bill maher the imaginary war on christianty.

A man who I'm not sure but think is an atheist and who trashes pretty much all religion other than Islam except on very rare occasions holds these views forgive me for being neither shocked or caring.

Did you just say that Maher trashes every religion except Islam?

You sure stay informed, don't ya?
He sounds like a typical Fox News basher. They just go by what others tell them, too.
A FOX news basher? How hard is that?
Fox News Viewers Uninformed NPR Listeners Not Poll Suggests - Forbes
Maher is a political bigot idiot. War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive.
Maher is a self-absorbed idiot.

"War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive."- Roshawn

I'd say your post would also apply to the GOP. True, the Dems approach to abortion and gays seems to contradict the Bible, but then so does the GOP approach to the environment/pollution, helping the poor, weak & elderly and their approach to fair work wages.
And how is Maher any different than Rush, Hannity; etc?
I disagree with your assertion about repubs being anti-environment (Nixon created the EPA and dems have abused it for political gain). That is the typical democrat spin to demonize those who don't acquiesce to the democrat fascist agenda. Capitalism is not tantamount to hurting the elderly, poor and weak. More lefty spin.
And you are right in that Maher is no different from any other optical opportunist looking to make a buck off of controversy.
A man who I'm not sure but think is an atheist and who trashes pretty much all religion other than Islam except on very rare occasions holds these views forgive me for being neither shocked or caring.

Did you just say that Maher trashes every religion except Islam?

You sure stay informed, don't ya?
He sounds like a typical Fox News basher. They just go by what others tell them, too.
A FOX news basher? How hard is that?
Fox News Viewers Uninformed NPR Listeners Not Poll Suggests - Forbes
You missed my point. No surprise.
BTW, your link suggests that those of us who consult both Fox and NPR are way more informed than your ilk who would consult NPR only and go by what their sheeple tell them about Fox.
As a person who isn't christian or jewish or muslim but is very spiritual and religious, I can't agree with Bill more.

The real truth is that christians are waging a war on everyone who isn't christian.

How many muslims have been persecuted in the last decade? Who was it that went on very public rants about a mosque being build close to ground zero in NYC? Who waged a campaign to stop that mosque from being built? How many mosques have been bombed or burned?

When the Dali Lama came to America all the conservative christians had fits. When Obama and the Dali Lama met the conservative christians had even bigger fits. They had fit again when Obama mentioned the Dali Lama at a prayer breakfast.

I find it very strange that these same people actually believe that the pilgrims founded the United States of America. Yes the pilgrims founded a theocratic monarchy colony of England based on puritan christian laws. The founders of the United States of America founded a free nation that's secular and not based on any religious laws. Our laws are based on humans, created by the citizens of our nation. It was so important to the founders of the United States of America that they separated religion and government in the very first Amendment. Then passed the Treaty of Tripoli that clearly states that the United States of America isn't a christian nation.

These people aren't christians nor are they real patriotic Americans.
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Maher is a political bigot idiot. War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive.
Maher is a self-absorbed idiot.

"War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive."- Roshawn

I'd say your post would also apply to the GOP. True, the Dems approach to abortion and gays seems to contradict the Bible, but then so does the GOP approach to the environment/pollution, helping the poor, weak & elderly and their approach to fair work wages.
And how is Maher any different than Rush, Hannity; etc?
I disagree with your assertion about repubs being anti-environment (Nixon created the EPA and dems have abused it for political gain). That is the typical democrat spin to demonize those who don't acquiesce to the democrat fascist agenda. Capitalism is not tantamount to hurting the elderly, poor and weak. More lefty spin.
And you are right in that Maher is no different from any other optical opportunist looking to make a buck off of controversy.

"I disagree with your assertion about repubs being anti-environment (Nixon created the EPA and dems have abused it for political gain). That is the typical democrat spin to demonize those who don't acquiesce to the democrat fascist agenda. Capitalism is not tantamount to hurting the elderly, poor and weak. More lefty spin."

True, Nixon did create the EPA, he was also the last environmental conscience president who happened to be Republican.
Now to "the typical democratic spin." Funny how pointing out where the dem approach in relation to abortion and gays contradicts the Bible is "typical democratic spin", please explain. The rewards of capitalism, taken in excess (greed), certainly has played a role in the demise of the middle class via flat wages for over three decades and outsourcing jobs offshore which hit it's apex during the last decade, care to debate me on that? How about that unfettered capitalism led to the Great Recession.The US used to have the wealthiest middle class in the world, now the US middle class is ranked 21st. Then there's the elderly, the GOP plan to privatize Medicare will literally kill seniors on fixed income. And of course the GOP's attitude towards the poor is a sin in itself.
You know, most posters know that I simply detest the GOP and the Democratic Parties, so leave your whiny partisan finger pointing to the important function of fingering your ass.
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A man who I'm not sure but think is an atheist and who trashes pretty much all religion other than Islam except on very rare occasions holds these views forgive me for being neither shocked or caring.

Did you just say that Maher trashes every religion except Islam?

You sure stay informed, don't ya?
He sounds like a typical Fox News basher. They just go by what others tell them, too.
A FOX news basher? How hard is that?
Fox News Viewers Uninformed NPR Listeners Not Poll Suggests - Forbes
You missed my point. No surprise.
BTW, your link suggests that those of us who consult both Fox and NPR are way more informed than your ilk who would consult NPR only and go by what their sheeple tell them about Fox.
I have serious doubts you spend any time listening to npr another than arguing with the radio.
As a person who isn't christian or jewish or muslim but is very spiritual and religious, I can't agree with Bill more.

The real truth is that christians are waging a war on everyone who isn't christian.

As a person who isn't christian or jewish or muslim but is very spiritual and religious, I can't agree with Bill more.

The real truth is that christians are waging a war on everyone who isn't christian.

How many muslims have been persecuted in the last decade? Who was it that went on very public rants about a mosque being build close to ground zero in NYC? Who waged a campaign to stop that mosque from being built? How many mosques have been bombed or burned?

When the Dali Lama came to America all the conservative christians had fits. When Obama and the Dali Lama met the conservative christians had even bigger fits. They had fit again when Obama mentioned the Dali Lama at a prayer breakfast.

I find it very strange that these same people actually believe that the pilgrims founded the United States of America. Yes the pilgrims founded a theocratic monarchy colony of England based on puritan christian laws. The founders of the United States of America founded a free nation that's secular and not based on any religious laws. Our laws are based on humans, created by the citizens of our nation. It was so important to the founders of the United States of America that they separated religion and government in the very first Amendment. Then passed the Treaty of Tripoli that clearly states that the United States of America isn't a christian nation.

These people aren't christians nor are they real patriotic Americans.
That's the long and short of it.
One of his better rants. Hit the fucking nail right on the head.

He really did. So I think the best response on this thread, if one disagrees with Maher, is to state exactly WHO IS waging a war on Christianity.
Bill Maher.

He's one of those pathetic ex-Christians who now hates anything that his warped mind percieves to be Christian.
So, I'll keep posting on here to request the beleaguered and trodden Christians please tell us who is persecuting you....
One of his better rants. Hit the fucking nail right on the head.

He really did. So I think the best response on this thread, if one disagrees with Maher, is to state exactly WHO IS waging a war on Christianity.
Bill Maher.

He's one of those pathetic ex-Christians who now hates anything that his warped mind percieves to be Christian.

Actually, he's half Jewish.
So what?
Maher is a political bigot idiot. War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive.
Maher is a self-absorbed idiot.

"War is a strong word. It's more of a subversion and coup. Christian traditions that are part of the heritage of this country have been marginalized and removed from the public realm. Alternatives to Christian values are promoted often by democrats, many of which are socially counterproductive."- Roshawn

I'd say your post would also apply to the GOP. True, the Dems approach to abortion and gays seems to contradict the Bible, but then so does the GOP approach to the environment/pollution, helping the poor, weak & elderly and their approach to fair work wages.
And how is Maher any different than Rush, Hannity; etc?
I disagree with your assertion about repubs being anti-environment (Nixon created the EPA and dems have abused it for political gain). That is the typical democrat spin to demonize those who don't acquiesce to the democrat fascist agenda. Capitalism is not tantamount to hurting the elderly, poor and weak. More lefty spin.
And you are right in that Maher is no different from any other optical opportunist looking to make a buck off of controversy.

"I disagree with your assertion about repubs being anti-environment (Nixon created the EPA and dems have abused it for political gain). That is the typical democrat spin to demonize those who don't acquiesce to the democrat fascist agenda. Capitalism is not tantamount to hurting the elderly, poor and weak. More lefty spin."

True, Nixon did create the EPA, he was also the last environmental conscience president who happened to be Republican.
Now to "the typical democratic spin." Funny how pointing out where the dem approach in relation to abortion and gays contradicts the Bible is "typical democratic spin", please explain. The rewards of capitalism, taken in excess (greed), certainly has played a role in the demise of the middle class via flat wages for over three decades and outsourcing jobs offshore which hit it's apex during the last decade, care to debate me on that? How about that unfettered capitalism led to the Great Recession.The US used to have the wealthiest middle class in the world, now the US middle class is ranked 21st. Then there's the elderly, the GOP plan to privatize Medicare will literally kill seniors on fixed income. And of course the GOP's attitude towards the poor is a sin in itself.
You know, most posters know that I simply detest the GOP and the Democratic Parties, so leave your whiny partisan finger pointing to the important function of fingering your ass.
I said nothing about abortion and homos. You did.
You take advantage of capitalism while disparaging capitalism. That is democrat spin. Saying people are intentionally hurting the poor, weak and elderly is democrat spin.
Privatizing Medicare might actually enhance Medicare since anything the government runs becomes wasteful. Fact. Government has no risk/reward element so it wastes.

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