Bigots In Mississippi Were Just OWNED! With This Perfect Billboard

Bigots In Mississippi Were Just Surprised With This Perfect Billboard


Earlier today, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill into law that may be the most intense anti-queer legislation to pass in America to date. According to Reuters, “the far-reaching law allows people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples. It also clears the way for employers to cite religion in determining workplace policies on dress code, grooming and bathroom and locker access.”

In response, the non-profit organization Planting Peace purchased space on a giant electronic billboard in the Southern state to remind so-called Christians about the “golden rule” in a hilarious way.

The American Taliban (fringe-right Christian Evangelicals) need to be put down and shut down.

Bigots In Mississippi Were Just Surprised With This Perfect Billboard


Earlier today, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill into law that may be the most intense anti-queer legislation to pass in America to date. According to Reuters, “the far-reaching law allows people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples. It also clears the way for employers to cite religion in determining workplace policies on dress code, grooming and bathroom and locker access.”

In response, the non-profit organization Planting Peace purchased space on a giant electronic billboard in the Southern state to remind so-called Christians about the “golden rule” in a hilarious way.

The American Taliban (fringe-right Christian Evangelicals) need to be put down and shut down.

Do Mississippians have a First Amendment right to freely associate?


Do Mississippians have a First Amendment right to freely associate?


Not according to bigots on the left
God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda
I always love the "the bible doesn't say gay or homosexuality" excuse LMAO :spinner:

Ah but the Bible does say it's a sin...over and over again
yea, but they didn't use those words. The words aint that damn old lol
The commandments don't need to be rewritten. they need to be re-read.

Reading is not enough. They need to be lived
It is amazing in this day and age folks think the douchebags who assembled the plagiarized mythology and stories that rationalized the genocides perpetrated by the tribes of Israel and Judah affectionately called "the bible" represents the word of a "god." It is like we are really living on the planet of the apes.
God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda

Yes and The Bible says that a man shouldn't lie with a man, like he lies with a woman, God cannot be clearer.

It's incredible how the so-called non-religious, on issues such as this strangely use God to attempt to promote their agenda.
In the Torah, the primary toevah is avodah zara, foreign forms of worship, and most other toevot flow from it. The Israelites are instructed not to commit toevah because other nations do so. Deuteronomy 18:9-12 makes this quite clear:

When you come into the land that YHVH your God gives you, do not learn to do the toevot of those nations. Do not find among you one who passes his son or daughter through the fire; or a magician; or a fortune teller, charmer, or witch… because all who do these things are toevah to YHVH and because of these toevot YHVH your God is driving them out before you.

Elsewhere, Deuteronomy 7:25-26 commands:

[Y]ou shall burn the statues of their gods in fire. Do not desire the silver and gold on them and take it onto yourself, else you be snared by it, for it is a toevah to YHVH your God. And you shall not bring toevah to your home
What does your translation say about this verse?

Leviticus 20:13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

Yes Leviticus does say that, it cannot be clearer, however I don't think anyone is advocating killing LGBT people, we're just saying that they have no right to so militantly attempt to force their agenda, as the majority of people aren't LGBT, so we have a tiny minority getting all Bolshie.

The only group who actually kill LGBT for being the way they are are Radical Islamists, as we witness with the hangings, throwing off tall buildings etc.
Let's see, the sodomite/freakazoid community doesn't claim to care about anyone but themselves so they are immune from criticism when they seek to destroy the economy of an entire state because they don't agree with the law. Who are the bigots again?

They are the bigots and also incredibly selfish, it's ALL about THEM.
Bigots In Mississippi Were Just Surprised With This Perfect Billboard


Earlier today, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill into law that may be the most intense anti-queer legislation to pass in America to date. According to Reuters, “the far-reaching law allows people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples. It also clears the way for employers to cite religion in determining workplace policies on dress code, grooming and bathroom and locker access.”

In response, the non-profit organization Planting Peace purchased space on a giant electronic billboard in the Southern state to remind so-called Christians about the “golden rule” in a hilarious way.

The American Taliban (fringe-right Christian Evangelicals) need to be put down and shut down.

That billboard is coming down! (actually I can't wait to see the hoopla)

That billboard is Blasphemy.
So all those gay churches are for what?

They are not following God's law, that's for sure

You claimed gays don't believe in god. They do. Who said they aren't following the 10 commandments? Those are god's law, right?

Homosexuality is against God's law....just a fact

So you can cite chapter and verse of god saying that? God, not Paul.

I've already told you loons, the Bible is God's either follow it or you don't but I've heard every lame brain excuse you loons can think of. Save it. Homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord. Fact

Chew on it...this thread is stupid

"the Bible is God's word"

As such we take His words as He states them, it tells us that we cannot interpret God's words to suit ourselves ie. to suit our own agendas, doing so is Blasphemy.
Bigots In Mississippi Were Just Surprised With This Perfect Billboard


Earlier today, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill into law that may be the most intense anti-queer legislation to pass in America to date. According to Reuters, “the far-reaching law allows people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples. It also clears the way for employers to cite religion in determining workplace policies on dress code, grooming and bathroom and locker access.”

In response, the non-profit organization Planting Peace purchased space on a giant electronic billboard in the Southern state to remind so-called Christians about the “golden rule” in a hilarious way.

The American Taliban (fringe-right Christian Evangelicals) need to be put down and shut down.

Just like a liberal totalitarian idiot. You want to shut down people you disagree with.

"Just like a liberal totalitarian idiot. You want to shut down people you disagree with."

But but but, the Liberals say they're the "tolerant" ones :rolleyes-41: Yes, tolerant until people disagree with them, then they show what they actually are, and that's Fascists.
In the Torah, the primary toevah is avodah zara, foreign forms of worship, and most other toevot flow from it. The Israelites are instructed not to commit toevah because other nations do so. Deuteronomy 18:9-12 makes this quite clear:

When you come into the land that YHVH your God gives you, do not learn to do the toevot of those nations. Do not find among you one who passes his son or daughter through the fire; or a magician; or a fortune teller, charmer, or witch… because all who do these things are toevah to YHVH and because of these toevot YHVH your God is driving them out before you.

Elsewhere, Deuteronomy 7:25-26 commands:

[Y]ou shall burn the statues of their gods in fire. Do not desire the silver and gold on them and take it onto yourself, else you be snared by it, for it is a toevah to YHVH your God. And you shall not bring toevah to your home
What does your translation say about this verse?

Leviticus 20:13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

Yes Leviticus does say that, it cannot be clearer, however I don't think anyone is advocating killing LGBT people, we're just saying that they have no right to so militantly attempt to force their agenda, as the majority of people aren't LGBT, so we have a tiny minority getting all Bolshie.

The only group who actually kill LGBT for being the way they are are Radical Islamists, as we witness with the hangings, throwing off tall buildings etc.

When the Koran says to kill people, this is "proof" that Muslims are all bad and evil. When the Bible says it, people dismiss it.
Disprove it, moron. Your habit of calling someone an idiot and running away (or staying and sniping like the tool you are) is over. Come on, put up or shut up, tool. We both know (and any other Christian) knows full well you're in over your pointed head. Loser LOL

The burden of proof is on you, Dingbat.

No it's not,it's on you and for your ill informed little twit eating shellfish is no longer a sin and never was for gentiles. You loser clowns are in waaaay over your heads AHAHAHAHAAH This is great fun making you look as fucking stupid as you both are. Let's dance, hag, you're getting massacred LMAO

SkankyIrishAss is coming unglued.
She is very selective in her faith. Much given to abuse rather than debate.

Oh dear I'm being ganged up on by a gaggle of homos....whatever shall I do?

"Oh dear I'm being ganged up on by a gaggle of homos"

Regardless of whether they're homosexuals, they just can't live without ganging up on people who have different opinions....remember Sassy, ganging up on people is them illustrating their "tolerance" or something :rolleyes-41:

Bigots In Mississippi Were Just Surprised With This Perfect Billboard


Earlier today, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill into law that may be the most intense anti-queer legislation to pass in America to date. According to Reuters, “the far-reaching law allows people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples. It also clears the way for employers to cite religion in determining workplace policies on dress code, grooming and bathroom and locker access.”

In response, the non-profit organization Planting Peace purchased space on a giant electronic billboard in the Southern state to remind so-called Christians about the “golden rule” in a hilarious way.

The American Taliban (fringe-right Christian Evangelicals) need to be put down and shut down.

Just like a liberal totalitarian idiot. You want to shut down people you disagree with.

"Just like a liberal totalitarian idiot. You want to shut down people you disagree with."

But but but, the Liberals say they're the "tolerant" ones :rolleyes-41: Yes, tolerant until people disagree with them, then they show what they actually are, and that's Fascists.

Some people just aren't tolerant of other ideas, however some are.
In the Torah, the primary toevah is avodah zara, foreign forms of worship, and most other toevot flow from it. The Israelites are instructed not to commit toevah because other nations do so. Deuteronomy 18:9-12 makes this quite clear:

When you come into the land that YHVH your God gives you, do not learn to do the toevot of those nations. Do not find among you one who passes his son or daughter through the fire; or a magician; or a fortune teller, charmer, or witch… because all who do these things are toevah to YHVH and because of these toevot YHVH your God is driving them out before you.

Elsewhere, Deuteronomy 7:25-26 commands:

[Y]ou shall burn the statues of their gods in fire. Do not desire the silver and gold on them and take it onto yourself, else you be snared by it, for it is a toevah to YHVH your God. And you shall not bring toevah to your home
What does your translation say about this verse?

Leviticus 20:13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them.

Yes Leviticus does say that, it cannot be clearer, however I don't think anyone is advocating killing LGBT people, we're just saying that they have no right to so militantly attempt to force their agenda, as the majority of people aren't LGBT, so we have a tiny minority getting all Bolshie.

The only group who actually kill LGBT for being the way they are are Radical Islamists, as we witness with the hangings, throwing off tall buildings etc.

When the Koran says to kill people, this is "proof" that Muslims are all bad and evil. When the Bible says it, people dismiss it.

The fundamental difference though, is that the Radical Islamists are actually KILLING people for being LGBT....we're NOT advocating killing them, probably because we're more civilised in The West than those stuck in the 7th Century Mindset.

IF someone in The West began saying we should kill LGBT for being LGBT, well I certainly would have a huge problem with that and would suggest they need locking up.
Bigots In Mississippi Were Just Surprised With This Perfect Billboard


Earlier today, Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant signed a bill into law that may be the most intense anti-queer legislation to pass in America to date. According to Reuters, “the far-reaching law allows people with religious objections to deny wedding services to same-sex couples. It also clears the way for employers to cite religion in determining workplace policies on dress code, grooming and bathroom and locker access.”

In response, the non-profit organization Planting Peace purchased space on a giant electronic billboard in the Southern state to remind so-called Christians about the “golden rule” in a hilarious way.

The American Taliban (fringe-right Christian Evangelicals) need to be put down and shut down.

Just like a liberal totalitarian idiot. You want to shut down people you disagree with.

"Just like a liberal totalitarian idiot. You want to shut down people you disagree with."

But but but, the Liberals say they're the "tolerant" ones :rolleyes-41: Yes, tolerant until people disagree with them, then they show what they actually are, and that's Fascists.

Some people just aren't tolerant of other ideas, however some are.

What many don't like, is that if differing ideas are expressed, there's almost an immediate freak out and Liberals just descend upon people like a pack of screaming Banshees.

That's not TOLERANCE towards opposing views, everyone has different views about a range of things, and I think whilst we might disagree, we should at least show some respect, I mean we ARE adults....aren't we?

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