Bigoted Florist Loses Again

How is it these business owners even know a customers sexual preference in the first place? When I'm out and about, I see a lot of people. Not only can I not guess their sexual preference, I don't care.

I'm not a patron of businesses that I don't like for whatever reason and I'll just give my money to a business I do like.

Some people just aren't satisfied till they're stirring shit with someone.
All businesses in this country have the right to refuse service to anyone.

You just cannot refuse service to one of the so-called "protected classes".
Which only means you have to lie about the reason you can't or don't want to serve them.

Usually, "I'm booked that week" or "I will be closed that week" will do fine.
It’s a settled, accepted fact of law that religious beliefs don’t justify ignoring or violating just and proper laws, such as public accommodations laws.

Moreover, the enforcement of just and proper laws in no manner restricts or violates religious liberty or expression.

Since the story is incomplete who knows what really happened. I'm sure there is more to it.
Why would people want to hire someone that does not want to work for them unless they are ust looking for a lawsuit.

Do you remember the signs in some business windows that read " we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"?
Just because they say it doesn't mean it's legal.

Its legal all right but since courts now rule from the bench our rights have been highjacked.
Liberals think they are faining but what they don't realize they too will live with the fall of this nation. Freedom of speech and association is what made us the greatest nation on earth. Otherwise only those in authority have these important rughts,
Why would people want to hire someone that does not want to work for them unless they are ust looking for a lawsuit.

Do you remember the signs in some business windows that read " we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone"?

Doesn't seem to apply to 'protected groups'.
This idea that anyone can violate a law based on a religious belief that they hold is absurd. It is a recipe for chaos. Nobody knows how many religious beliefs exist among the world's religions. In Christianity alone, there is a huge variety of beliefs and Christian groups often contradict each other, so just declaring that one is a Christian does nothing to indicate what belief is at issue.

Public accommodation laws are intended to protect the public. Despite the idiotic contention that a rejected customer has some obligation to leave and remain silent, there is no such obligation, and there is no way a prospective customer would even know what a vendor's beliefs are in the first place. The consumer has to be protected, too.

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