Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015
I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’
I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

I think Bill is confused as to what the First Amendment means.

The first Amendment gives everyone the right to say what they want. It does not promise them a forum.

If the campus community as a whole doesn't want to hear Coulter's nasty racist bile, then they have every right to bar her, just as all the newspapers who stopped carrying her column after she mocked 9/11 widows had ever right to do that.
I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

lolol, book burning? Coulter's books are in the UC Berkeley library.

Result List: AU Ann Coulter: Start Your Search!
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.
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Strange comment. I've noticed you have a lot of homosexual fantasies. Might want to get that looked at.
so you think homosexuality is a mental disease that requires treatment?

I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

I think Bill is confused as to what the First Amendment means.

The first Amendment gives everyone the right to say what they want. It does not promise them a forum.

If the campus community as a whole doesn't want to hear Coulter's nasty racist bile, then they have every right to bar her, just as all the newspapers who stopped carrying her column after she mocked 9/11 widows had ever right to do that.
Wrong, douche bag, they do not have every right to bar her. Berkeley is a taxpayer supported institution. As such, it has an obligation to treat each citizen equally. According to your theory Berkeley should have the right to discriminate against blacks and homosexuals.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?
You don't like her and don't want her to speak. That's all that boils down to.

And yes, I'd certainly welcome a KKK leader. And then some nut from the Left wing to balance him. The more voices the better.

What in the world are you afraid of? Don't you trust our young people to think for themselves?
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?
You don't like her and don't want her to speak. That's all that boils down to.

And yes, I'd certainly welcome a KKK leader. And then some nut from the Left wing to balance him. The more voices the better.

What in the world are you afraid of? Don't you trust our young people to think for themselves?

If that's why the students of Berkeley want then so be it. But many liberals find her repulsive like conservatives find left wing pundits repulsive.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.
It used to be that colleges were the perfect place for young people to be exposed to contrary, challenging, stimulating, controversial points of view.

But now, thanks to the Regressive Left, we have allowed that amazing growing process to be taken away from them.

What a terrible thing to do to our young people, all for cynical political gain. I don't know how you folks look in the mirror.

The point it is, Ann is a regressive. She is neither challenging or stimulating. Most people at Berkley do not like Ann Coulter and for good reason.

Are they supposed to be cool with a KKK leader coming to speak as well?
You don't like her and don't want her to speak. That's all that boils down to.

And yes, I'd certainly welcome a KKK leader. And then some nut from the Left wing to balance him. The more voices the better.

What in the world are you afraid of? Don't you trust our young people to think for themselves?

If that's why the students of Berkeley want then so be it. But many liberals find her repulsive like conservatives find left wing pundits repulsive.
I want the kids to hear it all. I want to challenge them. If you don't, then my point is made.
I don't like Mahr, but I give him credit for this one:

“Berkeley used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s just the cradle for f—ing babies,” Maher said. “I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses — they invite somebody to speak that’s not exactly what liberals want to hear and they want to shut her down. I feel like this is the liberals’ version of book burning. And it’s got to stop.”

Bill Maher Slams Berkeley for Canceling Ann Coulter Speech: ‘Liberals’ Version of Book Burning’

lolol, book burning? Coulter's books are in the UC Berkeley library.

Result List: AU Ann Coulter: Start Your Search!

Much to their surprise.
Bill Maher is a clown and always will be. Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions. People have a right to allow or deny someone the forum to speak.

A Christian university wouldn't have someone like Sam Harris speaking or someone like Bill Maher.

Berkeley is a liberal university. Ann Coulter has said lots of shady and bigoted things in the past. They have a right to deny her.

Majority of Berkeley students don't even want to see her.

Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private places and institutions.

That's where you're wrong. Those school receive government monies so by extension they represent the government. When they invite someone to speak, then prevent that speech they are violating the First Amendment. They are PUBLIC institutions.

The prevention of speech through violence is Fascism/Communism at it's best and is absolutely contrary to American principles. A person has a right to speak. You also have a right to not listen. What you don't have is a right to commit violence to prevent that speech.
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