Bill Clinton woul not have allowed russian jets to showboat over carriers

What the fuck are we doing in the Baltic Sea anyway? Don't Sweden and Finland have their own navies?

Got any idea what is costs us to operate one of those carriers? Why is it we never hear the right bitch about that?
Probably a NATO thing?
What the fuck are we doing in the Baltic Sea anyway? Don't Sweden and Finland have their own navies?

Got any idea what is costs us to operate one of those carriers? Why is it we never hear the right bitch about that?

Gotta keep an eye out for more countries to invade. The reality is, the US/West kicked Russia when it was down after the collapse. It moved missiles into nations close to Russia. And it's been constantly meddling in nations in the area as well. For instance, the illegal coup in Kiev, Ukraine was a US/Western-backed operation. Russia's had enough. It's roaring back onto the World Stage. The Sleeping Giant is awake.
What the fuck are we doing in the Baltic Sea anyway? Don't Sweden and Finland have their own navies?

Got any idea what is costs us to operate one of those carriers? Why is it we never hear the right bitch about that?
We have numerous allies, including NATO members on the Baltic. We also have over 62,000 troops in Europe that would be obligated to respond to Russian aggression.
The key to the Baltic issue is a place called Kaliningrad. It is Russian territory on the Baltic. It is an enclave with borders shared with two NATO nations, Poland and Lithuania. American troops are in both places. Recently the American assets have been significantly upgraded and increased as a response to the Russian invasions in Ukraine, which is not a NATO member.

What do you want done? Like i said, it's impossible to 'bully/intimidate' the most powerful nation on earth. The U.S. vastly outspends its closest counterparts on military. Public numbers show U.S. military spending at about $500 Billion. But that's not counting Black-Ops and other secret projects. The U.S. has by far the most powerful military on earth. It's not even close. There's no threat it can't respond to. So let's not overreact and start WWIII over this.

I voted for Ron Paul so I have many of the same views on interventionism as you. You are preaching to the choir.

If you want to argue that we probably shouldn't have our assets in the area then I would be inclined to agree with you.

If you want to argue that we should be using our military to defend our own borders instead of providing military welfare to other countries I would be inclined to agree with you.

However, once we deploy our forces we have a right to not to be harassed or bullied and Putin did that when he buzzed the ship like he did in a menacing manner. He was flaunting American resolve.

I already said in a previous post above what I would do. I would have ordered one of the planes shot down, recovered the pilot's body and returned it to the Russians. At the funeral of the pilot I would send a bouquet of flowers that says "sorry 'bout that but the next time Putin you to harass an American ship just say no". Then I would have made a public announcement that if Putin doesn't want his planes shot down then keep them away from American military assets.
I can't figure out why the rest of the world thinks that they can walk all over Obama. I know Bill Clinton would not have allowed such a thing to happen. In fact, I don't think any American president would have allowed that to happen. I'm not expecting us to shoot them down but why doesn't Obama at least object to the behavior. He could be a secret communist working with them or he is a complete pussy inside. I suspect it is a combination of both.

Jimmy Carter would have allowed it.

What do you want done? Like i said, it's impossible to 'bully/intimidate' the most powerful nation on earth. The U.S. vastly outspends its closest counterparts on military. Public numbers show U.S. military spending at about $500 Billion. But that's not counting Black-Ops and other secret projects. The U.S. has by far the most powerful military on earth. It's not even close. There's no threat it can't respond to. So let's not overreact and start WWIII over this.

I voted for Ron Paul so I have many of the same views on interventionism as you. You are preaching to the choir.

If you want to argue that we probably shouldn't have our assets in the area then I would be inclined to agree with you.

If you want to argue that we should be using our military to defend our own borders instead of providing military welfare to other countries I would be inclined to agree with you.

However, once we deploy our forces we have a right to not to be harassed or bullied and Putin did that when he buzzed the ship like he did in a menacing manner. He was flaunting American resolve.

I already said in a previous post above what I would do. I would have order one of the planes shot down, recovered the pilot's body and returned it to the Russians. At the funeral of the pilot I would send a bouquet of flowers that says "sorry 'bout that but the next time Putin you to harass an American ship just say no". Then I would have made a public announcement that if Putin doesn't want his planes shot down then keep them away from American military assets.

Well, that would only lead to a major conflict. And many would suffer. The Russians were just having a little harmless fun. It's hardly worth starting a major war over.

Well, that would only lead to a major conflict. And many would suffer. The Russians were

just having a little harmless fun. It's hardly worth starting a major war over.

That was not fun. it was testing American resolve with our Pussy President.

It would not have led to a war. Putin would no more go to war against the US than the man in the moon.

What shooting down would have done was send a clear message that our forces are not to be harassed or bullied.

It is no different than the Turks shooting down a Russian plane that violated their airspace as a message they are sovereign . Putin didn't go war with them and he is sure as hell not going to go to war with us. Even with a pussy Commander in Chief like Obama.
What the fuck are we doing in the Baltic Sea anyway? Don't Sweden and Finland have their own navies?

Got any idea what is costs us to operate one of those carriers? Why is it we never hear the right bitch about that?

Gotta keep an eye out for more countries to invade. The reality is, the US/West kicked Russia when it was down after the collapse. It moved missiles into nations close to Russia. And it's been constantly meddling in nations in the area as well. For instance, the illegal coup in Kiev, Ukraine was a US/Western-backed operation. Russia's had enough. It's roaring back onto the World Stage. The Sleeping Giant is awake.
Nothing that you refer to as "meddling" in what you refer to as a coup was illegal or not things often used globally. The idea that an illegal coup occurred has been neutralized and discounted with numerous internationally monitored and approved elections by the Ukrainian people that endorsed the new government that replaced the one the Ukrainian people rejected and replaced by what they considered legal and constitutional means.
Just wondering what carrier has been involved in such an incident?

i can name a bunch of them and two that i was on FOUR (4) different times, i even have my own photos and 8mm film.
I suspected these shenanigans have been going on for some time--media just cottoned on to it, turning it into yet another foreign policy bitch point.
I like how you clarify

You are indeed a shrewd Old Lady.

Well, that would only lead to a major conflict. And many would suffer. The Russians were

just having a little harmless fun. It's hardly worth starting a major war over.

That was not fun. it was testing American resolve with our Pussy President.

It would not have led to a war. Putin would no more go to war against the US than the man in the moon.

What shooting down would have done was send a clear message that our forces are not to be harassed or bullied.

It is no different than the Turks shooting down a Russian plane that violated their airspace as a message they are sovereign . Putin didn't go war with them and he is sure as hell not going to go to war with us. Even with a pussy Commander in Chief like Obama.

Nah, i don't want WWIII over something so silly. It's impossible to 'bully' the world's biggest bully. Most of the world views the U.S. as the biggest bully in the world. Most are probably cheering the Russians on. And trust me, Turkey will pay for what it did eventually. The Russians will never forget.
What the fuck are we doing in the Baltic Sea anyway? Don't Sweden and Finland have their own navies?

Got any idea what is costs us to operate one of those carriers? Why is it we never hear the right bitch about that?

Gotta keep an eye out for more countries to invade. The reality is, the US/West kicked Russia when it was down after the collapse. It moved missiles into nations close to Russia. And it's been constantly meddling in nations in the area as well. For instance, the illegal coup in Kiev, Ukraine was a US/Western-backed operation. Russia's had enough. It's roaring back onto the World Stage. The Sleeping Giant is awake.
Nothing that you refer to as "meddling" in what you refer to as a coup was illegal or not things often used globally. The idea that an illegal coup occurred has been neutralized and discounted with numerous internationally monitored and approved elections by the Ukrainian people that endorsed the new government that replaced the one the Ukrainian people rejected and replaced by what they considered legal and constitutional means.

It was a coup orchestrated by the US/West. Russia is sick of all the US/West meddling in its backyard. It's time to stand up and fight back. The sleeping giant is awake.
If the price was right Clinton would have sold access to U.S. carriers to the Russians just like he rented out the Lincoln bedroom. Clinton was a freaking draft dodger and demonstrated against his own Country while he was in England. His tour of mother Russia while he was a foreign student was paid for by the KGB. It could be said that the comeback kid from Arkansas was a freaking Russian agent. Clinton bombed a defenseless country when he was literally caught with his pants down.

Nah, i don't want WWIII over something so silly. It's impossible to 'bully' the world's biggest bully. Most of the world views the U.S. as the biggest bully in the world. Most are probably cheering the Russians on. And trust me, Turkey will pay for what it did eventually. The Russians will never forget.

I disagree with American interventionist policy.

However, that has nothing to do with a foreign country harassing our military assets.

Unless they are willing to launch their nuclear weapons Russia wouldn't do a damn thing if we shot down one of their planes. They would have more respect and not take a chance on losing any more of their assets.

Your confusion is that you are equating Obama's convoluted interventionist foreign policy with the right we have to protect our men and women that are deployed.

Those are two different animals.

You can disagree all day with Obama that they should be deployed for foreign welfare but it would not be right for you to deny them security when they are deployed.

By the way, the Turks have dealt with foreigners before and have not been afraid. I don't think they are afraid now.

Nah, i don't want WWIII over something so silly. It's impossible to 'bully' the world's biggest bully. Most of the world views the U.S. as the biggest bully in the world. Most are probably cheering the Russians on. And trust me, Turkey will pay for what it did eventually. The Russians will never forget.

I disagree with American interventionist policy.

However, that has nothing to do with a foreign country harassing our military assets.

Unless they are willing to launch their nuclear weapons Russia wouldn't do a damn thing if we shot down one of their planes. They would have more respect and not take a chance on losing any more of their assets.

Your confusion is that you are equating Obama's convoluted interventionist foreign policy with the right we have to protect our men and women that are deployed.

Those are two different animals.

You can disagree all day with Obama that they should be deployed for foreign welfare but it would not be right for you to deny them security when they are deployed.

By the way, the Turks have dealt with foreigners before and have not been afraid. I don't think they are afraid now.

Oh don't kid yourself, Turkey will pay at some point. The Russians will never forget the senseless murder of their soldiers. And we should just come home. Stop all the meddling and spying. We're encroaching closer & closer to Russia's border. We're the aggressor. We certainly wouldn't tolerate Russia doing that here.

It all started with the US/West placing missiles close to Russian territory. Russia requested they not do it, but they went ahead and did it anyway. Russia's had it. It's gonna fight back. We've given it no other choice.
Putin is probably just having fun bitch slapping Obama. You can't really blame him.

Well of course. Like when Carter was circling the drain, the dictators stepped up their game knowing a new sheriff was coming to town. And that will not bode well for them.

Obama is milk toast.. panzie


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