Bill introduced to ban Howard Zinn's books from public schools

I'm not in favor of any book's a slippery slope

Agreed. Let local school districts and parents decide what books to use.
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

And when they decide to ban...oh say the Bible? Will you still support book banning?
They already banned the Bible from School curriculum. So why is Communism permitted?

Wrong again.

Why are the RWNJs against the US Constitution?
They always really have been....ever since the beginning.
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

Priests are less likely to abuse a child than an educator is. You know damn well I've posted the study before but yet you continue to pick with your assinie and off topic BS.

You are worn out, tiresome and annoying, you bring nothing to the table and in short you're pretty much worthless.

Now go bother someone that isn't on to you and your lies, BoPete
Whatever excuse you want to make yourself more.....ahem.....comfortable about handing children over to priests.
The left will never get their grimy paws on our children.

Hey! I've washed my paws!

Woah, blast from the past...

Howya doing Chickie?

The answer to that would fill several pages....

Surviving, Uncensored. That's the short answer. How are you?

Oh, I'm good. Finished the Ph.D. - ready to teach full time once I retire, in about 7 years.

Good for you.
So, then why do 8 year old Jihadis behead Christians if they aren't ISIS robotic recording devices?

Hey, it takes a lot of work to get kids to behead Christians! Lots of intense lessons and ...ahem....enhanced education techniques.
You mean like those christians in Mexico?

Not sure where you're going, but I forgot how badly sarcasm travels via text.
No...those christians in Mexico cutting heads off.
Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

Priests are less likely to abuse a child than an educator is. You know damn well I've posted the study before but yet you continue to pick with your assinie and off topic BS.

You are worn out, tiresome and annoying, you bring nothing to the table and in short you're pretty much worthless.

Now go bother someone that isn't on to you and your lies, BoPete
Whatever excuse you want to make yourself more.....ahem.....comfortable about handing children over to priests.
You've got issues.
Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

Priests are less likely to abuse a child than an educator is. You know damn well I've posted the study before but yet you continue to pick with your assinie and off topic BS.

You are worn out, tiresome and annoying, you bring nothing to the table and in short you're pretty much worthless.

Now go bother someone that isn't on to you and your lies, BoPete
Whatever excuse you want to make yourself more.....ahem.....comfortable about handing children over to priests.

Get back on topic.

And leave my children out of this conversation. Understand? You're fixing to make a mistake
So, then why do 8 year old Jihadis behead Christians if they aren't ISIS robotic recording devices?

Hey, it takes a lot of work to get kids to behead Christians! Lots of intense lessons and ...ahem....enhanced education techniques.
You mean like those christians in Mexico?

Not sure where you're going, but I forgot how badly sarcasm travels via text.
No...those christians in Mexico cutting heads off.

Pretty sure they aren't Christians.
BoPete crashes and burns.....again

Study: Children 100 Times More Likely To Be Sexually Assaulted By School Staff Than By Priests

In recent years, Catholic priests have earned a nasty reputation for sexually assaulting minors, and rightfully so, there is a disturbing trend towards sexual abuse within the clergy.

However, according to a long-ignored study, public schools are actually a far more dangerous environment for children, where students are 100 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than they would in a church.

This point is not made to take attention away from the very real problem of sexual abuse in churches, but is intended to highlight how the same problem exists to an even greater degree in public schools and is swept under the rug.

In 2002, the Department of Education was ordered to conduct a study of sexual abuse in the school system, as a part of President Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act.

Hofstra University researcher Charol Shakeshaft led the study, and found that sexual abuse was rampant in American public schools.

Study: Children 100 Times More Likely To Be Sexually Assaulted By School Staff Than By Priests

Whatever you need to make yourself more comfortable about of priests with children.
Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

Priests are less likely to abuse a child than an educator is. You know damn well I've posted the study before but yet you continue to pick with your assinie and off topic BS.

You are worn out, tiresome and annoying, you bring nothing to the table and in short you're pretty much worthless.

Now go bother someone that isn't on to you and your lies, BoPete
Whatever excuse you want to make yourself more.....ahem.....comfortable about handing children over to priests.

Get back on topic.

And leave my children out of this conversation. Understand? You're fixing to make a mistake
So, you never brought your children into the conversation? That's more catfish stuff I guess. Right?

Wrong again.

Why are the RWNJs against the US Constitution?

The US Constitution stipulates that Zinn's agitprop will be used to indoctrinate high school students? :eek:

Where did anyone say that?


You claimed opposition to using Zinn's agitprop was "against the Constitution."

Look, you were just being stupid, it's your way.

Ever hear of the First Amendment?

Its in the Constitution.

Get it now?
The left will never get their grimy paws on our children.

Hey! I've washed my paws!

Woah, blast from the past...

Howya doing Chickie?

The answer to that would fill several pages....

Surviving, Uncensored. That's the short answer. How are you?

Oh, I'm good. Finished the Ph.D. - ready to teach full time once I retire, in about 7 years.

Uh no.

You're one of the dumbest people on this board. You never ever post facts, never seem capable of learning, never mind teaching.

IOW, you're full of it.

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

Priests are less likely to abuse a child than an educator is. You know damn well I've posted the study before but yet you continue to pick with your assinie and off topic BS.

You are worn out, tiresome and annoying, you bring nothing to the table and in short you're pretty much worthless.

Now go bother someone that isn't on to you and your lies, BoPete
Whatever excuse you want to make yourself more.....ahem.....comfortable about handing children over to priests.

Get back on topic.

And leave my children out of this conversation. Understand? You're fixing to make a mistake
So, you never brought your children into the conversation? That's more catfish stuff I guess. Right?

She did bring them into it. Why? She must have wanted to discuss them.

In any event, you're posts are spot on topic - schools banning books and parents deciding whether or not they want their kids to learn or just be indoctrinated.

And we know where the cath church stands on that question. We also know that priest molest children.

Personally, you couldn't pay me to take a child anywhere near that.
Howard Zinn is a disgrace! He's not an educator. He's an indoctrinator!
Absolutely agree.
'Nuff said right there. Fascists are all about Kontrol. Who controls the past controls the future. :dig:

Racial Socialist actually. I don't care for Fascism. In a natural correct state there would be no need to BAN these books because they wouldn't exist to begin with and anyone with a mental illness like Zinn who also happens to be a JEW would be sterilized and locked in a mental asylum. :)

Ah yes, they "wouldn't exist" because stray thought would be illegal.

And a Jew too. Well isn't that informative. Do tell us more. :popcorn:


And while you're at it --- read my sigline.
Stray thought wouldn't happen dumb ass....its actually called DISSENT and TREASON.When you RAISE children correctly and the nation puts its people first there is no reason for dissent unless its from a traitor or enemy from another nation like the Jew. I don't expect a moron to understand so.
Check out the Anti-semite ^^^^^^
Howard Zinn is an atheist who has denied God. He sold his birthright for a man who sold his own. Marx.

Are you joking? Or just stupid?
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

Priests are less likely to abuse a child than an educator is. You know damn well I've posted the study before but yet you continue to pick with your assinie and off topic BS.

You are worn out, tiresome and annoying, you bring nothing to the table and in short you're pretty much worthless.

Now go bother someone that isn't on to you and your lies, BoPete
Whatever excuse you want to make yourself more.....ahem.....comfortable about handing children over to priests.

Get back on topic.

And leave my children out of this conversation. Understand? You're fixing to make a mistake
So, you never brought your children into the conversation? That's more catfish stuff I guess. Right?

She did bring them into it. Why? She must have wanted to discuss them.

In any event, you're posts are spot on topic - schools banning books and parents deciding whether or not they want their kids to learn or just be indoctrinated.

And we know where the cath church stands on that question. We also know that priest molest children.

Personally, you couldn't pay me to take a child anywhere near that.
Amazing how the witches on this board support each other! Are you two in the same coven?

Back to the OP. Howard Zinn. A man who has rejected God's law and is going to spend eternity in hell paying for that decision. He'll have plenty of company!
Priests are less likely to abuse a child than an educator is. You know damn well I've posted the study before but yet you continue to pick with your assinie and off topic BS.

You are worn out, tiresome and annoying, you bring nothing to the table and in short you're pretty much worthless.

Now go bother someone that isn't on to you and your lies, BoPete
Whatever excuse you want to make yourself more.....ahem.....comfortable about handing children over to priests.

Get back on topic.

And leave my children out of this conversation. Understand? You're fixing to make a mistake
So, you never brought your children into the conversation? That's more catfish stuff I guess. Right?

She did bring them into it. Why? She must have wanted to discuss them.

In any event, you're posts are spot on topic - schools banning books and parents deciding whether or not they want their kids to learn or just be indoctrinated.

And we know where the cath church stands on that question. We also know that priest molest children.

Personally, you couldn't pay me to take a child anywhere near that.
Amazing how the witches on this board support each other! Are you two in the same coven?

Back to the OP. Howard Zinn. A man who has rejected God's law and is going to spend eternity in hell paying for that decision. He'll have plenty of company!
That's're one of those christers who believes in demons, the devil, hell, and all those other silly patriarchal religious fantasies.......:lol:
Absolutely agree.
Racial Socialist actually. I don't care for Fascism. In a natural correct state there would be no need to BAN these books because they wouldn't exist to begin with and anyone with a mental illness like Zinn who also happens to be a JEW would be sterilized and locked in a mental asylum. :)

Ah yes, they "wouldn't exist" because stray thought would be illegal.

And a Jew too. Well isn't that informative. Do tell us more. :popcorn:


And while you're at it --- read my sigline.
Stray thought wouldn't happen dumb ass....its actually called DISSENT and TREASON.When you RAISE children correctly and the nation puts its people first there is no reason for dissent unless its from a traitor or enemy from another nation like the Jew. I don't expect a moron to understand so.
Check out the Anti-semite ^^^^^^
Howard Zinn is an atheist who has denied God. He sold his birthright for a man who sold his own. Marx.

Are you joking? Or just stupid? have no idea.........:lol: :lol: :lol: She likes to flood the boards with Chick tracts and some such foolishness.
So, then why do 8 year old Jihadis behead Christians if they aren't ISIS robotic recording devices?

Hey, it takes a lot of work to get kids to behead Christians! Lots of intense lessons and ...ahem....enhanced education techniques.
You mean like those christians in Mexico?

Not sure where you're going, but I forgot how badly sarcasm travels via text.
No...those christians in Mexico cutting heads off.

Pretty sure they aren't Christians.
Pretty sure they are.......almost all in Mexico are christian....lot's of them tattoo Our Lady of Guadalupe on themselves too.

Ever hear of the First Amendment?

Its in the Constitution.

Get it now?

The 1st Amendment says that Marxism must be taught in high school history classes? :eek:

Question, if one of you Soros brown shirts were to be exposed to the United States Constitution, would you burst into flames? :dunno:
Hey, it takes a lot of work to get kids to behead Christians! Lots of intense lessons and ...ahem....enhanced education techniques.
You mean like those christians in Mexico?

Not sure where you're going, but I forgot how badly sarcasm travels via text.
No...those christians in Mexico cutting heads off.

Pretty sure they aren't Christians.
Pretty sure they are.......almost all in Mexico are christian....lot's of them tattoo Our Lady of Guadalupe on themselves too.

My apologies. They may self-identify as Christians, but I think murder throws them off the rolls. Still, I'm not sure what your point was.
Pretty sure they are.......almost all in Mexico are christian....lot's of them tattoo Our Lady of Guadalupe on themselves too.

You should visit Mexico some day. You might be surprised to find that it's nothing like you imagine.

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