Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Without reading this entire thread, you all do realize it was the righty's who first coined the term teabagger....dont you?

Yeah they realize it but since it counters their spin, which was to originally try to claim that rachel maddow was the first to apply it to the tea party in april, despite the FACT that there is evidence in the very broadcast from april that shows that tea partiers used the term FIRST, the righties wish to ignore the FACT that they were shown to be WRONG and their spin has been completely countered.

Then you have the fact that the OP was based on LIES.

They try to claim that obama requested civility and THEN referred to the tea partiers as "tea-baggers" and yet the comment that obama made calling them "tea-baggers" was made WAAAAAY back in 2009 according to the OP's own source and his call for civility cam last week.

So all of the attacks that came from the righties in this thread were based solely on right wing propaganda that they swallowed whole, like the good little lemmings we all know them to be, and ran with it.

As usual the righties have NOTHING and yet continue to talk. LOL
The Left has used the T-word orders of magnitude more frequently than the few clueless tea partiers did in 2009. The vast majority of Tea Partiers use the Tea Party as their self-identification. The fact that the Left continues to spew the sexual epithet in response to something that happened over a year ago and was abandoned says a great deal about their immaturity, lack of class, and fixation on a sexual fetish (which given their frequent repetition, most certainly remains unfulfilled).
Well, exactly. We've got 25 pages of liberal deflections and not one legitimate explanation for why the President of the United States CHOOSES to debase American citizens and then lecture to them about "civility". :rolleyes:

The guy's a low-life, no-class, flinger of monkey poo, and unworthy of his office.

And his supporters are no better. You'd think people would be less willing to compromise their own integrity than to stand up for such an obvious hypocrite... but hey, after the past year and a half, I can't say I'm really surprised.

Acrtually you are trying to attack obama based on propaganda.

According to the article obama used the term tea bagger in 2009 and the book wasn't published until 2010 which is when the comment on civility was made, so obama used the term MONTHS BEFORE he called for civility not AFTER. So the point of this thread is that the right has no REAL point but are trying to make it up as they go along.

Propaganda?? Are Democrat Congressmen, the source of the story, engaging in "propaganda" against their own party these days? :eusa_whistle:

Seriously. Get real. Your guy gets a head-start on 'flinging the monkey poo'... and THEN wants to jump back and say "Ho, ho.... hold up there... no need to be flinging monkey poo." THAT's your mitigating factor?... that HE started it? :lol:

This guy has had a nasty attitude toward dissenting American citizens since before he took office, or do we forget how the flyover peoples are just "bitter clingers"? And he hasn't let up yet. So, his hypocritical ass can get bent on the subject of "civility" as far as I'm concerned.

As I said, he's an embarrassment to his office, utterly lacking in self-control and unable to resist an opportunity to fling some poo for the simple joy of poo-flinging. One would think he'd send out his toadies to do his dirty work like any other mob boss. But no, he enjoys the dirt.

What are you babbling about??

The FACT is that the OP and several righties in this thread have tried to attack obama based on the FALSE claim that he called for civility and THEN called tea partiers "tea baggers" and YET the FACTS show that the tea-bagger comment in question was made back in 2009, back when tea partiers were calling themselves tea baggers, and his call for civility was made just last week.

So YEAH, this whole attack thread is based on right wing propaganda and your spin and baseless opinions won't change that FACT.
The Left has used the T-word orders of magnitude more frequently than the few clueless tea partiers did in 2009. The vast majority of Tea Partiers use the Tea Party as their self-identification. The fact that the Left continues to spew the sexual epithet in response to something that happened over a year ago and was abandoned says a great deal about their immaturity, lack of class, and fixation on a sexual fetish (which given their frequent repetition, most certainly remains unfulfilled).

So you've accepted the notion that some on the right were using the term "tea bag" in a pejorative manner?

You had previously denied that.
Calling us "TeaBagger" is fucking knowingly offensive and as long as anyone does it I will respond in kind.

That's all I'm saying.

So you are going to call anyone who calls you a "tea-bagger" a "tea-bagger?"


What's funny is that all you usually offer to a thread are baseless personal attacks and offensive comments so that for you is hardly anything NEW. However, it's hilarious that you would try to back track and use that as an excuse to CYA over your almost always offensive posts. LOL
Calling us "TeaBagger" is fucking knowingly offensive and as long as anyone does it I will respond in kind.

That's all I'm saying.

Except I wasn't calling you a teabagger.

By the way, man up there princess. :thup:

But you trotted out the "Some Conservative once used the phrase" bullshit excuse.

Stating a FACT is hardly what an honest person would call a "BS excuse." but then since when have you ever been honest.

BTW still waiting on you to prove your claims in this thread
and if you can't i am sure that you will post and admit that you were wrong. LOL
Calling us "TeaBagger" is fucking knowingly offensive and as long as anyone does it I will respond in kind.

That's all I'm saying.

Then, why did Tea Party people call themselves Teabaggers in the beginning?

They never did, I know, I am a proud member of the tea party and have been since the get-go. We have always called ourselves TEA PARTIERS NOT TEA BAGGERS.

You are considered a racist or a tea-bagger if you disagree with the SOCIALIST OBAMA and his agenda, and we can all see how socialism has worked in Greece with street rioting going on over there and the total and complete collapse of their country. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

WOW more strawman arguments.

NO ONE considers you a racist merely because you disagree with obama but thanks for showing that you believe it's oka to falsely label obama even as you attack him for accurately labeling tea partiers back in 2009 when he made that comment.

Where racism comes into is when you have people post comments like this,

That's his ebonics.

who bring racism into the discussion and then when called out for it are defended by right wing trolls who try to claim that the left is palying the race card for calling out a righty for being racist.

BTW I posted this earlier and didn't get a response from the righties, i can't imagine why?

drsmith1072 said:
Calling someone a socialist based on policies that have been used or recommended in the past by non-socialist republicans in an attempt to gain politically is far worse than using a name whose double meaning was used by the very group who are only now upset with it because they think that they can use it to gain politically.

What "socialist" policies are you talking about?? Please explain.
In closing, because I'm done debating this, call me or the Tea Party "TeaBaggers" and I respond in kind.

Tea Party is not just about taxes, is about letting not letting Marxists sink the final harpoon into American freedoms and the country we once knew

Debating this? We're not debating the facts here Frank, you are trying to however. You're the type of person who likes to dish and spew some hatred, but even at the possibility of getting back in kind, you can't handle it. If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen princess.

By the way, Tea Parties are about getting Big Government Republicans into office so they can continue to shove their agenda onto others, whether they like it or not. You and the others can try to hide behind the whole "Obama's a Marxist" crap, but then you go and complain he's taking bribes and contributions from all these capitalist companies.

The amount of doublethink involved for you to even post here must be so ridiculous that you can no longer even tell what left and right is due to being so blinded by your partisan hackery. War is Peace to you Frank, and it's quite a sad sight to see.

My only regret about the tea parties are people like Pilgrim being roped into them, because they see it as their own opportunity as to make a difference with the two party death grip that the Democrats and Republicans have on Washington D.C. and in the states currently. However, they are battling against the more vocal side of the tea party, the part that supports people like Palin, Bush, and Bachmann. And in that aspect, the tea party isn't that much different as a whole than the Republican Party. Two battles going on for the souls of these groups.

'Getting Republicans into office'? :lol: Right. That's why they run against them and just adore Graham, McConnell, Kyl, and Boehner.

Uh correct me if I am wrong but aren't you running republicans against republicans in the primary?? If you wish to claim the tea party as an actually party then go about establishing it as a party and actually running candidates as tea party candidates or even independents.
However, until then and as long as you choose to run them as republcians you are "getting republicans into office" and returning the same republican leadership to power that expanded the size of government when they last had the power.
That simply isn't true. But keep trying.

Or, don't parrot what you read somewhere and think for yourself.

It most certainly is true. Why the hell would the tea partiers as a whole support Sarah Palin over Gary Johnston then? That's a Republican I can get behind and vote for in 2012. Least what I've heard from him and read on his website so far.
Ummm. Palin is not running for a thing. :rolleyes:

And, FYI, if you make a claim, support it. Otherwise be prepared to have it called bullshit.

Says the loser who NEVER supports any claim that he makes. LOL

The one website that you posted in this thread that I can remember ended up proving you WRONG? LOL

How many claims have you made that you have FAILED to support?? All you seem to offer are personal attacks and avoidance as you try to claim someone is wrong even as you never offer proof of any of your own claims and in fact have been proven WRONG several times within this thread.
Biting again the hand that feeds you? Hypocrite. Yes, membes of the Tea Party used the term long before it was gleefully appropriated by the liberals to have fun with you guys when you act the morons.

That's incorrect. In April 2009, 750,000 people participated in tea parties - and all you can find are the same few pics of the same few people who were clueless and used the stupid phrase.

The overwhelming majority of the Tea Partiers call themselves Tea Partiers.

Can you prove that claim?? I didn't think so. furthermore, the core of this debate is about what they CALLED themselves in the beginning not what they call themselves now so they can attack obama for a term that was once sude by tea partiers to describe themselves.

The FACT is that it did exist among the tea partiers BEFORE liberals explained it to them and that is a FACT that you cannot change. How widespread is debateable but without evidence to support your claim then based on Si modo's standard you should "be prepared to have it called bullshit" LOL
Biting again the hand that feeds you? Hypocrite. Yes, membes of the Tea Party used the term long before it was gleefully appropriated by the liberals to have fun with you guys when you act the morons.

That's incorrect. In April 2009, 750,000 people participated in tea parties - and all you can find are the same few pics of the same few people who were clueless and used the stupid phrase.

The overwhelming majority of the Tea Partiers call themselves Tea Partiers.

Can you prove that claim?? I didn't think so. furthermore, the core of this debate is about what they CALLED themselves in the beginning not what they call themselves now so they can attack obama for a term that was once sude by tea partiers to describe themselves.

The FACT is that it did exist among the tea partiers BEFORE liberals explained it to them and that is a FACT that you cannot change. How widespread is debateable but without evidence to support your claim then based on Si modo's standard you should "be prepared to have it called bullshit" LOL

The freepers were using it at the "first rally" and using it in the derogatory sense. By the time you get to to this post, you will see a meeting of the minds by some posters on the issue.

Others, not so much.
Acrtually you are trying to attack obama based on propaganda.

According to the article obama used the term tea bagger in 2009 and the book wasn't published until 2010 which is when the comment on civility was made, so obama used the term MONTHS BEFORE he called for civility not AFTER. So the point of this thread is that the right has no REAL point but are trying to make it up as they go along.

Propaganda?? Are Democrat Congressmen, the source of the story, engaging in "propaganda" against their own party these days? :eusa_whistle:

Seriously. Get real. Your guy gets a head-start on 'flinging the monkey poo'... and THEN wants to jump back and say "Ho, ho.... hold up there... no need to be flinging monkey poo." THAT's your mitigating factor?... that HE started it? :lol:

This guy has had a nasty attitude toward dissenting American citizens since before he took office, or do we forget how the flyover peoples are just "bitter clingers"? And he hasn't let up yet. So, his hypocritical ass can get bent on the subject of "civility" as far as I'm concerned.

As I said, he's an embarrassment to his office, utterly lacking in self-control and unable to resist an opportunity to fling some poo for the simple joy of poo-flinging. One would think he'd send out his toadies to do his dirty work like any other mob boss. But no, he enjoys the dirt.

What are you babbling about??

The FACT is that the OP and several righties in this thread have tried to attack obama based on the FALSE claim that he called for civility and THEN called tea partiers "tea baggers" and YET the FACTS show that the tea-bagger comment in question was made back in 2009, back when tea partiers were calling themselves tea baggers, and his call for civility was made just last week.

So YEAH, this whole attack thread is based on right wing propaganda and your spin and baseless opinions won't change that FACT.

Can you not grasp, Mr. Thickie, that it doesn't matter? There's not a hair's difference between the guy referring to American citizens by a pornagraphic epithet before or after his lip-service to "civility". Either way, he's guilty of hypocrisy.

You seem to be under the impression that you've happened upon some magical reason, based on timing, for why the President of the United States shouldn't be criticized for being a hypocritical potty-mouth. But it couldn't have escaped even his august attention that he'd already been engaged in poo-flinging before his grand call to "civility". What that amounts to is... "Do as I say, not as I do".
It most certainly is true. Why the hell would the tea partiers as a whole support Sarah Palin over Gary Johnston then? That's a Republican I can get behind and vote for in 2012. Least what I've heard from him and read on his website so far.
Ummm. Palin is not running for a thing. :rolleyes:

And, FYI, if you make a claim, support it. Otherwise be prepared to have it called bullshit.

Says the loser who NEVER supports any claim that he makes. LOL

The one website that you posted in this thread that I can remember ended up proving you WRONG? LOL

How many claims have you made that you have FAILED to support?? All you seem to offer are personal attacks and avoidance as you try to claim someone is wrong even as you never offer proof of any of your own claims and in fact have been proven WRONG several times within this thread.

Somebody butt-fucked you AGAIN and you need to vent?

Try therapy. I don't give sympathy.
Ummm. Palin is not running for a thing. :rolleyes:

And, FYI, if you make a claim, support it. Otherwise be prepared to have it called bullshit.

Of course, it's a what if type of poll. It's not quite 2012 yet, I was using 2012 as a example.

However, any group that has favorable ratings of both Palin and Bush is certainly going to be pushing for putting in more Republicans.
So, you're just guessing and presenting that as fact. :rolleyes:

Christ on a cracker. Take that course. You need it.

Actually Mod presented an OPINION as an OPINION and never claimed it to be fact.

Presenting opinion as fact is your MO and is why you get proven wrong so often. LOL
Of course, it's a what if type of poll. It's not quite 2012 yet, I was using 2012 as a example.

However, any group that has favorable ratings of both Palin and Bush is certainly going to be pushing for putting in more Republicans.
So, you're just guessing and presenting that as fact. :rolleyes:

Christ on a cracker. Take that course. You need it.

Actually Mod presented an OPINION as an OPINION and never claimed it to be fact.

Presenting opinion as fact is your MO and is why you get proven wrong so often. LOL
You can't even tell the difference between an opinion and assertion?

That's incorrect. In April 2009, 750,000 people participated in tea parties - and all you can find are the same few pics of the same few people who were clueless and used the stupid phrase.

The overwhelming majority of the Tea Partiers call themselves Tea Partiers.

Misdirection. I wrote "members of the Tea Party used the term long before . . .", however you are correct those who used in your group were "clueless and used the stupid phrase."

Wrong bub. You are attempting, unsuccessfully, to portray the T-word as a common phrase with which the Tea Party Movement self identified. You found a few pics of a few misguided people. The Lefties use the phrase orders of magnitude more often than any one in the Tea Party, which just proves that you are obsessed with sucking on sweaty male balls. Not that there is anything wrong with that - just don't assume that everyone else celebrates your festish.

You don't seem to understand the concept of time.

You refer to CURRENT statements/beliefs and believe that they apply to the PAST events such as back when some tea partiers used the term before they realized it's double meaning and it just doesn't work that way. You admit that SOME did it, so that is an agreed upon FACT therefore claiming that some tea partiers used the term is CORRECT. However, you presenting an unsubstantiated OPINION that jake is wrong merely because you believe it to be the case as you attack him personally is NOT a valid argument.
Except that they don't want the same sort of Republicans. So if they can influence the sort of candidates who run, then they will have produced a change.

That's right, they want Republicans who are more right wing. I wonder what's going to happen when tea party candidate views on social issues start conflicting with the small government mantra. Get the spin machine ready for that one. :thup:

I see it as a movement more interested in fiscal conservatism, and less about social conservatism.

I have a friend who is running as a tea party candidate locally based on his ficsal beliefs in the hopes that his opponent won't bring up some of the social issues he sits squarely in the left on. I just don't see it happening and i don't see it working well nationally. When push comes to shove people want to know where you stand on most issues.

Hoping that no one talks about them and only focuses on the issues your candidate fairs better with is beyond belief.
The Left has used the T-word orders of magnitude more frequently than the few clueless tea partiers did in 2009. The vast majority of Tea Partiers use the Tea Party as their self-identification. The fact that the Left continues to spew the sexual epithet in response to something that happened over a year ago and was abandoned says a great deal about their immaturity, lack of class, and fixation on a sexual fetish (which given their frequent repetition, most certainly remains unfulfilled).

So you've accepted the notion that some on the right were using the term "tea bag" in a pejorative manner?

You had previously denied that.

No, I said that it was not the term used by the vast majority of the Tea Party Movement. One clueless guy set up a website with the term for his personal tea party activities - and a few others used the phrase. The rest have not used it - and have called themselves Tea Partiers. Instead of accepting that the hundreds of other groups around the country use Tea Party, you and your sad little cadre grasp to the T-word with a fetish-like grip.

That says a lot about you, and nothing about the 40M people across the country who self-identify as Tea Party Supporters.
The Left has used the T-word orders of magnitude more frequently than the few clueless tea partiers did in 2009. The vast majority of Tea Partiers use the Tea Party as their self-identification. The fact that the Left continues to spew the sexual epithet in response to something that happened over a year ago and was abandoned says a great deal about their immaturity, lack of class, and fixation on a sexual fetish (which given their frequent repetition, most certainly remains unfulfilled).

as if righties have NEVER taken anything that someone the left has either said or done and applied it to the WHOLE as they laugh at and make fun of them?? Clinton asking to define the word "is" for example. How long have righties used any number of clinton faux pas to attack the left as a whole??
This is the way the world works, your side screws up and does something stupid and after you have berated the other side you don't get to call a "time out" and decide what is off limits when it puts you in a negative light.
Grow up, you don't get to change the rules merely because you are losing. LOL

Again, what they NOW CHOOSE to USE and what they ONCE CHOSE to USED in the past are TWO completely different things.
That's incorrect. In April 2009, 750,000 people participated in tea parties - and all you can find are the same few pics of the same few people who were clueless and used the stupid phrase.

The overwhelming majority of the Tea Partiers call themselves Tea Partiers.

Can you prove that claim?? I didn't think so. furthermore, the core of this debate is about what they CALLED themselves in the beginning not what they call themselves now so they can attack obama for a term that was once sude by tea partiers to describe themselves.

The FACT is that it did exist among the tea partiers BEFORE liberals explained it to them and that is a FACT that you cannot change. How widespread is debateable but without evidence to support your claim then based on Si modo's standard you should "be prepared to have it called bullshit" LOL

The freepers were using it at the "first rally" and using it in the derogatory sense. By the time you get to to this post, you will see a meeting of the minds by some posters on the issue.

Others, not so much.

I doubt there will be a "meeting of the minds" because most of the righties in this thread never admit that they are wrong. They just spin, avoid and then go away.

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