Bigoted Florist Loses Again

That's what I keep saying every time this issue comes up. At the end of the day, it's not about wanting their business; it's about getting revenge on them for not agreeing with the plaintiff's lifestyle. For the record, I think the florist is an ass. If I were in the catering business or something related to that, like a florist, I would never refuse service to a gay couple.

Not everybody who is discriminated against, just "let's it go"

Rosa Parks, didn't just "let it go"

Oliver Brown didn't just "let it go"
That's what I keep saying every time this issue comes up. At the end of the day, it's not about wanting their business; it's about getting revenge on them for not agreeing with the plaintiff's lifestyle. For the record, I think the florist is an ass. If I were in the catering business or something related to that, like a florist, I would never refuse service to a gay couple.

Not everybody who is discriminated against, just "let's it go"

Rosa Parks, didn't just "let it go"

Oliver Brown didn't just "let it go"
Fortunately, Steven Crowder didn't let it go.

Just what the fuck do you think discrimination is you stupid piece of shit?
That's what I keep saying every time this issue comes up. At the end of the day, it's not about wanting their business; it's about getting revenge on them for not agreeing with the plaintiff's lifestyle. For the record, I think the florist is an ass. If I were in the catering business or something related to that, like a florist, I would never refuse service to a gay couple.

Not everybody who is discriminated against, just "let's it go"

Rosa Parks, didn't just "let it go"

Oliver Brown didn't just "let it go"
Neither are conservatives going to let it go when they're denied service.
No blacks, no jews.
Never seen that sign before
Within reason. "No shoes, no shirt, no service" is the most prevalent, and is for health and safety reasons
What are the scopes of that reason and who should establish them? Why someone without shoes should be denied service? If someone wears a too short skirt, can they be denied service too?
As the artist/baker I will decide what is custom and what it will cost
"Yeah. Now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, give me a cheque for the chicken salad sandwich and you haven't broken any rules."
That's what I keep saying every time this issue comes up. At the end of the day, it's not about wanting their business; it's about getting revenge on them for not agreeing with the plaintiff's lifestyle. For the record, I think the florist is an ass. If I were in the catering business or something related to that, like a florist, I would never refuse service to a gay couple.

Not everybody who is discriminated against, just "let's it go"

Rosa Parks, didn't just "let it go"

Oliver Brown didn't just "let it go"
Those people were discriminated against by the government, which is forbidden under our Constitution.
Apparently you are unable to read.

you're the one with the comprehension problem. Twitter and facebook are businesses.

People were kicked off twitter and facebook because they violated the contract they had with those companies.

They signed and agreed to the TOS rules of those websites then repeatedly violated those rules.

They signed a contract with those companies agreeing that if they violated those TOS rules that company can kick them off the site.

What contract did those gay people sign with the florist and how did those gay people violate that contract?

You are the person with the comprehension problem.
No. They were kicked off for being conservatives, as you well know. Service may be denied at any time for any reason.
...if I were a baker my price to them would be higher and paid in advance

You realize how many business and anti-discrimination laws that violates.

Just substitute jew for homosexual, and tell me what the difference is?
Not discriminatory. His price would be based on the amount of work needed, as well as the size and subject matter. You don’t like it, take your business elsewhere.
Not discriminatory. His price would be based on the amount of work needed, as well as the size and subject matter. You don’t like it, take your business elsewhere.

Better yet. If your business discriminates, take your "business" elsewhere. Where discrimination like that is legal. Like Russia.
You are the person with the comprehension problem.

you have a veracity problem. intentional is my guess.

No I don't.

I pointed out the legal facts.

When a person clicks "I AGREE" when they sign up on a website, they are signing a contract agreeing to the TOS rules and agreeing that the site can kick them off if they break the rules.

It's right there in plain English.

Meanwhile, what contract did the gay people sign with the florist and how did they violate it?

You still haven't answered that very simple question.

All you did was try to insult me. Which was extremely lame.

Go take a business law class. Or read a contract law text book. You might learn something.
...if I were a baker my price to them would be higher and paid in advance
Not discriminatory. His price would be based on the amount of work needed, as well as the size and subject matter. You don’t like it, take your business elsewhere.
He admitted he would charge a subset of customers more for the sale item.
Different cakes need different amounts of work, thus cost different prices. You want a custom cake, be prepared to pay for it.
Not discriminatory. His price would be based on the amount of work needed, as well as the size and subject matter. You don’t like it, take your business elsewhere.

Better yet. If your business discriminates, take your "business" elsewhere. Where discrimination like that is legal. Like Russia.
Better yet, stop targeting businesses you know have religious objections just to start trouble. Take your Nazi ass to one of your shithole countries that’s okay with forcing your views on people.

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