Bigoted Florist Loses Again


Trying to identify our political parties with specific religions is a grave mistake on your part.The decision to specify in the Constitution that the government is forbidden to establish a religion was grounded in the wisdom acquired by observing the religious strife in Europe and the colonies. The personal religious beliefs of "The Founders" are not significant.

You fail to acknowledge both the wide variety of opinions and beliefs among the various Christian groups and the fact that we now have citizens from just about every one of the world's religions, as well as atheists and agnostics, and all of us share the same government and are entitled to the equal protection of our laws.

The fact that the right to religious freedom of choice belongs to each and every individual has both good and bad implications. It is good that we all may move from faith to faith, or choose not to practice a faith, according to our own minds, but it is bad that an individual may choose a belief that involves interfering with the lives and rights of others and then expect their negative actions toward these others to be protected by the government at the expense of those being attacked.

There are many Christians who support the Democratic Party, preferring the policies put forth by Democrats to those put forth by Republicans, which indicates that a split exists between various factions of the Christian faith. The Republican Party seems to have gone full-blown Protestant fundamentalist, with the occasional nod to the Catholics when the Catholics agree with certain stances taken by the Protestant fundamentalists.

Marxism has nothing to do with any of this.
Many of these "Christians" seem to have a very selective faith. I would not give much weight to any of their loony ravings.

Yeah "I hate gay people because the Bible says "Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: because it is an abomination." Leviticus

But I love Trump even though the Bible says:
"Thou shalt not commit adultery." Exodus
"But he that is an adulterer, for the folly of his heart shall destroy his own soul:" Proverbs
"If any man commit adultery with the wife of another, and defile his neighbour's wife: let them: be put to death, both the adulterer and the adulteress." Leviticus

And they have no problem with a triple adulterer, but would never vote for a gay guy.


"Abomination" I hate it
"Put to death" I'll vote for it.
Become massively conservative and really let what happens in the bedroom stay in the bedroom. No public shows of crazy.

So, for example, Trump shouldn't have come out and been like "this is my wife" because it kind of implies he's fucking her. Very sexual.
Better yet. If your business discriminates, take your "business" elsewhere. Where discrimination like that is legal. Like Russia.
Better yet, stop targeting businesses you know have religious objections just to start trouble. Take your Nazi ass to one of your shithole countries that’s okay with forcing your views on people.
Be careful what you ask for. Do you want the state to start refusing to grant business licenses to people who claim religious objections, or other reasons they would discriminate against a customer.

PS. State meaning whoever runs the political jurisdiction issuing licenses.
... and yet the American left calls a devout Christian who just wants to be left alone a "bigot" for refusing to acknowledge sodomite weddings.
Where do you draw the line on people objecting on those grounds.
The 10 commandments says "thou shalt not kill"
Can a business refuse to serve soldiers?
The Military often bends over backwards to accommodate religious beliefs. The 1st Amendment right to religious freedom trumps the military's need for Troops in every conflict. Strict uniform regulations often consider religious beliefs. No telling how society would deal with a religious bias against Soldiers but indications are that they would side with religious beliefs.

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