Biggest reason(s) for mass shootings in the USA?

Biggest reason(s) for mass shootings?

  • Laziness, 24/7 gadgets, virtual world, propaganda, lack of problem solving, imitation

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Lliberal immigration policy & Multi-culturism. Liberal portrayal of racism, snowflakes

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Crooked leaders & poor role models

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Liberal Hollywood, including thoughtless entertainment. Violent games & trash music.

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Spoiled public, poor accountability, discipline & values, rejecting of traditional values & unity.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • Over-population

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Drugs and alcohol, including pharmaceuticals. Increases in mental illness and drug dependency.

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • Guns

    Votes: 4 21.1%

  • Total voters
Inasmuch as you've asked about mass shootings, rather, say than car accidents, does it really matter what reasons be the "biggest" ones people have for them? Isn't any mass shooting one mass shooting too many? Both the "big" and "small" reasons for why people commit mass shootings are, IMO, worth trying to curtail.
I don't see the real reasons on there. I see a lot of one sided justification that is used but no real reasons. How about putting Criminals with Slanted Ideas on there. That would be the #1 reason.
The UK sent their worst to the US, lot of convicts and basically the violence never stopped since.
I don't see the real reasons on there. I see a lot of one sided justification that is used but no real reasons. How about putting Criminals with Slanted Ideas on there. That would be the #1 reason.
That probably falls under "Drugs and alcohol, including pharmaceuticals. Increases in mental illness and drug dependency." Mental illness and/or certain kinds of drug use cause myriad slants in one's thinking and ideas.
Good job spelling out factors to vote on TheDude
Mental/Criminal illness is the factor I picked first.

(Another would be the rejection and refusal to accept, consider much less research and develop the Christian methods of Spiritual Healing that have been used to manage if not cure severe abuse, addiction and ills especially of the degree we see in criminal attacks and obsessions.)

I don't know if that would fall under
* lack of problem solving
* propaganda (ie not promoting but rejecting this is in the Media)
* role models and "traditional values" if you count Christianity, but this level of
spiritual healing is not necessarily considered traditional but even contested among Christians
* guns not requiring people to go through this degree of background check
but currently neither the police or military is properly screened either, so it's not just guns but
conflicts over govt being in charge of regulations and people not agreeing how this applies or doesn't apply to guns
(or abortion, or voting or health care etc.)

Generally because people are of "conflicting political beliefs," and don't agree how to police
the problem of guns and criminal intent or mentally ill,
THAT'S what is causing the lack of "problem solving."
(similar to why our health care bill is stuck in garbage zone, because two political parties taking sides don't agree how to change it or what to change it to, the public gets stuck with nothing!)

So the second choice I would have picked may fall under a combination
of 2-3 of the other factors.

I went ahead and picked "propaganda/lack of problem solving" since at least
that line mentions 2 of the factors (the anti-Christian media and political attacks, and how this PREVENTS from resolving conflicts and creating better policies that address the CAUSES and CURES)

Good job listing these out. (I guess the other place that other issue could be added in:
under mental illness, the lack of agreement or focus on research, early diagnosis and effective treatment and cure of criminal disorders causing abuse and violence)

I think we should use a list LIKE yours, very close to it,
and host a national discussion to work out ALL THESE FACTORS.

Don't make it either/or, but all the above, what are we going to do about this????

this is very helpful and should be used
as a model for addressing these issues nationally.

I'll give you a winning star for a very good format on this!
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I don't see the real reasons on there. I see a lot of one sided justification that is used but no real reasons. How about putting Criminals with Slanted Ideas on there. That would be the #1 reason.

How about "Spoiled public, poor accountability, discipline & values, rejecting traditional values & unity."?
"Media over-hyping and glorifying mass shootings for the sole purpose of swaying public opinion to achieve complete gun confiscation for the communist left, making would-be mass shootings more likely by emboldening those seeking to go out in a blaze of glory."

I will bet the above would get 100%

"Media over-hyping and glorifying mass shootings for the sole purpose of swaying public opinion to achieve complete gun confiscation for the communist left, making would-be mass shootings more likely by emboldening those seeking to go out in a blaze of glory."

I will bet the above would get 100%


First option?
The majority of all crimes are committed by a few demographics.

Take a guess what the are....

We need to take the guns away from the NEGROES. Like Hitler did.

We need to bring back the Klan and Robert E. Lee.

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