Bill introduced to ban Howard Zinn's books from public schools

Agreed. Let local school districts and parents decide what books to use.
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.

Mhm, last week one of our 13 year old twins took on a teacher at the school in a debate on the whether the Iraq war was justified, legal, etc. She walked away the winner and the next day said teacher congratulated her on being well prepared, using documentation to support her stance and pretty much making the teacher look the fool. The reason the teacher looked the fool is because she used the same worn out BS you and your ilk use on this very forum. You're all ill informed and media-bots

Mhm, that backs up exactly what I'm saying here, which is to be informed from any and all sources, none of which should be "banned" or "illegal to think". Which is also where you started out in this thread before you pulled a 180 so you could have an argument.

Good for the twin. There just isn't a planet on which being well prepared is a bad thing. Maybe you could learn something from her.

Now you may go now, dumbass and get past I take a damn thing you spew to heart

Perhaps your schooling could have included Engrish.

Leftists are under some misguided ideal that children belong to society, they don't, they belong to parents

My son was chosen for the International Baccalaureate Program. I was this as a huge honor based on his hard work and dedication to knowledge. When he came home with this as a sophomore, I had no idea what it was or who Howard Zinn was. But he was a smart kid (now a smart adult) and started pointing out some of the absurd tales Zinn had inserted. I went to the district, who basically laughed at the idea that a parent could object to how the state was raising their children. PYLUSD is far left and don't approve of parents. The state is all children really need. He left IB the following year because he could not stand the leftist indoctrination. His choice, not mine. College was far LESS biased. (UC Riverside)

One of our twins is on the verge of setting a new school record for GPA. She maintains her pace and in six weeks she owns it :)

Is the school on a 5 point scale?

Four point, the school they attended in Atlanta was a five point though
Zinn claimed to be "something of a Marxist, "something of an anarchist" and "something of a socialist". No wonder he had such a successful career in academia. Funny how lefties accept the notion that certain words should be banned in colleges and universities and conservative speakers are legitimate targets of assault but they are shocked when the works of a left wing Marxist socialist anarchist are banned. Personally I don't think that any book should be banned but neither should rants from an anarchist socialist Marxist be required reading.
I'm not in favor of any book's a slippery slope

Agreed. Let local school districts and parents decide what books to use.
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

And when they decide to ban...oh say the Bible? Will you still support book banning?
They already banned the Bible from School curriculum. So why is Communism permitted?

Wrong again.

Why are the RWNJs against the US Constitution?
I'm not in favor of any book's a slippery slope

Agreed. Let local school districts and parents decide what books to use.
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

And when they decide to ban...oh say the Bible? Will you still support book banning?
They already banned the Bible from School curriculum. So why is Communism permitted?

Wrong again.

Why are the RWNJs against the US Constitution?
Republicans are not against the US Constitution. Why are you?

Four point, the school they attended in Atlanta was a five point though

And no one had ever gotten a 4.0 before? (Assuming that's what she has.)

She's currently at a 4.16...they use what they call a weighted scale, hard to explain but basically she gets marks for taking certain courses.

I'm sure an unweighted 4.0 has been achieved numerous times. I read a student at a school in Hillsborough county Florida achieved a 4.35 on a weighted scale...either she is a genius and taking the most difficult classes available or it was BS. I can't imagine a 4.35

Four point, the school they attended in Atlanta was a five point though

And no one had ever gotten a 4.0 before? (Assuming that's what she has.)

She's currently at a 4.16...they use what they call a weighted scale, hard to explain but basically she gets marks for taking certain courses.

I'm sure an unweighted 4.0 has been achieved numerous times. I read a student at a school in Hillsborough county Florida achieved a 4.35 on a weighted scale...either she is a genius and taking the most difficult classes available or it was BS. I can't imagine a 4.35

So it's not really a 4 point scale.

Here in the People's Republic we have students with 4.9 and above. Basically if you have AP or IB classes, they give 5 points for an A. I suppose it makes sense, the kids who take harder classes should get some sort of recognition.

Four point, the school they attended in Atlanta was a five point though

And no one had ever gotten a 4.0 before? (Assuming that's what she has.)

She's currently at a 4.16...they use what they call a weighted scale, hard to explain but basically she gets marks for taking certain courses.

I'm sure an unweighted 4.0 has been achieved numerous times. I read a student at a school in Hillsborough county Florida achieved a 4.35 on a weighted scale...either she is a genius and taking the most difficult classes available or it was BS. I can't imagine a 4.35

It's entirely possible with AP/Gifted classes and only missing a few answers the entire time.

Was she an Asian girl?

Four point, the school they attended in Atlanta was a five point though

And no one had ever gotten a 4.0 before? (Assuming that's what she has.)

She's currently at a 4.16...they use what they call a weighted scale, hard to explain but basically she gets marks for taking certain courses.

I'm sure an unweighted 4.0 has been achieved numerous times. I read a student at a school in Hillsborough county Florida achieved a 4.35 on a weighted scale...either she is a genius and taking the most difficult classes available or it was BS. I can't imagine a 4.35

So it's not really a 4 point scale.

Here in the People's Republic we have students with 4.9 and above. Basically if you have AP or IB classes, they give 5 points for an A. I suppose it makes sense, the kids who take harder classes should get some sort of recognition.

Agreed and I've been told college recruiters look hard now at what courses they took. She's got her sights set on Indiana University and following her dad's footsteps in becoming an attorney

Four point, the school they attended in Atlanta was a five point though

And no one had ever gotten a 4.0 before? (Assuming that's what she has.)

She's currently at a 4.16...they use what they call a weighted scale, hard to explain but basically she gets marks for taking certain courses.

I'm sure an unweighted 4.0 has been achieved numerous times. I read a student at a school in Hillsborough county Florida achieved a 4.35 on a weighted scale...either she is a genius and taking the most difficult classes available or it was BS. I can't imagine a 4.35

It's entirely possible with AP/Gifted classes and only missing a few answers the entire time.

Was she an Asian girl?

Nah she's a little Irish lass with some of her Dad's English in as a whip and determined.

Four point, the school they attended in Atlanta was a five point though

And no one had ever gotten a 4.0 before? (Assuming that's what she has.)

She's currently at a 4.16...they use what they call a weighted scale, hard to explain but basically she gets marks for taking certain courses.

I'm sure an unweighted 4.0 has been achieved numerous times. I read a student at a school in Hillsborough county Florida achieved a 4.35 on a weighted scale...either she is a genius and taking the most difficult classes available or it was BS. I can't imagine a 4.35

It's entirely possible with AP/Gifted classes and only missing a few answers the entire time.

Was she an Asian girl?

Nah she's a little Irish lass with some of her Dad's English in as a whip and determined.

Smart Alec :funnyface: I meant the girl with 4.35 GPA.

Four point, the school they attended in Atlanta was a five point though

And no one had ever gotten a 4.0 before? (Assuming that's what she has.)

She's currently at a 4.16...they use what they call a weighted scale, hard to explain but basically she gets marks for taking certain courses.

I'm sure an unweighted 4.0 has been achieved numerous times. I read a student at a school in Hillsborough county Florida achieved a 4.35 on a weighted scale...either she is a genius and taking the most difficult classes available or it was BS. I can't imagine a 4.35

It's entirely possible with AP/Gifted classes and only missing a few answers the entire time.

Was she an Asian girl?

Nah she's a little Irish lass with some of her Dad's English in as a whip and determined.

Smart Alec :funnyface: I meant the girl with 4.35 GPA.

Oh, IDK, probably. One of our adopted is Chinese and she is a virtual whiz at math, that and music but I've been told the two are intertwined
I'm not in favor of any book's a slippery slope

Agreed. Let local school districts and parents decide what books to use.
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............
I'm not in favor of any book's a slippery slope

Agreed. Let local school districts and parents decide what books to use.
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

And when they decide to ban...oh say the Bible? Will you still support book banning?
They already banned the Bible from School curriculum. Where have you been?

Not in our's schools. Another reason ours attend private schools

The bible is not banned from schools.
Agreed. Let local school districts and parents decide what books to use.
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

For the life of me, I will never understand why any parent would take their kids anywhere near any priest.
Agreed. Let local school districts and parents decide what books to use.
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

Priests are less likely to abuse a child than an educator is. You know damn well I've posted the study before but yet you continue to pick with your assinie and off topic BS.

You are worn out, tiresome and annoying, you bring nothing to the table and in short you're pretty much worthless.

Now go bother someone that isn't on to you and your lies, BoPete
Agreed. Let local school districts and parents decide what books to use.
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............
Some people prefer to kill their children before they are even born! I call them Lemmecrats! Lemme kill anything that inconveniences me and forces me to be responsible! Like children! Lemme have your paycheck too! I need my i phone, my designer handbag and my ride!
I'm not in favor of any book's a slippery slope
Howard Zinn was teaching a class, but he wasn’t yet a professor and his classroom wasn’t at a university. It was late 1951, and the students who gathered for Zinn’s lessons in Brooklyn were his fellow members of the Communist Party USA.

One of Zinn’s comrades described him as “a person with some authority” within the local CPUSA section and said that Zinn’s class was on “basic Marxism,” the theme being “that the basic teachings of Marx and Lenin were sound and should be adhered to by those present.”

That description, furnished to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by a former Communist in 1957, is included in more than 400 pages of Zinn’s FBI file made public last week.

The FBI files demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that Zinn — author of A People’s History of the United States, widely used as a textbook or supplement in many of our nation’s high schools and universities — was a card-carrying Communist at a time when the Soviet Union was America’s most dreaded enemy.

File No. 100-360217 was begun in March 1949 in response to an order from FBI director J. Edgar Hoover to Edward Scheidt, special agent in charge of the Bureau’s New York office. Zinn’s name had previously surfaced in connection with other FBI investigations of Communist Party activities, but a new report from an unnamed agent marked Zinn as a subject of special interest.

In 1948, an FBI confidential informant had spoken to Zinn at a protest in front of the White House and reported that, during the course of their conversation, “Zinn indicated that he is a member of the Communist Party and that he attends Party meetings five nights a week in Brooklyn.” Zinn, who was then a 26-year-old Army Air Force veteran attending New York University, expressed to the informant his support for Henry Wallace’s third-party “Progressive” presidential campaign, “indicating that the Communist Party was 100% behind this Movement,” according to the FBI file.

Additional investigation showed that Zinn was active in several Communist-dominated “front groups,” and that in 1947 Zinn was a delegate to a conference of the Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, which had been designated a subversive organization by the Attorney General pursuant to a 1947 executive order of President Truman. Furthermore, according to another informant, Zinn’s Brooklyn address “appeared on a list of addressograph stencils at Communist Party Headquarters” in New York.

The Case Against Howard Zinn

You've attacked the messenger plenty. Now, what about his message?

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