Bill Maher: Recession would be 'worth it' if Trump doesn't get re-elected

So it's Congress' fault, not the president?
NO what we are saying it is liberal policies that are at fault, when you put people who cant pay for a house into a house, like Bill Clintons housing bill, and then the sub prime red lining debacle of Chris, Maxine and Barney, you are going to have failure in the long run. It all comes back to Cloward and Pevin.

Bankrupt the capitalist system and make people hungry, when more people are hungry they will want the government to save them, even if it means the Communist way.

You are just a stupid twit, who wants to see everyone poor and miserable, then you will feel equal to them.
That idiot was blaming the repeal of Glass-Steagall. So why blame the president for conservative policies?

And the cowardly pawn lies again. Repeal of Glass-Steagal was a first step you illiterate coward. Try learning how to read. The DEMS pushing these institutions to loan money to people who obviously couldn't afford it under threat of legal action has been determined to be the cause. Who signed that repeal again idiot?

I like how you blame Congressional Democrats for pushing loans.... and you blame a Democrat president for signing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act -- but you don't blame Congressional Republicans for passing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.


Again you COWARDLY illiterate, WHO SIGNED IT? You're complete and total idiocy is exceeded only by your cowardice. Did those mean Reoublicans put a gun to Bill Clintons head and make him sign it? He who signed it bears ultimate blame. He had a choice. Funny how you absolve him but want to blame Republicans. :21::21::21:
Who wrote it? How on Earth do you blame only Clintom but not Republicans? And where did I say I absolved him of anything? You're fucking nuts.
So you don't remember the total obstruction of Moscow Mich entire 8 years of Obama. The only thing they could pass was the stimulus with two nice GOP ladies helping. And the greatest social reform since the thirties when they had 60 votes in the senate for 35 days. You idiots think he had total power for two years and his policies ruined the economy. Could not be more wrong.
So what you are saying, this booming economy. Is because the republicans?
There is very little difference between Obama's economy and this economy, brain-washed functional moron. Except that Trump threw another trillion dollar tax cut at himself and his pals. Now he's going to wreck it with tariffs and trade Wars, and somewhere there is a corrupt GOP deregulation bubble that will burst if he gets another 4 years..... If only Republicans could leave our great economy alone.....
Obama threw a trillion dollar tax increase with Obamacare. And don't forget Mafia Nancy!
Everything you know is garbage propaganda, super duper. What a load LOL. And he did not want a mandate. That was added by Congress.
You are so full of shit its coming out of your ears....its a wonder anyone still takes you seriously enough to respond to you...

I have the entire world of law enforcement and journalism on my side, you have Rupert Murdoch and his bought off stooges.
So it's Congress' fault, not the president?
NO what we are saying it is liberal policies that are at fault, when you put people who cant pay for a house into a house, like Bill Clintons housing bill, and then the sub prime red lining debacle of Chris, Maxine and Barney, you are going to have failure in the long run. It all comes back to Cloward and Pevin.

Bankrupt the capitalist system and make people hungry, when more people are hungry they will want the government to save them, even if it means the Communist way.

You are just a stupid twit, who wants to see everyone poor and miserable, then you will feel equal to them.
That idiot was blaming the repeal of Glass-Steagall. So why blame the president for conservative policies?

And the cowardly pawn lies again. Repeal of Glass-Steagal was a first step you illiterate coward. Try learning how to read. The DEMS pushing these institutions to loan money to people who obviously couldn't afford it under threat of legal action has been determined to be the cause. Who signed that repeal again idiot?

I like how you blame Congressional Democrats for pushing loans.... and you blame a Democrat president for signing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act -- but you don't blame Congressional Republicans for passing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.


Again you COWARDLY illiterate, WHO SIGNED IT? You're complete and total idiocy is exceeded only by your cowardice. Did those mean Reoublicans put a gun to Bill Clintons head and make him sign it? He who signed it bears ultimate blame. He had a choice. Funny how you absolve him but want to blame Republicans. :21::21::21:
It wasn't a bad law really, the problem started with GOP deregulation crony oversight financial markets. As well as big health big Pharma big insurance any big company. The GOP is the swamp you idiots. Only all your phony scandals and misinformation make this possible....
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy ....
I stopped listening to your hilarious diatribe right here...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back

YOU, my friend, are FUNNY AS HELL...

So you don't remember the total obstruction of Moscow Mich entire 8 years of Obama. The only thing they could pass was the stimulus with two nice GOP ladies helping. And the greatest social reform since the thirties when they had 60 votes in the senate for 35 days. You idiots think he had total power for two years and his policies ruined the economy. Could not be more wrong.
So what you are saying, this booming economy. Is because the republicans?
There is very little difference between Obama's economy and this economy, brain-washed functional moron. Except that Trump threw another trillion dollar tax cut at himself and his pals. Now he's going to wreck it with tariffs and trade Wars, and somewhere there is a corrupt GOP deregulation bubble that will burst if he gets another 4 years..... If only Republicans could leave our great economy alone.....
So, the same you have been saying for the past 3 years? What a fallacy!
The DEMS pushing these institutions to loan money to people who obviously couldn't afford it under threat of legal action has been determined to be the cause.

If there is one thing that will make Dem's squeal like stuck pigs its holding them accountable. I remember Barny Frank pretending he had nothing to do with the Fannie and Freddie mess, when he headed the banking committee. President Bush raised a warning flag on Fannie and Freddie and Frank swore up and down there was nothing wrong and no need for concern. Shortly thereafter it blew up and Frank was all over tv blaming 'Wall Street'.
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy ....
I stopped listening to your hilarious diatribe right here...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back

YOU, my friend, are FUNNY AS HELL...

So you don't remember the total obstruction of Moscow Mich entire 8 years of Obama. The only thing they could pass was the stimulus with two nice GOP ladies helping. And the greatest social reform since the thirties when they had 60 votes in the senate for 35 days. You idiots think he had total power for two years and his policies ruined the economy. Could not be more wrong.
So what you are saying, this booming economy. Is because the republicans?
There is very little difference between Obama's economy and this economy, brain-washed functional moron. Except that Trump threw another trillion dollar tax cut at himself and his pals. Now he's going to wreck it with tariffs and trade Wars, and somewhere there is a corrupt GOP deregulation bubble that will burst if he gets another 4 years..... If only Republicans could leave our great economy alone.....
So, the same you have been saying for the past 3 years? What a fallacy!
The truth is very consistent, unlike your endlessly imaginative propaganda. So many ridiculous phony scandals against Hillary Obama etc now the deep State what next...
I stopped listening to your hilarious diatribe right here...

Strongest economy in decades
Lowest unemployment in decades / ever
Most Americans working ever
Millions off of social programs
Jobs Obama said were gone are back

YOU, my friend, are FUNNY AS HELL...

So you don't remember the total obstruction of Moscow Mich entire 8 years of Obama. The only thing they could pass was the stimulus with two nice GOP ladies helping. And the greatest social reform since the thirties when they had 60 votes in the senate for 35 days. You idiots think he had total power for two years and his policies ruined the economy. Could not be more wrong.
So what you are saying, this booming economy. Is because the republicans?
There is very little difference between Obama's economy and this economy, brain-washed functional moron. Except that Trump threw another trillion dollar tax cut at himself and his pals. Now he's going to wreck it with tariffs and trade Wars, and somewhere there is a corrupt GOP deregulation bubble that will burst if he gets another 4 years..... If only Republicans could leave our great economy alone.....
So, the same you have been saying for the past 3 years? What a fallacy!
The truth is very consistent, unlike your endlessly imaginative propaganda. So many ridiculous phony scandals against Hillary Obama etc now the deep State what next...
Maybe yes, maybe no-we'll see.
The DEMS pushing these institutions to loan money to people who obviously couldn't afford it under threat of legal action has been determined to be the cause.

If there is one thing that will make Dem's squeal like stuck pigs its holding them accountable. I remember Barny Frank pretending he had nothing to do with the Fannie and Freddie mess, when he headed the banking committee. President Bush raised a warning flag on Fannie and Freddie and Frank swore up and down there was nothing wrong and no need for concern. Shortly thereafter it blew up and Frank was all over tv blaming 'Wall Street'.
considering the GOP propaganda machine showed Barney saying that hundreds of times, it is not surprising you remember. everybody was saying the same thing. You don't say the sky is falling when you're in a position of responsibility, brainwashed functional moron. But Fannie and Freddie was not the problem -it was countrywide and other private financial institutions run by pals of the bushy's. The whole thing was corrupt and every time the GOP gets to oversee business. See big oil big Health big Pharma big everything and the lobbyists. you have no clue. How many times will they wreck the world economy?
The DEMS pushing these institutions to loan money to people who obviously couldn't afford it under threat of legal action has been determined to be the cause.

If there is one thing that will make Dem's squeal like stuck pigs its holding them accountable. I remember Barny Frank pretending he had nothing to do with the Fannie and Freddie mess, when he headed the banking committee. President Bush raised a warning flag on Fannie and Freddie and Frank swore up and down there was nothing wrong and no need for concern. Shortly thereafter it blew up and Frank was all over tv blaming 'Wall Street'.
considering the GOP propaganda machine showed Barney saying that hundreds of times, it is not surprising you remember. everybody was saying the same thing. You don't say the sky is falling when you're in a position of responsibility, brainwashed functional moron. But Fannie and Freddie was not the problem -it was countrywide and other private financial institutions run by pals of the bushy's. The whole thing was corrupt and every time the GOP gets to oversee business. See big oil big Health big Pharma big everything and the lobbyists. you have no clue. How many times will they wreck the world economy?
I do know gas prices were very high with a Texas Republican in office.
The DEMS pushing these institutions to loan money to people who obviously couldn't afford it under threat of legal action has been determined to be the cause.

If there is one thing that will make Dem's squeal like stuck pigs its holding them accountable. I remember Barny Frank pretending he had nothing to do with the Fannie and Freddie mess, when he headed the banking committee. President Bush raised a warning flag on Fannie and Freddie and Frank swore up and down there was nothing wrong and no need for concern. Shortly thereafter it blew up and Frank was all over tv blaming 'Wall Street'.
considering the GOP propaganda machine showed Barney saying that hundreds of times, it is not surprising you remember. everybody was saying the same thing. You don't say the sky is falling when you're in a position of responsibility, brainwashed functional moron. But Fannie and Freddie was not the problem -it was countrywide and other private financial institutions run by pals of the bushy's. The whole thing was corrupt and every time the GOP gets to oversee business. See big oil big Health big Pharma big everything and the lobbyists. you have no clue. How many times will they wreck the world economy?
I do know gas prices were very high with a Texas Republican in office.
Until all of a sudden they were very low.
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy and everything else when the Democrats are in power. And lie about it-- the same economy that Trump has now they called terrible for 7 years and blame Democrats for GOP disasters.
Yeah.... Those evil Republicans keep screwing things up by increasing wages and employment...

It's sickening.... All those damned food stamps going un-needed... All those minority people having dignity and self respect...

It's intolerable...
Just a continuation of Obama's economy, actually our Great American economy. I will do great every time just by being left alone. But Republicans have to have corrupt bubbles and busts. The wages increases going to the rich more than anything. And all the wealth is definitely going to the rich. 3 people own as much as 50%. Great job scumbag GOP.

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