Bigoted Florist Loses Again

Public accommodations laws are perfectly appropriate and warranted, consistent with Commerce Clause jurisprudence.
Get back to me when Facebook and Twitter have to pllay by the same rules.
Like private golf clubs, facebook and twitter are private companies. The USSC says that they can set their own rules, even racist and sexist ones.

When the USSC forces private golf clubs to admit blacks, women and jews, then you could try facebook again.
... and yet the American left calls a devout Christian who just wants to be left alone a "bigot" for refusing to acknowledge sodomite weddings.
Where do you draw the line on people objecting on those grounds.
The 10 commandments says "thou shalt not kill"
Can a business refuse to serve soldiers?
How is it these business owners even know a customers sexual preference in the first place? When I'm out and about, I see a lot of people. Not only can I not guess their sexual preference, I don't care.

I'm not a patron of businesses that I don't like for whatever reason and I'll just give my money to a business I do like.

Some people just aren't satisfied till they're stirring shit with someone.
The left seeks out Christian businesses that do not approve of homosexual marriage because they are looking for trouble

Knowing that the unelected judges are ruling against morality, if I were a baker my price to them would be higher and paid in advance

and it would be the worst wedding cake featuring two perverts butt fucking that I am capable of making

After that see if any more queers want me to bake them a wedding cake
Public accommodations laws are perfectly appropriate and warranted, consistent with Commerce Clause jurisprudence.
Get back to me when Facebook and Twitter have to pllay by the same rules.
Like private golf clubs, facebook and twitter are private companies. The USSC says that they can set their own rules, even racist and sexist ones.

When the USSC forces private golf clubs to admit blacks, women and jews, then you could try facebook again.
So you are saying the florist is not a private company?
...if I were a baker my price to them would be higher and paid in advance

You realize how many business and anti-discrimination laws that violates.

Just substitute jew for homosexual, and tell me what the difference is?
So you are saying the florist is not a private company?
Almost every business needs some type of business license to operate legally in the state you are doing business in. ...

Brick-and mortar companies, home-based businesses, B2B companies, and consumer-facing ones all need state business licenses.

They have to operate within the rules and requirements. Which includes non-discrimination.
Just substitute jew for homosexual, and tell me what the difference is?
I would be careful not to violate any laws

Maybe it would be a wedding cake featuring Soddom and Gamorrah being destroyed by lightening bolts from the sky
Why would people want to hire someone that does not want to work for them unless they are ust looking for a lawsuit.
Was there a sign on the door saying "We don't serve gay people" so the couple would know ahead of time. Maybe there should be.
Buying flowers is NOT a civil right. I turn away business regularly because of where people live.

Yall wanna give social media (the left) a pass.

Yall wanna crucify private businesses (the right)

Double standards galore
Why would people want to hire someone that does not want to work for them unless they are ust looking for a lawsuit.

That's what I keep saying every time this issue comes up. At the end of the day, it's not about wanting their business; it's about getting revenge on them for not agreeing with the plaintiff's lifestyle. For the record, I think the florist is an ass. If I were in the catering business or something related to that, like a florist, I would never refuse service to a gay couple. In fact, I'd capitalize on that and amidst this controversy, go out of my way to get their business and corner their market on it if I could. That said, I do think business owners should be allowed to do business with or refuse business to whoever they want for what ever reason they want. Let the market sort it out from there.

If one believes in the idea of a free society you can't enforce fraternization among the masses, but most people don't believe in a free society. They simply think they do.
If the homos want to buy a standard cake off the shelf the price is the same for everyone

But custom cakes come with a custom price also
What is "custom"? Using a different pairing of standard figurines?

That would be like a tire store charging more because the two tires you want aren't front or back, but are on the left or right side.

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