Bill Maher: Recession would be 'worth it' if Trump doesn't get re-elected

everyone in the world outside your bubble of garbage propaganda knows where the fake news is, brainwashed functional moron.

You appear to be talking to yourself...again.
Everything You know is wrong, brainwashed functional moron. In the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement, everyone thinks you are an idiot and your propaganda machine demagogues are scum.
I lost who said what. But don't we ALL have points of view with some value-even Bill Maher?
Not the GOP or their brainwashed voters as far as I can tell. Phony scandals against Democrats, misinformation about who pays taxes and who is getting improvements in wages etcetera,and of course it appears all our problems are due to immigrants and asylum-seekers. So grab your assault rifle and go kill some LOL aaarrrggghhh h h h h h...
The GOP is mostly in power now so you have to bear up till it changes. I don't see brainwashed voters or phony scandals-except Russia collusion, and the rest are normal. And, yes, we have to deport the illegals and fake asylumers or you can expect more ElPaso's-not because of Trump, but because you have foreign invaders in our country.
Everything you know about Hillary and Obama and Lerner and the FBI are phony scandals, brainwashed functional moron. not to mention all the hate and character assassination racism included in your propaganda. Worst thing to happen to the United States ever. Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc are crap and Rupert Murdoch should die. That will be the solution.
No, but the bill was drafted by conservatives.
it was drafted by Republicans, and Bill Clinton's mistake was going along with their garbage all during his administration. But it took corrupt GOP deregulation and cronyism oversight to make this corrupt bubble work. Duh. No matter how much garbage you propaganda they spew....
Took both parties didn't it?
Clinton is a Republican?
No, but he sometimes worked with Republicans to pass their bills.
Nothing wrong with that if the bills were for the public good.
You appear to be talking to yourself...again.
Everything You know is wrong, brainwashed functional moron. In the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement, everyone thinks you are an idiot and your propaganda machine demagogues are scum.
I lost who said what. But don't we ALL have points of view with some value-even Bill Maher?
Not the GOP or their brainwashed voters as far as I can tell. Phony scandals against Democrats, misinformation about who pays taxes and who is getting improvements in wages etcetera,and of course it appears all our problems are due to immigrants and asylum-seekers. So grab your assault rifle and go kill some LOL aaarrrggghhh h h h h h...
The GOP is mostly in power now so you have to bear up till it changes. I don't see brainwashed voters or phony scandals-except Russia collusion, and the rest are normal. And, yes, we have to deport the illegals and fake asylumers or you can expect more ElPaso's-not because of Trump, but because you have foreign invaders in our country.
Everything you know about Hillary and Obama and Lerner and the FBI are phony scandals, brainwashed functional moron. not to mention all the hate and character assassination racism included in your propaganda. Worst thing to happen to the United States ever. Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc are crap and Rupert Murdoch should die. That will be the solution.
I thought you were mature, but I'll respond anyway. We don't know enough about the 4 you list to see if anything is scandal worthy-brainwashed functional moron-your words. I don't have any propaganda, do you? Murdoch should die? Really?
it was drafted by Republicans, and Bill Clinton's mistake was going along with their garbage all during his administration. But it took corrupt GOP deregulation and cronyism oversight to make this corrupt bubble work. Duh. No matter how much garbage you propaganda they spew....
Took both parties didn't it?
Clinton is a Republican?
No, but he sometimes worked with Republicans to pass their bills.
Nothing wrong with that if the bills were for the public good.
I didn't say otherwise. What I did say it's stupid to not blame conservatives for their own bills that get passed.
No, but the bill was drafted by conservatives.
it was drafted by Republicans, and Bill Clinton's mistake was going along with their garbage all during his administration. But it took corrupt GOP deregulation and cronyism oversight to make this corrupt bubble work. Duh. No matter how much garbage you propaganda they spew....
Took both parties didn't it?
Clinton is a Republican?
No, but he sometimes worked with Republicans to pass their bills.
Big mistake as it turned out obviously. The price of being reasonable while the GOP refuses to bend at all as it turns out obviously...
Everything You know is wrong, brainwashed functional moron. In the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement, everyone thinks you are an idiot and your propaganda machine demagogues are scum.
I lost who said what. But don't we ALL have points of view with some value-even Bill Maher?
Not the GOP or their brainwashed voters as far as I can tell. Phony scandals against Democrats, misinformation about who pays taxes and who is getting improvements in wages etcetera,and of course it appears all our problems are due to immigrants and asylum-seekers. So grab your assault rifle and go kill some LOL aaarrrggghhh h h h h h...
The GOP is mostly in power now so you have to bear up till it changes. I don't see brainwashed voters or phony scandals-except Russia collusion, and the rest are normal. And, yes, we have to deport the illegals and fake asylumers or you can expect more ElPaso's-not because of Trump, but because you have foreign invaders in our country.
Everything you know about Hillary and Obama and Lerner and the FBI are phony scandals, brainwashed functional moron. not to mention all the hate and character assassination racism included in your propaganda. Worst thing to happen to the United States ever. Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc are crap and Rupert Murdoch should die. That will be the solution.
I thought you were mature, but I'll respond anyway. We don't know enough about the 4 you list to see if anything is scandal worthy-brainwashed functional moron-your words. I don't have any propaganda, do you? Murdoch should die? Really?
he has lived too long already. What an a******. And Rodger ailes do we miss him I don't think so....all kinds of incredible propaganda to distract from the fact that they are raping the middle class and the working class for 35 years now. Wouldn't be so bad if they weren't totally incompetent to boot.
Everything You know is wrong, brainwashed functional moron. In the entire world of Journalism and law enforcement, everyone thinks you are an idiot and your propaganda machine demagogues are scum.
I lost who said what. But don't we ALL have points of view with some value-even Bill Maher?
Not the GOP or their brainwashed voters as far as I can tell. Phony scandals against Democrats, misinformation about who pays taxes and who is getting improvements in wages etcetera,and of course it appears all our problems are due to immigrants and asylum-seekers. So grab your assault rifle and go kill some LOL aaarrrggghhh h h h h h...
The GOP is mostly in power now so you have to bear up till it changes. I don't see brainwashed voters or phony scandals-except Russia collusion, and the rest are normal. And, yes, we have to deport the illegals and fake asylumers or you can expect more ElPaso's-not because of Trump, but because you have foreign invaders in our country.
Everything you know about Hillary and Obama and Lerner and the FBI are phony scandals, brainwashed functional moron. not to mention all the hate and character assassination racism included in your propaganda. Worst thing to happen to the United States ever. Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc are crap and Rupert Murdoch should die. That will be the solution.
I thought you were mature, but I'll respond anyway. We don't know enough about the 4 you list to see if anything is scandal worthy-brainwashed functional moron-your words. I don't have any propaganda, do you? Murdoch should die? Really?
If you don't know enough about those four, you are watching the wrong news. Everything has been investigated by law enforcement and journalists and there is nothing to any of that garbage. End of story. No we are not going to deport 11 million people who work hard and have been here for years and are part of our economy. Passed the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with a ID card that will end this GOP scan forever. I'm sorry I called you a brainwashed functional moron if you are third party but if you argue with me I'll end up calling you that because it's just more garbage propaganda you spewing.... Not only Republicans believe that crap. 25 years of garbage propaganda against Hillary none true. so even Democrats are saying well there must be something to that. Nope!
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.

Of course Dems think it’s worth it, to send millions of blacks and Latinos back to the unemployment line and on welfare. For them, this is about power, not the health and welfare of our country.
it was drafted by Republicans, and Bill Clinton's mistake was going along with their garbage all during his administration. But it took corrupt GOP deregulation and cronyism oversight to make this corrupt bubble work. Duh. No matter how much garbage you propaganda they spew....
Took both parties didn't it?
Clinton is a Republican?
No, but he sometimes worked with Republicans to pass their bills.

I guess that is the litmus test for a "successful" democrat -- -- -- -- the one's that actually get things done do so by meeting Repubs half way.
Too bad all Republican Masters care about is cutting taxes on the rich and screwing everybody else.... So where do you think the corrupt GOP deregulation and crap oversight economic bubble is this time, super duper?
So you are trying to blame Bush for the Democrats not doing a damn thing despite controlling the House and Senate, despite controlling the budget...the purse strings...the spending...the economy?!

You're trying to blame Bush for Democrats being 'sheep'...?

Bwuhahahaha...... I don't know if you have heard about them or not, but there are several things called 'Leading' and 'Personal accountability' ... perhaps Democrats / snowflakes should look into them...

People in the know were just waiting for those toxic assets the Republicans allowed to come due. You are an idiot LOL. They couldn't do anything, bush vetoed whatever they tried to do....

As usual moron, you have it backwards. Those toxic assets were caused by the DEMS mortgage scandal. Starting with Clinton repealing Glass-Steagal. Banks were forced by DEMS, under threat of all sorts of fines, to give loans to minorities who obviously could not afford the payments. Bush WARNED Frank and company that this was going to blow up and was laughed at. You idiots claimed everything was fine, until it wasn't. Then Frank and company had the absolute gall to try and blame Bush for that. But now these idiot candidates want to do the same thing again. Talk about failing history.....
So it's Congress' fault, not the president?
NO what we are saying it is liberal policies that are at fault, when you put people who cant pay for a house into a house, like Bill Clintons housing bill, and then the sub prime red lining debacle of Chris, Maxine and Barney, you are going to have failure in the long run. It all comes back to Cloward and Pevin.

Bankrupt the capitalist system and make people hungry, when more people are hungry they will want the government to save them, even if it means the Communist way.

You are just a stupid twit, who wants to see everyone poor and miserable, then you will feel equal to them.
That idiot was blaming the repeal of Glass-Steagall. So why blame the president for conservative policies?

And the cowardly pawn lies again. Repeal of Glass-Steagal was a first step you illiterate coward. Try learning how to read. The DEMS pushing these institutions to loan money to people who obviously couldn't afford it under threat of legal action has been determined to be the cause. Who signed that repeal again idiot?
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.

Of course Dems think it’s worth it, to send millions of blacks and Latinos back to the unemployment line and on welfare. For them, this is about power, not the health and welfare of our country.
You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind, super duper. We need a democratic government with power so bad it is ridiculous. Only propaganda makes this garbage possible. You do know that this guy is a comedian right? We'd rather beat Trump without a recession, but his trade Wars and tariffs are stupid and are playing with fire.... We no longer lead the Free World after 35 years of reaganism tax rates and policy etcetera etc. What a scam GOP reconciliation and filibuster rules are. Time to Nuke them. By which I mean the nuclear option. I better tell you brainwashed hater dupes LOL aaarrrggghhh....
Took both parties didn't it?
Clinton is a Republican?
No, but he sometimes worked with Republicans to pass their bills.

I guess that is the litmus test for a "successful" democrat -- -- -- -- the one's that actually get things done do so by meeting Repubs half way.
Too bad all Republican Masters care about is cutting taxes on the rich and screwing everybody else.... So where do you think the corrupt GOP deregulation and crap oversight economic bubble is this time, super duper?
Promise to cut the peasant classes taxes just above the poverty line to 30 or 40 thousand dollars higher big time and you will be the party of the peon again. That is not happening.
Took both parties didn't it?
Clinton is a Republican?
No, but he sometimes worked with Republicans to pass their bills.
Nothing wrong with that if the bills were for the public good.
I didn't say otherwise. What I did say it's stupid to not blame conservatives for their own bills that get passed.
You split an infinitive. And why stupid? How about not logical?
it was drafted by Republicans, and Bill Clinton's mistake was going along with their garbage all during his administration. But it took corrupt GOP deregulation and cronyism oversight to make this corrupt bubble work. Duh. No matter how much garbage you propaganda they spew....
Took both parties didn't it?
Clinton is a Republican?
No, but he sometimes worked with Republicans to pass their bills.
Big mistake as it turned out obviously. The price of being reasonable while the GOP refuses to bend at all as it turns out obviously...
Like Reagan and the amnesty?
People in the know were just waiting for those toxic assets the Republicans allowed to come due. You are an idiot LOL. They couldn't do anything, bush vetoed whatever they tried to do....

As usual moron, you have it backwards. Those toxic assets were caused by the DEMS mortgage scandal. Starting with Clinton repealing Glass-Steagal. Banks were forced by DEMS, under threat of all sorts of fines, to give loans to minorities who obviously could not afford the payments. Bush WARNED Frank and company that this was going to blow up and was laughed at. You idiots claimed everything was fine, until it wasn't. Then Frank and company had the absolute gall to try and blame Bush for that. But now these idiot candidates want to do the same thing again. Talk about failing history.....
So it's Congress' fault, not the president?
NO what we are saying it is liberal policies that are at fault, when you put people who cant pay for a house into a house, like Bill Clintons housing bill, and then the sub prime red lining debacle of Chris, Maxine and Barney, you are going to have failure in the long run. It all comes back to Cloward and Pevin.

Bankrupt the capitalist system and make people hungry, when more people are hungry they will want the government to save them, even if it means the Communist way.

You are just a stupid twit, who wants to see everyone poor and miserable, then you will feel equal to them.
That idiot was blaming the repeal of Glass-Steagall. So why blame the president for conservative policies?

And the cowardly pawn lies again. Repeal of Glass-Steagal was a first step you illiterate coward. Try learning how to read. The DEMS pushing these institutions to loan money to people who obviously couldn't afford it under threat of legal action has been determined to be the cause. Who signed that repeal again idiot?

I like how you blame Congressional Democrats for pushing loans.... and you blame a Democrat president for signing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act -- but you don't blame Congressional Republicans for passing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

People in the know were just waiting for those toxic assets the Republicans allowed to come due. You are an idiot LOL. They couldn't do anything, bush vetoed whatever they tried to do....

As usual moron, you have it backwards. Those toxic assets were caused by the DEMS mortgage scandal. Starting with Clinton repealing Glass-Steagal. Banks were forced by DEMS, under threat of all sorts of fines, to give loans to minorities who obviously could not afford the payments. Bush WARNED Frank and company that this was going to blow up and was laughed at. You idiots claimed everything was fine, until it wasn't. Then Frank and company had the absolute gall to try and blame Bush for that. But now these idiot candidates want to do the same thing again. Talk about failing history.....
So it's Congress' fault, not the president?
NO what we are saying it is liberal policies that are at fault, when you put people who cant pay for a house into a house, like Bill Clintons housing bill, and then the sub prime red lining debacle of Chris, Maxine and Barney, you are going to have failure in the long run. It all comes back to Cloward and Pevin.

Bankrupt the capitalist system and make people hungry, when more people are hungry they will want the government to save them, even if it means the Communist way.

You are just a stupid twit, who wants to see everyone poor and miserable, then you will feel equal to them.
That idiot was blaming the repeal of Glass-Steagall. So why blame the president for conservative policies?

And the cowardly pawn lies again. Repeal of Glass-Steagal was a first step you illiterate coward. Try learning how to read. The DEMS pushing these institutions to loan money to people who obviously couldn't afford it under threat of legal action has been determined to be the cause. Who signed that repeal again idiot?
Absolutely garbage propaganda, super duper. The Democrats wanted to stop discrimination against Worthy minorities du h. Every time the GOP gets in they deregulate and have crap regulation of their crony industries and businesses. You know nothing. See wall Street in 1929, SNL in 1989 real estate in 2008. The GOP loves lobbyists and corruption you stupid idiots.
I lost who said what. But don't we ALL have points of view with some value-even Bill Maher?
Not the GOP or their brainwashed voters as far as I can tell. Phony scandals against Democrats, misinformation about who pays taxes and who is getting improvements in wages etcetera,and of course it appears all our problems are due to immigrants and asylum-seekers. So grab your assault rifle and go kill some LOL aaarrrggghhh h h h h h...
The GOP is mostly in power now so you have to bear up till it changes. I don't see brainwashed voters or phony scandals-except Russia collusion, and the rest are normal. And, yes, we have to deport the illegals and fake asylumers or you can expect more ElPaso's-not because of Trump, but because you have foreign invaders in our country.
Everything you know about Hillary and Obama and Lerner and the FBI are phony scandals, brainwashed functional moron. not to mention all the hate and character assassination racism included in your propaganda. Worst thing to happen to the United States ever. Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc are crap and Rupert Murdoch should die. That will be the solution.
I thought you were mature, but I'll respond anyway. We don't know enough about the 4 you list to see if anything is scandal worthy-brainwashed functional moron-your words. I don't have any propaganda, do you? Murdoch should die? Really?
he has lived too long already. What an a******. And Rodger ailes do we miss him I don't think so....all kinds of incredible propaganda to distract from the fact that they are raping the middle class and the working class for 35 years now. Wouldn't be so bad if they weren't totally incompetent to boot.
If it is propaganda, you are intelligent enough to see thru it right? And why 35 years-what makes that special?
hilarious since Republicans do all they can to screw up the economy and everything else when the Democrats are in power. And lie about it-- the same economy that Trump has now they called terrible for 7 years and blame Democrats for GOP disasters.
Yeah.... Those evil Republicans keep screwing things up by increasing wages and employment...

It's sickening.... All those damned food stamps going un-needed... All those minority people having dignity and self respect...

It's intolerable...
Like many Democrats, some of these Hollywood liberals have completely lost their minds. Little Billy is right up there at the top of the list.

HBO host Bill Maher continued hoping for a recession on his show "Overtime" Friday, saying that the economic fallout would be "worth it" if it prevented President Trump from serving another term in office.

Maher reiterated his desire for a recession that would tank Trump's political prospects before the 2020 election. That prompted business columnist Josh Barro to remind Maher that "recessions are really bad" and that people lost their jobs as a result.

"I know," Maher responded, "but it's worth it." His comments came as Democrats tried to attack the president amid stellar economic metrics.

Barro told Maher that the regular cycle of economics didn't necessarily guarantee a recession near the 2020 election. "Recessions don't come because they're due. Recessions come because there's some kind of overheating -- something goes wrong in the economy," he said.

Of course Dems think it’s worth it, to send millions of blacks and Latinos back to the unemployment line and on welfare. For them, this is about power, not the health and welfare of our country.
You are out of your tiny brainwashed little mind, super duper. We need a democratic government with power so bad it is ridiculous. Only propaganda makes this garbage possible. You do know that this guy is a comedian right? We'd rather beat Trump without a recession, but his trade Wars and tariffs are stupid and are playing with fire.... We no longer lead the Free World after 35 years of reaganism tax rates and policy etcetera etc. What a scam GOP reconciliation and filibuster rules are. Time to Nuke them. By which I mean the nuclear option. I better tell you brainwashed hater dupes LOL aaarrrggghhh....
With all the name calling, your words lost their power. No war, low unemployment, great 401K performance, and taking on our enemies full speed-what a great presidency! Your wish list may come after 2020 or 2024, but you may not like what you find.
As usual moron, you have it backwards. Those toxic assets were caused by the DEMS mortgage scandal. Starting with Clinton repealing Glass-Steagal. Banks were forced by DEMS, under threat of all sorts of fines, to give loans to minorities who obviously could not afford the payments. Bush WARNED Frank and company that this was going to blow up and was laughed at. You idiots claimed everything was fine, until it wasn't. Then Frank and company had the absolute gall to try and blame Bush for that. But now these idiot candidates want to do the same thing again. Talk about failing history.....
So it's Congress' fault, not the president?
NO what we are saying it is liberal policies that are at fault, when you put people who cant pay for a house into a house, like Bill Clintons housing bill, and then the sub prime red lining debacle of Chris, Maxine and Barney, you are going to have failure in the long run. It all comes back to Cloward and Pevin.

Bankrupt the capitalist system and make people hungry, when more people are hungry they will want the government to save them, even if it means the Communist way.

You are just a stupid twit, who wants to see everyone poor and miserable, then you will feel equal to them.
That idiot was blaming the repeal of Glass-Steagall. So why blame the president for conservative policies?

And the cowardly pawn lies again. Repeal of Glass-Steagal was a first step you illiterate coward. Try learning how to read. The DEMS pushing these institutions to loan money to people who obviously couldn't afford it under threat of legal action has been determined to be the cause. Who signed that repeal again idiot?

I like how you blame Congressional Democrats for pushing loans.... and you blame a Democrat president for signing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act -- but you don't blame Congressional Republicans for passing the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.


Again you COWARDLY illiterate, WHO SIGNED IT? You're complete and total idiocy is exceeded only by your cowardice. Did those mean Reoublicans put a gun to Bill Clintons head and make him sign it? He who signed it bears ultimate blame. He had a choice. Funny how you absolve him but want to blame Republicans. :21::21::21:

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