Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

and yet YOU cannot prove that statement. More opinions presented as fact. How typical.
LMFAO! The moron wants you to prove a negative.

What an idiot he is.

aww more baselss attacks. Thanks for once again showing that is all you have to offer.

BTW in case you missed it that is my point. If you can't prove a claim then why make it??
If you know that it is a negative to begin with then you know that you can't prove it. So in other words making a comment that you know can't prove and will avoid even attempting to is only further proof of the dishonesty of the poster who makes said claim and then hides behind "you can't prove a negative" so he can avoid admitting that he was WRONG.

It's really simple, if you can't PROVE a claim then don't make it. LOL

Cute. YOU ask someone to prove a negative, get called on the moronic nature of doing so, then try to tell use you know it was moronic to ask all along.


But, cute....I guess.
Presenting opinion as fact is your MO and is why you get proven wrong so often. LOL

that pretty much says it all.

The sad fact is that you chose, once again to avoid the debate. Mod stated an opinion and instead of debating the content of what was said you avoid the content and attack the poster as usual. LOL That is usually a dead gie away that you have nothing valid to offer.

Once again, I've avoided nothing of the sort. The debate happened last week and took place among thinking posters. I don't debate morons who feel some need to cut and paste points made by others days ago.

Maybe you can cut and paste again and parrot away? You show off, you. ;)

Once again you are avoiding the debate as you chime in to attack me. I have said many things that were NOT debated last week and you avoid those comments and the content of my post as you ONLY reply to attack and avoid. In this instance MOD made an argument and instead of debating what was actually said you avoided the debate and tried to attack the poster. It is what you do.

So go ahead and run away from debates you can't win. After all it's all that you appear to be capable of.

Polly want a cracker?

You lost the debate, if you can call one side providing facts while you and your lefty pals spew the t-word a debate, long ago, bub.

Actually the debate of this thread was lost by you righties and yet despite that FACT you continue to rant on. In the end all you have to offer is to call people names and pretend that you are making a real argument when all you have presented are unsubstantiated OPINIONS.
LMFAO! The moron wants you to prove a negative.

What an idiot he is.

aww more baselss attacks. Thanks for once again showing that is all you have to offer.

BTW in case you missed it that is my point. If you can't prove a claim then why make it??
If you know that it is a negative to begin with then you know that you can't prove it. So in other words making a comment that you know can't prove and will avoid even attempting to is only further proof of the dishonesty of the poster who makes said claim and then hides behind "you can't prove a negative" so he can avoid admitting that he was WRONG.

It's really simple, if you can't PROVE a claim then don't make it. LOL

Cute. YOU ask someone to prove a negative, get called on the moronic nature of doing so, then try to tell use you know it was moronic to ask all along.


But, cute....I guess.

maybe you should read the thread.
Wrong bub. The Vast Majority of the Tea Party Movement never ever used the T-word to describe themselves.

Yet you desperately cling to the T-word like it's a soggy, dogged eared, over-used Hustler magazine. It's worn out - but you still obsess about it. Get help.

Still making claims that you can't prove, how typical.

Furthermore, I am not obssessed with the "t-word" but you sure seem to be.
The funny thing is that you attack the left claiming that they are sexually obsessed even as you rant on about a "soggy, dogged eared, over-used Hustler magazine" and based on your description it would appear that you have some experience in that area. LOL
He's STILL a hypocritical flinger of monkey poo either way. You must be soooooo proud. :lol:

Nope, he is NOT but thanks for your OPINION. LOL

It's a bit telling, at least to those of us who do our own thinking, that the guy hasn't slipped up and used the term innocently in public. It's not like he doesn't have nearly non-stop media coverage where he might have slipped up if he didn't understand the word. But no, we have it from a Dem Congressman, second-hand, that he used it in private.

do your own thinking?? and yet you are ranting on in a thread started by right wing bloggers as you repeat right wing talking points and propaganda. LOL So much for doing your own thinking.
You assume with nothing of substance to support your assumption and allyou are left with is NOTHING. See Si modo for his standard on being called out for BS. LOL


:lol: Well, it's not like I had high hopes for you peeling your lips off Obama's ass for long enough to notice that his behavior is rude, partisan, hypocritical, and un-presidential.

But, you folks keep doing what you're doing. It only highlights the ugliness of what your party stands for. 'Cause if you think anyone besides dyed-in-the-wool Obots give a crap about whether it's before or after his bogus pleas for "civility" that Obama badmouths American citizens... you can wish in one hand and spit in the other at election time.

Aww how typical, You can't deal with the facts so you continue to attack in lieu of a real argument.

Furthermore, of course hypocritical dishonest hacks like you could care less because as usual you hacks will try to make something out of nothing anytime the opportunity presents itself.
However, my guess is that when HONEST people view the FACT that this situation is being portrayed dishonestly by you hypocrtical righties that they will choose not to follow your blind partisan rants.

Still waiting on proof of your assumptions. You have it don't you?? You wouldn't make a claim that you can't prove would you??
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LMFAO! The moron wants you to prove a negative.

What an idiot he is.

aww more baselss attacks. Thanks for once again showing that is all you have to offer.

BTW in case you missed it that is my point. If you can't prove a claim then why make it??
If you know that it is a negative to begin with then you know that you can't prove it. So in other words making a comment that you know can't prove and will avoid even attempting to is only further proof of the dishonesty of the poster who makes said claim and then hides behind "you can't prove a negative" so he can avoid admitting that he was WRONG.

It's really simple, if you can't PROVE a claim then don't make it. LOL

Cute. YOU ask someone to prove a negative, get called on the moronic nature of doing so, then try to tell use you know it was moronic to ask all along.


But, cute....I guess.

The fact that you (in general) present an argument that you know that you can't prove says far more about YOU than it does me for asking you to be honest.

It's really simple, if you can't PROVE a claim then don't make it.

and if you present a negative that you know you can't prove and then hide behind "you can't prove a negative" when asked to prove your claim then you are nothing but a dishonest hack.

Your dishonesty has NO bearing on me.

Thanks for the spin. LOL
Once again, I've avoided nothing of the sort. The debate happened last week and took place among thinking posters. I don't debate morons who feel some need to cut and paste points made by others days ago.

Maybe you can cut and paste again and parrot away? You show off, you. ;)

Once again you are avoiding the debate as you chime in to attack me. I have said many things that were NOT debated last week and you avoid those comments and the content of my post as you ONLY reply to attack and avoid. In this instance MOD made an argument and instead of debating what was actually said you avoided the debate and tried to attack the poster. It is what you do.

So go ahead and run away from debates you can't win. After all it's all that you appear to be capable of.

Polly want a cracker?


LOL It's not my problem that you lack the intelligence to debate a topic and instead feel the need to attack the messenger in a vain attempt to CYA as you avoid a debate.
If you don't like being called out for it when you do it, which seems to be all of the time, then change your tactics. LOL
aww more baselss attacks. Thanks for once again showing that is all you have to offer.

BTW in case you missed it that is my point. If you can't prove a claim then why make it??
If you know that it is a negative to begin with then you know that you can't prove it. So in other words making a comment that you know can't prove and will avoid even attempting to is only further proof of the dishonesty of the poster who makes said claim and then hides behind "you can't prove a negative" so he can avoid admitting that he was WRONG.

It's really simple, if you can't PROVE a claim then don't make it. LOL

Cute. YOU ask someone to prove a negative, get called on the moronic nature of doing so, then try to tell use you know it was moronic to ask all along.


But, cute....I guess.

The fact that you (in general) present an argument that you know that you can't prove says far more about YOU than it does me for asking you to be honest.

It's really simple, if you can't PROVE a claim then don't make it.

and if you present a negative that you know you can't prove and then hide behind "you can't prove a negative" when asked to prove your claim then you are nothing but a dishonest hack.

Your dishonesty has NO bearing on me.

Thanks for the spin. LOL

Damn, even the simplist things escape you.

FYI, I did not make the post that prompted you to ask that a negative be proven. :cuckoo:

I'm just pointing out your lack of logic in doing so. Sorry about your butt hurt.

Wow. The stupid is thick with you.
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Cute. YOU ask someone to prove a negative, get called on the moronic nature of doing so, then try to tell use you know it was moronic to ask all along.


But, cute....I guess.

The fact that you (in general) present an argument that you know that you can't prove says far more about YOU than it does me for asking you to be honest.

It's really simple, if you can't PROVE a claim then don't make it.

and if you present a negative that you know you can't prove and then hide behind "you can't prove a negative" when asked to prove your claim then you are nothing but a dishonest hack.

Your dishonesty has NO bearing on me.

Thanks for the spin. LOL

Damn, even the simplist things escape you.

FYI, I did not make the post that prompted you to ask that a negative be proven. :cuckoo:

I'm just pointing out your lack of logic in doing so. Sorry about your butt hurt.

Wow. The stupid is thick with you.

WOW talk about simple things escaping, in case you missed it, and it's obvious that you did, I made sure to state that i was not speaking of you specifically in response to the post. Which is why I clearly said "you (in general)" because I knew that would be YOUR avoidance response and yet in your zeal to attack me personally that simplest of things escaped YOU. LOL

I know you did not make the post and my point that you should not make a claim that you know that you can't prove still stands. Even though it does not apply to you in this instance it does apply to you within this thread.

So once again you choose to attack and avoid the debate as well as ignore what was actually said.

Thanks for the spin AGAIN but as usual you fall well short of the mark. LOL
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Nope, he is NOT but thanks for your OPINION. LOL

do your own thinking?? and yet you are ranting on in a thread started by right wing bloggers as you repeat right wing talking points and propaganda. LOL So much for doing your own thinking.
You assume with nothing of substance to support your assumption and allyou are left with is NOTHING. See Si modo for his standard on being called out for BS. LOL


:lol: Well, it's not like I had high hopes for you peeling your lips off Obama's ass for long enough to notice that his behavior is rude, partisan, hypocritical, and un-presidential.

But, you folks keep doing what you're doing. It only highlights the ugliness of what your party stands for. 'Cause if you think anyone besides dyed-in-the-wool Obots give a crap about whether it's before or after his bogus pleas for "civility" that Obama badmouths American citizens... you can wish in one hand and spit in the other at election time.

Aww how typical, You can't deal with the facts so you continue to attack in lieu of a real argument.

Furthermore, of course hypocritical dishonest hacks like you could care less because as usual you hacks will try to make something out of nothing anytime the opportunity presents itself.
However, my guess is that when HONEST people view the FACT that this situation is being portrayed dishonestly by you hypocrtical righties that they will choose not to follow your blind partisan rants.

Still waiting on proof of your assumptions. You have it don't you?? You wouldn't make a claim that you can't prove would you??

Proof of what "assumptions"?? :eusa_eh:

Are you like a mental defective or something? 'Cause, honestly, you don't sound like you've got both oars in the water, and I don't like to overly excite excitable people. It's not seemly.

:lol: Well, it's not like I had high hopes for you peeling your lips off Obama's ass for long enough to notice that his behavior is rude, partisan, hypocritical, and un-presidential.

But, you folks keep doing what you're doing. It only highlights the ugliness of what your party stands for. 'Cause if you think anyone besides dyed-in-the-wool Obots give a crap about whether it's before or after his bogus pleas for "civility" that Obama badmouths American citizens... you can wish in one hand and spit in the other at election time.

Aww how typical, You can't deal with the facts so you continue to attack in lieu of a real argument.

Furthermore, of course hypocritical dishonest hacks like you could care less because as usual you hacks will try to make something out of nothing anytime the opportunity presents itself.
However, my guess is that when HONEST people view the FACT that this situation is being portrayed dishonestly by you hypocrtical righties that they will choose not to follow your blind partisan rants.

Still waiting on proof of your assumptions. You have it don't you?? You wouldn't make a claim that you can't prove would you??

Proof of what "assumptions"?? :eusa_eh:

Are you like a mental defective or something? 'Cause, honestly, you don't sound like you've got both oars in the water, and I don't like to overly excite excitable people. It's not seemly.

LOL you attack me and ask if I am mentally defective and yet you are the one that doesn't even remember what YOU posted. LOL Go back and read your own posts and be sure to let me know when you can substantiate the assumptions made with in them. LOL

BTW you could also let me know when you are going to respond to the content of my post. My guess is that you are wishing to avoid the fact that this thread and the attacks that are based on it are nothing but dishonest rightwing propaganda spewed by a blogger and then parroted by the right wing lemmings on this board who are now desperate to keep this propaganda alive. If I were you I wouldn't want to talk about that either. LOL
The fact that you (in general) present an argument that you know that you can't prove says far more about YOU than it does me for asking you to be honest.

It's really simple, if you can't PROVE a claim then don't make it.

and if you present a negative that you know you can't prove and then hide behind "you can't prove a negative" when asked to prove your claim then you are nothing but a dishonest hack.

Your dishonesty has NO bearing on me.

Thanks for the spin. LOL

Damn, even the simplist things escape you.

FYI, I did not make the post that prompted you to ask that a negative be proven. :cuckoo:

I'm just pointing out your lack of logic in doing so. Sorry about your butt hurt.

Wow. The stupid is thick with you.

WOW talk about simple things escaping, in case you missed it, and it's obvious that you did, ....
I made the statement that prompted you to idiotically ask that a negative be proven?

What a colossal moron you are. :rofl:
No, I said that it was not the term used by the vast majority of the Tea Party Movement. One clueless guy set up a website with the term for his personal tea party activities - and a few others used the phrase. The rest have not used it - and have called themselves Tea Partiers. Instead of accepting that the hundreds of other groups around the country use Tea Party, you and your sad little cadre grasp to the T-word with a fetish-like grip.

That says a lot about you, and nothing about the 40M people across the country who self-identify as Tea Party Supporters.

and yet YOU cannot prove that statement. ....

:lol: Well, it's not like I had high hopes for you peeling your lips off Obama's ass for long enough to notice that his behavior is rude, partisan, hypocritical, and un-presidential.

But, you folks keep doing what you're doing. It only highlights the ugliness of what your party stands for. 'Cause if you think anyone besides dyed-in-the-wool Obots give a crap about whether it's before or after his bogus pleas for "civility" that Obama badmouths American citizens... you can wish in one hand and spit in the other at election time.

Aww how typical, You can't deal with the facts so you continue to attack in lieu of a real argument.

Furthermore, of course hypocritical dishonest hacks like you could care less because as usual you hacks will try to make something out of nothing anytime the opportunity presents itself.
However, my guess is that when HONEST people view the FACT that this situation is being portrayed dishonestly by you hypocrtical righties that they will choose not to follow your blind partisan rants.

Still waiting on proof of your assumptions. You have it don't you?? You wouldn't make a claim that you can't prove would you??

Proof of what "assumptions"?? :eusa_eh:

Are you like a mental defective or something? 'Cause, honestly, you don't sound like you've got both oars in the water, and I don't like to overly excite excitable people. It's not seemly.

You're right. Smith's a thousand ants shy of a picnic. Or just seriously retarded.
Damn, even the simplist things escape you.

FYI, I did not make the post that prompted you to ask that a negative be proven. :cuckoo:

I'm just pointing out your lack of logic in doing so. Sorry about your butt hurt.

Wow. The stupid is thick with you.

WOW talk about simple things escaping, in case you missed it, and it's obvious that you did, ....
I made the statement that prompted you to idiotically ask that a negative be proven?

What a colossal moron you are. :rofl:
No, I said that it was not the term used by the vast majority of the Tea Party Movement. One clueless guy set up a website with the term for his personal tea party activities - and a few others used the phrase. The rest have not used it - and have called themselves Tea Partiers. Instead of accepting that the hundreds of other groups around the country use Tea Party, you and your sad little cadre grasp to the T-word with a fetish-like grip.

That says a lot about you, and nothing about the 40M people across the country who self-identify as Tea Party Supporters.

and yet YOU cannot prove that statement. ....

YOU really need to learn how to read. I clearly said that you did not post that and IF you had read my post and NOT editted to fit your dishoenst needs then you would have seen that.

My guess is taht you did see it and are ignoring it as you are once again acting like the the dishonest ignorant Si that evreyone knows you to be.

Here is my ENTIRE post HACK.

WOW talk about simple things escaping, in case you missed it, and it's obvious that you did, I made sure to state that i was not speaking of you specifically in response to the post. Which is why I clearly said "you (in general)" because I knew that would be YOUR avoidance response and yet in your zeal to attack me personally that simplest of things escaped YOU. LOL

I know you did not make the post and my point that you should not make a claim that you know that you can't prove still stands. Even though it does not apply to you in this instance it does apply to you within this thread.

So once again you choose to attack and avoid the debate as well as ignore what was actually said.

Thanks for the spin AGAIN but as usual you fall well short of the mark. LOL

Now if you only knew how to read then you would have READ in my post were I state that you did not make that statement.
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Aww how typical, You can't deal with the facts so you continue to attack in lieu of a real argument.

Furthermore, of course hypocritical dishonest hacks like you could care less because as usual you hacks will try to make something out of nothing anytime the opportunity presents itself.
However, my guess is that when HONEST people view the FACT that this situation is being portrayed dishonestly by you hypocrtical righties that they will choose not to follow your blind partisan rants.

Still waiting on proof of your assumptions. You have it don't you?? You wouldn't make a claim that you can't prove would you??

Proof of what "assumptions"?? :eusa_eh:

Are you like a mental defective or something? 'Cause, honestly, you don't sound like you've got both oars in the water, and I don't like to overly excite excitable people. It's not seemly.

You're right. Smith's a thousand ants shy of a picnic. Or just seriously retarded.

Thanks for proving once again that all you have to offer are personal attacks.
Thanks for trolling have a nice day. LOL
LOL you attack me and ask if I am mentally defective and yet you are the one that doesn't even remember what YOU posted. LOL Go back and read your own posts and be sure to let me know when you can substantiate the assumptions made with in them. LOL

BTW you could also let me know when you are going to respond to the content of my post. My guess is that you are wishing to avoid the fact that this thread and the attacks that are based on it are nothing but dishonest rightwing propaganda spewed by a blogger and then parroted by the right wing lemmings on this board who are now desperate to keep this propaganda alive. If I were you I wouldn't want to talk about that either. LOL

What "content"? :eusa_eh:
Basically, you keep spouting the same drivel over and over again, interspersed with occasional hysterical outbursts about "partisan hackery".

He's still a giant hypocrite, who thinks he has the right to demand that other people speak civilly when all along he's incapable of it himself.

Your "point" is pointless. Your continued defense of it is irrational. :cuckoo:

But whatever... you keep on doing what you do. It just illustrates to any lurking, unbiased, observers that you Obots will blindly support your Dear Leader in any behavior he choose to engage in and that it doesn't have to make sense.
LOL you attack me and ask if I am mentally defective and yet you are the one that doesn't even remember what YOU posted. LOL Go back and read your own posts and be sure to let me know when you can substantiate the assumptions made with in them. LOL

BTW you could also let me know when you are going to respond to the content of my post. My guess is that you are wishing to avoid the fact that this thread and the attacks that are based on it are nothing but dishonest rightwing propaganda spewed by a blogger and then parroted by the right wing lemmings on this board who are now desperate to keep this propaganda alive. If I were you I wouldn't want to talk about that either. LOL

What "content"? :eusa_eh:
Basically, you keep spouting the same drivel over and over again, interspersed with occasional hysterical outbursts about "partisan hackery".

I stated the gist of the content in my post above, but as usual you missed it.

He's still a giant hypocrite, who thinks he has the right to demand that other people speak civilly when all along he's incapable of it himself.

"you keep spouting the same drivel over and over again, interspersed with occasional hysterical outbursts about 'partisan hackery'" LOL

Your "point" is pointless. Your continued defense of it is irrational. :cuckoo:

so says the irrational hack who is desperately trying to make something out of nothing.

But whatever... you keep on doing what you do. It just illustrates to any lurking, unbiased, observers that you Obots will blindly support your Dear Leader in any behavior he choose to engage in and that it doesn't have to make sense.

Actually what this thread illustrates to any unbiased observers is that you have NOTHING and this thread was based on a LIE and then after getting shown it was a lie you are now trying to spin desperately to keep the propaganda alive as you claim that NOW the original LIE based argument of this thread doesn't matter.

Attacking the messenger by claiming I am your opposite does nothing to counter the message but thanks for the spin.
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It's sadly amusing watching drsmith continue to dig himself into a deeper hole, but at some point, his shovel has got to wear out.
It's sadly amusing watching drsmith continue to dig himself into a deeper hole, but at some point, his shovel has got to wear out.

and yet I have countered your spin at every turn and the digging has been done by you morons who continue to try to make this into something despite the fact that your original argument was proven to be false after I read the article cited in the OP and found out that the "tea-bagger" comment made was made last year and his call for civility was made last week. The FACTS run counter top the claim that

Out of one side of his mouth he calls for "civility" and two days later calls us "tea baggers."

It's funny how desperate hacks like you will try to claim victory even when you know that you already lost the debate. LOL

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