Bigots In Mississippi Were Just OWNED! With This Perfect Billboard

Isn't this the sort of intolerance you're speaking out against?

It's a Troll, it's now deliberately trying to derail this thread by bringing FZ crap into it.

Well, shouldn't you tolerate trolls?


Willst du es auf Deutsch, gu?


Eight then?

Well, It's pretty simple to understand what I said, I'd have thought.
It's a Troll, it's now deliberately trying to derail this thread by bringing FZ crap into it.

Well, shouldn't you tolerate trolls?


Willst du es auf Deutsch, gu?


Eight then?

Well, It's pretty simple to understand what I said, I'd have thought.

I understand it, I just don't think it's a good idea and I'm not sure why you think it is.
Just like a liberal totalitarian idiot. You want to shut down people you disagree with.
PRED You live in N Dakota?


No, and that meme you posted is a huge pile of shit.
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lol sure pred you live by the book like all your other god fearing republicans

Lol, you know nothing at all, idiot.
Oh I know a lot about you go to meeting hypocrites

I'm not religious at all, go fuck yourself, retard. You don't know shit.
God also said homosexuality is an abomination. Don't be using God to suit your agenda

Chapter and verse, please? Not Paul, God, thx.

The Bible is God's word, that shit won't fly....and it scares the crap out of homos for some reason, considering they don't even believe in God.

No, the Bible is the word of Men who claim that it is the word of God. Your right to believe it was written magically by a supernatural being does not extend to any right of yours to establish as fact the existence of that being.
Why are you so angry?

Why are you so stupid?
The burden of proof is on you, Dingbat.

No it's not,it's on you and for your ill informed little twit eating shellfish is no longer a sin and never was for gentiles. You loser clowns are in waaaay over your heads AHAHAHAHAAH This is great fun making you look as fucking stupid as you both are. Let's dance, hag, you're getting massacred LMAO

SkankyIrishAss is coming unglued.
She is very selective in her faith. Much given to abuse rather than debate.

Oh dear I'm being ganged up on by a gaggle of homos....whatever shall I do?

"Oh dear I'm being ganged up on by a gaggle of homos"

Regardless of whether they're homosexuals, they just can't live without ganging up on people who have different opinions....remember Sassy, ganging up on people is them illustrating their "tolerance" or something :rolleyes-41:

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Meh, they are just annoying. Nobody takes a loud mouthed libturd serious
It is amazing in this day and age folks think the douchebags who assembled the plagiarized mythology and stories that rationalized the genocides perpetrated by the tribes of Israel and Judah affectionately called "the bible" represents the word of a "god." It is like we are really living on the planet of the apes.

It's amazing that in this day of unprecedented knowledge and countless witnesses people reject the word of the Lord without even studying it, applying it or asking the Lord for Revelation . it seems to me that apes would reject wisdom without bothering to read or experiment on it.
It is amazing in this day and age folks think the douchebags who assembled the plagiarized mythology and stories that rationalized the genocides perpetrated by the tribes of Israel and Judah affectionately called "the bible" represents the word of a "god." It is like we are really living on the planet of the apes.

It's amazing that in this day of unprecedented knowledge and countless witnesses people reject the word of the Lord without even studying it, applying it or asking the Lord for Revelation . it seems to me that apes would reject wisdom without bothering to read or experiment on it.

But it's great fun making fun of them LOL
You just don't understand the answer. Now cease with your infantile, middle school attempts at put downs, it's far too early for such childish BS, Baldy

It's never too early to put down assholes like yourself. go study up on free will, use your time wisely instead of trying to cut someone down that couldn't care less about your stupid ass go study up on free will, use your time wisely instead of trying to cut someone down that couldn't care less about your stupid ass

If you couldn't care less about my stupid ass, you wouldn't be responding you ignorant cracker asshole. go study up on free will, use your time wisely instead of trying to cut someone down that couldn't care less about your stupid ass

If you couldn't care less about my stupid ass, you wouldn't be responding you ignorant cracker asshole.

You're entirely off topic...cease or get ignored, people are weary of you and your little friend's ankle biting BS. It makes zero difference to me because you're not that important
Kind of find it disturbing that bigots use the Bible to back there beliefs.

Jesus talked about love and help of the poor...

The so called christians here talk hate of this group or that group and hoarding their own wealth...

They may talk about the bible all they like but please don't insult my religion to say you are a christian...

What is disturbing is that anyone believes government sponsored robbery helps the poor or that opposing it means you hate the poor. Quite the opposite. If you loved the poor you would not empower government to place such great tax burdens and debts on the people to enrich politicians and their friends. Instead you would give of your own time and wealth to bless others.

Problem is too many act like they do their duties toward to poor by voting or supporting government programs that don't improve their lives and are thus excuses from doing anything themselves. But when you expect others to fulfill your responsibilities, don't be surprised when they don't get done.

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