Bill introduced to ban Howard Zinn's books from public schools

BoPete crashes and burns.....again

Study: Children 100 Times More Likely To Be Sexually Assaulted By School Staff Than By Priests

In recent years, Catholic priests have earned a nasty reputation for sexually assaulting minors, and rightfully so, there is a disturbing trend towards sexual abuse within the clergy.

However, according to a long-ignored study, public schools are actually a far more dangerous environment for children, where students are 100 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than they would in a church.

This point is not made to take attention away from the very real problem of sexual abuse in churches, but is intended to highlight how the same problem exists to an even greater degree in public schools and is swept under the rug.

In 2002, the Department of Education was ordered to conduct a study of sexual abuse in the school system, as a part of President Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act.

Hofstra University researcher Charol Shakeshaft led the study, and found that sexual abuse was rampant in American public schools.

Study: Children 100 Times More Likely To Be Sexually Assaulted By School Staff Than By Priests

Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

Good idea, there are about a hundred times LESS likely to be molested by a Catholic priest than a public school teacher.

You know this, I've rubbed your face in it before.

BUT you love to lie, you're a democrat....

Study: Children 100 Times More Likely To Be Sexually Assaulted By School Staff Than By Priests
Has Media Ignored Sex Abuse In School?

But hey Shortbus, the next time you tell the truth will be the first time. :thup:
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

Good idea, there are about a hundred times LESS likely to be molested by a Catholic priest than a public school teacher.

You know this, I've rubbed your face in it before.

BUT you love to lie, you're a democrat....

Study: Children 100 Times More Likely To Be Sexually Assaulted By School Staff Than By Priests
Has Media Ignored Sex Abuse In School?

But hey Shortbus, the next time you tell the truth will be the first time. :thup:

An inconvenient fact for the fool
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

Priests are less likely to abuse a child than an educator is. You know damn well I've posted the study before but yet you continue to pick with your assinie and off topic BS.

You are worn out, tiresome and annoying, you bring nothing to the table and in short you're pretty much worthless.

Now go bother someone that isn't on to you and your lies, BoPete
50 million unborn babies "handed over to Planned Parenthood" and murdered because they were an "inconvenience" to the mother and not a word out of her about it.
Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.
Some people prefer to hand their children over to priests...............

Priests are less likely to abuse a child than an educator is. You know damn well I've posted the study before but yet you continue to pick with your assinie and off topic BS.

You are worn out, tiresome and annoying, you bring nothing to the table and in short you're pretty much worthless.

Now go bother someone that isn't on to you and your lies, BoPete
50 million unborn babies murdered because they were an "inconvenience" and not a word out of her about it.

All part of a filthy and immoral agenda
Agreed. Let local school districts and parents decide what books to use.
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.

Mhm, last week one of our 13 year old twins took on a teacher at the school in a debate on the whether the Iraq war was justified, legal, etc. She walked away the winner and the next day said teacher congratulated her on being well prepared, using documentation to support her stance and pretty much making the teacher look the fool. The reason the teacher looked the fool is because she used the same worn out BS you and your ilk use on this very forum. You're all ill informed and media-bots

Now you may go now, dumbass and get past I take a damn thing you spew to heart
What a cool story. Fiction contest?

Leftists are under some misguided ideal that children belong to society, they don't, they belong to parents

My son was chosen for the International Baccalaureate Program. I saw this as a huge honor based on his hard work and dedication to knowledge. When he came home with this as a sophomore, I had no idea what it was or who Howard Zinn was. But he was a smart kid (now a smart adult) and started pointing out some of the absurd tales Zinn had inserted. I went to the district, who basically laughed at the idea that a parent could object to how the state was raising their children. PYLUSD is far left and don't approve of parents. The state is all children really need. He left IB the following year because he could not stand the leftist indoctrination. His choice, not mine. College was far LESS biased. (UC Riverside)
Howard Zinn is quite a despicable character. Kudos to your son for calling him on his absurd tales!
Howard Zinn is a disgrace! He's not an educator. He's an indoctrinator!
Absolutely agree.

'Nuff said right there. Fascists are all about Kontrol. Who controls the past controls the future. :dig:

Racial Socialist actually. I don't care for Fascism. In a natural correct state there would be no need to BAN these books because they wouldn't exist to begin with and anyone with a mental illness like Zinn who also happens to be a JEW would be sterilized and locked in a mental asylum. :)

Ah yes, they "wouldn't exist" because stray thought would be illegal.

And a Jew too. Well isn't that informative. Do tell us more. :popcorn:


And while you're at it --- read my sigline.
Stray thought wouldn't happen dumb ass....its actually called DISSENT and TREASON.When you RAISE children correctly and the nation puts its people first there is no reason for dissent unless its from a traitor or enemy from another nation like the Jew. I don't expect a moron to understand so.
Check out the Anti-semite ^^^^^^
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.

Mhm, last week one of our 13 year old twins took on a teacher at the school in a debate on the whether the Iraq war was justified, legal, etc. She walked away the winner and the next day said teacher congratulated her on being well prepared, using documentation to support her stance and pretty much making the teacher look the fool. The reason the teacher looked the fool is because she used the same worn out BS you and your ilk use on this very forum. You're all ill informed and media-bots

Now you may go now, dumbass and get past I take a damn thing you spew to heart
What a cool story. Fiction contest?
Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
It's about to be decided with this bill and I, for one, would like to see his books banned. Marxist educators produce Marxists. This isn't rocket science.

Ah, you must be one of that crowd that thinks kids are some kind of sponge-robot race incapable of critical thought, who will simply record and repeat whoever reaches them first, GIGO with never a question on any of it.

That's so cute.

Our children....not yours. You may go now

My condolences. Perhaps it's a genetic thing.

Mhm, last week one of our 13 year old twins took on a teacher at the school in a debate on the whether the Iraq war was justified, legal, etc. She walked away the winner and the next day said teacher congratulated her on being well prepared, using documentation to support her stance and pretty much making the teacher look the fool. The reason the teacher looked the fool is because she used the same worn out BS you and your ilk use on this very forum. You're all ill informed and media-bots

Now you may go now, dumbass and get past I take a damn thing you spew to heart
What a cool story. Fiction contest?

Nah unlike you I'm not a liar....and we both know you're a liar....BoPete.

Now ya best run along, you're looking sad again. It's so you....liar

What was it again? "The plywood must get through!!!!!"? Gawd you're dense
Howard Zinn is a disgrace! He's not an educator. He's an indoctrinator!
Absolutely agree.

'Nuff said right there. Fascists are all about Kontrol. Who controls the past controls the future. :dig:

Racial Socialist actually. I don't care for Fascism. In a natural correct state there would be no need to BAN these books because they wouldn't exist to begin with and anyone with a mental illness like Zinn who also happens to be a JEW would be sterilized and locked in a mental asylum. :)

Ah yes, they "wouldn't exist" because stray thought would be illegal.

And a Jew too. Well isn't that informative. Do tell us more. :popcorn:


And while you're at it --- read my sigline.
Stray thought wouldn't happen dumb ass....its actually called DISSENT and TREASON.When you RAISE children correctly and the nation puts its people first there is no reason for dissent unless its from a traitor or enemy from another nation like the Jew. I don't expect a moron to understand so.
Check out the Anti-semite ^^^^^^
Howard Zinn is an atheist who has denied God. He sold his birthright for a man who sold his own. Marx.

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