Bill Ayers vs Timothy McVeigh: Whats the difference????


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
After seeing MSNBC basically blame the Tea Party for Oklahoma City, it brought me to a conclusion and questions: What is really the difference between Timothy McVeigh and Bill Ayers???

Answer: McVeigh was smarter and built better bombs. Thats it. They both had serious problems with the government. Both built bombs and executed their plans. Both bombed government buildings.

The ONLY difference is McVeigh had intense military training that enabled him to succeed in his horrendous acts, while Ayers was an amateur and just not smart enough to duplicate it.

Yet, the media and lefties ignored the fact that Obama started his campaign in the home of who can basically be described as a Dumb McVeigh. Ayers continues to support Obama, and Obama continues to deny his relationship with Ayers. MSNBC has gone out of it's way to link the Tea Party with McVeigh.........yet ignores the glaring and undeniable link between Obama and Ayers (Dumb McVeigh).

So, to MSNBC and all the leftists who are desperate to link the Tea Party with the McVeigh mentality, let me ask you this: How do you explain the absolute link to Obama with Bill "Dumb McVeigh" Ayers???? After all, they taught together, travelled togehter, and Obama's campaign was started in the living room of Bill "Dumb McVeigh" Ayers home.

Before you start trying to link the Tea Party and McVeigh, how about explain the already well known link between Obama and Ayers.....who wouldve been McVeighs equal had he possessed any knowledge on bomb making. After all, Ayers recently admitted his only regret was "We didn't do more". Too bad he didn't have military training, huh?
I just posted this. Why does it alreayd say "old" next to it? Ayers = a dumber McVeigh. Truth.
The difference is that McVeigh was a much better demolitions technician.

That's the only difference.

Well, let me correct myself. There are TWO differences in McVeigh and Ayers:

1- As you said, McVeigh was a better bomb technician.

2- McVeigh didn't have a presidential campaign started in his living room.

But similarities?

- Both bombed government buildings.
- Both showed no remorse.
- Both wished they had done more.

But, only one is buddies with our beloved President. And only one is recognized by MSNBC as a domestic terrorist.
After seeing MSNBC basically blame the Tea Party for Oklahoma City



What is really the difference between Timothy McVeigh and Bill Ayers???

So, to MSNBC and all the leftists who are desperate to link the Tea Party with the McVeigh mentality, let me ask you this: How do you explain the absolute link to Obama with Bill "Dumb McVeigh" Ayers????

The same way I explain the American Taliban's link to any friend he ever had at any time
^^ OK, so you can explain how Obama started his freakin campaign in the living room of a man who would've been, and desired to be, the original Tim McVeigh but simply lacked the bombing and military skills to pull it off?

Are you telling me that if George W. Bush's campaign for governor of Texas had been started in the dining room of Timothy McVeigh, that it would have been anything other than lead story for the following 25 years on MSNBC????
Ayers was a Progressive trying to destroy American and McVeigh had backing from Al Qaeda.

See the difference?
McVeigh Killed 168 United States Americans and was convicted of his crimes.

What ever Ayers did it pales in comparison
Ayers was a Progressive trying to destroy American and McVeigh had backing from Al Qaeda.

See the difference?

Haha, yeah, if you are a progressive leftie trying to destory America, you get sympathetic support from the left, MSNBC, and even friendship with a president. Hell, he'll even found his campaign in your dining room.

If you are anything other than a leftist, then you are labeled as a domestic terrorist, Tea Party member, racist and shown on the news nightly.

Basically, the Obama campaign was founded in the living room of a Dumb McVeigh.
Ayers was a Progressive trying to destroy American and McVeigh had backing from Al Qaeda.

See the difference?

Haha, yeah, if you are a progressive leftie trying to destory America, you get sympathetic support from the left, MSNBC, and even friendship with a president. Hell, he'll even found his campaign in your dining room.

If you are anything other than a leftist, then you are labeled as a domestic terrorist, Tea Party member, racist and shown on the news nightly.

Basically, the Obama campaign was founded in the living room of a Dumb McVeigh.

I didn't know you got to use the computer in special ed classes.
The difference is that McVeigh was a much better demolitions technician.

That's the only difference.

Well, let me correct myself. There are TWO differences in McVeigh and Ayers:

1- As you said, McVeigh was a better bomb technician.

2- McVeigh didn't have a presidential campaign started in his living room.

But similarities?

- Both bombed government buildings.
- Both showed no remorse.
- Both wished they had done more.

But, only one is buddies with our beloved President. And only one is recognized by MSNBC as a domestic terrorist.

3- Bill Ayers wanted to kill people, but didn't believe his cause was worth dying for.
McVeigh Killed 168 United States Americans and was convicted of his crimes.

What ever Ayers did it pales in comparison

WRONG. McVeigh is as bad, or worse, than Bin Laden. Thats a given. But so is Ayers. You likely don't even know what Ayers did, since you probably only watch MSNBC, but Ayers attempted, several times, to be as bad as McVeigh. The only difference is Ayers lacked the military skill and bomb making skill McVeigh had. Ayers bombed several government and police buildings, he was simply a failure in the field of bomb making and military tactics. His INTENT was exactly the same, and he is equally evil for that.

But somehow, Obama felt fit to found his campaign in Ayers home. Ayers was one good boot camp away from being as horribly effective as McVeigh.
McVeigh Killed 168 United States Americans and was convicted of his crimes.

What ever Ayers did it pales in comparison

I knew it wouldn't take this NUT CASE long to come in here and DEFEND a TERRORIST.

God damn you're a fucking piece of work... something crawled up your ass and DIED when you were young, AND IT'S STILL UP THERE.
The difference is that McVeigh was a much better demolitions technician.

That's the only difference.

Well, let me correct myself. There are TWO differences in McVeigh and Ayers:

1- As you said, McVeigh was a better bomb technician.

2- McVeigh didn't have a presidential campaign started in his living room.

But similarities?

- Both bombed government buildings.
- Both showed no remorse.
- Both wished they had done more.

But, only one is buddies with our beloved President. And only one is recognized by MSNBC as a domestic terrorist.

3- Bill Ayers wanted to kill people, but didn't believe his cause was worth dying for.

Rephrase: Bill Ayers wanted to kill cops and government employees, but lacked the military training to be effective. Then he allowed Obama to found his presidential campaign in his living room. Followed by the media and lefts complete denial of this relationship.
McVeigh Killed 168 United States Americans and was convicted of his crimes.

What ever Ayers did it pales in comparison

I knew it wouldn't take this NUT CASE long to come in here and DEFEND a TERRORIST.

God damn you're a fucking piece of work... something crawled up your ass and DIED when you were young, AND IT'S STILL UP THERE.

Yeah, amazing isn't it? Lets compare THREE now:

McVeigh: Military training, built massive bomb, killed 168, regretted that it didn't take down entire building.
Bin Laden: Military training, WTC 1993, regretted he didn't take the buildings down, succeeded in 9-11, 4,000 dead.
Ayers: No military training, built pathetic and amateur bombs, killed very few, regretted only that "We didn't do more", befriended by Barack Obama, Obama 08 campaign founded in his home. would think the Ayers-Obama link would be lead story, but no, McVeigh is because they are trying to link Tea Party to him.

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