Bill Barr's DOJ changed the rules to allow election interference and investigations

This of course, changes long standing policy. Everyone had better buckle up and be watchful. It's coming.

In an internal announcement, the Justice Department created an exception to a decadeslong policy meant to prevent prosecutors from taking overt investigative steps that might affect the outcome of the vote.
The Department of Justice has weakened its long-standing prohibition against interfering in elections, according to two department officials.​
Avoiding election interference is the overarching principle of DOJ policy on voting-related crimes. In place since at least 1980, the policy generally bars prosecutors not only from making any announcement about ongoing investigations close to an election but also from taking public steps — such as an arrest or a raid — before a vote is finalized because the publicity could tip the balance of a race.​
But according to an email sent Friday by an official in the Public Integrity Section in Washington, now if a U.S. attorney’s office suspects election fraud that involves postal workers or military employees, federal investigators will be allowed to take public investigative steps before the polls close, even if those actions risk affecting the outcome of the election.​
The email announced “an exception to the general non-interference with elections policy.” The new exemption, the email stated, applied to instances in which “the integrity of any component of the federal government is implicated by election offenses within the scope of the policy including but not limited to misconduct by federal officials or employees administering an aspect of the voting process through the United States Postal Service, the Department of Defense or any other federal department or agency.”​
Specifically citing postal workers and military employees is noteworthy, former DOJ officials said. But the exception is written so broadly that it could cover other types of investigations as well, they said.​

So you are against the DOJ interfering in Democrat Mail-In Ballot election crime / it.
With all this cheating going on from the HIGHEST levels of Government, the actual White House, it will be a thing to see how badly they lose IN SPITE of their wickedness.

I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
Bill Barr's DOJ changed the rules to allow election interference and investigations

That's outrageous!!!!

Only Obama's DOJ is allowed to interfere!!!!
Yeah, the Obama FBI screwed hillary pretty badly! But at least Trump fired Comey, due to his illegal and unethical actions of Comey towards Hillary!!! :rolleyes-41:

Yea, who could forget gleeful Trumpublicans reading the Comey letter out loud.
Poor pitiful babies. You can dish it out, but whine like a castrated goat when you're caught.
This of course, changes long standing policy. Everyone had better buckle up and be watchful. It's coming.

In an internal announcement, the Justice Department created an exception to a decadeslong policy meant to prevent prosecutors from taking overt investigative steps that might affect the outcome of the vote.
The Department of Justice has weakened its long-standing prohibition against interfering in elections, according to two department officials.​
Avoiding election interference is the overarching principle of DOJ policy on voting-related crimes. In place since at least 1980, the policy generally bars prosecutors not only from making any announcement about ongoing investigations close to an election but also from taking public steps — such as an arrest or a raid — before a vote is finalized because the publicity could tip the balance of a race.​
But according to an email sent Friday by an official in the Public Integrity Section in Washington, now if a U.S. attorney’s office suspects election fraud that involves postal workers or military employees, federal investigators will be allowed to take public investigative steps before the polls close, even if those actions risk affecting the outcome of the election.​
The email announced “an exception to the general non-interference with elections policy.” The new exemption, the email stated, applied to instances in which “the integrity of any component of the federal government is implicated by election offenses within the scope of the policy including but not limited to misconduct by federal officials or employees administering an aspect of the voting process through the United States Postal Service, the Department of Defense or any other federal department or agency.”​
Specifically citing postal workers and military employees is noteworthy, former DOJ officials said. But the exception is written so broadly that it could cover other types of investigations as well, they said.​

The corrupt Trump administration will do anything to steal the election.
With all this cheating going on from the HIGHEST levels of Government, the actual White House, it will be a thing to see how badly they lose IN SPITE of their wickedness.

I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
Corruption is right.
This of course, changes long standing policy. Everyone had better buckle up and be watchful. It's coming.

In an internal announcement, the Justice Department created an exception to a decadeslong policy meant to prevent prosecutors from taking overt investigative steps that might affect the outcome of the vote.
The Department of Justice has weakened its long-standing prohibition against interfering in elections, according to two department officials.​
Avoiding election interference is the overarching principle of DOJ policy on voting-related crimes. In place since at least 1980, the policy generally bars prosecutors not only from making any announcement about ongoing investigations close to an election but also from taking public steps — such as an arrest or a raid — before a vote is finalized because the publicity could tip the balance of a race.​
But according to an email sent Friday by an official in the Public Integrity Section in Washington, now if a U.S. attorney’s office suspects election fraud that involves postal workers or military employees, federal investigators will be allowed to take public investigative steps before the polls close, even if those actions risk affecting the outcome of the election.​
The email announced “an exception to the general non-interference with elections policy.” The new exemption, the email stated, applied to instances in which “the integrity of any component of the federal government is implicated by election offenses within the scope of the policy including but not limited to misconduct by federal officials or employees administering an aspect of the voting process through the United States Postal Service, the Department of Defense or any other federal department or agency.”​
Specifically citing postal workers and military employees is noteworthy, former DOJ officials said. But the exception is written so broadly that it could cover other types of investigations as well, they said.​

The corrupt Trump administration will do anything to steal the election.
What? I thought the polls said the election was in the bag.....
With all this cheating going on from the HIGHEST levels of Government, the actual White House, it will be a thing to see how badly they lose IN SPITE of their wickedness.

I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
The GWB DOJ was very partisan and corrupt, but this is worse.
With all this cheating going on from the HIGHEST levels of Government, the actual White House, it will be a thing to see how badly they lose IN SPITE of their wickedness.

I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
The GWB DOJ was very partisan and corrupt, but this is worse.
Sniff sniff sniff.....
The corrupt Trump administration will do anything to steal the election.

Donnie has his flying monkeys doing their level best to cheat for him.

The intended destination for the ballots and campaign flyers are heavily Democratic areas.

With all this cheating going on from the HIGHEST levels of Government, the actual White House, it will be a thing to see how badly they lose IN SPITE of their wickedness.

I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
The GWB DOJ was very partisan and corrupt, but this is worse.

Bill Barr could very well end up in prison like Nixon's AG Mitchell.
19 months in Club Fed sounds about right. He and Rump can be cellies!

This of course, changes long standing policy. Everyone had better buckle up and be watchful. It's coming.

In an internal announcement, the Justice Department created an exception to a decadeslong policy meant to prevent prosecutors from taking overt investigative steps that might affect the outcome of the vote.
The Department of Justice has weakened its long-standing prohibition against interfering in elections, according to two department officials.​
Avoiding election interference is the overarching principle of DOJ policy on voting-related crimes. In place since at least 1980, the policy generally bars prosecutors not only from making any announcement about ongoing investigations close to an election but also from taking public steps — such as an arrest or a raid — before a vote is finalized because the publicity could tip the balance of a race.​
But according to an email sent Friday by an official in the Public Integrity Section in Washington, now if a U.S. attorney’s office suspects election fraud that involves postal workers or military employees, federal investigators will be allowed to take public investigative steps before the polls close, even if those actions risk affecting the outcome of the election.​
The email announced “an exception to the general non-interference with elections policy.” The new exemption, the email stated, applied to instances in which “the integrity of any component of the federal government is implicated by election offenses within the scope of the policy including but not limited to misconduct by federal officials or employees administering an aspect of the voting process through the United States Postal Service, the Department of Defense or any other federal department or agency.”​
Specifically citing postal workers and military employees is noteworthy, former DOJ officials said. But the exception is written so broadly that it could cover other types of investigations as well, they said.​

So it’s okay for state prosecutors to investigate and bring up charges against President Trump during an election, but not okay for the DOJ to do it to anyone else. Gotcha.

Without double standards, Liberals would have no standards at all.
Good for him....I hope he follows through...It's bull shit that you want to be able to fraud the vote with impugnity....

Translation - Fine with me if Donald wants to cheat to win!

So, let me get this straight...if stopping you from cheating, that to you is considered cheating?

You libs need to put the bong down....

There is no such thing as widespread mail in voter fraud. Pretending there is a problem with zero evidence while denying voter suppression is disingenuous to say the least. Please stop doing Putins job for him. The ruby read state of Utah have been doing it for years and their hasn't been a problem.

You didn't address what I said...You only projected what you wanted to get out there....So, how about you answer the question I asked you?
I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
Cleaning up Trump's filthy swamp.

To me, if they pack the court w/10 or more SCOTUS I'd be ecstatic.
With all this cheating going on from the HIGHEST levels of Government, the actual White House, it will be a thing to see how badly they lose IN SPITE of their wickedness.

I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
The GWB DOJ was very partisan and corrupt, but this is worse.

Bill Barr could very well end up in prison like Nixon's AG Mitchell.
19 months in Club Fed sounds about right. He and Rump can be cellies!


Ha! for what? Doing his job?
I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
Cleaning up Trump's filthy swamp.

To me, if they pack the court w/10 or more SCOTUS I'd be ecstatic.

Yes, I am positive that a person like you would be happy with destroying the Judicial system.
With all this cheating going on from the HIGHEST levels of Government, the actual White House, it will be a thing to see how badly they lose IN SPITE of their wickedness.

I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
You creatures are hilarious.
I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
Cleaning up Trump's filthy swamp.

To me, if they pack the court w/10 or more SCOTUS I'd be ecstatic.

I'm extremely conflicted on that frankly. I'm so angry at what McConnell did, denying Obama his right to fill a vacancy, then flipping it around in 2020 that I want to say - why SHOULDN'T the Dems do this? Y'all started a precedent of upping the ante you deserve the fall out from it. But the thing is, I don't think it's good for the country. Very conflicted.
I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
Cleaning up Trump's filthy swamp.

To me, if they pack the court w/10 or more SCOTUS I'd be ecstatic.
Ok, so when the President wins reelection we will add some more conservative judges up to 10 or 12.
With all this cheating going on from the HIGHEST levels of Government, the actual White House, it will be a thing to see how badly they lose IN SPITE of their wickedness.

I really hope so...I've never seen such corruption of our normally non-political institutions in my life time. If the only thing a Biden win accomplishes is the cleaning up and de-politicizing, and the restoring of norms, rules of will be more than enough.
You creatures are hilarious.

Thank you. Though I have to admit I can't quite figure out whether you guys fit the "creature" category or are just a variant on slime molds. will be a good thing to restore trust and integrity that the past 4 years have destroyed in the TrumpDump(ster) fire.

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