Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

No, I said that it was not the term used by the vast majority of the Tea Party Movement. One clueless guy set up a website with the term for his personal tea party activities - and a few others used the phrase. The rest have not used it - and have called themselves Tea Partiers. Instead of accepting that the hundreds of other groups around the country use Tea Party, you and your sad little cadre grasp to the T-word with a fetish-like grip.

That says a lot about you, and nothing about the 40M people across the country who self-identify as Tea Party Supporters.

LMFAO. How embarrassing it must be for you to have to admit that the term "tea bag" and the use of it by the freepers in the pejorative sense pre-dates liberals using it to mock you guys.

As I said, I don't doubt that the people who used it in a pejorative sense among the right was a small number, but it still existed. Unlike your prior claims that it was a creation of the liberals that reflected their sexual deviance.

Like I said, you live by the "we are completely decentralized" mantra, you die by it.

Now embrace it. Teabagger.

denial ain't just a river in egypt you know. LOL
I doubt there will be a "meeting of the minds" because most of the righties in this thread never admit that they are wrong. They just spin, avoid and then go away.

Si Modo did.

The others continue their pathetic spin.

she did indeed, then some posts later she thanked other posters who continued the bullshit of the OP.


my problem with Si is that even though proven wrong it continues to rant as if it is never wrong. It attacks to avoid arguments that it knows it can't win and that is about all i ever see it "contribute" to a thread.
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Of course Obama meant the vulgar epithet. The only reason the Left uses it is because it Is A Vulgar Epithet.

But if you make exceptions for the right wingers who used it without knowing it was vulgar, why wouldn't you extend the same latitude to Obama?

He doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt?

As for the people with the signs that said: "Tea bag the liberal dems before they tea bag you!", I don't think we need to debate what they were trying to say.

PURE HYPOCRISY at it's worst that is all you are getting. As usual the right has different standards for others than they do their own.
Yes. The frequency with which some of you leftwing whackjobs repeat the T-word is indicative of some type of mental disorder. Tourette's is a possibility - it does cause some suffers to blurt out obscenities.

Other than the popular stereotypes behind it, you know nothing about Tourette's do you?

BTW coprolalia is only found in 20% of person's with Tourettes and doesn't follow any sort of logical pattern (i.e. name calling).

Guess that blows your diagnostic criteria out of the water, huh?

What are the other options on your differential?

If you were a real Doctor, and not someone who plays one on a messageboard, you'd know that you couldn't meet the diagnostic criteria for tourettes without observing someone directly, since motor dysfunction is the most pervasive symptom.

But is sure is fun to act smart, isn't it?
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So sorry for trying to explore a physical condition that might cause their vulgarity.

Looks like the only other plausible theory is that they are just Tacky Boors who enjoy insulting people with sexual epithets.
So sorry for trying to explore a physical condition that might cause their vulgarity.

Looks like the only other plausible theory is that they are just Tacky Boors who enjoy insulting people with sexual epithets.

That works with me. Just so long as you realize how idiotic you look when you try and play shrink on the internet.
You can't even tell the difference between an opinion and assertion?


Presenting opinion as fact is your MO and is why you get proven wrong so often. LOL

that pretty much says it all.

The sad fact is that you chose, once again to avoid the debate. Mod stated an opinion and instead of debating the content of what was said you avoid the content and attack the poster as usual. LOL That is usually a dead gie away that you have nothing valid to offer.

Once again, I've avoided nothing of the sort. The debate happened last week and took place among thinking posters. I don't debate morons who feel some need to cut and paste points made by others days ago.

Maybe you can cut and paste again and parrot away? You show off, you. ;)

Once again you are avoiding the debate as you chime in to attack me. I have said many things that were NOT debated last week and you avoid those comments and the content of my post as you ONLY reply to attack and avoid. In this instance MOD made an argument and instead of debating what was actually said you avoided the debate and tried to attack the poster. It is what you do.

So go ahead and run away from debates you can't win. After all it's all that you appear to be capable of.
You lost the debate, if you can call one side providing facts while you and your lefty pals spew the t-word a debate, long ago, bub.
and yet YOU cannot prove that statement. More opinions presented as fact. How typical.

I did prove it. I provided links to sites with directories of tea parties. The phrase they use is Tea Party.

You just would rather continue to spew your fetish like some type of Tourette's Victim.

Get help.

OMG please take a class and learn how time works.

What they CURRENTLY USE (present tense) has no bearing on what they USED (past tense) in the PAST.

The only real reason I used the term "tea-baggers" was because I thought it was hilarious that some tea partiers used it and didn't understand what they were saying when they talked about "tea bagging" the white house. I was laughing at their IGNORANCE. Now that these same people find their own comments and ignorance embarrassing they want it to just go away. Sorry but that is not how reality works. Righties make fun of things lefties do and now that you are on the receiving end you whine.

However, thanks for showing your dishonesty as you try to lump me in and claim that I have a fetish so you can avoid the fact that you haven't proven your claims concerning what was USED (past tense).
Wrong bub. The Vast Majority of the Tea Party Movement never ever used the T-word to describe themselves.

Yet you desperately cling to the T-word like it's a soggy, dogged eared, over-used Hustler magazine. It's worn out - but you still obsess about it. Get help.
Actually it DOES matter and there is a HUGE difference based on the content of this thread and the FALSE claims that he called for civility and THEN called them "tea-baggers" when the timeline doesn't fit that description. PLease do try to keep up. LOL

He's STILL a hypocritical flinger of monkey poo either way. You must be soooooo proud. :lol:

Nope, he is NOT but thanks for your OPINION. LOL

It's a bit telling, at least to those of us who do our own thinking, that the guy hasn't slipped up and used the term innocently in public. It's not like he doesn't have nearly non-stop media coverage where he might have slipped up if he didn't understand the word. But no, we have it from a Dem Congressman, second-hand, that he used it in private.

do your own thinking?? and yet you are ranting on in a thread started by right wing bloggers as you repeat right wing talking points and propaganda. LOL So much for doing your own thinking.
You assume with nothing of substance to support your assumption and allyou are left with is NOTHING. See Si modo for his standard on being called out for BS. LOL
Actually it DOES matter and there is a HUGE difference based on the content of this thread and the FALSE claims that he called for civility and THEN called them "tea-baggers" when the timeline doesn't fit that description. PLease do try to keep up. LOL

He's STILL a hypocritical flinger of monkey poo either way. You must be soooooo proud. :lol:

Nope, he is NOT but thanks for your OPINION. LOL

It's a bit telling, at least to those of us who do our own thinking, that the guy hasn't slipped up and used the term innocently in public. It's not like he doesn't have nearly non-stop media coverage where he might have slipped up if he didn't understand the word. But no, we have it from a Dem Congressman, second-hand, that he used it in private.

do your own thinking?? and yet you are ranting on in a thread started by right wing bloggers as you repeat right wing talking points and propaganda. LOL So much for doing your own thinking.
You assume with nothing of substance to support your assumption and allyou are left with is NOTHING. See Si modo for his standard on being called out for BS. LOL


:lol: Well, it's not like I had high hopes for you peeling your lips off Obama's ass for long enough to notice that his behavior is rude, partisan, hypocritical, and un-presidential.

But, you folks keep doing what you're doing. It only highlights the ugliness of what your party stands for. 'Cause if you think anyone besides dyed-in-the-wool Obots give a crap about whether it's before or after his bogus pleas for "civility" that Obama badmouths American citizens... you can wish in one hand and spit in the other at election time.
Yes. The frequency with which some of you leftwing whackjobs repeat the T-word is indicative of some type of mental disorder. Tourette's is a possibility - it does cause some suffers to blurt out obscenities.

Actually what is more representative of a mental disorder is the obsession that righites have as they try to make something out of nothing on a regular basis in a vain attempt to justify their bias against a democrat president and the left when they gave a republican president and the right a pass when the right engaged in some of the very tactics that the righties are ALLEGEDLY so upset about.
.... The rest have not used it - and have called themselves Tea Partiers. ....

and yet YOU cannot prove that statement. More opinions presented as fact. How typical.
LMFAO! The moron wants you to prove a negative.

What an idiot he is.

aww more baselss attacks. Thanks for once again showing that is all you have to offer.

BTW in case you missed it that is my point. If you can't prove a claim then why make it??
If you know that it is a negative to begin with then you know that you can't prove it. So in other words making a comment that you know can't prove and will avoid even attempting to is only further proof of the dishonesty of the poster who makes said claim and then hides behind "you can't prove a negative" so he can avoid admitting that he was WRONG.

It's really simple, if you can't PROVE a claim then don't make it. LOL
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^^^ Another whinger who can't stand to be held accountable for his own words.

was your post supposed to be a response to this

drsmith1072 said:
That is merely an OPINION that you are trying to apply to the whole even though only a few actually mean it that way.

How come you guys get to do that but the left does not??

talk about being hypocrtical, you take the cake. LOL

this whole thread is about how obama and the left are wrong to use a name that was used by some of the tea partiers to the whole and then you go an assign a belief to the whole of liberals based on your own biased opinions. LOL

Thanks for the hypocrisy. LOL

If so thanks for the hypocrisy.

You attribute a standard to the left as a whole with no justification even as you are trying to attack the left as you accuse them of assigning a name to the tea party as a whole. LOL

so based on that the "whinger who can't stand to be held accountable for his own words" is YOU.
So sorry for trying to explore a physical condition that might cause their vulgarity.

Looks like the only other plausible theory is that they are just Tacky Boors who enjoy insulting people with sexual epithets.

says the poster who is obsessed with trying to assign a "tea-bagging" obsession to a group who has no such obsession merely because they wish to laugh at ignorant righties. LOL

The fact that YOU are the one focusing on the sexual definition of the term shows that YOU are the one with the obsession.

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