Bill Maher: New Rules for Teabaggers

If the hat fits . . .

Obama Liberal Hypocrite watch. Calls for "Civility" but then calls us "teabaggers."

Just be glad he only calls you "teabaggers".

After, "A “boy” who is an empty suit, a racist, terrorist, child molester, Marxist, Kenyan, watermelon eating, totalitarian, Socialist, drug addicted, gay, Nazi, black, Muslim, Communist, illegal Alien who wants to kill your grandmother and is the "anti Christ", you deserve worse. Much worse.

Do you think he assumed the average person associated with the TPM referred to him as such??
Without reading this entire thread, you all do realize it was the righty's who first coined the term teabagger....dont you?
Honestly? The tea party people getting upset at being called teabaggers (which they used first, until they found out what it was) is only getting upset at their own ignorance.

I remember reading recently on one of the news sites (forget which one) where some people in the tea party said using the word teabagger is like using the N-word. I had a good laugh until I realized they were serious.
Honestly? The tea party people getting upset at being teabaggers (which they used first, until they found out what it was) is only getting upset at their own ignorance.

I remember reading recently on one of the news sites (forget which one) where some people in the tea party said using the word teabagger is like using the N-word. I had a good laugh until I realized they were serious.

What the fuck was anyone thinking to make you a Mod?
What the fuck was anyone thinking to make you a Mod?

Like I said previously, you won't see me using the word teabagger to describe the tea people anymore, partly because I don't want to hear their members whining about it instead of addressing the issues.

So do tell me what I said was wrong. :thup:
I don't think the intent of the OP was to debate where the term originated from, but rather that Obama chose to use it after calling for civility. I don't really think there's much to argue there. He meant the term to be offensive, and it would seem he succeeded to a degree.

Well, exactly. We've got 25 pages of liberal deflections and not one legitimate explanation for why the President of the United States CHOOSES to debase American citizens and then lecture to them about "civility". :rolleyes:

The guy's a low-life, no-class, flinger of monkey poo, and unworthy of his office.

And his supporters are no better. You'd think people would be less willing to compromise their own integrity than to stand up for such an obvious hypocrite... but hey, after the past year and a half, I can't say I'm really surprised.

Acrtually you are trying to attack obama based on propaganda.

According to the article obama used the term tea bagger in 2009 and the book wasn't published until 2010 which is when the comment on civility was made, so obama used the term MONTHS BEFORE he called for civility not AFTER. So the point of this thread is that the right has no REAL point but are trying to make it up as they go along.

Propaganda?? Are Democrat Congressmen, the source of the story, engaging in "propaganda" against their own party these days? :eusa_whistle:

Seriously. Get real. Your guy gets a head-start on 'flinging the monkey poo'... and THEN wants to jump back and say "Ho, ho.... hold up there... no need to be flinging monkey poo." THAT's your mitigating factor?... that HE started it? :lol:

This guy has had a nasty attitude toward dissenting American citizens since before he took office, or do we forget how the flyover peoples are just "bitter clingers"? And he hasn't let up yet. So, his hypocritical ass can get bent on the subject of "civility" as far as I'm concerned.

As I said, he's an embarrassment to his office, utterly lacking in self-control and unable to resist an opportunity to fling some poo for the simple joy of poo-flinging. One would think he'd send out his toadies to do his dirty work like any other mob boss. But no, he enjoys the dirt.
Honestly? The tea party people getting upset at being teabaggers (which they used first, until they found out what it was) is only getting upset at their own ignorance.

I remember reading recently on one of the news sites (forget which one) where some people in the tea party said using the word teabagger is like using the N-word. I had a good laugh until I realized they were serious.

What the fuck was anyone thinking to make you a Mod?

Why are you questioning him as a Mod instead of addressing his post?
Calling us "TeaBagger" is fucking knowingly offensive and as long as anyone does it I will respond in kind.

That's all I'm saying.
But you trotted out the "Some Conservative once used the phrase" bullshit excuse.

No, I spoke about the truth of the situation you sensitive crybaby. Conservatives were using the word teabag and teabagging before some of them actually found out what anyone under 30 knows it is. Then they want to act like they never used it in the first place. It's hilarious.

Figures this sniveling comes from the guy who uses the word Libtard.
But you trotted out the "Some Conservative once used the phrase" bullshit excuse.

No, I spoke about the truth of the situation you sensitive crybaby. Conservatives were using the word teabag and teabagging before some of them actually found out what anyone under 30 knows it is. Then they want to act like they never used it in the first place. It's hilarious.

Figures this sniveling comes from the guy who uses the word Libtard.

1. Again, no matter how many times you want to mention it, one guy with a sign does not speak for all of us, even if you manage to find an old article by a Bush Speech talking about one guys sign. It's a fucking offensive term!

2. Check and see the last time I used "Libtard" and I can't think of any sexual connotation with Libtard
1. Again, no matter how many times you want to mention it, one guy with a sign does not speak for all of us, even if you manage to find an old article by a Bush Speech talking about one guys sign. It's a fucking offensive term!

2. Check and see the last time I used "Libtard" and I can't think of any sexual connotation with Libtard

1.) It wasn't just one guy there princess. By the way, I wouldn't be able to find any tea party stuff before Obama, because all of these tea partiers suddenly gave a shit when Obama was in the White House. Didn't give two shits when Bush, Cheney, and the Republicans were running this country down the sewer though.

2.) You've used the word Libtard several times. It doesn't have to have any sexual connotations to be offensive.

Honestly, man the hell up Frank. The word teabagger was around long before the tea party. What do you think was going to happen when you call yourselves the tea party?

Hell, I find it hilarious that these groups are calling themselves tea parties, when taxes are at their lowest levels in sixty years.

But keep it up Frank, I can use the laughs. :thup:
They probably should have come up with a better symbol.

Too late now.

Or as the saying goes: "You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube".
1. Again, no matter how many times you want to mention it, one guy with a sign does not speak for all of us, even if you manage to find an old article by a Bush Speech talking about one guys sign. It's a fucking offensive term!

2. Check and see the last time I used "Libtard" and I can't think of any sexual connotation with Libtard

1.) It wasn't just one guy there princess. By the way, I wouldn't be able to find any tea party stuff before Obama, because all of these tea partiers suddenly gave a shit when Obama was in the White House. Didn't give two shits when Bush, Cheney, and the Republicans were running this country down the sewer though.

2.) You've used the word Libtard several times. It doesn't have to have any sexual connotations to be offensive.

Honestly, man the hell up Frank. The word teabagger was around long before the tea party. What do you think was going to happen when you call yourselves the tea party?

Hell, I find it hilarious that these groups are calling themselves tea parties, when taxes are at their lowest levels in sixty years.

But keep it up Frank, I can use the laughs. :thup:

I've used Libtard about 10 times here including my secret new identity, Libtard J Moonbat, where I pretend to be a Liberal but am having second thought a la the fake Republicans here.

In closing, because I'm done debating this, call me or the Tea Party "TeaBaggers" and I respond in kind.

Tea Party is not just about taxes, is about not letting Marxists sink the final harpoon into American freedoms and the country we once knew
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In closing, because I'm done debating this, call me or the Tea Party "TeaBaggers" and I respond in kind.

Tea Party is not just about taxes, is about letting not letting Marxists sink the final harpoon into American freedoms and the country we once knew

Debating this? We're not debating the facts here Frank, you are trying to however. You're the type of person who likes to dish and spew some hatred, but even at the possibility of getting back in kind, you can't handle it. If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen princess.

By the way, Tea Parties are about getting Big Government Republicans into office so they can continue to shove their agenda onto others, whether they like it or not. You and the others can try to hide behind the whole "Obama's a Marxist" crap, but then you go and complain he's taking bribes and contributions from all these capitalist companies.

The amount of doublethink involved for you to even post here must be so ridiculous that you can no longer even tell what left and right is due to being so blinded by your partisan hackery. War is Peace to you Frank, and it's quite a sad sight to see.

My only regret about the tea parties are people like Pilgrim being roped into them, because they see it as their own opportunity as to make a difference with the two party death grip that the Democrats and Republicans have on Washington D.C. and in the states currently. However, they are battling against the more vocal side of the tea party, the part that supports people like Palin, Bush, and Bachmann. And in that aspect, the tea party isn't that much different as a whole than the Republican Party. Two battles going on for the souls of these groups.

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