Bill Clinton confided in friends that he feared that Hillary would kill him

Parcity of Bolsheviks willing to defend the depraved bitch tonight.

Her rabid defenders dropped off like contributors to the Clinton Foundation. I'll be out of business before long. Nothing left to sell.
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There is no doubt the sniveling crooked news media hid stories about Hillary's instability and Bill's sexual abuse of women but the truth gets out anyway. Rumors persist that Hillary attacked staffers on election night and had to be restrained.
There is no doubt the sniveling crooked news media hid stories about Hillary's instability and Bill's sexual abuse of women but the truth gets out anyway. Rumors persist that Hillary attacked staffers on election night and had to be restrained.
Hillary has never challenged a single rumor, because there are no rumors that are not true. Seriously she has never challenged single email, not one.
"The Russians stole those emails!"
The emails don't matter, only how the public got to see them matters.

Liar, liar pants on fire...
You lost like a champ
BFS he lost like an 8 year old girl having a hissy fit


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