Bigots In Mississippi Were Just OWNED! With This Perfect Billboard

SkankyIrishAss is coming unglued.
She is very selective in her faith. Much given to abuse rather than debate.

Oh dear I'm being ganged up on by a gaggle of homos....whatever shall I do?
This is a good example of her debating technique. Limited education leads to limited ways to express yourself.

Get lost Tommy, you nor any of your lil friends know what the hell you're talking about on this thread, you're trying to justify your perversion and the fact is homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord. Now go read Pink News and cease bothering me ya little toad
Here is another example. Its great that she can break off from baking cakes in order to share her thoughts.

Grow up ya old toad. You're just a distraction
The op clearly has a different definition of owned than most people.

How do you love your neighbor by letting them be sued because they don't want to do work for a gay marriage?
You're right...nothing says "love your neighbor" more than letting they break the law because....Christ.

That makes less sense than locks on a store that's opne 24/7
She is very selective in her faith. Much given to abuse rather than debate.

Oh dear I'm being ganged up on by a gaggle of homos....whatever shall I do?
This is a good example of her debating technique. Limited education leads to limited ways to express yourself.

Get lost Tommy, you nor any of your lil friends know what the hell you're talking about on this thread, you're trying to justify your perversion and the fact is homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord. Now go read Pink News and cease bothering me ya little toad
Here is another example. Its great that she can break off from baking cakes in order to share her thoughts.

Grow up ya old toad. You're just a distraction
I cant compete with that. therefore will have to get spiritual on your freckly ginger ass.

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Get back in the kitchen and stfu bitch !!!!!!!
Oh dear I'm being ganged up on by a gaggle of homos....whatever shall I do?
This is a good example of her debating technique. Limited education leads to limited ways to express yourself.

Get lost Tommy, you nor any of your lil friends know what the hell you're talking about on this thread, you're trying to justify your perversion and the fact is homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord. Now go read Pink News and cease bothering me ya little toad
Here is another example. Its great that she can break off from baking cakes in order to share her thoughts.

Grow up ya old toad. You're just a distraction
I cant compete with that. therefore will have to get spiritual on your freckly ginger ass.

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Get back in the kitchen and stfu bitch !!!!!!!

Bleh, nobody takes you serious pee wee puffer, you're not even an American
This is a good example of her debating technique. Limited education leads to limited ways to express yourself.

Get lost Tommy, you nor any of your lil friends know what the hell you're talking about on this thread, you're trying to justify your perversion and the fact is homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord. Now go read Pink News and cease bothering me ya little toad
Here is another example. Its great that she can break off from baking cakes in order to share her thoughts.

Grow up ya old toad. You're just a distraction
I cant compete with that. therefore will have to get spiritual on your freckly ginger ass.

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Get back in the kitchen and stfu bitch !!!!!!!

Bleh, nobody takes you serious pee wee puffer, you're not even an American
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Get back in the kitchen and stfu bitch !!!!!!!
Get lost Tommy, you nor any of your lil friends know what the hell you're talking about on this thread, you're trying to justify your perversion and the fact is homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord. Now go read Pink News and cease bothering me ya little toad
Here is another example. Its great that she can break off from baking cakes in order to share her thoughts.

Grow up ya old toad. You're just a distraction
I cant compete with that. therefore will have to get spiritual on your freckly ginger ass.

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Get back in the kitchen and stfu bitch !!!!!!!

Bleh, nobody takes you serious pee wee puffer, you're not even an American
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Get back in the kitchen and stfu bitch !!!!!!!

Sit down, toad
Bigots In Mississippi Were Just Surprised With This Perfect Billboard


Earlier today, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill into law that may be the most intense anti-queer legislation to pass in America to date. According to Reuters, “the far-reaching law allows people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples. It also clears the way for employers to cite religion in determining workplace policies on dress code, grooming and bathroom and locker access.”

In response, the non-profit organization Planting Peace purchased space on a giant electronic billboard in the Southern state to remind so-called Christians about the “golden rule” in a hilarious way.

The American Taliban (fringe-right Christian Evangelicals) need to be put down and shut down.

Do Mississippians have a First Amendment right to freely associate?


Do Mississippians have a First Amendment right to freely associate?

God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda
I always love the "the bible doesn't say gay or homosexuality" excuse LMAO :spinner:

Ah but the Bible does say it's a sin...over and over again
yea, but they didn't use those words. The words aint that damn old lol
The commandments don't need to be rewritten. they need to be re-read.
Oh look....the New Covenant did replace the Old Covenant......TADA!!!!!!!! LMAO
Then homosexuality is no longer an abomination since the only place it's called an abomination is in the Old Testament.


Better read the New Testament moron...try Romans 1: 18-32

This is fun LMAO
I don't see the word, "abomination," in there...

Bible Gateway passage: Romans 1 - King James Version

...looks like you don't know what you're talking about.
Picking and choosing is what Cafeteria Christian's do best.

You mean like the homos did with the billboard? Of course you're too stupid to grasp it

The billboard is funny, especially since Jesus condemned a fig tree, but never said anything about homosexuality.
Sorry, but you lose, I've already posted where Jesus came to uphold all the law, and the law states all practicing homosexuals should be put to death.

I don't care if you agree or not, but you will find out, within a few measly decades, all adulterers, liars, whoremongers, and practicing homosexuals, are in for a big surprise...Enjoy the heat, you earned it!

then why do Christians keep saying he made a new covenant? that was ostensibly the reason for your not having to keep the laws of kashreit.

so I think you lose. *shrug*

She's an idiot.

The OT is looked more as a history book to Christians, the vast majority of it is Mosaic Law and Old Covenant Law, done away with by the New Covenant which was to bring the Gentiles and Jews together
Picking and choosing is what Cafeteria Christian's do best.

You mean like the homos did with the billboard? Of course you're too stupid to grasp it

The billboard is funny, especially since Jesus condemned a fig tree, but never said anything about homosexuality.
Sorry, but you lose, I've already posted where Jesus came to uphold all the law, and the law states all practicing homosexuals should be put to death.

I don't care if you agree or not, but you will find out, within a few measly decades, all adulterers, liars, whoremongers, and practicing homosexuals, are in for a big surprise...Enjoy the heat, you earned it!

then why do Christians keep saying he made a new covenant? that was ostensibly the reason for your not having to keep the laws of kashreit.

so I think you lose. *shrug*

She's an idiot.

The OT is looked more as a history book to Christians, the vast majority of it is Mosaic Law and Old Covenant Law, done away with by the New Covenant which was to bring the Gentiles and Jews together
then why do Christians keep saying he made a new covenant? that was ostensibly the reason for your not having to keep the laws of kashreit.

so I think you lose. *shrug*

She's an idiot.

The OT is looked more as a history book to Christians, the vast majority of it is Mosaic Law and Old Covenant Law, done away with by the New Covenant which was to bring the Gentiles and Jews together

Disprove it, moron. Your habit of calling someone an idiot and running away (or staying and sniping like the tool you are) is over. Come on, put up or shut up, tool. We both know (and any other Christian) knows full well you're in over your pointed head. Loser LOL

The burden of proof is on you, Dingbat.

No it's not,it's on you and for your ill informed little twit eating shellfish is no longer a sin and never was for gentiles. You loser clowns are in waaaay over your heads AHAHAHAHAAH This is great fun making you look as fucking stupid as you both are. Let's dance, hag, you're getting massacred LMAO

SkankyIrishAss is coming unglued.

and this is something new?
God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda
But then replaced the Old Testament with the New Testament.

God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda
But then replaced the Old Testament with the New Testament.
...and those sins were reiterated.
So was divorce. Funny how you righties never bitch and moan about that. Remind me ... when was it conservatives pushed to have to Constitution amended to outlaw divorce or adultery?
God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda
But then replaced the Old Testament with the New Testament.

God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda
But then replaced the Old Testament with the New Testament.
...and those sins were reiterated.
So was divorce. Funny how you righties never bitch and moan about that. Remind me ... when was it conservatives pushed to have to Constitution amended to outlaw divorce or adultery?
We're talking about sin and abominations according to the bible. You said the New Testament replaced the Old: In regards to what? The NT is very clear the enfeminate won't be where God and Christ are
God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda
But then replaced the Old Testament with the New Testament.

God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda
But then replaced the Old Testament with the New Testament.
...and those sins were reiterated.
So was divorce. Funny how you righties never bitch and moan about that. Remind me ... when was it conservatives pushed to have to Constitution amended to outlaw divorce or adultery?
We're talking about sin and abominations according to the bible. You said the New Testament replaced the Old: In regards to what? The NT is very clear the enfeminate won't be where God and Christ are
Same can be said about the following from Galatians...

18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.​

Hell, there isn't a poster here who would make it into the Kingom of G-d based on those restrictions.

So tell me ... which of those are worthy of being restricted by an amendment to the Constitution, as the right tried to accomplish with same-sex marriage?
Do you want to know whom will get owned in 2016?
THE DEMOCRATS! for fucking up our nation.

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