Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

That's incorrect. In April 2009, 750,000 people participated in tea parties - and all you can find are the same few pics of the same few people who were clueless and used the stupid phrase.

The overwhelming majority of the Tea Partiers call themselves Tea Partiers.

You are such a dim-bulb. The "same few pics" area from freepers were using the term in the derogatory sense in February of '09 and they sure as hell knew what it meant.

Correcting Jay Nordlinger The Washington Independent

Again, it's okay when the right utilizes sexual connotations to mock, but when we do it, you guys go into conniption fits. I might be willing to concede the whole civility issue, if you guys had a leg to stand on. However, save for a select few conservatives on this board, you guys are as nasty as you claim we are. You certainly don't have a leg to stand on as this is just one example of you trying to "elevate the debate":

(Which I found patently hilarious considering you complete ignorance of psychiatry)

Personally, I am fine with it. Name-calling doesn't really bother me, and I realize that this is really just entertainment for most people who would otherwise be civil in real life. What pisses me off is when you guys act like your shit doesn't stink. Don't throw punches if you don't want to be punched back.

Secondly, no one has ever disputed that the vast majority of the decrepit tea-party member had no idea of the sexual connotations behind it. However, the younger ones certainly did. Like I said, it's a generational thing. So to claim it's all one side is just stupid.
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Honestly? The tea party people getting upset at being teabaggers (which they used first, until they found out what it was) is only getting upset at their own ignorance.

I remember reading recently on one of the news sites (forget which one) where some people in the tea party said using the word teabagger is like using the N-word. I had a good laugh until I realized they were serious.

What the fuck was anyone thinking to make you a Mod?

Jealousy is a stinky perfume on you, Francis.

Calling us "TeaBagger" is fucking knowingly offensive and as long as anyone does it I will respond in kind.

That's all I'm saying.

That would be a shocking turn-around for you considering the degree of civility that you handle yourself with around this joint.

Got anymore Palin-Zombie pics?

The CDC is considering making the Palin Zombie pic their Warning Label for PDS which they're thinking of upgrading to a Level 4 Biohazard.

I'm civil -- even to Liberal cocksuckers and motherfuckers who use the phrase TeaBagger

Oh, I'm nowhere near jealous about Dogbert being a Mod, I'm just stunned at the poor judgment at the upgrade.
The CDC is considering making the Palin Zombie pic their Warning Label for PDS which they're thinking of upgrading to a Level 4 Biohazard.

I'm civil -- even to Liberal cocksuckers and motherfuckers who use the phrase TeaBagger

Please. You dish it out as well as you take it. Like I said, this would be a non-issue if the right leaning members on here and elsewhere had made a systematic effort to be "civil" for the past several years. We both know that's not true, which is why I don't feel any sort of remorse for slinging some mud too.

Oh, I'm nowhere near jealous about Dogbert being a Mod, I'm just stunned at the poor judgment at the upgrade.

I am just glad they didn't pick you.
The CDC is considering making the Palin Zombie pic their Warning Label for PDS which they're thinking of upgrading to a Level 4 Biohazard.

I'm civil -- even to Liberal cocksuckers and motherfuckers who use the phrase TeaBagger

Please. You dish it out as well as you take it. Like I said, this would be a non-issue if the right leaning members on here and elsewhere had made a systematic effort to be "civil" for the past several years. We both know that's not true, which is why I don't feel any sort of remorse for slinging some mud too.

Oh, I'm nowhere near jealous about Dogbert being a Mod, I'm just stunned at the poor judgment at the upgrade.

I am just glad they didn't pick you.

Sling all you want just remember to duck if you're slinging it my way

I wouldn't accept a Mod position if anyone was brain damaged enough to even think about offering it
Sling all you want just remember to duck if you're slinging it my way

I have no problem with that. I doubt you'll hear me whine about it. I doubt you can recollect me ever whining about it.

I wouldn't accept a Mod position if anyone was brain damaged enough to even think about offering it

"I wouldn't belong to a club that would have me as a member."
aw, thanks for playing but once again you avoid the content of my post and only engage in more of your typical and baseless personal attacks. You asked a question and I responded, you avoided the response and attacked. Why ask if you don't want an answer?? LOL

I have to go for now but it's been more than fun shooting down your spin as well as the argument that this thread and your own attack were based upon, which I originally pointed out did not fit the timeline and you chose to avoid. So what is your excuse for avoiding that debate??


You haven't added anything to the discussion that hasn't already been discussed at length days ago. Thus, you haven't a point and never did.


Kudos to Eder. Is this not the cutest picture? I love it.
No, I actually have tremendous respect for you if you are going to keep your word on the matter. You don't see that often here. So I retract what I said on that matter.

The only reason I said it is because I assumed you had read and comprehended the article and were going to try and split hairs over the issue.

If that's not the case, then it's not the case.


This is why I like reasonable arguments - folks using links, sources, etc - rather than just flames. It opens my mind.

From this point forward, I believe that any whining about the term teabagger is ridiculous.

I'm not whining about the term tea bagger.

I think liberals should go right on using the term tea bagger. That's right, I do!

It tells far more about liberals than it does about the tea party. When conservative Americans started sending tea bags to their Congressmen/women or saying "let's tea bag Washington," they thought about the Boston Tea Party, Patriotism, and the proud founding of this Country.

Wow....... What an Idiot!!!

See what I'm talking about here? When the logical, not-batshit-insane, normal conservatives start rejecting this sort of idiocy instead of embracing it, maybe the "eeevil libruls" will be more interested in what you have to say? eh? Whaddyathink?
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That's the point. The sensible moderate and centrist Republicans abhor stupidity espoused by the likes of TeaPartySamurai both personally and politically. First, it is not based on reality. Second, the centrist majority of America rejects TeaPartySamurai's nonsense. He and those who think like that are in the vast minority.
That must be why the Tea Party Movement is growing faster than OFA.
Specific evidence, please, because your statement is apparently false.

Enlighten us.
Specific evidence, please, because your statement is apparently false.

Enlighten us.

18% of Americans self-identify as Tea Party Supporters.

In April, 2010, a New York Times/CBS poll found that Tea Party supporters are wealthier, more educated, more conservative and more likely to be Republican than the general public.[110]The poll, which was said to be the “first reliable look at the tea party supporters” by the Los Angeles Times, [111] found that:

* 18% or about 1 in 5 Americans consider themselves Tea Party supporters.

72.4% of the U.S. is over age 20, making the adult population approximately 223M. 18% of 223M is 40M. 40M people in the U.S. are Tea Party Supporters. On January 1, 2009, this figure was 0. That is quite a growth rate.

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Organizing for America, which is a largely a recycling of the Obama Campaign database, has 13 million members.

13 million email addresses from Obama campaign, unknown membership

Organizing for America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

40M is a much bigger number than 13M.

Perhaps someday you'll learn that I don't post things which are not factual.
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It's quite sad when we've gotten to the point in our politics where if you have a larger group than the other, that supposedly makes you right. Might does not make right.

"They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience."
- Atticus Finch
Poor Doggie. He doesn't realize that these people will vote, and that votes matter.

Carry on.
Specific evidence, please, because your statement is apparently false.

Enlighten us.

18% of Americans self-identify as Tea Party Supporters.

In April, 2010, a New York Times/CBS poll found that Tea Party supporters are wealthier, more educated, more conservative and more likely to be Republican than the general public.[110]The poll, which was said to be the “first reliable look at the tea party supporters” by the Los Angeles Times, [111] found that:

* 18% or about 1 in 5 Americans consider themselves Tea Party supporters.

Tea Party movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

72.4% of the U.S. is over age 20, making the adult population approximately 223M. 18% of 223M is 40M. 40M people in the U.S. are Tea Party Supporters. On January 1, 2009, this figure was 0. That is quite a growth rate.

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Organizing for America, which is a largely a recycling of the Obama Campaign database, has 13 million members.

13 million email addresses from Obama campaign, unknown membership

Organizing for America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

40M is a much bigger number than 13M.

Perhaps someday you'll learn that I don't post things which are not factual.

Extrapolation of believing in similar principles is not the same as identifying with a particular party.

Give us an unequivocal proof that 50 millions of Americans agree with the Tea Party.

You can't.
No, they will support Conservative Candidates for the most part.

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