Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

Sending teabags to Washington and wearing funny hats with teabags hanging off of them.

What the fuck did they expect to be called?

Dosen't say a whole lot for their ability to forecast future events now does it?
Calling us "TeaBagger" is fucking knowingly offensive and as long as anyone does it I will respond in kind.

That's all I'm saying.

Then, why did Tea Party people call themselves Teabaggers in the beginning?

They never did, I know, I am a proud member of the tea party and have been since the get-go. We have always called ourselves TEA PARTIERS NOT TEA BAGGERS.

You are considered a racist or a tea-bagger if you disagree with the SOCIALIST OBAMA and his agenda, and we can all see how socialism has worked in Greece with street rioting going on over there and the total and complete collapse of their country. :cuckoo::cuckoo:
In closing, because I'm done debating this, call me or the Tea Party "TeaBaggers" and I respond in kind.

Tea Party is not just about taxes, is about letting not letting Marxists sink the final harpoon into American freedoms and the country we once knew

Debating this? We're not debating the facts here Frank, you are trying to however. You're the type of person who likes to dish and spew some hatred, but even at the possibility of getting back in kind, you can't handle it. If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen princess.

By the way, Tea Parties are about getting Big Government Republicans into office so they can continue to shove their agenda onto others, whether they like it or not. You and the others can try to hide behind the whole "Obama's a Marxist" crap, but then you go and complain he's taking bribes and contributions from all these capitalist companies.

The amount of doublethink involved for you to even post here must be so ridiculous that you can no longer even tell what left and right is due to being so blinded by your partisan hackery. War is Peace to you Frank, and it's quite a sad sight to see.

My only regret about the tea parties are people like Pilgrim being roped into them, because they see it as their own opportunity as to make a difference with the two party death grip that the Democrats and Republicans have on Washington D.C. and in the states currently. However, they are battling against the more vocal side of the tea party, the part that supports people like Palin, Bush, and Bachmann. And in that aspect, the tea party isn't that much different as a whole than the Republican Party. Two battles going on for the souls of these groups.

'Getting Republicans into office'? :lol: Right. That's why they run against them and just adore Graham, McConnell, Kyl, and Boehner.
'Getting Republicans into office'? :lol: Right. That's why they run against them and just adore Graham, McConnell, Kyl, and Boehner.

Yes, they want to replace them with more right-wing Republicans, not independents. They consider moderates to be RINOs.

But if one thinks about it, consider who would be "RINOs" in the GOP today. Reagan and Goldwater.

Hell, Goldwater, a real Conservative for the most part was right when he said he would one day be considered a Liberal in his own party.
That simply isn't true. But keep trying.

Or, don't parrot what you read somewhere and think for yourself.

It most certainly is true. Why the hell would the tea partiers as a whole support Sarah Palin over Gary Johnston then? That's a Republican I can get behind and vote for in 2012. Least what I've heard from him and read on his website so far.
That simply isn't true. But keep trying.

Or, don't parrot what you read somewhere and think for yourself.

It most certainly is true. Why the hell would the tea partiers as a whole support Sarah Palin over Gary Johnston then? That's a Republican I can get behind and vote for in 2012. Least what I've heard from him and read on his website so far.
Ummm. Palin is not running for a thing. :rolleyes:

And, FYI, if you make a claim, support it. Otherwise be prepared to have it called bullshit.
Calling us "TeaBagger" is fucking knowingly offensive and as long as anyone does it I will respond in kind.

That's all I'm saying.

Then, why did Tea Party people call themselves Teabaggers in the beginning?

They never did, I know, I am a proud member of the tea party and have been since the get-go. We have always called ourselves TEA PARTIERS NOT TEA BAGGERS.

You are considered a racist or a tea-bagger if you disagree with the SOCIALIST OBAMA and his agenda, and we can all see how socialism has worked in Greece with street rioting going on over there and the total and complete collapse of their country. :cuckoo::cuckoo:

Biting again the hand that feeds you? Hypocrite. Yes, membes of the Tea Party used the term long before it was gleefully appropriated by the liberals to have fun with you guys when you act the morons.
Ummm. Palin is not running for a thing. :rolleyes:

And, FYI, if you make a claim, support it. Otherwise be prepared to have it called bullshit.

Of course, it's a what if type of poll. It's not quite 2012 yet, I was using 2012 as a example.

However, any group that has favorable ratings of both Palin and Bush is certainly going to be pushing for putting in more Republicans.
Biting again the hand that feeds you? Hypocrite. Yes, membes of the Tea Party used the term long before it was gleefully appropriated by the liberals to have fun with you guys when you act the morons.

That's incorrect. In April 2009, 750,000 people participated in tea parties - and all you can find are the same few pics of the same few people who were clueless and used the stupid phrase.

The overwhelming majority of the Tea Partiers call themselves Tea Partiers.
Ummm. Palin is not running for a thing. :rolleyes:

And, FYI, if you make a claim, support it. Otherwise be prepared to have it called bullshit.

Of course, it's a what if type of poll. It's not quite 2012 yet, I was using 2012 as a example.

However, any group that has favorable ratings of both Palin and Bush is certainly going to be pushing for putting in more Republicans.
So, you're just guessing and presenting that as fact. :rolleyes:

Christ on a cracker. Take that course. You need it.
So, you're just guessing and presenting that as fact. :rolleyes:

Christ on a cracker. Take that course. You need it.

Guessing? No.

But do tell me Si Modo, do you support Sarah Palin for President in 2012? Or how about George W. Bush if he were running for a 2nd term?
It really doesn't matter cause were all gonna die per the Mayan calendar in 2012.
Honestly? The tea party people getting upset at being teabaggers (which they used first, until they found out what it was) is only getting upset at their own ignorance.

I remember reading recently on one of the news sites (forget which one) where some people in the tea party said using the word teabagger is like using the N-word. I had a good laugh until I realized they were serious.

What the fuck was anyone thinking to make you a Mod?

Why are you questioning him as a Mod instead of addressing his post?

Its what they do.
Biting again the hand that feeds you? Hypocrite. Yes, membes of the Tea Party used the term long before it was gleefully appropriated by the liberals to have fun with you guys when you act the morons.

That's incorrect. In April 2009, 750,000 people participated in tea parties - and all you can find are the same few pics of the same few people who were clueless and used the stupid phrase.

The overwhelming majority of the Tea Partiers call themselves Tea Partiers.

Misdirection. I wrote "members of the Tea Party used the term long before . . .", however you are correct those who used in your group were "clueless and used the stupid phrase."
Biting again the hand that feeds you? Hypocrite. Yes, membes of the Tea Party used the term long before it was gleefully appropriated by the liberals to have fun with you guys when you act the morons.

That's incorrect. In April 2009, 750,000 people participated in tea parties - and all you can find are the same few pics of the same few people who were clueless and used the stupid phrase.

The overwhelming majority of the Tea Partiers call themselves Tea Partiers.

Misdirection. I wrote "members of the Tea Party used the term long before . . .", however you are correct those who used in your group were "clueless and used the stupid phrase."

Wrong bub. You are attempting, unsuccessfully, to portray the T-word as a common phrase with which the Tea Party Movement self identified. You found a few pics of a few misguided people. The Lefties use the phrase orders of magnitude more often than any one in the Tea Party, which just proves that you are obsessed with sucking on sweaty male balls. Not that there is anything wrong with that - just don't assume that everyone else celebrates your festish.
The thing is that for the most part, most of the tea party defenders I have seen and heard have refused to even admit that racism is a part of the movement and have ignored or excused it when it did rear its ugly head, thereby minimizing the effect of the act. If they refuse to recognize it and minimize it when it’s real then they lose credibility and are seen as collaborators, but the real victims are swept under the rug and ignored.

The thing for the most part, that most of you moonbats have refused to admit is that: in any group numbering millions of people, there will be some less than admirable people on the fringe. They are not representative of the values or agenda of the movement.

It's also racist to assume that people are racists just for criticizing government policy. Why did Dissent go from being Patriotic to Racist?

Actually, I stated that almost ver batum on this thread.
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Honestly? The tea party people getting upset at being teabaggers (which they used first, until they found out what it was) is only getting upset at their own ignorance.

I remember reading recently on one of the news sites (forget which one) where some people in the tea party said using the word teabagger is like using the N-word. I had a good laugh until I realized they were serious.

What the fuck was anyone thinking to make you a Mod?

Jealousy is a stinky perfume on you, Francis.

Calling us "TeaBagger" is fucking knowingly offensive and as long as anyone does it I will respond in kind.

That's all I'm saying.

That would be a shocking turn-around for you considering the degree of civility that you handle yourself with around this joint.

Got anymore Palin-Zombie pics?
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