Bigots Are Teaching Our Kids To Hate

I find it curious that republicans and other right wing conservatives find another's speech intolerable, but never say anything about republican speech. Booing a gay soldier, laughing over death panels, tea party racist signs, right wing talk radio's degradation of women and women's rights is OK, but have a women express her opinion and feelings about a party that opposes all change, all progress, all help for another...

But that's not what she did (and that's not what Repubs do). She said it's OK to hate "the other" ... in this case, Repubs.
"I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University" - William F. Buckley

This has been going on for a long time. College professors that teach bigotry to their students. If you've been wondering why Harvard students demanded that exams be postponed because so many of them claimed they were suffering from PTSD after the Ferguson decision became public, this professor is a good example why:

GOP: Time for bigoted prof who thinks it’s ‘OK to hate Republicans’ to find a new line of work
December 20, 2014 by Wayne Dupree

And she runs the communications department?

A University of Michigan professor, sparked a backlash among colleagues and GOP officials after writing a column titled “It’s Okay To Hate Republicans,” including a demand by the state Republican party chairman that she resign from her taxpayer-funded job.

University of Michigan Professor Susan Douglass

“I can’t stand the thought of having to spend the next two years watching Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Ted Cruz, Darrell Issa or any of the legions of other blowhards denying climate change, thwarting immigration reform or championing fetal ‘personhood,” wrote Susan J. Douglas, professor and chairwoman of communications studies.

Her column goes on to mention “an escalation of determined vilification” and how “dogmatism, rigidity and intolerance of ambiguity” could influence thinking.

Andrea Fischer Newman, a member of the UM Board of Regents was not pleased.

“As a Republican and a Member of the Board of Regents, I find Professor Douglas’s column extremely troubling and offensive,” she wrote on her Facebook page. “The University of Michigan community rightly supports and defends a wide variety of viewpoints and a diversity of opinion on all subjects. But this particular column, which expresses and condones hatred toward an entire segment of individuals in our society based solely on their political views, fails to observe an equally important value of our University — respect for the right of others to hold views contrary to our own. Professor Douglas’s column ill-serves the most basic values of a University community.”

Michigan Republican Party Chairman Bobby Schostak said it’s time Douglas just gets out of that community. She might not realize it, but a lot of those Republicans she hates are Michigan taxpayers who are paying her salary.

“The piece by Professor Susan J. Douglas is ugly and full of hatred, and it should not be tolerated by the University of Michigan,” Schostak told the Detroit Free Press. “… It’s inexcusable for any instructor to isolate students because of their political ideology, especially if they do not fall in line with his or her own. Not only does she further perpetuate the political discord in our nation today, but she’s completely out-of-touch and focusing on a life of politics she apparently left decades ago. …”

GOP Time for bigoted prof who thinks it 8217 s 8216 OK to hate Republicans 8217 to find a new line of work - BizPac Review

The pity is that people today feel they must verbalized every petty thought in there head, then get upset when their stupidity is challenged.

This individual could seriously use a good set of balls. (Yeah I know it's a female) just sayin
Talking to yourself in your head is often the only sure way to have an intelligent conversation, and it allows you to filter out bad ideas before they come out of your mouth.

If she kept it to herself or wrote a book and kept it between her readers, she wouldn't run the risk of losing her job.

But instead she created an article which trolled right wingers, and she failed to realize professionally that what she wrote was trolling.
My heart really pumps for the lady.

If I were to meet her in class I assume she'd treat me like shit. I've run across these types while I was going to San Diego State University. They are so full of themselves they can barely function around people they feel are beneath them.
"I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University" - William F. Buckley

This has been going on for a long time. College professors that teach bigotry to their students. If you've been wondering why Harvard students demanded that exams be postponed because so many of them claimed they were suffering from PTSD after the Ferguson decision became public, this professor is a good example why:

GOP: Time for bigoted prof who thinks it’s ‘OK to hate Republicans’ to find a new line of work
December 20, 2014 by Wayne Dupree

And she runs the communications department?

A University of Michigan professor, sparked a backlash among colleagues and GOP officials after writing a column titled “It’s Okay To Hate Republicans,” including a demand by the state Republican party chairman that she resign from her taxpayer-funded job.

University of Michigan Professor Susan Douglass

“I can’t stand the thought of having to spend the next two years watching Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Ted Cruz, Darrell Issa or any of the legions of other blowhards denying climate change, thwarting immigration reform or championing fetal ‘personhood,” wrote Susan J. Douglas, professor and chairwoman of communications studies.

Her column goes on to mention “an escalation of determined vilification” and how “dogmatism, rigidity and intolerance of ambiguity” could influence thinking.

Andrea Fischer Newman, a member of the UM Board of Regents was not pleased.

“As a Republican and a Member of the Board of Regents, I find Professor Douglas’s column extremely troubling and offensive,” she wrote on her Facebook page. “The University of Michigan community rightly supports and defends a wide variety of viewpoints and a diversity of opinion on all subjects. But this particular column, which expresses and condones hatred toward an entire segment of individuals in our society based solely on their political views, fails to observe an equally important value of our University — respect for the right of others to hold views contrary to our own. Professor Douglas’s column ill-serves the most basic values of a University community.”

Michigan Republican Party Chairman Bobby Schostak said it’s time Douglas just gets out of that community. She might not realize it, but a lot of those Republicans she hates are Michigan taxpayers who are paying her salary.

“The piece by Professor Susan J. Douglas is ugly and full of hatred, and it should not be tolerated by the University of Michigan,” Schostak told the Detroit Free Press. “… It’s inexcusable for any instructor to isolate students because of their political ideology, especially if they do not fall in line with his or her own. Not only does she further perpetuate the political discord in our nation today, but she’s completely out-of-touch and focusing on a life of politics she apparently left decades ago. …”

GOP Time for bigoted prof who thinks it 8217 s 8216 OK to hate Republicans 8217 to find a new line of work - BizPac Review

The pity is that people today feel they must verbalized every petty thought in there head, then get upset when their stupidity is challenged.

This individual could seriously use a good set of balls. (Yeah I know it's a female) just sayin
Talking to yourself in your head is often the only sure way to have an intelligent conversation, and it allows you to filter out bad ideas before they come out of your mouth.

If she kept it to herself or wrote a book and kept it between her readers, she wouldn't run the risk of losing her job.

But instead she created an article which trolled right wingers, and she failed to realize professionally that what she wrote was trolling.
My heart really pumps for the lady.

If I were to meet her in class I assume she'd treat me like shit. I've run across these types while I was going to San Diego State University. They are so full of themselves they can barely function around people they feel are beneath them.

You went to college?
Those who defend it are going to say we can't prove anything. Students have been witnessing it and recording it on their cells for years.

When a professor is caught doing it...they need to be fired.....they are violating their jobs and unless they work at a private school they should be kicked out....

That's not what you would say if she was pushing a god-based agenda.

If a teacher teaching communications said believe in god or fail my class she'd be a fired ass...............

That's not her job. It's her job to teach a class and grade the outcome in an unbiased fashion irregardless if she agrees with the student's ideology or not.

I've read her words and whether she likes it our not writing these articles are her right, I don't deny that, but if the students read this or she pushes this rhetoric in her grading she should be a fired ass.

It's very difficult for me to believe that she doesn't push this agenda in her classes on communication. But that is unknown to me................

She's ugly BTW................BAG IT.
I find it curious that republicans and other right wing conservatives find another's speech intolerable, but never say anything about republican speech. Booing a gay soldier, laughing over death panels, tea party racist signs, right wing talk radio's degradation of women and women's rights is OK, but have a women express her opinion and feelings about a party that opposes all change, all progress, all help for another, and all of a sudden free speech is not free speech. Can they even spell hypocrite for surely they are history's finest example of phony patriotism and they sure cry a lot too.

Whenever conservative republicans mention freedom think of those ten hand, the puppet show.

The Regressive Antidote - If Conservatism Is The Ideology of Freedom I m The Queen of England

Who boos a gay you mean know that guy was an al gore supporter and a democrat...right? We laughed at democrats trying to lie to us abut death panels....we know they are going to happen in collectivist healthcare, and the democrats lied and said they wouldn't...the Tea Party racist signs were democrats holding those signs up for their counterparts in the media wing of the democrat party....and I listen to right win talk radio all the time....sandra fluke....she wants other people to pay for her birth control...a grown woman....that's funny....

And yet the democrats support the violent sexual predator, bill clinton, and his wife, the individual who destroyed anyone who came out to protest her husbands violent sexual attacks....

And she can spout anything she wants....she is getting paid to teach all of her students....not just the democrats and other lefties.....

and it isn't democrats who need bodyguards to give speeches on college campuses.....just ask any conservative trying to give a speech at any colllege campus....
Parents have an obligation to investigate colleges and universities to determine what their children will be taught and close the wallets.
I'm not surprised by the fact that our resident nutters think that college aged students are so easily manipulated by faculty members. Brainwashing does not take place in university lecture halls. Idiots.
I'm not surprised by the fact that our resident nutters think that college aged students are so easily manipulated by faculty members. Brainwashing does not take place in university lecture halls. Idiots.

You know...we object to teachers teaching our children to hate our way of life and our culture and our country....and to admire everything that turns the world to crap.......other than that she is probably just a piss poor teacher....
I'm not surprised by the fact that our resident nutters think that college aged students are so easily manipulated by faculty members. Brainwashing does not take place in university lecture halls. Idiots.
I've had some college with a very liberal professor.................go against his opinion and he'll try to lower your grades......................

You can say it's BS and isolated........but I've seen it from a bigot ass hat teacher with my own eyes. You either withdraw from the class as half did, or go through it and pacify the dumb ass to get the credit. I was a lot younger then, didn't agree and just wrote what the ass hat wanted to get through the bs class.
I'm not surprised by the fact that our resident nutters think that college aged students are so easily manipulated by faculty members. Brainwashing does not take place in university lecture halls. Idiots.
I've had some college with a very liberal professor.................go against his opinion and he'll try to lower your grades......................

You can say it's BS and isolated........but I've seen it from a bigot ass hat teacher with my own eyes. You either withdraw from the class as half did, or go through it and pacify the dumb ass to get the credit. I was a lot younger then, didn't agree and just wrote what the ass hat wanted to get through the bs class.

And it didn't brainwash you? Wow!! You must be special.

I'm not surprised by the fact that our resident nutters think that college aged students are so easily manipulated by faculty members. Brainwashing does not take place in university lecture halls. Idiots.

You know...we object to teachers teaching our children to hate our way of life and our culture and our country....and to admire everything that turns the world to crap.......other than that she is probably just a piss poor teacher....

We are not discussing children here. Get with the topic.
Same here...just about all of my teachers in college were libs....I remember the instructor in my Constitutional Law class on the first day looked around the room and discussed passing a law....he looked at me and said, "Now imagine if you were a Senator and wanted to pass a gun control Bill"...I kid you not......I raised my hand, and he stopped talking and had a confused look on his face and said "Yes?" I said....If I was a Senator I wouldn't try to pass a gun control bill....he paused for a second, looked confused and then said..."Well....for the sake of this question, you are..." It was wasn't the first or last time.....try debating an issue with a couple hundred students in a lecture hall class...and with the teacher at the same learn to stand up for yourself in that case.....

Another an American Literature class, my professor, who looked like Jack was at the end of the semester, right before exams and he asked who the victim was in The Scarlet everyone was pretty quiet, it was hot, and close to the end of class...I raised my hand and said...."Hester Prynne's husband....." was like I set off a grenade in the room...all those angry women.....

But I was right...and the professor was amused and glad that someone was interested in discussing the topic....

After all....she cheated on him, and would not tell him who the asshole was....
I'm not surprised by the fact that our resident nutters think that college aged students are so easily manipulated by faculty members. Brainwashing does not take place in university lecture halls. Idiots.
I've had some college with a very liberal professor.................go against his opinion and he'll try to lower your grades......................

You can say it's BS and isolated........but I've seen it from a bigot ass hat teacher with my own eyes. You either withdraw from the class as half did, or go through it and pacify the dumb ass to get the credit. I was a lot younger then, didn't agree and just wrote what the ass hat wanted to get through the bs class.

And it didn't brainwash you? Wow!! You must be special.

It didn't brain wash me off because I didn't agree but back then as a younger man I didn't really want to get a bad grade by going against the teacher. Got a good grade for the class and moved on to other things.............

Like partying and fucking up...........never finished my degree..............tis what tis it is.
Yes.....that was your professors could hide how you really felt and what you really thought....that is why the left desperately wants a mind reading machine.....because they can't stand that some people may not be honest about submitting themselves to the leftist, collectivist state as god.....

and this is the problem....student's should not have to hide what they think for fear of being punished....the teacher needs to hide their personal opinions so they can be effective teachers....

Do you libtards get that.....? Of course not....
"Bigots Are Teaching Our Kids To Hate"

And unfortunately bigots and racists find refuge in the ranks of the GOP, where most identify as conservative and feel comfortable among conservatives.

Of course this doesn't mean that all racists and bigots are republican and conservative, or that conservative dogma endorses racism and bigotry, but it is nonetheless incumbent upon conservatives to examine their dogma to discover why racists and bigots find it attractive and address the problem.

Sadly there are bigots and racists seeking to impart their ignorance and hate to children, by propagating lies hostile to gay Americans, African-Americans, and immigrants.

We can countervail this bigotry and hatred by teaching children that gay Americans, African-Americans, and immigrants are no different than anyone else, wish the same things for themselves and their families, and are deserving the same respect we afford everyone else.
She's free to express her opinion. That's what we have a First Amendment for. Now, if she's teaching that kind of stuff to her students that's a different story and maybe she should lose her job, but I didn't see anywhere in there that was the case. Additionally, if the university feels that her actions are hurting their reputation and possibly affect student enrollment they could also justify terminating her employment as she is a representative of them as well.

"They" don't want a First Amendment unless it favors "them".
Those who defend it are going to say we can't prove anything. Students have been witnessing it and recording it on their cells for years.

When a professor is caught doing it...they need to be fired.....they are violating their jobs and unless they work at a private school they should be kicked out....

That's not what you would say if she was pushing a god-based agenda.

If a teacher teaching communications said believe in god or fail my class she'd be a fired ass...............

That's not her job. It's her job to teach a class and grade the outcome in an unbiased fashion irregardless if she agrees with the student's ideology or not.

I've read her words and whether she likes it our not writing these articles are her right, I don't deny that, but if the students read this or she pushes this rhetoric in her grading she should be a fired ass.

It's very difficult for me to believe that she doesn't push this agenda in her classes on communication. But that is unknown to me................

She's ugly BTW................BAG IT.
Funny you should say that. I once attended a pysch class, where they treated belief in a god as a mental illness.

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