I agree with simplifying the tax code ;) Accountability is good.

Maybe there are regulates that should be trimmed but not at the cost of our air or water quality. And certainly not at the cost of our workers being able to have safe conditions in the work place.

I agree with you...Enact tort reform in certain areas that stop stupid law suites. But, we also must remember that somethings should allow for law suites.

Rolling back the minimum wage is where we disagree very, very much as our workers deserve a portion of the pie they earned. How about closing the border, getting rid of foreign workers and raising a tariff on all incoming imports??? Lastly, why not raise tax on people at the top to take far more then they're worth to our society. We certainly shouldn't be attacking our middle class as it is not good for our economy. I'd say raise the middle wage on corporations that can afford it and keep it the same for small businesses to entice competition.
The biggest issue the US is facing today? The Tea Party. They are terrorists who have already threatened to use women as human shields as their ilk threaten, on a daily basis, civil war and unrest because we have a President of a Darker Hue.

Why do the teapers have an army?
Barak Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro...he's going to try his damnest to screw up this country so bad that he thinks it won't be fixable.

It won't be. Whose gonna fix the monumental screw-ups..........(no leadership, dead-ahead.....).
You think he'll try to get us into a nuclear war with Russia, China, Korea, Iran? All the above?
The biggest issue the US is facing today? The Tea Party. They are terrorists who have already threatened to use women as human shields as their ilk threaten, on a daily basis, civil war and unrest because we have a President of a Darker Hue.

Why do the teapers have an army? are so full of SHIT it's coming out your mouth.
The two biggest issues are (1) corporate taxes pay 11% of the federal budget compared to 32% 60 years ago, and (2) far right obstructionism in Congress in fixing that problem.
The biggest issue the US is facing today? The Tea Party. They are terrorists who have already threatened to use women as human shields as their ilk threaten, on a daily basis, civil war and unrest because we have a President of a Darker Hue.

Why do the teapers have an army?

You have an unhealthy obsession with the TP.........expand your political mind, the TP isn't the boogeyman with all the power and influence your delusions about them subscribe! Since I don't really know you, consider this a PSA......
It cannot be the economy, the loons from the left assure me the economy is doing wonderful.
A) we're not in control of the economy.
As I type I'm listening to a debate online about how much the bubble and meltdown in the US was caused by the launch of the Euro and creation of a vacation housing bubble among the PIIGS versus China creating ghost cities to pump up GDP.
B) The economy is a black box.
Robert Shiller won a Nobel for proving that we don't know how the capital markets work.
It cannot be the economy, the loons from the left assure me the economy is doing wonderful.
A) we're not in control of the economy.
As I type I'm listening to a debate online about how much the bubble and meltdown in the US was caused by the launch of the Euro and creation of a vacation housing bubble among the PIIGS versus China creating ghost cities to pump up GDP.
B) The economy is a black box.
Robert Shiller won a Nobel for proving that we don't know how the capital markets work.


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