bill maher the imaginary war on christianty.


this thread is a fight between

"there's a war against Christians"


"Christians are at war with everyone else"

you partisan morons are ridiculous.

The real war is between partisan idiots on BOTH sides versus the rest of us, and we are badly outnumbered by you partisan fools.
Whenever a person uses a false equivalency on something so BLATANTLY lacking in equivalence, they betray themselves as being quite partisan.

Sir, you know full well that there is only one party that actively engages in such partisan and divisive tactics, and that is the party of self-professed conservatives and Christians, none of which these self-proclaimers actually are.

You simply do not see liberals engaging in attacks on Christians or Christianity, certainly non holding public office, it simply just. doesn't. happen. Period. Point blank.

On the other hand, the party of self-proclaimers are ALWAYS squealing about made "wars on Christmas" and other such childish, partisan BS.

Again, the fact that you try to find equivalency between the two betrays you as a partisan RWer.

Nice try, but...I gotcha!

LOL , ANY person who claims that ONE side does something wrong, and the other doesn't , is in fact a partisan shit head.

And by the way AT LEAST half my political stances would get me strung up at a Republican convention.


this thread is a fight between

"there's a war against Christians"


"Christians are at war with everyone else"

you partisan morons are ridiculous.

The real war is between partisan idiots on BOTH sides versus the rest of us, and we are badly outnumbered by you partisan fools.
Whenever a person uses a false equivalency on something so BLATANTLY lacking in equivalence, they betray themselves as being quite partisan.

Sir, you know full well that there is only one party that actively engages in such partisan and divisive tactics, and that is the party of self-professed conservatives and Christians, none of which these self-proclaimers actually are.

You simply do not see liberals engaging in attacks on Christians or Christianity, certainly non holding public office, it simply just. doesn't. happen. Period. Point blank.

On the other hand, the party of self-proclaimers are ALWAYS squealing about made "wars on Christmas" and other such childish, partisan BS.

Again, the fact that you try to find equivalency between the two betrays you as a partisan RWer.

Nice try, but...I gotcha!

LOL , ANY person who claims that ONE side does something wrong, and the other doesn't , is in fact a partisan shit head.

And by the way AT LEAST half my political stances would get me strung up at a Republican convention.

I'd prefer bamboo slivers under the nails,
He has a point in a small way.

The left isnt necessarily waging a war on Christians.

They're waging a war on the very concept of rules and social norms. ANYONE or anything that stands for conformance to sets of rules and social norms are demonized. Christians. Military. Police. Organized religion in general (except Islam).

If a thing or person stands for traditional rules and social norms...the left hates it.
rules and social norms like abortion and stem cell? You need to realize that it was your party introduced religion into the politics of our culture to get you guys to vote against your own financial interest over wedges issues like God gays guns and racism.

think about it abortion has been legal for how many decades now? who started wooing the religious right? it was Ronald Reagan it was George W Bush. HW Bush didn't cater to the religious right enough and he was only a one term president. You see since Reagan the Republicans have tried to make themselves the moral party. so its easy for you to say that were against social norms and rules but the fact is the Supreme Court ruled abortion legal a long time ago and stem cell research is only an issue because the Republicans made it an issue it's ridiculous we're not doing everything we can to come up with cures too horrible diseases.

as for the gays this is why we have a secular society not a religious 1. If we had a religious society then maybe gays wouldnt be allowed to marry but we don't so what you gonna find out is that discriminating against them is unconstitutional

this thread is a fight between

"there's a war against Christians"


"Christians are at war with everyone else"

you partisan morons are ridiculous.

The real war is between partisan idiots on BOTH sides versus the rest of us, and we are badly outnumbered by you partisan fools.
Whenever a person uses a false equivalency on something so BLATANTLY lacking in equivalence, they betray themselves as being quite partisan.

Sir, you know full well that there is only one party that actively engages in such partisan and divisive tactics, and that is the party of self-professed conservatives and Christians, none of which these self-proclaimers actually are.

You simply do not see liberals engaging in attacks on Christians or Christianity, certainly non holding public office, it simply just. doesn't. happen. Period. Point blank.

On the other hand, the party of self-proclaimers are ALWAYS squealing about made "wars on Christmas" and other such childish, partisan BS.

Again, the fact that you try to find equivalency between the two betrays you as a partisan RWer.

Nice try, but...I gotcha!

LOL , ANY person who claims that ONE side does something wrong, and the other doesn't , is in fact a partisan shit head.

And by the way AT LEAST half my political stances would get me strung up at a Republican convention.

I didn't just state a generality, I stated a very specific thing.

The fact that you have to extrapolate and obfuscate into some sort of generality to make your point speaks volumes.

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