Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Think that if it gives you comfort, bub. Given the Epic Fail of your posts here, it's good for you to have a fantasy life as a form of consolation.
It's sadly amusing watching drsmith continue to dig himself into a deeper hole, but at some point, his shovel has got to wear out.

Is he just simple? :eusa_eh:
Honestly, I can't figure out what the hell he's on about. Am I missing something?:eusa_eh:

There's no "content" that I'm aware of that hasn't been hashed and rehashed... and rehashed again. He seems under the impression that Obama's despicable use of the epithet, "teabagger" is somehow mitigated by the timing of it. Like it's some kind of magical explanation for why the President of the United States should behave like a big hypocritical douche-bag. I'm just not seeing why he thinks the timing makes it more acceptable somehow. :eusa_eh:
It's sadly amusing watching drsmith continue to dig himself into a deeper hole, but at some point, his shovel has got to wear out.

Is he just simple? :eusa_eh:
Honestly, I can't figure out what the hell he's on about. Am I missing something?:eusa_eh:

There's no "content" that I'm aware of that hasn't been hashed and rehashed... and rehashed again. He seems under the impression that Obama's despicable use of the epithet, "teabagger" is somehow mitigated by the timing of it. Like it's some kind of magical explanation for why the President of the United States should behave like a big hypocritical douche-bag. I'm just not seeing why he thinks the timing makes it more acceptable somehow. :eusa_eh:

timelines, they are a bitch.
It's sadly amusing watching drsmith continue to dig himself into a deeper hole, but at some point, his shovel has got to wear out.

Is he just simple? :eusa_eh:
Honestly, I can't figure out what the hell he's on about. Am I missing something?:eusa_eh:

There's no "content" that I'm aware of that hasn't been hashed and rehashed... and rehashed again. He seems under the impression that Obama's despicable use of the epithet, "teabagger" is somehow mitigated by the timing of it. Like it's some kind of magical explanation for why the President of the United States should behave like a big hypocritical douche-bag. I'm just not seeing why he thinks the timing makes it more acceptable somehow. :eusa_eh:

I'm going to hazard a guess that he's 17 or 18 years old. His posts result from a combination of lack of education, knowledge, and experience.
Think that if it gives you comfort, bub. Given the Epic Fail of your posts here, it's good for you to have a fantasy life as a form of consolation.

HAHA and yet I was the one who proved the argument of this thread was wrong based on the timeline with info from the article the OP was allegedly based on, which caused the argument to be changed. LOL So much for epic fail.

The only epic fail was on the part of you righties trying to make something out of nothing and failing at even presenting a decent defense of said BS propaganda based position.
In the end and over the last few pages all you have done was attack the messenger which shows that you know that you have lost.

Attack some more if you want to, but attacking me won't cahnge the facts.
It's sadly amusing watching drsmith continue to dig himself into a deeper hole, but at some point, his shovel has got to wear out.

Is he just simple? :eusa_eh:
Honestly, I can't figure out what the hell he's on about. Am I missing something?:eusa_eh:

There's no "content" that I'm aware of that hasn't been hashed and rehashed... and rehashed again. He seems under the impression that Obama's despicable use of the epithet, "teabagger" is somehow mitigated by the timing of it. Like it's some kind of magical explanation for why the President of the United States should behave like a big hypocritical douche-bag. I'm just not seeing why he thinks the timing makes it more acceptable somehow. :eusa_eh:

Once again only attacks and no response. How typical.

Thanks for trolling have a nice day. LOL
It's sadly amusing watching drsmith continue to dig himself into a deeper hole, but at some point, his shovel has got to wear out.

Is he just simple? :eusa_eh:
Honestly, I can't figure out what the hell he's on about. Am I missing something?:eusa_eh:

There's no "content" that I'm aware of that hasn't been hashed and rehashed... and rehashed again. He seems under the impression that Obama's despicable use of the epithet, "teabagger" is somehow mitigated by the timing of it. Like it's some kind of magical explanation for why the President of the United States should behave like a big hypocritical douche-bag. I'm just not seeing why he thinks the timing makes it more acceptable somehow. :eusa_eh:

timelines, they are a bitch.

Exactly, nvm the fact that their original argument was shot down based on the timeline, NOW they are trying to claim that proximity where time is concerned doesn't matter when it was the core of their argument to begin with. They were proven WRONG and then despite that keep going as they try to spin a new line of propaganda.

The funny thing is murf tried to call me an Obot when he is nothing but an Ohater. He and others like him do nothing but troll and try to make up anything that they think they can spin if they believe they can use it to attack obama.

All they have left is spin and personal attacks as they try to keep the propaganda alive. LOL
It's sadly amusing watching drsmith continue to dig himself into a deeper hole, but at some point, his shovel has got to wear out.

Is he just simple? :eusa_eh:
Honestly, I can't figure out what the hell he's on about. Am I missing something?:eusa_eh:

There's no "content" that I'm aware of that hasn't been hashed and rehashed... and rehashed again. He seems under the impression that Obama's despicable use of the epithet, "teabagger" is somehow mitigated by the timing of it. Like it's some kind of magical explanation for why the President of the United States should behave like a big hypocritical douche-bag. I'm just not seeing why he thinks the timing makes it more acceptable somehow. :eusa_eh:

I'm going to hazard a guess that he's 17 or 18 years old. His posts result from a combination of lack of education, knowledge, and experience.

LOL the more you engage in trolling with your baseless personal attacks the more you tell anyone not a rightwing hack reading that you know you lost and that attacking the messenger is all that you have left.
Is he just simple? :eusa_eh:
Honestly, I can't figure out what the hell he's on about. Am I missing something?:eusa_eh:

There's no "content" that I'm aware of that hasn't been hashed and rehashed... and rehashed again. He seems under the impression that Obama's despicable use of the epithet, "teabagger" is somehow mitigated by the timing of it. Like it's some kind of magical explanation for why the President of the United States should behave like a big hypocritical douche-bag. I'm just not seeing why he thinks the timing makes it more acceptable somehow. :eusa_eh:

timelines, they are a bitch.

Exactly, nvm the fact that their original argument was shot down based on the timeline, NOW they are trying to claim that proximity where time is concerned doesn't matter when it was the core of their argument to begin with. They were proven WRONG and then despite that keep going as they try to spin a new line of propaganda.

The funny thing is murf tried to call me an Obot when he is nothing but an Ohater. He and others like him do nothing but troll and try to make up anything that they think they can spin if they believe they can use it to attack obama.

All they have left is spin and personal attacks as they try to keep the propaganda alive. LOL

their "argument" has been from the beginning: "grrrrr, i don't like obama." this, of course will not change. therefore "obama is classless, a hypocrite etc."

can't beat that "argument".
I'm going to hazard a guess that he's 17 or 18 years old. His posts result from a combination of lack of education, knowledge, and experience.

Ahhh... THAT would explain some things.

Heck, I was a "liberal" back when I was a youngster. And I still remember how strong and important my opinions seemed to be. Ain't that just the way of it though. :lol:

My apologies, Dr., if you are indeed a young person. It takes time and life experience to solidify one's personal philosophy. My responses would have been unnecessarily harsh in that light.
Think that if it gives you comfort, bub. Given the Epic Fail of your posts here, it's good for you to have a fantasy life as a form of consolation.

HAHA and yet I was the one who proved the argument of this thread was wrong based on the timeline with info from the article the OP was allegedly based on, which caused the argument to be changed. LOL So much for epic fail.

The only epic fail was on the part of you righties trying to make something out of nothing and failing at even presenting a decent defense of said BS propaganda based position.
In the end and over the last few pages all you have done was attack the messenger which shows that you know that you have lost.

Attack some more if you want to, but attacking me won't cahnge the facts.
Although I hate to burst your delusional little bubble, you didn't prove a thing. Others did last week and you parroted them.

But, we DO know that you can quote others who made a point last week. Obviously, simple mimicking gives you some sense of accomplishment.
Think that if it gives you comfort, bub. Given the Epic Fail of your posts here, it's good for you to have a fantasy life as a form of consolation.

HAHA and yet I was the one who proved the argument of this thread was wrong based on the timeline with info from the article the OP was allegedly based on, which caused the argument to be changed. LOL So much for epic fail.

The only epic fail was on the part of you righties trying to make something out of nothing and failing at even presenting a decent defense of said BS propaganda based position.
In the end and over the last few pages all you have done was attack the messenger which shows that you know that you have lost.

Attack some more if you want to, but attacking me won't cahnge the facts.
Although I hate to burst your delusional little bubble, you didn't prove a thing. Others did last week and you parroted them.

But, we DO know that you can quote others who made a point last week. Obviously, simple mimicking gives you some sense of accomplishment.

Actually NO I did not parrot but thanks for the spin. I even asked about that time line argument when I presented it and you couldn't show me when that argument was made by someone else PRIOR to me making it and in fact you never even responded to it.

So care to prove it NOW?? Or is this just another one of your BS spin attempts where you make an argument that you know that you can't prove??

What is hilarious is that this thread is full of nothing but one righty parroting another based on some propaganda from a blog and you are actually trying to call me a parrot. LOL

Oh and just so you don't get confused I am talking about the timeline concerning when obama made the "tea-bagger" statement (back in 2009) and when he called for civility (last week). I know you tend to get confused like you did in your previous post where you LIED after editting my post so i thought I would be specific just for you.

BTW I notice that you didn't respond after I called you out for your dishonest edit of my post. I wonder why??
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HAHA and yet I was the one who proved the argument of this thread was wrong based on the timeline with info from the article the OP was allegedly based on, which caused the argument to be changed. LOL So much for epic fail.

The only epic fail was on the part of you righties trying to make something out of nothing and failing at even presenting a decent defense of said BS propaganda based position.
In the end and over the last few pages all you have done was attack the messenger which shows that you know that you have lost.

Attack some more if you want to, but attacking me won't cahnge the facts.
Although I hate to burst your delusional little bubble, you didn't prove a thing. Others did last week and you parroted them.

But, we DO know that you can quote others who made a point last week. Obviously, simple mimicking gives you some sense of accomplishment.

Actually NO I did not parrot but thanks for the spin. I even asked about that time line argument when I presented it and you couldn't show me when that argument was made by someone else PRIOR to me making it and in fact you never even responded to it.

So care to prove it NOW?? Or is this just another one of your BS spin attempts where you make an argument that you know that you can't prove??

What is hilarious is that this thread is full of nothing but one righty parroting another based on some propaganda from a blog and you are actually trying to call me a parrot. LOL

Prove what? Something already discussed last fucking week? Or ;), you want me to prove a negative? I bet that's what you still want.
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Although I hate to burst your delusional little bubble, you didn't prove a thing. Others did last week and you parroted them.

But, we DO know that you can quote others who made a point last week. Obviously, simple mimicking gives you some sense of accomplishment.

Actually NO I did not parrot but thanks for the spin. I even asked about that time line argument when I presented it and you couldn't show me when that argument was made by someone else PRIOR to me making it and in fact you never even responded to it.

So care to prove it NOW?? Or is this just another one of your BS spin attempts where you make an argument that you know that you can't prove??

What is hilarious is that this thread is full of nothing but one righty parroting another based on some propaganda from a blog and you are actually trying to call me a parrot. LOL

Prove what? Something already discussed last fucking week? Or ;), you want me to prove a negative? I bet that's what you still want.

How typical, you claimed I parroted the timeline concerning when obama actually made the "tea-bagger" compared to when he asked for civility and when asked to prove your claim you avoid doing so and therefore you LOSE.

Thanks for running away AGAIN and proving how much of a dishonest hack you truly are. LOL
I wish I had a dollar for every time drsmith posted the T-Word.
Actually NO I did not parrot but thanks for the spin. I even asked about that time line argument when I presented it and you couldn't show me when that argument was made by someone else PRIOR to me making it and in fact you never even responded to it.

So care to prove it NOW?? Or is this just another one of your BS spin attempts where you make an argument that you know that you can't prove??

What is hilarious is that this thread is full of nothing but one righty parroting another based on some propaganda from a blog and you are actually trying to call me a parrot. LOL

Prove what? Something already discussed last fucking week? Or ;), you want me to prove a negative? I bet that's what you still want.

How typical, you claimed I parroted the timeline concerning when obama actually made the "tea-bagger" compared to when he asked for civility and when asked to prove your claim you avoid doing so and therefore you LOSE.

Thanks for running away AGAIN and proving how much of a dishonest hack you truly are. LOL
Although I do usually just scroll past your posts, the fact that I am still posting in this thread several days after the debate came and went, indicates (at least to those with two brain cells to rub together) that I have no intention of going anywhere. I know you WISH I and others would go away. We just don't seem to be going anywhere.
Let's see in the past few pages I have shown si to be dishonest on at least a few occasions.

First post # 633, his ignoring of the FACT that I used the general form of YOU and even specified that I was doing so, and then he attacks me with his false allegation that I stated he posted something when I clearly said that he did NOT.

Second post# 637 his editting of my post so he can repeat said LIES where he claims I said he posted something he did not when I admit within that post that he did not post it.

Third post #655 Si lies and claims that I parroted the argument that the timeline doesn't fit the OP's argument concerning when obama used the term "tea-bagger" in reference to when he called for civility.

Poor Si, he keeps coming at me and then turns tail and runs from the debate when I call him out for his BS.
I wish I had a dollar for every time drsmith posted the T-Word.

You know that might mean something IF I were applying it to YOU instead of using the term as part of the debate. I am not directing it anyone so why do you whine?

I wish I had a dollar for everytime I had to spell something out for you and my guess is that i would have more money. LOL
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Prove what? Something already discussed last fucking week? Or ;), you want me to prove a negative? I bet that's what you still want.

How typical, you claimed I parroted the timeline concerning when obama actually made the "tea-bagger" compared to when he asked for civility and when asked to prove your claim you avoid doing so and therefore you LOSE.

Thanks for running away AGAIN and proving how much of a dishonest hack you truly are. LOL
Although I do usually just scroll past your posts, the fact that I am still posting in this thread several days after the debate came and went, indicates (at least to those with two brain cells to rub together) that I have no intention of going anywhere. I know you WISH I and others would go away. We just don't seem to be going anywhere.

More avoidance from you, imagine that.
It should be easy. I am not asking you to prove a negative and IF you could prove your claim, you could do it easily by looking back into this thread and showing when and where someone made that timeline argument concerning when obama used the word "tea-baggers" inreferense to when he called for civility and you would actually prove your argument.

You made the claim how about you PROVE IT and stop running away

However, you and I both know that you can't which is why you are still avoiding doing so.

BTW IF you usually just scroll past my thread then how can you say my arguments are parroted?? Kind of shot your own spin in the foot there moron. LOL

P.S. it's sad that i have to explain this to you but "running away" is used to describe how YOU continue to avoid debates that you know you are going to lose. I actually wish that you and others had the ability to debate a topic but as usual all you have to offer are avoidance and personal attacks.

oh well it's time to go but I will be back tomorrow to watch you spin and squirm some more. LOL
How typical, you claimed I parroted the timeline concerning when obama actually made the "tea-bagger" compared to when he asked for civility and when asked to prove your claim you avoid doing so and therefore you LOSE.

Thanks for running away AGAIN and proving how much of a dishonest hack you truly are. LOL
Although I do usually just scroll past your posts, the fact that I am still posting in this thread several days after the debate came and went, indicates (at least to those with two brain cells to rub together) that I have no intention of going anywhere. I know you WISH I and others would go away. We just don't seem to be going anywhere.

More avoidance from you, imagine that.
It should be easy. I am not asking you to prove a negative and IF you could prove your claim, you could do it easily by looking back into this thread and showing when and where someone made that timeline argument concerning when obama used the word "tea-baggers" inreferense to when he called for civility and you would actually prove your argument.

You made the claim how about you PROVE IT and stop running away

However, you and I both know that you can't which is why you are still avoiding doing so.

BTW IF you usually just scroll past my thread then how can you say my arguments are parroted?? Kind of shot your own spin in the foot there moron. LOL

P.S. it's sad that i have to explain this to you but "running away" is used to describe how YOU continue to avoid debates that you know you are going to lose. I actually wish that you and others had the ability to debate a topic but as usual all you have to offer are avoidance and personal attacks.

oh well it's time to go but I will be back tomorrow to watch you spin and squirm some more. LOL

See, more idiotic insanity from you. What the fuck do your delusions allow you to think 'my claim' is?


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