Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Biting again the hand that feeds you? Hypocrite. Yes, membes of the Tea Party used the term long before it was gleefully appropriated by the liberals to have fun with you guys when you act the morons.

That's incorrect. In April 2009, 750,000 people participated in tea parties - and all you can find are the same few pics of the same few people who were clueless and used the stupid phrase.

The overwhelming majority of the Tea Partiers call themselves Tea Partiers.

Can you prove that claim?? I didn't think so. furthermore, the core of this debate is about what they CALLED themselves in the beginning not what they call themselves now so they can attack obama for a term that was once sude by tea partiers to describe themselves.

The FACT is that it did exist among the tea partiers BEFORE liberals explained it to them and that is a FACT that you cannot change. How widespread is debateable but without evidence to support your claim then based on Si modo's standard you should "be prepared to have it called bullshit" LOL

Wrong moron. A few individuals cluelessly using a phrase are not representative of the hundreds of thousands who used Tea Party.

Pajamas TV tracked the attendance for the hundreds of tea parties across the country last year. The info is no longer on their site; the latest figure I can find is a mention on Pajamas Media.

Pajamas Media PJTV’s Crowd Estimates for Tea Parties Still Climbing

Two of the major sites that helped provide information regarding the location of tea parties are:

Tax Day Tea Party

Neither one ever labeled the movement with the T-word about which you obsess.
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Propaganda?? Are Democrat Congressmen, the source of the story, engaging in "propaganda" against their own party these days? :eusa_whistle:

Seriously. Get real. Your guy gets a head-start on 'flinging the monkey poo'... and THEN wants to jump back and say "Ho, ho.... hold up there... no need to be flinging monkey poo." THAT's your mitigating factor?... that HE started it? :lol:

This guy has had a nasty attitude toward dissenting American citizens since before he took office, or do we forget how the flyover peoples are just "bitter clingers"? And he hasn't let up yet. So, his hypocritical ass can get bent on the subject of "civility" as far as I'm concerned.

As I said, he's an embarrassment to his office, utterly lacking in self-control and unable to resist an opportunity to fling some poo for the simple joy of poo-flinging. One would think he'd send out his toadies to do his dirty work like any other mob boss. But no, he enjoys the dirt.

What are you babbling about??

The FACT is that the OP and several righties in this thread have tried to attack obama based on the FALSE claim that he called for civility and THEN called tea partiers "tea baggers" and YET the FACTS show that the tea-bagger comment in question was made back in 2009, back when tea partiers were calling themselves tea baggers, and his call for civility was made just last week.

So YEAH, this whole attack thread is based on right wing propaganda and your spin and baseless opinions won't change that FACT.

Can you not grasp, Mr. Thickie, that it doesn't matter? There's not a hair's difference between the guy referring to American citizens by a pornagraphic epithet before or after his lip-service to "civility". Either way, he's guilty of hypocrisy.

You seem to be under the impression that you've happened upon some magical reason, based on timing, for why the President of the United States shouldn't be criticized for being a hypocritical potty-mouth. But it couldn't have escaped even his august attention that he'd already been engaged in poo-flinging before his grand call to "civility". What that amounts to is... "Do as I say, not as I do".

Actually it DOES matter and there is a HUGE difference based on the content of this thread and the FALSE claims that he called for civility and THEN called them "tea-baggers" when the timeline doesn't fit that description. PLease do try to keep up. LOL

Furthermore, you ASSUME that obama meant the "pornographic epithet" when you have NOTHING BUT YOUR OPINION to support that conclusion and tea partiers used the term themselves at that time. I would add, that he did not PUBLICLY "fling poo" and then call for civility. He allegedly said it in an interview for a book so all you continue to offer is your opinion based SPIN which is light on the substance. However, that really isn't a surprise.

It has already been shown that tea partiers used it first and were talking about tea bagging the white house. The fact that they did not know the alternate meaning has NO bearing on ths discussion and obama only referred to them as some of them did themselves. So in the end you've got NOTHING but right wing propaganda.
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Can you prove that claim?? I didn't think so. furthermore, the core of this debate is about what they CALLED themselves in the beginning not what they call themselves now so they can attack obama for a term that was once sude by tea partiers to describe themselves.

The FACT is that it did exist among the tea partiers BEFORE liberals explained it to them and that is a FACT that you cannot change. How widespread is debateable but without evidence to support your claim then based on Si modo's standard you should "be prepared to have it called bullshit" LOL

The freepers were using it at the "first rally" and using it in the derogatory sense. By the time you get to to this post, you will see a meeting of the minds by some posters on the issue.

Others, not so much.

I doubt there will be a "meeting of the minds" because most of the righties in this thread never admit that they are wrong. They just spin, avoid and then go away.

Si Modo did.

The others continue their pathetic spin.
Of course Obama meant the vulgar epithet. The only reason the Left uses it is because it Is A Vulgar Epithet.
No, I said that it was not the term used by the vast majority of the Tea Party Movement. One clueless guy set up a website with the term for his personal tea party activities - and a few others used the phrase. The rest have not used it - and have called themselves Tea Partiers. Instead of accepting that the hundreds of other groups around the country use Tea Party, you and your sad little cadre grasp to the T-word with a fetish-like grip.

That says a lot about you, and nothing about the 40M people across the country who self-identify as Tea Party Supporters.

LMFAO. How embarrassing it must be for you to have to admit that the term "tea bag" and the use of it by the freepers in the pejorative sense pre-dates liberals using it to mock you guys.

As I said, I don't doubt that the people who used it in a pejorative sense among the right was a small number, but it still existed. Unlike your prior claims that it was a creation of the liberals that reflected their sexual deviance.

Like I said, you live by the "we are completely decentralized" mantra, you die by it.

Now embrace it. Teabagger.
Ummm. Palin is not running for a thing. :rolleyes:

And, FYI, if you make a claim, support it. Otherwise be prepared to have it called bullshit.

Says the loser who NEVER supports any claim that he makes. LOL

The one website that you posted in this thread that I can remember ended up proving you WRONG? LOL

How many claims have you made that you have FAILED to support?? All you seem to offer are personal attacks and avoidance as you try to claim someone is wrong even as you never offer proof of any of your own claims and in fact have been proven WRONG several times within this thread.

Somebody butt-fucked you AGAIN and you need to vent?

Try therapy. I don't give sympathy.

see how he attacks and avoids all debate? He can't even have his own standard applied to him. and he calls obama a hypocrite? LOL

Just as expected.
The freepers were using it at the "first rally" and using it in the derogatory sense. By the time you get to to this post, you will see a meeting of the minds by some posters on the issue.

Others, not so much.

I doubt there will be a "meeting of the minds" because most of the righties in this thread never admit that they are wrong. They just spin, avoid and then go away.

Si Modo did.

The others continue their pathetic spin.

she did indeed, then some posts later she thanked other posters who continued the bullshit of the OP.

Of course Obama meant the vulgar epithet. The only reason the Left uses it is because it Is A Vulgar Epithet.

But if you make exceptions for the right wingers who used it without knowing it was vulgar, why wouldn't you extend the same latitude to Obama?

He doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt?

As for the people with the signs that said: "Tea bag the liberal dems before they tea bag you!", I don't think we need to debate what they were trying to say.
So, you're just guessing and presenting that as fact. :rolleyes:

Christ on a cracker. Take that course. You need it.

Actually Mod presented an OPINION as an OPINION and never claimed it to be fact.

Presenting opinion as fact is your MO and is why you get proven wrong so often. LOL
You can't even tell the difference between an opinion and assertion?


Presenting opinion as fact is your MO and is why you get proven wrong so often. LOL

that pretty much says it all.

The sad fact is that you chose, once again to avoid the debate. Mod stated an opinion and instead of debating the content of what was said you avoid the content and attack the poster as usual. LOL That is usually a dead gie away that you have nothing valid to offer.
The Left has used the T-word orders of magnitude more frequently than the few clueless tea partiers did in 2009. The vast majority of Tea Partiers use the Tea Party as their self-identification. The fact that the Left continues to spew the sexual epithet in response to something that happened over a year ago and was abandoned says a great deal about their immaturity, lack of class, and fixation on a sexual fetish (which given their frequent repetition, most certainly remains unfulfilled).

So you've accepted the notion that some on the right were using the term "tea bag" in a pejorative manner?

You had previously denied that.

No, I said that it was not the term used by the vast majority of the Tea Party Movement. One clueless guy set up a website with the term for his personal tea party activities - and a few others used the phrase. The rest have not used it - and have called themselves Tea Partiers. Instead of accepting that the hundreds of other groups around the country use Tea Party, you and your sad little cadre grasp to the T-word with a fetish-like grip.

That says a lot about you, and nothing about the 40M people across the country who self-identify as Tea Party Supporters.

and yet YOU cannot prove that statement. More opinions presented as fact. How typical.
Actually Mod presented an OPINION as an OPINION and never claimed it to be fact.

Presenting opinion as fact is your MO and is why you get proven wrong so often. LOL
You can't even tell the difference between an opinion and assertion?


Presenting opinion as fact is your MO and is why you get proven wrong so often. LOL

that pretty much says it all.

The sad fact is that you chose, once again to avoid the debate. Mod stated an opinion and instead of debating the content of what was said you avoid the content and attack the poster as usual. LOL That is usually a dead gie away that you have nothing valid to offer.

Once again, I've avoided nothing of the sort. The debate happened last week and took place among thinking posters. I don't debate morons who feel some need to cut and paste points made by others days ago.

Maybe you can cut and paste again and parrot away? You show off, you. ;)
and yet YOU cannot prove that statement. More opinions presented as fact. How typical.

I did prove it. I provided links to sites with directories of tea parties. The phrase they use is Tea Party.

You just would rather continue to spew your fetish like some type of Tourette's Victim.

Get help.
Actually it DOES matter and there is a HUGE difference based on the content of this thread and the FALSE claims that he called for civility and THEN called them "tea-baggers" when the timeline doesn't fit that description. PLease do try to keep up. LOL

He's STILL a hypocritical flinger of monkey poo either way. You must be soooooo proud. :lol:

Furthermore, you ASSUME that obama meant the "pornographic epithet" when you have NOTHING BUT YOUR OPINION to support that conclusion and tea partiers used the term themselves at that time. I would add, that he did not PUBLICLY "fling poo" and then call for civility. He allegedly said it in an interview for a book so all you continue to offer is your opinion based SPIN which is light on the substance. However, that really isn't a surprise.

It has already been shown that tea partiers used it first and were talking about tea bagging the white house. The fact that they did not know the alternate meaning has NO bearing on ths discussion and obama only referred to them as some of them did themselves. So in the end you've got NOTHING but right wing propaganda.

It's a bit telling, at least to those of us who do our own thinking, that the guy hasn't slipped up and used the term innocently in public. It's not like he doesn't have nearly non-stop media coverage where he might have slipped up if he didn't understand the word. But no, we have it from a Dem Congressman, second-hand, that he used it in private.
That's incorrect. In April 2009, 750,000 people participated in tea parties - and all you can find are the same few pics of the same few people who were clueless and used the stupid phrase.

The overwhelming majority of the Tea Partiers call themselves Tea Partiers.

Can you prove that claim?? I didn't think so. furthermore, the core of this debate is about what they CALLED themselves in the beginning not what they call themselves now so they can attack obama for a term that was once sude by tea partiers to describe themselves.

The FACT is that it did exist among the tea partiers BEFORE liberals explained it to them and that is a FACT that you cannot change. How widespread is debateable but without evidence to support your claim then based on Si modo's standard you should "be prepared to have it called bullshit" LOL

Wrong moron. A few individuals cluelessly using a phrase are not representative of the hundreds of thousands who used Tea Party.

Pajamas TV tracked the attendance for the hundreds of tea parties across the country last year. The info is no longer on their site; the latest figure I can find is a mention on Pajamas Media.

Pajamas Media PJTV’s Crowd Estimates for Tea Parties Still Climbing

Two of the major sites that helped provide information regarding the location of tea parties are:

Tea Party Patriots | Find Your Local Tea Party

Tax Day Tea Party

Neither one ever labeled the movement with the T-word about which you obsess.

PROVE IT. You love to chime in and tell people that they are wrong even though you agree that they are correct when they say that SOME used it and yet you failed to provide proof of your claims that they are wrong and that the overwhlming majority of the tea partiers CALLLED (past tense) themselves tea partiers and not tea baggers.

So where is your proof??

Your links to their CURRENT websites prove NOTHING about what was USED (past tense) in the past and as usual you have NOTHING.

Oh and calling me names says more about you than it does about me. LOL
Yes. The frequency with which some of you leftwing whackjobs repeat the T-word is indicative of some type of mental disorder. Tourette's is a possibility - it does cause some suffers to blurt out obscenities.
Of course Obama meant the vulgar epithet. The only reason the Left uses it is because it Is A Vulgar Epithet.

That is merely an OPINION that you are trying to apply to the whole even though only a few actually mean it that way.

How come you guys get to do that but the left does not??

talk about being hypocrtical, you take the cake. LOL

this whole thread is about how obama and the left are wrong to use a name that was used by some of the tea partiers to the whole and then you go an assign a belief to the whole of liberals based on your own biased opinions. LOL

Thanks for the hypocrisy. LOL
^^^ Another whinger who can't stand to be held accountable for his own words.

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