bill maher the imaginary war on christianty.

One of his better rants. Hit the fucking nail right on the head.

He really did. So I think the best response on this thread, if one disagrees with Maher, is to state exactly WHO IS waging a war on Christianity.
Bill Maher.

He's one of those pathetic ex-Christians who now hates anything that his warped mind percieves to be Christian.

Actually, he's half Jewish.
So what?
you're an asshole that's what.
Maher is a political bigot idiot. War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive.
Maher is a self-absorbed idiot.

"War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive."- Roshawn

I'd say your post would also apply to the GOP. True, the Dems approach to abortion and gays seems to contradict the Bible, but then so does the GOP approach to the environment/pollution, helping the poor, weak & elderly and their approach to fair work wages.
And how is Maher any different than Rush, Hannity; etc?
I disagree with your assertion about repubs being anti-environment (Nixon created the EPA and dems have abused it for political gain). That is the typical democrat spin to demonize those who don't acquiesce to the democrat fascist agenda. Capitalism is not tantamount to hurting the elderly, poor and weak. More lefty spin.
And you are right in that Maher is no different from any other optical opportunist looking to make a buck off of controversy.

"I disagree with your assertion about repubs being anti-environment (Nixon created the EPA and dems have abused it for political gain). That is the typical democrat spin to demonize those who don't acquiesce to the democrat fascist agenda. Capitalism is not tantamount to hurting the elderly, poor and weak. More lefty spin."

True, Nixon did create the EPA, he was also the last environmental conscience president who happened to be Republican.
Now to "the typical democratic spin." Funny how pointing out where the dem approach in relation to abortion and gays contradicts the Bible is "typical democratic spin", please explain. The rewards of capitalism, taken in excess (greed), certainly has played a role in the demise of the middle class via flat wages for over three decades and outsourcing jobs offshore which hit it's apex during the last decade, care to debate me on that? How about that unfettered capitalism led to the Great Recession.The US used to have the wealthiest middle class in the world, now the US middle class is ranked 21st. Then there's the elderly, the GOP plan to privatize Medicare will literally kill seniors on fixed income. And of course the GOP's attitude towards the poor is a sin in itself.
You know, most posters know that I simply detest the GOP and the Democratic Parties, so leave your whiny partisan finger pointing to the important function of fingering your ass.
I said nothing about abortion and homos. You did.
You take advantage of capitalism while disparaging capitalism. That is democrat spin. Saying people are intentionally hurting the poor, weak and elderly is democrat spin.
Privatizing Medicare might actually enhance Medicare since anything the government runs becomes wasteful. Fact. Government has no risk/reward element so it wastes.
take this shit to another thread or by the use of facts prove that the people bill Maher quoted directly are either lying or he is.
The imaginary “war on religion” Posted on 3/23/2012 by Jack McKinney - See more at: The imaginary war on religion NC Policy Watch
There is a war on religion in this country. If you doubt it, just ask Newt Gingrich. Or listen to Rick Santorum. They are convinced that President Obama (you know, the guy who is either a devout Muslim or a godless secularist) is out to destroy the Christian faith because he thinks health insurance should cover contraception. Oh the horror of the President’s radical views. First he insists that pre-existing conditions should not be used against people seeking insurance, and now he believes women have the right to control their reproductive destinies. The walls of churches everywhere are shaking with the force of such cruel legislation. I’m weary of this phony war. I understand that people have strong disagreements on issues related to their faith. This has always been the case and always will be. In a country that celebrates the freedom of speech and the right to dissent against authorities, such arguments are part of the landscape. What strikes me as ridiculous is the assumption that these debates are between the people of faith vs. the vile unbelievers. Obama, Santorum, and Gingrich are all Christians. Obama’s biggest crisis in his 2008 campaign was connected to his church membership. Mitt Romney, still the presumed leader for the Republican nomination, also is a person whose faith is a central question mark to his potential candidacy. So, let’s set aside this false dichotomy and start telling the truth. The Christian faith comes in many different flavors. Just among the four politicians mentioned above you have two conservative Catholics, a progressive Protestant, and a Mormon. But to give you an idea of how broad the religious spectrum is in this country, did you realize there are more than fifty different Baptist sects in the United States? Just in that one tradition (which is my own, so I feel free to air the dirty laundry), the Baptists have disagreed with one another so vehemently that they felt the need to divide dozens of times. So when we argue about issues like women’s reproductive choice, or the rights of LGBTQ citizens, can we at least stop framing it as an argument of the believers vs. the non-believers? The reality is that some of us are deeply motivated by our faith to stand up for the rights of women and LGBTQ people. After all, I follow the teachings of a man named Jesus of Nazareth who stood by the outcasts of society before the authorities killed him for it. What really gets me peeved is not only when politicians suggest their view of faith is the only correct one, but they want the courts and legislators to favor that view against all others. Which is exactly what is happening in North Carolina in our struggle against the proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. The two primary arguments made against same-sex marriage by politicians in this state are that it changes an institution that has never been changed and it is unbiblical. The first point is patently false as the definition of who is allowed to marry whom has changed numerous times throughout history. The second point is even more disturbing. Those politicians have apparently forgotten these key words from the First Amendment to the United States Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Legislators may be motivated by their faith in shaping their views, but they are not allowed to deny an entire group of citizens basic rights because they think the Bible demands it. Doing so favors one religious view over the religious convictions of people like me who believe marriage equality is what God wants for this world. The problem for the conservatives who oppose marriage equality on religious grounds is that when you deny them the biblical basis of their argument, which is what happens in a court of law, there is nothing left to their position. We have seen that now twice in the federal courts in California. When Federal Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that Proposition 8 was unconstitutional, he noted that the lawyers representing the state’s referendum outlawing same-sex marriage had not made a case. Months later when a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments from both sides, the proponents for Prop 8 still made no constitutional case to support it. Could it be the problem is there is no good constitutional case to deny millions of Americans the right to marry? If the only point the opponents of marriage equality in North Carolina are going to make is that the Christian tradition demands marriage be reserved for heterosexuals, then we have a problem. I am a Christian who believes just the opposite. Whose religious view is correct? We can fight about that all day, but religious squabbles should never be settled by the state’s constitution. Jack McKinney is a pastoral counselor in private practice. He blogs occasionally at the site Vista Lateral - See more at: The imaginary war on religion NC Policy Watch

The imaginary war on religion NC Policy Watch
Maher is a political bigot idiot. War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive.
Maher is a self-absorbed idiot.

"War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive."- Roshawn

I'd say your post would also apply to the GOP. True, the Dems approach to abortion and gays seems to contradict the Bible, but then so does the GOP approach to the environment/pollution, helping the poor, weak & elderly and their approach to fair work wages.

And how is Maher any different than Rush, Hannity; etc?
I disagree with your assertion about repubs being anti-environment (Nixon created the EPA and dems have abused it for political gain). That is the typical democrat spin to demonize those who don't acquiesce to the democrat fascist agenda. Capitalism is not tantamount to hurting the elderly, poor and weak. More lefty spin.
And you are right in that Maher is no different from any other optical opportunist looking to make a buck off of controversy.

"I disagree with your assertion about repubs being anti-environment (Nixon created the EPA and dems have abused it for political gain). That is the typical democrat spin to demonize those who don't acquiesce to the democrat fascist agenda. Capitalism is not tantamount to hurting the elderly, poor and weak. More lefty spin."

True, Nixon did create the EPA, he was also the last environmental conscience president who happened to be Republican.
Now to "the typical democratic spin." Funny how pointing out where the dem approach in relation to abortion and gays contradicts the Bible is "typical democratic spin", please explain. The rewards of capitalism, taken in excess (greed), certainly has played a role in the demise of the middle class via flat wages for over three decades and outsourcing jobs offshore which hit it's apex during the last decade, care to debate me on that? How about that unfettered capitalism led to the Great Recession.The US used to have the wealthiest middle class in the world, now the US middle class is ranked 21st. Then there's the elderly, the GOP plan to privatize Medicare will literally kill seniors on fixed income. And of course the GOP's attitude towards the poor is a sin in itself.
You know, most posters know that I simply detest the GOP and the Democratic Parties, so leave your whiny partisan finger pointing to the important function of fingering your ass.
I said nothing about abortion and homos. You did.
You take advantage of capitalism while disparaging capitalism. That is democrat spin. Saying people are intentionally hurting the poor, weak and elderly is democrat spin.
Privatizing Medicare might actually enhance Medicare since anything the government runs becomes wasteful. Fact. Government has no risk/reward element so it wastes.

I'll ignore most of your gibberish, because it's talking-points-arama.

"Privatizing Medicare might actually enhance Medicare since anything the government runs becomes wasteful."-Roshawn
OK, here's the deal. The GOP plan to privatize Medicare involves giving Medicare eligible people a voucher to pay for their healthcare insurance. Each year, the voucher increases based on the CPI. So if healthcare insurance goes up more than the CPI, the Senior Citizen on a fixed income loses part of their expendable income.
Now think about this, what if healthcare insurance's cost goes up more than the CPI over the years? The "voucher" they get covers less and less of the cost of the Senior Citizens healthcare insurance cost. Now, do think that will never happen? Well guess what? Healthcare insurance annual increases are consistently higher than the rise in the CPI.
Here's a link that tells a historical the story of the increases in healthcare cost dwarf the rise in the CPI.
And below is a graph that measures the cost of healthcare increase per capita versus the CPI.
As we can see, the GOP plan for privatizing Medicare is a blatant attack on the elderly living on fixed incomes, which basically is a large percentage of that demographic.
cpi and healthcare cost.jpg
I see the liberals attacking Christianity every day on this forum. And then they have the nerve to pretend it isn't happening. Who do you think you're fooling?
Its simply another way to further divide the country. The Republicans excel at hate and division.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Maher is a political bigot idiot. War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive.
Maher is a self-absorbed idiot.

"War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive."- Roshawn

I'd say your post would also apply to the GOP. True, the Dems approach to abortion and gays seems to contradict the Bible, but then so does the GOP approach to the environment/pollution, helping the poor, weak & elderly and their approach to fair work wages.

And how is Maher any different than Rush, Hannity; etc?
I disagree with your assertion about repubs being anti-environment (Nixon created the EPA and dems have abused it for political gain). That is the typical democrat spin to demonize those who don't acquiesce to the democrat fascist agenda. Capitalism is not tantamount to hurting the elderly, poor and weak. More lefty spin.
And you are right in that Maher is no different from any other optical opportunist looking to make a buck off of controversy.

"I disagree with your assertion about repubs being anti-environment (Nixon created the EPA and dems have abused it for political gain). That is the typical democrat spin to demonize those who don't acquiesce to the democrat fascist agenda. Capitalism is not tantamount to hurting the elderly, poor and weak. More lefty spin."

True, Nixon did create the EPA, he was also the last environmental conscience president who happened to be Republican.
Now to "the typical democratic spin." Funny how pointing out where the dem approach in relation to abortion and gays contradicts the Bible is "typical democratic spin", please explain. The rewards of capitalism, taken in excess (greed), certainly has played a role in the demise of the middle class via flat wages for over three decades and outsourcing jobs offshore which hit it's apex during the last decade, care to debate me on that? How about that unfettered capitalism led to the Great Recession.The US used to have the wealthiest middle class in the world, now the US middle class is ranked 21st. Then there's the elderly, the GOP plan to privatize Medicare will literally kill seniors on fixed income. And of course the GOP's attitude towards the poor is a sin in itself.
You know, most posters know that I simply detest the GOP and the Democratic Parties, so leave your whiny partisan finger pointing to the important function of fingering your ass.
I said nothing about abortion and homos. You did.
You take advantage of capitalism while disparaging capitalism. That is democrat spin. Saying people are intentionally hurting the poor, weak and elderly is democrat spin.
Privatizing Medicare might actually enhance Medicare since anything the government runs becomes wasteful. Fact. Government has no risk/reward element so it wastes.

I'll ignore most of your gibberish, because it's talking-points-arama.

"Privatizing Medicare might actually enhance Medicare since anything the government runs becomes wasteful."-Roshawn
OK, here's the deal. The GOP plan to privatize Medicare involves giving Medicare eligible people a voucher to pay for their healthcare insurance. Each year, the voucher increases based on the CPI. So if healthcare insurance goes up more than the CPI, the Senior Citizen on a fixed income loses part of their expendable income.
Now think about this, what if healthcare insurance's cost goes up more than the CPI over the years? The "voucher" they get covers less and less of the cost of the Senior Citizens healthcare insurance cost. Now, do think that will never happen? Well guess what? Healthcare insurance annual increases are consistently higher than the rise in the CPI.
Here's a link that tells a historical the story of the increases in healthcare cost dwarf the rise in the CPI.
And below is a graph that measures the cost of healthcare increase per capita versus the CPI.
As we can see, the GOP plan for privatizing Medicare is a blatant attack on the elderly living on fixed incomes, which basically is a large percentage of that demographic.
View attachment 42295
That's all fine and good but does nothing to refute the fact that government always wastes and should not be in the business of being in business.
The conservative myth of a 'war on Christianity' is among the more ridiculous lies from the right.

As Maher correctly points out: the vast majority of Americans are Christian, the vast majority of liberals and democrats are Christian, and no one on the right has been able to identify anyone anywhere on the political spectrum seeking to 'attack' or in any way 'disadvantage' Christians.
I see the liberals attacking Christianity every day on this forum. And then they have the nerve to pretend it isn't happening. Who do you think you're fooling?

I see conservatives attacking the basic beliefs of Christianity every day on this forum. They like to pretend they are loyal Christians but the truth is, they are convenient Christians and consistently ignore the Bibles teachings applying to the poor, elderly and weak. These bogus Christians have no problem destroying the environment if a buck can be made.
And then they think they are the party of God, there is no party of God. Both parties actions speak volumes to that.
Seems to me you can't wage a war on something that's true. Only if the something's false but usually protected from criticisms.

this thread is a fight between

"there's a war against Christians"


"Christians are at war with everyone else"

you partisan morons are ridiculous.

The real war is between partisan idiots on BOTH sides versus the rest of us, and we are badly outnumbered by you partisan fools.

this thread is a fight between

"there's a war against Christians"


"Christians are at war with everyone else"

you partisan morons are ridiculous.

The real war is between partisan idiots on BOTH sides versus the rest of us, and we are badly outnumbered by you partisan fools.
who's us there slick?
Christians take a maximum amount of pride in pontificating on the false notion that because they are holy and every one is persecution them.
this thread was/is about the imaginary nature of that belief.
nice try at reading in what's not there.
I see the liberals attacking Christianity every day on this forum. And then they have the nerve to pretend it isn't happening. Who do you think you're fooling?
Your Honor, I present to you Exhibit A.

The subject is safely ensconced in the aforementioned Rightwing Bubble, safe from the harsh realities of the truth and the facts.


this thread is a fight between

"there's a war against Christians"


"Christians are at war with everyone else"

you partisan morons are ridiculous.

The real war is between partisan idiots on BOTH sides versus the rest of us, and we are badly outnumbered by you partisan fools.
Whenever a person uses a false equivalency on something so BLATANTLY lacking in equivalence, they betray themselves as being quite partisan.

Sir, you know full well that there is only one party that actively engages in such partisan and divisive tactics, and that is the party of self-professed conservatives and Christians, none of which these self-proclaimers actually are.

You simply do not see liberals engaging in attacks on Christians or Christianity, certainly non holding public office, it simply just. doesn't. happen. Period. Point blank.

On the other hand, the party of self-proclaimers are ALWAYS squealing about made "wars on Christmas" and other such childish, partisan BS.

Again, the fact that you try to find equivalency between the two betrays you as a partisan RWer.

Nice try, but...I gotcha!

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